West Platte Invitational 2012

Platte City, MO

West Platte Invitational 2012 vs West Platte Invitational 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -75 163 238
Overall Average +0.18 22:51.04 22:50.86
1st-10th Place -0.94 17:54.80 17:55.74
1st-25th Place +6.66 18:22.96 18:16.30
1st-50th Place +15.41 19:05.22 18:49.81
1st-100th Place +46.90 20:33.19 19:46.29
Common Athletes -- -- 58
Ran Faster -16 25 41
Ran Season Best -49 9 58
Average Time +0.56 21:43.00 21:42.44
Median Time -7.00 21:08.00 21:15.00
Middle 80% Times +4.20 21:25.72 21:21.52
Top 10% Times -18.85 17:51.00 18:09.85
Top 25% Times -15.27 18:18.07 18:33.34
Top 50% Times -5.04 19:11.10 19:16.14
Bottom 50% Times +6.15 24:14.90 24:08.74
Bottom 25% Times -6.60 25:54.93 26:01.53
Bottom 10% Times -25.83 28:24.00 28:49.83
Average Difference +6.40 -- --
Median Difference -18.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +13.54 -- --
Top 10% Difference -16.52 -- --
Top 50% Difference -4.11 -- --
Top 25% Difference -13.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference -4.11 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +19.71 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1.45 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +6.17 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Spencer Hudson West Platte High School -51.00 17:18.00 18:09.00
Kenneth Froebe Christ Preparatory Academy -53.00 17:48.00 18:41.00
Avery Whitsell Maysville High School -38.00 17:52.00 18:30.00
Alex Goertz Christ Preparatory Academy -19.00 17:54.00 18:13.00
Sam Schmidt Christ Preparatory Academy + 18:02.00 18:02.00
Clay Evans Lathrop High School +6.90 18:12.00 18:05.10
Keaton Johnson West Platte High School +16.00 18:30.00 18:14.00
Carter Breithaupt St. James High School -43.00 18:14.00 18:57.00
Gage Lemmon Rock Port High School +2.00 18:18.00 18:16.00
Colt Whitt Penney High School -1:09.00 18:25.00 19:34.00
Jack Cogan West Platte High School +9.00 18:40.00 18:31.00
Morrow Lantz Penney High School -4.00 18:32.00 18:36.00
Gabe Skoog Christ Preparatory Academy +16.00 18:50.00 18:34.00
Henry Bergen East (Kansas City) High School -1:38.00 18:56.00 20:34.00
Andy Wilson Lawson HS -54.00 19:00.00 19:54.00
Michael Maloney Penney High School +39.00 19:46.00 19:07.00
Tyler Lamette-jones Lutheran (Kansas City) High School -2.00 19:10.00 19:12.00
Benjamin Criss Christ Preparatory Academy +30.00 19:43.00 19:13.00
Jacob Cogan West Platte High School +1:30.00 20:44.00 19:14.00
Chase Harrison Lathrop High School +39.00 20:06.00 19:27.00
Corbin Minter Rock Port High School +25.00 20:00.00 19:35.00
Chris Fry St. Joseph Christian High School +1:50.00 21:33.00 19:43.00
Zeb Duncan Lawson HS +22.00 20:07.00 19:45.00
Matt Carpenter Mid-Buchanan High School +3.00 19:51.00 19:48.00
Blake Vaughn Lathrop High School -29.00 19:50.00 20:19.00
Alex Bentzinger St. James High School -1:36.00 19:58.00 21:34.00
Aaron Schmidt St. Joseph Christian High School -28.00 20:14.00 20:42.00
Trevor Holmes Rock Port High School +5.00 20:20.00 20:15.00
Morgan Prather Penney High School +40.00 21:09.00 20:29.00
Ryleigh Reagan DeKalb High School -14.00 21:01.00 21:15.00
Robbie Kaufman St. Joseph Christian High School -3:11.00 21:01.00 24:12.00
Caroline Goode Lenexa St. James Academy -53.00 21:08.00 22:01.00
Logan Moose West Platte High School +1:21.00 22:30.00 21:09.00
Charles Johnson DeKalb High School -23.00 21:29.00 21:52.00
Bryce Yount West Platte High School -55.00 21:43.00 22:38.00
Elaina Rash Lawson HS -18.20 21:49.00 22:07.20
Breanna Barney Christ Preparatory Academy +1:37.00 23:44.00 22:07.00
Bethany Brown Christ Preparatory Academy +1:55.40 24:03.00 22:07.60
Chelsea Hilliard Lawson HS +4:37.20 26:45.00 22:07.80
Amber Flint Mid-Buchanan High School +2:05.00 24:20.00 22:15.00
Lindsay May Lenexa St. James Academy +24.00 22:39.00 22:15.00
Jamie Radakovich Lenexa St. James Academy +23.00 22:47.00 22:24.00
Erin Esry Penney High School +1:03.00 23:36.00 22:33.00
Phoebe Grubbs Christ Preparatory Academy +1:28.00 24:02.00 22:34.00
Becky Gann Mid-Buchanan High School +1:31.00 24:38.00 23:07.00
Kendall Scott Mid-Buchanan High School -41.00 23:10.00 23:51.00
Cole Mcmillian Bishop LeBlond High School +29.00 23:40.00 23:11.00
Brooklynn Meinke Christ Preparatory Academy +8.00 23:41.00 23:33.00
Brooke Horseman West Platte High School -4:23.00 23:34.00 27:57.00
Rachelle Parks Princeton High School -2:15.00 24:02.00 26:17.00
Gretchen Mayes Lathrop High School +52.00 25:05.00 24:13.00
Laura Gagnon Bishop LeBlond High School -2.00 24:18.00 24:20.00
Mary Mcclure West Platte High School -2:17.00 24:31.00 26:48.00
Amelia Gustin Lathrop High School +2.00 24:42.00 24:40.00
Jessica Jewel Lutheran (Kansas City) High School +1:27.00 28:30.00 27:03.00
Aubrey Cravy East (Kansas City) High School -1:24.00 27:04.00 28:28.00
Tricia Balke Lathrop High School +8.00 31:11.00 31:03.00
Laura Young Lathrop High School +9.00 31:49.00 31:40.00