Salute to Seniors: Drew Bodicky

What was your most memorable meet or race?
I would have to say that the most memorable meet that I had was this past state meet. I was ranked in the top 3 all season long and I knew that I just had to run my own race to get my first all state title. But after a very unfortunate mishap, I fell in 110's and after a long, thought out decision, they issued a re-run of my heat.

Who was your biggest competition?
My biggest competition was definitely Kevin Brown from Ruskin and Justice Burks from Raytown South. The whole season the three of us competed against each other at almost every meet. We would finish the race not knowing who had won almost every time.

Out of all your high school accomplishments, which stands out the most?
Getting 3rd place at state in the 110's

If you could do it all over again is there anything you would change?
I would change the way I trained in the off season. I did not work as hard going into my sophomore and junior year and I could have overcome many things if I just that much harder in the winter season.

What will you miss the most?
I will miss my coaches the most. I have spent hours with them training, laughing, and just having a good time. I will also miss my team. I have gotten to know so many great kids over the 4 years that really changed my experience of track.

What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
Definitely having a broken wrist during the state final of the 110 hurdles. I fell in the prelims because a hurdle went in my lane and I broke my wrist. I had my wrist taped for prelims and finals and just had to block the pain on in the starting blocks. Another thing was I had major shin splints towards the end of the season that really affected the way I practiced.

Do you have any advice for younger athletes?
Work as hard as you can. You can't be good at something that you don't love and have a passion for, so learn to love what you do. Also practice with perfection, that way, it'll lead you to perfection in the race.

What are your college plans?
I plan on running track at the University of Central Missouri and major in Nursing.

Who would you like to thank?
I would like to thank my family for always telling me that I can do whatever life throws at me. They have been to every single track meet since day one and cannot thank them enough for the support that they gave me through my track and field career. Secondly I want to thank my hurdles coach Barry Reynolds. He has not only taught me how to hurdle but also many things about life general. We have been through countless up's and downs, fights, laughs, and cries but in the end the only thing he cares about is making hurdles better each and every time. Lastly I would like to thank my friends, they've cheered me on for 4 years now and have been my number one fans forever. They will continue to show their support as I continue on to run track in college.

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