Notre Dame Invite 2013

Cape Girardeau, MO

Notre Dame Invite 2013 vs Notre Dame Invitational 2010

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +23 351 328
Overall Average +1:00.97 23:06.56 22:05.59
1st-10th Place +39.35 17:12.16 16:32.81
1st-25th Place +39.25 17:45.94 17:06.68
1st-50th Place +33.65 18:18.26 17:44.60
1st-100th Place +33.58 19:09.97 18:36.40
Common Athletes -- -- 27
Ran Faster 5 16 11
Ran Season Best -26 1 27
Average Time -28.80 21:26.72 21:55.53
Median Time +6.87 20:56.74 20:49.87
Middle 80% Times -34.93 21:16.58 21:51.51
Top 10% Times -1:13.18 17:12.21 18:25.39
Top 25% Times -55.56 18:11.04 19:06.60
Top 50% Times -42.43 19:07.34 19:49.77
Bottom 50% Times -13.13 22:14.20 22:27.32
Bottom 25% Times +14.42 26:16.08 26:01.66
Bottom 10% Times +1:21.74 28:56.08 27:34.34
Average Difference -28.80 -- --
Median Difference +41.53 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -44.24 -- --
Top 10% Difference -46.99 -- --
Top 50% Difference -33.48 -- --
Top 25% Difference -48.81 -- --
Top 50% Difference -33.48 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -19.11 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -5.04 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:47.84 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Robert Wunderlich John Burroughs High School -2:56.12 17:02.65 19:58.77
Bailey Davidson Poplar Bluff High School -30.03 17:14.04 17:44.07
Jacob Meadors Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School -1:55.68 17:19.94 19:15.62
Jake LeGrand Oak Ridge High School +4.73 18:43.47 18:38.74
Aaron Koehler Saxony Lutheran High School -1:29.69 18:44.72 20:14.41
Trey Walker Kelly High School -45.41 18:52.91 19:38.32
Travis Dodson Farmington High School +26.17 19:19.53 18:53.36
Tabitha Griffith Farmington High School -1:07.49 19:26.11 20:33.60
Brian Hayden Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School -6:02.24 19:30.85 25:33.09
Jerrod Lynn Kelly High School -5.34 19:31.97 19:37.31
Cole Schreiner Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School -1:09.52 19:44.54 20:54.06
Cortland Vawter Woodland High School -1:50.37 20:18.92 22:09.29
Maddie Baumgart Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School +48.89 21:12.27 20:23.38
Annalise Wagner John Burroughs High School +29.84 21:00.99 20:31.15
allison huskey Poplar Bluff High School +59.56 21:34.97 20:35.41
Jesse Nance Delta High School +1:23.40 22:06.14 20:42.74
Elsie Anderson Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School +41.53 21:31.40 20:49.87
Vikas Rudrappa Central (Cape Girardeau) High School -1:24.95 20:56.40 22:21.35
Kent Bernhardt Central (Cape Girardeau) High School -1:20.53 20:56.74 22:17.27
Andrew Norton Farmington High School -2:20.88 21:02.87 23:23.75
Mckenzie Elam Oak Ridge High School -20.57 21:03.69 21:24.26
Katie Justice Dexter High School +43.78 23:48.43 23:04.65
Breanne Etzold Saxony Lutheran High School -3:03.02 23:50.13 26:53.15
Kendra Kohler Oak Ridge High School +2:22.69 27:19.63 24:56.94
Abby Charlier Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School +4:19.96 29:54.79 25:34.83
Rachel Hearnes Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School -13.11 27:28.11 27:41.22
Megan Schmittzehe Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School +1:16.68 29:25.34 28:08.66