Missouri XC Challenge 2008

Columbia, MO

Missouri XC Challenge 2008 vs MU XC Challenge 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -28 269 297
Overall Average +34.07 22:51.90 22:17.83
1st-10th Place +15.65 17:17.25 17:01.60
1st-25th Place +14.98 17:49.64 17:34.66
1st-50th Place +20.71 18:27.41 18:06.69
1st-100th Place +30.00 19:26.61 18:56.61
Common Athletes -- -- 81
Ran Faster -56 13 69
Ran Season Best 11 79 68
Average Time +1:02.98 22:32.83 21:29.85
Median Time +39.49 22:06.49 21:27.00
Middle 80% Times +1:00.92 22:24.81 21:23.89
Top 10% Times +40.13 17:48.35 17:08.22
Top 25% Times +55.80 18:46.61 17:50.81
Top 50% Times +59.36 19:54.70 18:55.34
Bottom 50% Times +1:05.06 24:37.96 23:32.90
Bottom 25% Times +1:16.20 27:06.96 25:50.76
Bottom 10% Times +1:32.19 29:10.41 27:38.22
Average Difference +1:02.12 -- --
Median Difference +1.49 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:02.17 -- --
Top 10% Difference +28.24 -- --
Top 50% Difference +54.76 -- --
Top 25% Difference +43.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference +54.76 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:09.48 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:33.67 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:25.64 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Kevin Colon Lee's Summit West High School +4.36 16:17.36 16:13.00
Zach Lynn Hickman High School +44.87 17:40.87 16:56.00
Jake Shepard Lee's Summit West High School +38.33 17:39.33 17:01.00
Ryan Podjenski Blue Springs High School +51.40 17:53.40 17:02.00
Michael Mcculloch Staley High School +1:48.44 18:54.44 17:06.00
Jed Manaco Lee's Summit West High School +14.61 17:37.61 17:23.00
Huns Pitia Staley High School +28.34 17:55.34 17:27.00
Dalton Joyce Blue Springs High School +2:01.65 19:32.65 17:31.00
Seth O'Laughlin Hickman High School +23.58 17:58.58 17:35.00
Jeremy Bryan Blue Valley West High School +1:44.38 19:25.38 17:41.00
Russell Muffoletto Lee's Summit West High School +45.24 18:27.24 17:42.00
Max Pfleiderer Oak Park High School +1:08.99 19:03.99 17:55.00
Alex Nail Hickman High School +58.87 19:10.87 18:12.00
Justin Bryan Blue Valley West High School +1:52.78 20:12.78 18:20.00
Brit Trusty Blue Springs High School +2:11.17 20:35.17 18:24.00
Von Kitts Blue Valley West High School +1:46.49 20:15.49 18:29.00
Miles Legere Blue Valley West High School +30.04 19:10.04 18:40.00
Bryan Groeper Warrenton High School +2:45.57 21:26.57 18:41.00
Adam Lause Washington High School +3.42 18:45.42 18:42.00
Patrick White Blue Valley West High School +55.75 19:45.75 18:50.00
Asher Allman Staley High School +39.80 19:36.80 18:57.00
Nate Harmon Staley High School +41.75 19:45.75 19:04.00
Drew Parker Staley High School +2:48.83 21:58.83 19:10.00
Dylan Callaway Washington High School +1:07.73 20:27.73 19:20.00
Chelsey Phoebus Lee's Summit West High School +40.46 20:01.46 19:21.00
Brendan Shcneider Staley High School -7.18 19:23.82 19:31.00
Kurt Vukas Blue Springs High School +47.21 20:14.21 19:27.00
Liga Blyholder Lee's Summit West High School +1:28.08 20:59.08 19:31.00
Vincent Pistone Blue Springs High School +54.22 20:30.22 19:36.00
Kyle Cook Blue Springs High School +1:14.76 20:58.76 19:44.00
Johanna Kleinsasser Lee's Summit West High School +34.39 20:28.39 19:54.00
Joshua Johnson Oak Park High School +1:43.36 21:43.36 20:00.00
Alex Moase Lee's Summit West High School +1:06.26 21:11.26 20:05.00
Kristen Brosnan Staley High School +19.71 20:34.71 20:15.00
Kale Lympus Holt High School +2:16.93 22:34.93 20:18.00
Reyndon Larimer Blue Springs High School +55.62 21:17.62 20:22.00
Celia Venezia Washington High School +1.14 20:50.14 20:49.00
John Diehl Warrenton High School +1:11.79 22:07.79 20:56.00
Charlie Carson Hickman High School +1:07.81 22:05.81 20:58.00
Hannah Lucas Holt High School -51.46 21:09.54 22:01.00
Meghan Stark Warrenton High School +9.30 21:23.30 21:14.00
Julia Drury Blue Springs High School +1:42.83 23:09.83 21:27.00
Sean Rich Warrenton High School +1:59.70 23:29.70 21:30.00
Lauren Guasto Washington High School +12.31 21:47.31 21:35.00
Shawn Moore Oak Park High School +1:35.54 23:11.54 21:36.00
Jennifer Rucker Holt High School +2:11.47 23:51.47 21:40.00
Lucas Favereau Oak Park High School +3:13.06 25:03.06 21:50.00
Madeline Distler Blue Valley West High School +34.71 22:33.71 21:59.00
Madeline Marlow Washington High School +2:03.03 24:03.03 22:00.00
Maddie Johnson Blue Valley West High School +1.49 22:06.49 22:05.00
Brianna Westervelt Staley High School +1:20.60 23:26.60 22:06.00
Emily Mauch Warrenton High School +13.54 22:20.54 22:07.00
Halie Mccombs Blue Valley West High School +1:28.45 23:37.45 22:09.00
Anna Yarkosky Blue Valley West High School +2:14.02 24:40.02 22:26.00
Shelby Spehar Blue Springs High School -29.40 22:39.60 23:09.00
Austin Stephenson Oak Park High School +34.56 23:17.56 22:43.00
Maddie Ramos Staley High School +1:22.22 24:06.22 22:44.00
Hali Metz Blue Springs High School -1:12.31 22:47.69 24:00.00
Julia Montgomery Blue Springs High School +3:25.37 26:24.37 22:59.00
Betsy Ward Blue Valley West High School +3:30.09 26:30.09 23:00.00
Jordan Reynolds Blue Springs High School +1:24.65 24:28.65 23:04.00
Kayla Nurenberger Washington High School -10.70 23:07.30 23:18.00
Amanda Moore Holt High School -1:11.78 23:08.22 24:20.00
Paige Luebbert South Callaway High School -22.24 23:10.76 23:33.00
Adelyn Myers Hickman High School -28.71 23:46.29 24:15.00
Anna Bretzke Washington High School +2:32.05 26:21.05 23:49.00
Kaityly Mcmanus Oak Park High School +46.50 24:51.50 24:05.00
Galit Rudelson Hickman High School +1:11.61 26:09.61 24:58.00
Kasey Wood Washington High School -2:07.97 25:01.03 27:09.00
Shawna Burhans Hickman High School +1:35.40 26:43.40 25:08.00
Abbey Schoenrade Oak Park High School +2:14.41 27:27.41 25:13.00
Anna Mcmurry Hickman High School +1:23.23 26:39.23 25:16.00
Ashley Leonard Holt High School -55.10 25:19.90 26:15.00
Amanda Derewenko Oak Park High School -24.50 25:42.50 26:07.00
Sallie Lindsey Hickman High School +48.89 27:06.89 26:18.00
Jared Murray Blue Springs High School -28.40 26:20.60 26:49.00
Julia Zagaja Holt High School +1:34.35 27:58.35 26:24.00
Susan Dooley Warrenton High School +1:19.77 28:01.77 26:42.00
Christy Schmid South Callaway High School +3:35.97 31:02.97 27:27.00
Rosie Borrero Oak Park High School +3:13.08 33:27.08 30:14.00
Kaylee Stober Oak Park High School +2:40.62 34:06.62 31:26.00