Parkway West Invitational 2017

Wildwood, MO

Parkway West Invitational 2017 vs Parkway West Dale Shepherd Invitational 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +352 1013 661
Overall Average +32.69 22:47.34 22:14.65
1st-10th Place -5.32 16:17.26 16:22.58
1st-25th Place -2.53 16:36.92 16:39.45
1st-50th Place -1.27 17:01.91 17:03.18
1st-100th Place +0.28 17:35.82 17:35.54
Common Athletes -- -- 58
Ran Faster -32 13 45
Ran Season Best 7 13 6
Average Time +1:11.18 22:15.30 21:04.12
Median Time +1:23.61 21:31.00 20:07.39
Middle 80% Times +1:04.83 21:57.42 20:52.59
Top 10% Times +1:09.43 18:23.82 17:14.39
Top 25% Times +1:17.64 19:09.44 17:51.80
Top 50% Times +1:17.68 19:58.00 18:40.32
Bottom 50% Times +1:04.69 24:32.60 23:27.92
Bottom 25% Times +32.54 26:15.49 25:42.94
Bottom 10% Times +1:42.94 28:59.37 27:16.42
Average Difference +1:11.18 -- --
Median Difference +1:36.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:05.74 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:15.82 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:05.58 -- --
Top 25% Difference +39.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:05.58 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:16.79 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +48.21 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:02.23 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Bennett Boatman Ft. Zumwalt West High School +2:31.31 18:56.70 16:25.39
Andrew Ahrens Parkway Central High School +1:55.46 18:25.80 16:30.34
Nicholas Parker Ft. Zumwalt West High School +4:33.69 21:31.00 16:57.31
Thomas Andersen Parkway West High School -2:40.98 17:00.30 19:41.28
Caleb Levy Parkway West High School +2:53.85 20:40.10 17:46.25
Anderson Lo Ft. Zumwalt West High School +1:23.04 19:14.20 17:51.16
Eric Reed Lafayette (Wildwood) High School +1:09.51 19:05.40 17:55.89
Tyler Coleman Ft. Zumwalt West High School +2:44.99 20:41.80 17:56.81
Will Birmingham Kirkwood High School +1:45.23 19:43.80 17:58.57
Joshua Killian Pattonville High School +52.28 18:52.60 18:00.32
Sanford Legrand SLUH +2:43.49 20:50.10 18:06.61
Evan Goldstein Parkway Central High School -1:17.36 18:08.20 19:25.56
Lewis Tucker Francis Howell North High School +1:35.38 19:43.70 18:08.32
Noah Kronauge Lafayette (Wildwood) High School +1:49.93 20:15.00 18:25.07
Keegan Pfeiffer Kirkwood High School +2:09.07 20:36.70 18:27.63
Drake Ives Pattonville High School +1:20.92 20:02.70 18:41.78
Kobe Bartlett Ft. Zumwalt West High School +3:57.82 22:43.40 18:45.58
Ethan Hamilton Francis Howell Central High School +20.80 19:17.20 18:56.40
Sam Bradshaw Rockwood Summit High School -16.67 18:59.30 19:15.97
Matthew(Reed) Easterling Francis Howell Central High School +3:07.78 22:23.70 19:15.92
Emily Sipp Parkway West High School +3:09.23 22:27.90 19:18.67
Bryce Batcheller Rockwood Summit High School +39.82 20:00.90 19:21.08
Derek Crocker Lafayette (Wildwood) High School +24.83 19:57.20 19:32.37
Israel Chavez Francis Howell Central High School +1:39.63 21:16.20 19:36.57
Chris Lau Parkway North High School +2:36.74 22:14.60 19:37.86
Aidan Riley Ft. Zumwalt West High School +1:22.19 21:01.80 19:39.61
Kohler Palmer Ft. Zumwalt West High School +5.51 19:53.60 19:48.09
Na'zir Dent Lafayette (Wildwood) High School +40.66 20:38.20 19:57.54
Lucy Ndungu Pattonville High School +1:36.20 21:41.50 20:05.30
Jackson Shanker Parkway Central High School +7.41 20:14.80 20:07.39
Sarah Hickenbotham Kirkwood High School +51.18 20:59.80 20:08.62
Leah Selm Parkway West High School -1.43 20:12.90 20:14.33
Jaden Wells Clayton High School +2:36.25 23:26.30 20:50.05
Jackson Ford Francis Howell Central High School +3:30.79 24:26.20 20:55.41
Tommy Nickel Parkway West High School +1:31.41 22:28.70 20:57.29
Anna Butler Parkway West High School +48.73 21:52.80 21:04.07
Luke Grater Parkway Central High School +48.67 21:54.30 21:05.63
Aaron Schumacher Parkway West High School +3:10.30 24:24.30 21:14.00
Issac Opoku Rockwood Summit High School +10.35 21:24.40 21:14.05
Lydia Lehmbeck Ft. Zumwalt West High School +7.76 21:23.30 21:15.54
Allison Rush Francis Howell Central High School +2:02.76 23:27.70 21:24.94
Anthony King Francis Howell North High School -36.86 21:25.30 22:02.16
Hannah Gumper Ft. Zumwalt West High School +1:51.09 24:03.00 22:11.91
Ruth Pierson Clayton High School +52.04 24:13.70 23:21.66
Makenna Dunn Parkway West High School +41.89 24:03.60 23:21.71
Allison Vernon Francis Howell North High School +1:03.10 24:28.10 23:25.00
Maya Loy Parkway West High School -3:30.55 23:34.70 27:05.25
Emily Pozzo Cor Jesu Academy +2:58.32 27:03.40 24:05.08
Sarah Mueller Parkway North High School -3:03.43 24:11.80 27:15.23
Claire Guillemot Kirkwood High School -2:13.59 24:18.10 26:31.69
Audrey Erpelding Lindbergh High School -1:07.40 24:29.70 25:37.10
Amanda Metzler Cor Jesu Academy -48.57 24:37.10 25:25.67
Bryndal Miller Lafayette (Wildwood) High School -36.31 24:47.10 25:23.41
Sophia Essig Rockwood Summit High School -6.93 25:30.20 25:37.13
Laura List Francis Howell Central High School +9:42.22 35:31.10 25:48.88
Erin Lambert Cor Jesu Academy +1:52.45 28:10.20 26:17.75
Lauren Guth Francis Howell Central High School -1:08.97 26:28.20 27:37.17
Josephine Gillette Clayton High School +2:21.65 31:13.10 28:51.45