Black Knight JV Invitational 2021

Farmington, MO

Athlete Entries

JV Boys 100 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks-Davis, Jamauri Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
sanders, skyler 11.83 St. Clair High School
Goodman, Jason 12.05 Jackson High School
Altenthal, TJ 12.09 Jackson High School
Gray, Ja'Kwon 12.15 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Ortiz-Cruz, Felix 12.18 Seckman High School
Rudanovich, Kaleb 12.18 Seckman High School
Lotz, Gavin 12.22 Central (Park Hills) High School
Heine, Mark 12.25 Fredericktown High School
McFarland, Makel 12.30h Poplar Bluff High School
Petty, Robert 12.49 Central (Park Hills) High School
Truman, Caleb 12.58 Farmington High School
Dickinson, Parker 12.58 Farmington High School
HEDRICK, SHANE 12.65 North County High School
HULSEY, STEVEN 12.68 North County High School
Mowry, Gavin 12.70 Fox High School
Bekemeier, Jensen 12.72 St. Clair High School
Mowry, Kyle 12.82 Fox High School
Pullen, Austin 12.83 Fredericktown High School
Rogers, Payton 12.85 Poplar Bluff High School
Minor, DeVontae 12.89 St. Paul Lutheran School
Held, Ian 12.91 Arcadia Valley High School
Greenwood, Seth 13.87 Potosi High School
Fisk, Andrew 14.33 Arcadia Valley High School
Anderson, Grant 14.62 St. Paul Lutheran School
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JV Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bockenkamp, Charles 17.40 Central (Park Hills) High School
Sprous, Landon 18.77 Potosi High School
Borawski, Brandon 18.94 Seckman High School
STARK, NOAH 19.40h North County High School
shoemate, gavin 19.57 St. Clair High School
Kathcart, Bryce 19.65 Farmington High School
Rellihan, Matthew 19.72 Seckman High School
Cross, Jarren 19.77 Potosi High School
Roberson, Cameron 20.88 Farmington High School
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JV Boys 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
CURDT, LANDON North County High School
Hillis, Kadin Poplar Bluff High School
Evans, Carter Fox High School
Stuckmeyer, William Fox High School
Puls, Cole 4:52.88 Jackson High School
Gill, Stone 4:53.74 Arcadia Valley High School
Gentry, Bryce 4:54.15 Jackson High School
Gibson, Connor 4:58.18 Potosi High School
Hale, Garrett 5:02.31 Potosi High School
Mueller, Dillon 5:06.23 Arcadia Valley High School
Knight, Sam 5:11.66 Farmington High School
Cullen, Owen 5:11.79 Seckman High School
Evans, TJ 5:15.45 Seckman High School
Brewer, Jonathan 5:30.57 St. Clair High School
Perkins, Thomas 5:31.08 St. Clair High School
Crocker, Cole 5:32.97 Central (Park Hills) High School
Jenkerson, Caleb 5:38.30 Fredericktown High School
Cabral, Garrison 5:38.94 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Fambrough, Luke 5:44.10h Farmington High School
Lin, Yanfeng 5:46.53 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Rowcliff, Wyatt 5:54.09 Poplar Bluff High School
Braswell, Braden 5:55.20 Fredericktown High School
Peak, Brett 5:58.81 St. Paul Lutheran School
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JV Boys 200 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gossett, Brady Seckman High School
Minor, DeVontae St. Paul Lutheran School
Rellihan, Matthew Seckman High School
Dixon, Keontae 23.10 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
sanders, skyler 24.09 St. Clair High School
Bockenkamp, Charles 24.42 Central (Park Hills) High School
Welch, Jailen 24.91 Central (Park Hills) High School
Goodman, Jason 25.34 Jackson High School
Lotz, Ryland 25.78 North County High School
DANTE, NICOLAS 26.04 North County High School
Gray, Ja'Kwon 26.10 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Dickinson, Parker 26.15 Farmington High School
Rogers, Payton 26.15 Poplar Bluff High School
Truman, Caleb 26.15 Farmington High School
PRatt, Aiden 26.20 Poplar Bluff High School
Pullen, Austin 26.31 Fredericktown High School
Settle, Mason 26.44 Jackson High School
Held, Ian 26.80 Arcadia Valley High School
Mowry, Kyle 26.89 Fox High School
Sullivan, Nolan 27.25 Fredericktown High School
Pisoni, Timothy 27.38 Fox High School
Smith, Logan 27.84h St. Clair High School
Anderson, Grant 30.69 St. Paul Lutheran School
Weston, Jaxon 34.10 Arcadia Valley High School
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JV Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bockenkamp, Charles 42.66 Central (Park Hills) High School
Sprous, Landon 45.62 Potosi High School
Borawski, Brandon 47.08 Seckman High School
Rellihan, Matthew 47.43 Seckman High School
shoemate, gavin 47.91 St. Clair High School
Brooks-Davis, Jamauri 48.29 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Cross, Jarren 48.60 Potosi High School
Clark, Paul 49.01 Farmington High School
Kathcart, Bryce 49.56 Farmington High School
STARK, NOAH 50.54 North County High School
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JV Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rowcliff, Wyatt Poplar Bluff High School
Evans, Carter Fox High School
Gill, Stone 10:17.97 Arcadia Valley High School
Kiefer, Evan 10:36.78 Jackson High School
Niedbalski, Alex 10:50.19 Jackson High School
Mueller, Dillon 11:14.05 Arcadia Valley High School
Rusten, Henry 11:16.48 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Perkins, Thomas 11:18.87 St. Clair High School
Kimbrough, Kaden 11:20.49 Farmington High School
Emery, Duncan 11:38.05 Seckman High School
Rowden, Quinn 11:50.77 Seckman High School
Cabral, Garrison 11:54.21 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Jenkerson, Caleb 12:26.81 Fredericktown High School
Galczynski, Trent 13:06.00 Farmington High School
Rosenberg, Logan 13:30.89 Fox High School
WRIGHT, KALEB 14:00 North County High School
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JV Boys 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Ayden Fox High School
Innes, Robert Poplar Bluff High School
McCarthy, Nathan 1:01.53 Farmington High School
Salinas, Ralph 1:02.00h Arcadia Valley High School
Sullivan, Nolan 1:02.09 Fredericktown High School
King, Brandon 1:02.33 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Greenwood, Seth 1:03.93 Potosi High School
Bell, Bryce 1:04.37 Jackson High School
Burkett, Rylan 1:05.00h Poplar Bluff High School
Perret, Logan 1:10.40 Farmington High School
Jones, Asa 1:11.38 Central (Park Hills) High School
Richardson, Zachary 1:35.38 Central (Park Hills) High School
Rudanovich, Kaleb 53.08 Seckman High School
Brazel, Zach 55.31 Jackson High School
Smith, Logan 56.91 St. Clair High School
Tilley, Austin 57.21 Seckman High School
JOPLIN, GAIGE 57.59 North County High School
GANTZ, DANIEL 57.84 North County High School
Mueller, Dillon 57.91 Arcadia Valley High School
Shaw, Jason 57.97 Fox High School
Heine, Mark 58.92 Fredericktown High School
baudendistel, carson 58.92 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
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JV Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 45.49 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 46.28 Central (Park Hills) High School
Relay Team A 46.75 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 47.15 St. Clair High School
Relay Team A 47.84 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 49.06 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 49.83 North County High School
Relay Team A 56.00 Farmington High School
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JV Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:35.62 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 1:36.84 St. Clair High School
Relay Team A 1:36.99 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 1:39.29 Central (Park Hills) High School
Relay Team A 1:40.00h North County High School
Relay Team A 1:44.39 Arcadia Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:44.98 St. Paul Lutheran School
Relay Team A 1:45.55 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 1:46.98 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 1:55.00 Farmington High School
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JV Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:37.92 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 3:50.00h Jackson High School
Relay Team A 3:56.38 Arcadia Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:59.00h Potosi High School
Relay Team A 3:59.01 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 3:59.22 Fox High School
Relay Team A 4:00.00h North County High School
Relay Team A 4:05.00 Farmington High School
Relay Team A 4:06.25 St. Paul Lutheran School
Relay Team A 4:06.58 Seckman High School
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JV Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Farmington High School
Relay Team A 10:30.00 North County High School
Relay Team A 10:37.31 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 8:50.00h Jackson High School
Relay Team A 9:07.77 St. Clair High School
Relay Team A 9:50.79 Fox High School
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JV Boys 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Withers, Nathaniel Fox High School
Fambrough, Luke Farmington High School
Shipp, Sam Fox High School
Rainey, Skyler St. Clair High School
Monan, Kannon Poplar Bluff High School
Puls, Cole 2:08.73 Jackson High School
Wendel, Hunter 2:12.00h Jackson High School
Rusten, Henry 2:17.00 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Hale, Garrett 2:17.84 Potosi High School
Knight, Sam 2:18.98 Farmington High School
Cullen, Owen 2:19.14 Seckman High School
Kern, Aiden 2:19.15 St. Clair High School
Mueller, Dillon 2:23.31 Arcadia Valley High School
Gibson, Tanner 2:31.54 Potosi High School
Crocker, Cole 2:31.61 Central (Park Hills) High School
Braswell, Braden 2:37.11 Fredericktown High School
Jones, Asa 2:37.46 Central (Park Hills) High School
Peak, Brett 2:38.18 St. Paul Lutheran School
Franklin, Brock 2:39.10 North County High School
Pirtle, Isaac 2:47.01 Fredericktown High School
Wagganer, Benjamin 2:59.58 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
PARSONS, JUSTIN 3:00.00h North County High School
Bunting, Isaac 3:02.97 Seckman High School
Weston, Jaxon 3:17.01 Arcadia Valley High School
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JV Boys Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
PROPST, NOAH North County High School
LOGAN, CARSON 25.11m North County High School
Davis, Logan 30.55m Poplar Bluff High School
Jones, Jacob 17.13m Poplar Bluff High School
Johnson, Luke 27.34m Seckman High School
Butler, Charles 24.98m Seckman High School
Quigley, Jackson 22.08m Fox High School
Erdic, Tarik 25.40m Fox High School
Calkins, Gavin 26.86m St. Clair High School
Miller, Brent 27.75m St. Clair High School
Mackins, Theon 30.41m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Mayfield, Robert 32.61m Potosi High School
Robinson, Nathaniel 33.36m Potosi High School
Wagganer, Gabriel 29.67m Central (Park Hills) High School
Murray, Logan 24.92m Central (Park Hills) High School
Propst, Elijah 27.48m St. Paul Lutheran School
Phillips, Aaron 26.65m Jackson High School
McClard, Garrett 32.27m Jackson High School
Vaugh, Ethan 31.03m Farmington High School
Earhart, Dustin Farmington High School
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JV Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
STARK, NOAH 1.43m North County High School
Salinas, Ralph 1.73m Arcadia Valley High School
Horton, Tyler Seckman High School
Brooks-Davis, Jamauri 1.57m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Santiago, Brandon 1.67m Potosi High School
Casey, Caden 1.77m Central (Park Hills) High School
Harlow, Kannon 1.20m Central (Park Hills) High School
Heine, Mark 1.60m Fredericktown High School
Herring, Dru Jackson High School
Perret, Tyriq 1.57m Farmington High School
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JV Boys Javelin 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Logan 38.80m Poplar Bluff High School
Hayes, Ryan 29.58m Poplar Bluff High School
Boice, Clayton 31.12m Fox High School
Barbee, Aidan Seckman High School
Bess, Nathan 37.00m St. Clair High School
Licklider, Jacob 29.66m St. Clair High School
Mackins, Theon 24.62m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Mayfield, Robert 38.42m Potosi High School
Harbison, Devon 26.27m Potosi High School
Wagganer, Gabriel 36.73m Central (Park Hills) High School
Rasnic, Eli 26.53m Central (Park Hills) High School
Pirtle, Ruben 31.24m Fredericktown High School
Pullen, Austin 23.00m Fredericktown High School
Propst, Elijah 32.00m St. Paul Lutheran School
Heisserer, Nicholas 31.41m Jackson High School
Gross, Layne 38.43m Jackson High School
Gervacio, Levi 41.17m Farmington High School
Perret, Tyriq 34.64m Farmington High School
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JV Boys Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DANTE, NICOLAS 5.78m North County High School
Curnutt, Anthony 3.91m Poplar Bluff High School
PRatt, Aiden 5.22m Poplar Bluff High School
Held, Ian 4.99m Arcadia Valley High School
Smith, Ayden Fox High School
Pisoni, Timothy Fox High School
Emery, Duncan 4.54m Seckman High School
Moehlmann, Abendes Seckman High School
Bekemeier, Jensen 4.79m St. Clair High School
Souza, Kaialu 4.71m St. Clair High School
Boyer, Kyle North County High School
Greenwood, Seth 4.33m Potosi High School
Casey, Caden 5.47m Central (Park Hills) High School
Harlow, Kannon 5.52m Central (Park Hills) High School
Heine, Mark 5.39m Fredericktown High School
Pirtle, Isaac 4.48m Fredericktown High School
Dorris, Christian 3.85m Jackson High School
Whitner, Stanton 4.29m Jackson High School
Owens, Kris 5.87m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
LaMonds, Maxson 5.10m Farmington High School
Perret, Tyriq 4.86m Farmington High School
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JV Boys Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Franklin, Brock 2.58m North County High School
PAUL, SAMUEL 2.74m North County High School
Rowland, Blaise 2.75m Poplar Bluff High School
Wilkerson, Matthew 2.89m Poplar Bluff High School
Gossett, Brady 2.59m Seckman High School
Watkins, Alexander 2.44m Seckman High School
Sikes, Connor 2.75m St. Clair High School
Armstrong, Noah 2.15m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Williams, Brady 2.44m Potosi High School
Harlow, Kannon 3.20m Central (Park Hills) High School
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JV Boys Shot Put 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Samples, Joseph 7.14m North County High School
Bunton, Nathen 10.00m Poplar Bluff High School
Enloe, Trenton 10.61m Seckman High School
Johnson, Luke 9.63m Seckman High School
Quigley, Jackson 7.49m Fox High School
Erdic, Tarik 10.67m Fox High School
thacker, chase 8.91m St. Clair High School
Bess, Nathan 9.07m St. Clair High School
Mackins, Theon 12.63m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Matthews, Hudson Poplar Bluff High School
Portell, Taylen 8.77m Potosi High School
Murray, Logan 10.32m Central (Park Hills) High School
Wagganer, Gabriel 11.54m Central (Park Hills) High School
PROPST, NOAH 9.27m North County High School
Heisserer, Nicholas 11.81m Jackson High School
McClard, Garrett 10.82m Jackson High School
Hogan, Tyler Potosi High School
Mullinax, Clayton 6.84m Farmington High School
Tisher, Rawlin 6.90m Farmington High School
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JV Boys Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McBride, Kolyn 11.04m Poplar Bluff High School
Rowland, Blaise 10.23m Poplar Bluff High School
Emery, Duncan Seckman High School
Moehlmann, Abendes Seckman High School
Brooks-Davis, Jamauri 11.23m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Casey, Caden 11.80m Central (Park Hills) High School
Harlow, Kannon 10.83m Central (Park Hills) High School
Herring, Dru 10.26m Jackson High School
Hill, James 8.23m Jackson High School
LaMonds, Maxson 10.54m Farmington High School
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JV Girls 100 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Selby, Lily Fox High School
Reynolds, Faith Seckman High School
Eilerman, Kate Cor Jesu Academy
Myers, Kailey Seckman High School
Danner, Darneasha Poplar Bluff High School
Layton, Sammi 13.24 Arcadia Valley High School
Rehkop, Linley 13.55 Fredericktown High School
Dailey, Nevaeh 13.90 Central (Park Hills) High School
Lange, Kenleigh 14.11 North County High School
Karsch, Autumn 14.16 North County High School
Oliver, Stephanie 14.22 Jackson High School
Young, Madison 14.23 Central (Park Hills) High School
Callis, AnnaJane 14.57 Jackson High School
Becker, Leah 14.86 Fox High School
Weekley, Madison 14.96 Fredericktown High School
Bloom, Addison 15.26 Farmington High School
Heberlie, Emma 15.42 Farmington High School
Moore, Capria 15.52 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Vinyard, Hallie 15.76 Arcadia Valley High School
Anceno, America 15.80 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Hill, Kamora' 15.98 Poplar Bluff High School
Mikhail, Sophie 16.26 Cor Jesu Academy
Zielinski, Hannah 16.59 Potosi High School
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JV Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Avery 17.57 Central (Park Hills) High School
Dockery, Taler 18.03 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Cassimatis, Carissa 18.11 Farmington High School
Lange, Kenleigh 18.53 North County High School
Love, Madelyn 19.18 North County High School
Johnson, Lamera 19.28 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Mueller, Jasmine 20.32 Seckman High School
Gray, Daija 21.25 St. Paul Lutheran School
Redka, Sophia 22.24 Seckman High School
Boock, Sarah 22.79 Cor Jesu Academy
Cook, Sarah 24.16 Cor Jesu Academy
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JV Girls 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pozzo, Maggie Cor Jesu Academy
Martinez, Rozana North County High School
Ortmann, Kelly Seckman High School
Snider, Reagan Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Caldwell, Lindsey 5:45.41 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Middleton, Sadie 6:07.27 Jackson High School
Kurtz, Grace 6:08.44 Jackson High School
Schutz, Gracie 6:09.75 Potosi High School
Stricklin, Natilie 6:13.66 Arcadia Valley High School
Drye, Peyton 6:14.10h Farmington High School
Forman, Brooke-lyn 6:17.40 Farmington High School
Knobbe, Lillian 6:26.14 Seckman High School
Crouch, Elizabeth 6:26.30 Fredericktown High School
Moss, Carlee 6:27.07 Potosi High School
Schaefer, Alyssa 6:35.61 Cor Jesu Academy
Reasons, Lily 7:04.45 Poplar Bluff High School
Mccarty, Taylor 7:09.51 St. Paul Lutheran School
Garland, Patience 7:23.46 Fredericktown High School
Weber, Gabriella 7:25.98 Arcadia Valley High School
Skillman, Ella 9:29.63 Poplar Bluff High School
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JV Girls 200 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schepers, Michelle Fox High School
Brock, Rebecca Seckman High School
Schrempf, Savannah Fox High School
Layton, Sammi 27.28 Arcadia Valley High School
Dortch, Courtney 28.35 Central (Park Hills) High School
Minkel, Haley 28.64 North County High School
Rehkop, Linley 28.92 Fredericktown High School
Oliver, Stephanie 29.45 Jackson High School
Watkins, Amazia 30.00 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Kendle, McKinzie 30.21 Poplar Bluff High School
Bloom, Addison 30.94 Farmington High School
Callis, AnnaJane 31.21 Jackson High School
Weekley, Madison 31.38 Fredericktown High School
Jones, C'rynidy 31.42 Central (Park Hills) High School
Anceno, America 32.04 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Pyeatt, Madilynne 32.20h North County High School
Harvell, Abigail 32.33 Seckman High School
Heberlie, Emma 32.36 Farmington High School
Steiner, Meghan 33.21 Cor Jesu Academy
Hill, Kamora' 33.21 Poplar Bluff High School
Vinyard, Hallie 33.35 Arcadia Valley High School
Mikhail, Sophie 35.63 Cor Jesu Academy
Zielinski, Hannah 36.01 Potosi High School
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JV Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boock, Sarah 1:01.07 Cor Jesu Academy
Cook, Sarah 1:11.81 Cor Jesu Academy
Dockery, Taler 51.82 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Johnson, Avery 53.54 Central (Park Hills) High School
Straughan, Karlie 53.80 North County High School
Redka, Sophia 54.60 Seckman High School
Glanzer, Alyssa 56.27 Arcadia Valley High School
Johnson, Lamera 57.89 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Gibson, Kya 58.16 Potosi High School
Mueller, Jasmine 58.60 Seckman High School
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JV Girls 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marcum, Isabella Fox High School
Mendez Higuera, Maite 12:32.96 Jackson High School
Bell, Brooke 12:43.57 Seckman High School
Dettmer, Emma 12:51.45 Arcadia Valley High School
Stricklin, Natilie 13:44.13 Arcadia Valley High School
Horn, Hannah 13:53.29 Farmington High School
Fulliam, Kenzie 14:56.25 Seckman High School
Pozzo, Emily 15:22.96 Cor Jesu Academy
Abt, Isabelle 16:04.20 Jackson High School
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JV Girls 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Laurine, Elizabeth Fox High School
Probst, Bridget Cor Jesu Academy
Trompeter, Aleah 1:05.91 Fox High School
Mann, Adalynne 1:08.19 North County High School
Gibson, Mya 1:09.77 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Young, Madison 1:10.16 Central (Park Hills) High School
Golinski, Lydia 1:10.64 Jackson High School
Newstead-Adams, Cate 1:10.64 Arcadia Valley High School
Sharp, Taylor 1:10.78 Central (Park Hills) High School
McLaughlin, Molly 1:10.81 Seckman High School
Jones, Avery 1:13.16 Arcadia Valley High School
Stimpson, Kaylee 1:16.31 Seckman High School
Stephens, Penelope 1:16.81 Cor Jesu Academy
Pope, Kya 1:17.36 Jackson High School
Rastorfer, Olivia 1:19.57 Farmington High School
Jones, Aubree 1:21.69 Farmington High School
Zielinski, Hannah 1:27.65 Potosi High School
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JV Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Fox High School
Relay Team A 1:03.00 Farmington High School
Relay Team A 1:03.93 St. Paul Lutheran School
Relay Team A 51.98 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 54.30 Central (Park Hills) High School
Relay Team A 57.99 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 58.00h North County High School
Relay Team A 58.18 Cor Jesu Academy
Relay Team A 58.48 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 59.10 Arcadia Valley High School
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JV Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Fox High School
Relay Team A 1:55.44 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 1:56.14 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 1:56.40 Central (Park Hills) High School
Relay Team A 2:00.30 Arcadia Valley High School
Relay Team A 2:02.78 Cor Jesu Academy
Relay Team A 2:05.00 Farmington High School
Relay Team A 2:08.00h North County High School
Relay Team A 2:16.12 St. Paul Lutheran School
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JV Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:29.88 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 4:36.29 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 4:57.00h Jackson High School
Relay Team A 4:59.34 Arcadia Valley High School
Relay Team A 5:00.00 Farmington High School
Relay Team A 5:04.00h North County High School
Relay Team A 5:15.27 St. Paul Lutheran School
Relay Team A 5:21.59 Fox High School
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JV Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:01.09 Arcadia Valley High School
Relay Team A 11:10.00 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 11:28.03 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 11:40.00 Potosi High School
Relay Team A 11:40.88 Cor Jesu Academy
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JV Girls 800 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reasons, Lily Poplar Bluff High School
Torack, Kaitlyn Cor Jesu Academy
Wiegand, Ruthie Cor Jesu Academy
Maxwell, Danielle Seckman High School
Forman, Brooke-lyn 2:36.30 Farmington High School
Drye, Peyton 2:45.17 Farmington High School
Kurtz, Grace 2:46.28 Jackson High School
Moss, Carlee 2:46.96 Potosi High School
McBride, Autumn 2:50.00h Jackson High School
Jones, Laynie 2:53.98 Poplar Bluff High School
Heeter, Allie 2:57.45 Potosi High School
Crouch, Elizabeth 2:58.32 Fredericktown High School
Snider, Reagan 3:00.01 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Tevis, Mary 3:02.80 Arcadia Valley High School
Maggard, Kassie 3:07.54 North County High School
Laurine, Elizabeth 3:17.36 Fox High School
Gerler, Corgan 3:19.29 Fredericktown High School
Meyers, Abigail 3:25.08 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Mccarty, Taylor 3:25.38 St. Paul Lutheran School
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JV Girls Discus 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Permenter, Madison 18.69m Fox High School
Mackins, Skyler Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Thomas, Mackenzie 23.10m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Pierce, Makenna 22.40m North County High School
McClure, Emily 19.40m North County High School
Newman, Sophie 21.57m Cor Jesu Academy
Fowler, Madison Cor Jesu Academy
Collins, Mariena 21.35m Jackson High School
Honeycutt, Kelsey 17.30m Jackson High School
Reese, Ashtyn 23.31m Poplar Bluff High School
Stevens, Rebecca 15.82m Poplar Bluff High School
Isgriggs, Jocelyn 22.12m Potosi High School
Hector, Molly 19.66m Potosi High School
Selby, Lily 19.53m Fox High School
Rasnick, Kaitlin 13.26m Central (Park Hills) High School
Turnbough, Julie 27.23m Fredericktown High School
Pinkley, Reese 19.99m St. Paul Lutheran School
Waller-Brenneke, Addison 22.88m Farmington High School
Weiss, Peyton 17.34m Farmington High School
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JV Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mueller, Jasmine Seckman High School
Johnson, Lamera 1.25m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Lange, Kenleigh North County High School
LaChance, Emma North County High School
Roth, Riley 1.32m Cor Jesu Academy
Ybarra, Selena 1.27m Jackson High School
Parks, Brylea 1.35m Jackson High School
Byrne, Kate 1.32m Poplar Bluff High School
Stacy, Alyssa 1.47m Farmington High School
Klump, Caraline 1.21m Farmington High School
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JV Girls Javelin 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Herget, Jessica 21.87m Seckman High School
Winkler, Mackenzie 20.30m Fox High School
Mackins, Skyler Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Thomas, Mackenzie 19.70m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Bennett, Brooke 21.36m North County High School
Pyeatt, Madilynne 23.23m North County High School
Anderson, Katie Marie 14.80m Cor Jesu Academy
Newman, Sophie 22.95m Cor Jesu Academy
Collins, Joesphine 17.33m Jackson High School
Gibbs, Maggie 23.10m Jackson High School
Murphy, Natalie 20.59m Poplar Bluff High School
Daves, Grace 16.30m Poplar Bluff High School
Isgriggs, Jocelyn 20.40m Potosi High School
Hector, Molly 17.88m Potosi High School
Martinez, Jenna 18.92m Fox High School
Rasnick, Kaitlin 16.84m Central (Park Hills) High School
Durbin, Brylee St. Paul Lutheran School
Gerler, Corgan Fredericktown High School
Rehkop, Linley Fredericktown High School
Miller, Abbie 19.76m Farmington High School
Sherrill, Olivia 22.41m Farmington High School
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JV Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blankenship, Haley 3.81m Arcadia Valley High School
Schepers, Michelle Fox High School
Moeckel, Olivia 4.18m Seckman High School
Mueller, Jasmine 4.17m Seckman High School
Bogan, RaKiara 4.77m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Larkin, Paris 4.58m North County High School
Raker, Memory 4.27m North County High School
Boock, Sarah Cor Jesu Academy
Freiburg, Anna 3.83m Cor Jesu Academy
Arbuckle, Natalie 3.32m Jackson High School
Hicks, Madelyn 3.10m Jackson High School
Zielinski, Hannah 3.35m Potosi High School
Dailey, Nevaeh 4.52m Central (Park Hills) High School
Rehkop, Linley 4.49m Fredericktown High School
Cassie, McKenzie 4.34m Poplar Bluff High School
Blackmon, Elissa 3.55m St. Paul Lutheran School
Ramdial, Mackenzie 3.91m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Klump, Caraline 4.12m Farmington High School
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JV Girls Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valencia, Mariana 1.98m Seckman High School
Bailey, Abigail Seckman High School
Zalite, Alejandra 1.85m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Cao, Lydia 2.45m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Maggard, Kassie North County High School
Watkins, Katia 2.44m Cor Jesu Academy
Braunel, Maura 1.83m Cor Jesu Academy
Hamann, Rachel 2.00m Poplar Bluff High School
Dortch, Courtney 2.13m Central (Park Hills) High School
Stacy, Alyssa 1.83m Farmington High School
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JV Girls Shot Put 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cowsert, Katherine 7.30m Fox High School
Mackins, Skyler 7.45m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Thomas, Mackenzie 7.42m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
McClure, Emily 8.53m North County High School
WALKER, BROOKE 6.74m North County High School
Fowler, Madison 8.24m Cor Jesu Academy
Anderson, Katie Marie Cor Jesu Academy
Honeycutt, Kelsey 7.07m Jackson High School
Gibbs, Maggie 8.65m Jackson High School
Johnson, Kierra 7.45m Poplar Bluff High School
Isgriggs, Jocelyn 7.54m Potosi High School
Hornbeck, Mercedes 6.78m Potosi High School
Selby, Lily 6.71m Fox High School
Rasnick, Kaitlin 6.10m Central (Park Hills) High School
Turnbough, Julie 8.10m Fredericktown High School
Pinkley, Reese 7.55m St. Paul Lutheran School
Moon, Kiley 8.66m Farmington High School
Hermann, Bella 6.60m Farmington High School
Reese, Ashtyn 7.60m Poplar Bluff High School
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JV Girls Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bogan, RaKiara 10.12m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Wright, Darcey 9.61m North County High School
Ybarra, Selena 7.60m Jackson High School
Gibson, Kya 9.00m Potosi High School
Dailey, Nevaeh 8.80m Central (Park Hills) High School
Sharp, Taylor 8.10m Central (Park Hills) High School
Cassie, McKenzie Poplar Bluff High School
Davis, Josie 6.85m Jackson High School
Ritter, Anne-marie 9.59m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
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