Cuba HS Invitatiional 2022

Cuba, MO

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nielhaus, Cameron Belle High School
Snyder, Kaiden 10.73 St. James High School
Orison, Carter 11.12 Crocker High School
Jacobs, Owen 11.30 Dixon High School
Gray, Dorian 11.64 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Carriger, David 11.78 Crocker High School
Inda, Omero 11.94 St. James High School
Declue, Brian 11.96 Cuba High School
Minor, DeVontae 12.09 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Hubbs, Brayson 12.22 Viburnum High School
Smith, Lukas 12.25 Belle High School
D'mellow, Leighton 12.57 Dixon High School
Hardy, Collin 12.76 Viburnum High School
Killeen, Kyle 12.78 Steelville High School
Nelson, Dean 12.81 Cuba High School
Brown, Cameron 12.83 Steelville High School
Peraino, Lucas 13.94 New Haven High School
Feldmann, Jack 14.03 New Haven High School
Carnes, Landon 14.92 Vienna High School
Rollins, Iven 15.47 Vienna High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Snyder, Kaiden 15.64 St. James High School
Solan, Riley 16.22 Dixon High School
Roberson, Chris 17.67 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Harris, Gage 18.17 Steelville High School
George, Kamden 18.79 Vienna High School
Dake, Gavin 18.89 Cuba High School
Pounds, Jared 20.44 Steelville High School
Jordan, Isaac 22.39 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Bonney, Zach 22.92 Cuba High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stevenson, Tyler Newburg High School
Diaz, Conner 4:37.37 Steelville High School
Tallent, Hunter 4:54.97 New Haven High School
Shields, Luke 5:12.96 St. James High School
Lorraine, Vincent 5:16.76 Steelville High School
Auten, Cooper 5:19.40 Vienna High School
Smith, Baylar 5:20.12 Belle High School
Henke, Dustin 5:20.18 Cuba High School
McDaniel, Corey 5:24.01 Belle High School
Danielson III, Jeffrey 5:35.59 Crocker High School
Kilmer, Jackson 6:05.00 Vienna High School
McElhaney, Kaleb 6:07.44 Dixon High School
WILSON, CHRISTOPHER 6:16.64 New Haven High School
Wilson, Trevor 6:55.23 St. James High School
O'Neal, Jordan 7:06.37 Dixon High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nielhaus, Cameron Belle High School
Snyder, Kaiden 22.83 St. James High School
Jacobs, Owen 23.36 Dixon High School
Gray, Dorian 23.42 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Hubbs, Brayson 24.39 Viburnum High School
Inda, Omero 24.67 St. James High School
Minor, DeVontae 24.82 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Williams, Logan 25.02 New Haven High School
Harris, Gage 25.31 Steelville High School
Harris, Wyatt 25.53 Steelville High School
Volner, Micah 26.00 Cuba High School
Hardy, Collin 26.32 Viburnum High School
Faulkner, Sean 26.94 Crocker High School
Romero, Lucian 27.13 Crocker High School
Smith, Lukas 27.23 Belle High School
Poole, Aiden 27.84h Dixon High School
DeClue, Keyten 29.49 Cuba High School
Rollins, Iven 32.28 Vienna High School
Carnes, Landon 33.00 Vienna High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pounds, Jared Steelville High School
Brooks, Gabe Viburnum High School
Snyder, Kaiden 41.30 St. James High School
Solan, Riley 41.81 Dixon High School
Altis, John 44.62 St. James High School
Dake, Gavin 45.73 Cuba High School
Roberson, Chris 45.99 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
George, Kamden 48.96 Vienna High School
Jordan, Isaac 53.91 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Hutchings, Bryan 55.25 Steelville High School
Bonney, Zach 57.10 Cuba High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tallent, Hunter 10:42.97 New Haven High School
Henke, Dustin 11:30.02 Cuba High School
Lorraine, Vincent 11:31.88 Steelville High School
Auten, Cooper 11:33.62 Vienna High School
Smith, Baylar 11:38.29 Belle High School
Shields, Luke 11:40.02 St. James High School
Wilkinson, Duncan 12:03.12 Vienna High School
McDaniel, Corey 12:03.41 Belle High School
Bailey, Curtis 12:37.69 Steelville High School
McElhaney, Kaleb 12:55.97 Dixon High School
Brooks, Gabe 13:42.27 Viburnum High School
Wilson, Trevor 15:29.16 St. James High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zundell, Kameron Viburnum High School
Goldsmith, Jesse Crocker High School
Dempsey, Garrett 1:00.25 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Vineyard, Gavin 1:01.71 Dixon High School
Hunter, Landen 1:01.80 Cuba High School
Zimmer, Alex 1:03.50 Vienna High School
Murphy, Michael 1:04.64 Viburnum High School
Hulsey, Brandon 1:17.66 Cuba High School
Williams, Logan 53.40 New Haven High School
Harris, Wyatt 55.43 Steelville High School
Brown, Toby 55.94 Steelville High School
Redburn, Silas 56.08 St. James High School
Gray, Dorian 56.76 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Magner, Spencer 58.02 Vienna High School
Dalton, Waylon 58.51 Dixon High School
Orison, Carter 59.38 Crocker High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 47.64 St. James High School
Relay Team A 48.53 Crocker High School
Relay Team A 48.65 Cuba High School
Relay Team A 49.39 Steelville High School
Relay Team A 51.99 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Relay Team A 54.39 Dixon High School
Relay Team A 55.39 Vienna High School
Relay Team A 56.12 Belle High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:40.59 Steelville High School
Relay Team A 1:40.75 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Relay Team A 1:41.96 Crocker High School
Relay Team A 1:42.21 St. James High School
Relay Team A 1:45.60 Cuba High School
Relay Team A 1:47.71 Belle High School
Relay Team A 1:48.83 Vienna High School
Relay Team A 1:51.91 Viburnum High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:38.89 Steelville High School
Relay Team A 3:58.78 St. James High School
Relay Team A 3:58.88 Dixon High School
Relay Team A 4:01.66 Cuba High School
Relay Team A 4:03.99 Vienna High School
Relay Team A 4:11.82 Belle High School
Relay Team A 4:15.93 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:08.62 Steelville High School
Relay Team A 10:19.84 Dixon High School
Relay Team A 10:34.02 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Relay Team A 9:47.14 Belle High School
Relay Team A 9:52.33 Vienna High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stevenson, Tyler Newburg High School
Zundell, Kameron Viburnum High School
Diaz, Conner 2:02.76 Steelville High School
Romo-Vazquez, Jose 2:22.35 New Haven High School
Auten, Cooper 2:23.00 Vienna High School
Henke, Dustin 2:27.12 Cuba High School
Peak, Brett 2:30.65 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Danielson III, Jeffrey 2:31.00 Crocker High School
Dalton, Daxx 2:32.08 Dixon High School
Bailey, Curtis 2:32.58 Steelville High School
Kilmer, Jackson 2:42.24 Vienna High School
Murphy, Michael 2:44.31 Viburnum High School
Finnegan, Barrett 2:49.67 Belle High School
O'Neal, Jordan 3:04.29 Dixon High School
Massey, John 3:24.35 Cuba High School
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Boys Discus 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Steinbeck, Colin 30.25m New Haven High School
Ware, Brock 21.19m Crocker High School
Boberg, Shawn Crocker High School
Earney, Gabe Steelville High School
Bunch, Dylan 22.77m Steelville High School
Lofton, Johnathon 27.30m Dixon High School
Davis, Tyler 44.77m Steelville High School
Boone, Gavin 32.26m Steelville High School
Dumas, Isaiah 28.54m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Propst, Elijah 30.16m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Declue, Brian 39.85m Cuba High School
Doss, Will 31.43m Belle High School
Gromowski, Brett 26.86m Belle High School
Steffe, Kaleb 36.72m Newburg High School
Amonett-Curtis, Caden 26.19m Cuba High School
Crider, Braxtyn 22.52m St. James High School
Wilkerson, Jason 26.96m St. James High School
Casey, Danniel 36.55m Vienna High School
Jones, Garret 30.00m Vienna High School
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Boys High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goldsmith, Jesse 1.52m Crocker High School
Brown, Cameron 1.77m Steelville High School
Brown, Toby 1.77m Steelville High School
Folk, William 1.68m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
McClure, Blake 1.40m New Haven High School
Garner, William St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Scott, Charles 1.60m Cuba High School
Volner, Micah Cuba High School
Rose, Keith 1.80m Belle High School
Noakes, Blaine 1.55m St. James High School
Strong-Madie, Chaz 1.55m St. James High School
Magner, Spencer 1.67m Vienna High School
Steffen, Max 1.79m Vienna High School
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Boys Javelin 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Butler, Myles 28.94m Belle High School
Feldmann, Jack 37.97m New Haven High School
Williams, Logan 31.74m New Haven High School
Boberg, Shawn 35.90m Crocker High School
Lofton, Johnathon 24.53m Dixon High School
Propst, Elijah 41.60m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Drewel, Christopher 16.06m Belle High School
Steffe, Kaleb 34.66m Newburg High School
Stevenson, Tyler 17.81m Newburg High School
Wilkerson, Jason 28.06m St. James High School
Keeney, Seth 21.55m St. James High School
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Boys Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bailey, Ethan 3.51m Belle High School
Orison, Carter 5.84m Crocker High School
Romero, Lucian 4.76m Crocker High School
Jacobs, Owen 5.87m Dixon High School
Solan, Riley 5.87m Dixon High School
Garner, John 4.33m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Folk, William St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Peraino, Lucas 4.84m New Haven High School
DeClue, Keyten 3.38m Cuba High School
Harris, Gage 5.40m Steelville High School
Pounds, Jared 4.60m Steelville High School
Smith, Lukas 4.63m Belle High School
Inda, Omero 5.65m St. James High School
Gruver, Peyton 5.52m St. James High School
Magner, Spencer 5.67m Vienna High School
Zimmer, Alex Vienna High School
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Boys Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carriger, David 2.74m Crocker High School
O'Hern, Lane 2.45m New Haven High School
Romo-Vazquez, Jose 2.13m New Haven High School
Lorraine, Vincent 2.74m Steelville High School
Peak, Brett 2.23m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Hinojosa, Houston 2.45m Cuba High School
Scott, Charles 2.30m Cuba High School
Hubbs, Brayson 4.04m Viburnum High School
Brooks, Gabe 2.13m Viburnum High School
Richter, Trysten 2.74m Steelville High School
Hughes, Seth 3.05m St. James High School
Shields, Luke 2.15m St. James High School
Auten, Cooper 2.90m Vienna High School
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Boys Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Feldmann, Jack 9.51m New Haven High School
Steinbeck, Colin 9.15m New Haven High School
Boberg, Shawn 9.14m Crocker High School
Earney, Gabe Steelville High School
Bunch, Dylan Steelville High School
Lofton, Johnathon 10.41m Dixon High School
Folk, William 11.62m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Phillps, Griffin 11.20m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Doss, Will 14.27m Belle High School
Butler, Myles 9.04m Belle High School
Steffe, Kaleb 11.42m Newburg High School
Declue, Brian 13.79m Cuba High School
Bourbon, Caleb 10.22m Cuba High School
Davis, Tyler 16.72m Steelville High School
Boone, Gavin 11.89m Steelville High School
Crider, Braxtyn 11.03m St. James High School
Keeney, Seth 9.10m St. James High School
Ware, Brock 8.20m Crocker High School
Casey, Danniel 12.11m Vienna High School
Jones, Garret 9.34m Vienna High School
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Boys Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carriger, David 11.54m Crocker High School
Peraino, Lucas 9.23m New Haven High School
Romo-Vazquez, Jose 11.07m New Haven High School
D'mellow, Leighton 11.01m Dixon High School
Jacobs, Owen 12.20m Dixon High School
Folk, William 11.29m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Dempsey, Garrett 10.70m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Bonney, Zach 9.05m Cuba High School
Hunter, Landen 9.73m Cuba High School
Settles, Aiden 10.60m Steelville High School
Diaz, Conner 11.93m Steelville High School
Bullock, Hunter 10.13m St. James High School
Gruver, Peyton 11.64m St. James High School
George, Kamden 11.45m Vienna High School
Steffen, Max 11.49m Vienna High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brinkley, Aubrey Newburg High School
Govero, Valerie St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Marchbanks, Erica Crocker High School
Harris, Kaliethia Newburg High School
Novak, Andrea 13.25 Vienna High School
Dong, Justina 13.67 Cuba High School
Santos, Rachelle 14.06 Dixon High School
Sumpter, Peyton 14.11 New Haven High School
Edgar, Erica 14.15 Steelville High School
Satterfield, Gracie 14.18 St. James High School
Wigger, Faith 14.53 Viburnum High School
Pyatt, Lanee 14.60 Viburnum High School
Freeman, Alexus 14.77 St. James High School
Faris, Julia 14.80 New Haven High School
Griffin, Aliyah 15.64h Vienna High School
Evans, Norah 15.77 Steelville High School
Bailey, Madisun 16.48 Belle High School
Baer, Anna 16.74 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Valley, Jessalynn 17.06 Dixon High School
West, Averie 17.33 Cuba High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Keck, Montgomery 15.45 Dixon High School
Kreitner, Abby 18.23 Steelville High School
Perkins, Naomi 18.29 Steelville High School
Twyman, Corra 18.84 Newburg High School
Halbert, Natalie 21.18 Viburnum High School
Constien, Sarah 21.26 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Koch, Olivia 21.37 Belle High School
Martellaro, Rachel 22.52 Cuba High School
Mauntel, Kyra 22.57 New Haven High School
Hart, Ari 28.71 Cuba High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fulliam, Kaylee 5:53.69 Cuba High School
Caquelin, Akaela 6:00.16 Newburg High School
Turnbough, Audrey 6:09.37 Steelville High School
Perona, Vanessa 6:13.94 St. James High School
Diaz, Courtney 6:15.31 Steelville High School
Coffelt, Madelyn 6:17.62 Crocker High School
Brown, Melayna 6:28.45 Cuba High School
Cronin, Janelle 6:40.00 New Haven High School
McDaniel, Tajel 6:42.65 Belle High School
Grubb, Sydney 6:56.48 New Haven High School
Kinkead, Emily 6:59.19 St. James High School
Murphy, Danielle 7:46.19 Vienna High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Todd, Kelsey Crocker High School
Blackmon, Elissa St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Keck, Montgomery 28.33 Dixon High School
Dong, Justina 29.50 Cuba High School
Butler, Madeline 29.82 Dixon High School
Barker, Alexus 29.84 Viburnum High School
Edgar, Erica 29.98 Steelville High School
Harris, Kaliethia 30.91 Newburg High School
Pratt, Ciarra 31.02 Newburg High School
Grater, Chloe 31.04h New Haven High School
VOGELSANG, BROOKELYN 31.14 New Haven High School
Deardeuff, Erika 31.44 St. James High School
Perkins, Marli 31.51 Steelville High School
Setzer, Navy 31.68 St. James High School
Halbert, Natalie 32.27 Viburnum High School
Rosentreter, Riley 33.01 Vienna High School
Sasfy, Jordan 33.11 Crocker High School
Griffin, Aliyah 35.08 Vienna High School
Baer, Anna 36.55 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Soppeland, Tanya 38.42 Cuba High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perkins, Naomi 1:00.00h Steelville High School
Constien, Sarah 1:00.62 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Martellaro, Rachel 1:04.08 Cuba High School
Mauntel, Kyra 1:10.60 New Haven High School
Keck, Montgomery 51.68 Dixon High School
Twyman, Corra 53.64h Newburg High School
Davis, Lauren 57.64 Steelville High School
Wigger, Natalie 58.24 Viburnum High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fulliam, Kaylee 12:48.95 Cuba High School
Perona, Vanessa 13:07.01 St. James High School
Caquelin, Akaela 13:19.10 Newburg High School
Turnbough, Audrey 13:27.27 Steelville High School
Brown, Melayna 13:34.27 Cuba High School
Collinson, Aleah 14:16.48 Steelville High School
McDaniel, Tajel 15:16.86 Belle High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oliver, Aubrianna Newburg High School
Santos, Rachelle Dixon High School
Pryor, Daylan 1:05.14 Steelville High School
Weeks, Madison 1:06.57 Vienna High School
Barker, Alexus 1:08.05 Viburnum High School
Wigger, Natalie 1:09.16 Viburnum High School
Todd, Kelsey 1:10.14 Crocker High School
Butler, Madeline 1:11.26 Dixon High School
Strubberg, Avery 1:11.32 New Haven High School
Evans, Norah 1:14.06 Steelville High School
Luecke, Elizabeth 1:14.88 New Haven High School
Mccarty, Taylor 1:17.93 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Kinkead, Emily 1:18.13 St. James High School
Novak, Madeleine 1:18.94h Vienna High School
Pratt, Ciarra 1:18.95 Newburg High School
Viramontes, Annia 1:19.89 Cuba High School
Bussell, Allyson 1:22.27 Cuba High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:02.86 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Relay Team A 1:09.81 Dixon High School
Relay Team A 55.61 Steelville High School
Relay Team A 56.65 Crocker High School
Relay Team A 56.99 Vienna High School
Relay Team A 58.31 New Haven High School
Relay Team A 58.58 St. James High School
Relay Team A 59.21 Cuba High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:00.35 Vienna High School
Relay Team A 2:01.84 Crocker High School
Relay Team A 2:03.86 New Haven High School
Relay Team A 2:03.95 St. James High School
Relay Team A 2:06.54 Steelville High School
Relay Team A 2:07.34 Viburnum High School
Relay Team A 2:12.99 Cuba High School
Relay Team A 2:16.14 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:37.21 Steelville High School
Relay Team A 4:44.32 Vienna High School
Relay Team A 4:45.29 New Haven High School
Relay Team A 5:18.86 Cuba High School
Relay Team A 5:26.66 St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:14.39 Steelville High School
Relay Team A 11:33.23 Newburg High School
Relay Team A 12:07.57 Cuba High School
Relay Team A 13:15.82 Vienna High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kloeppel, Ava 2:21.00 Vienna High School
Diaz, Courtney 2:36.77 Steelville High School
Caquelin, Akaela 2:42.78 Newburg High School
Coffelt, Madelyn 2:51.51 Crocker High School
Cronin, Janelle 2:52.31 New Haven High School
Conaway, Jorja 2:57.21 Viburnum High School
Collinson, Aleah 2:58.06 Steelville High School
Ijames, Izzabelle 2:58.32 Cuba High School
Cronin, Elaina 3:13.71 New Haven High School
Murphy, Danielle 3:18.17 Vienna High School
Peterson, April 3:24.43 Viburnum High School
Valley, Jessalynn 3:29.83 Dixon High School
Dickens, Kaitlyn 3:42.99 Cuba High School
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Girls Discus 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDaniel, Tajel 20.48m Belle High School
Hoener, Lucy 27.41m New Haven High School
Feldmann, Lexi 29.68m New Haven High School
Sasfy, Jordan 16.80m Crocker High School
Huey, Cadie 15.61m Crocker High School
Butler, Chloe 17.50m Dixon High School
Heltz, Halle 22.43m Dixon High School
Pinkley, Piper 20.25m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Pinkley, Reese 20.40m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Bast, Neela 24.63m Cuba High School
Silva, Maya 22.12m Cuba High School
Gospich, Emma 20.31m Newburg High School
Rush, Cheyanne 12.41m Newburg High School
Asher, Adrionna 15.80m Viburnum High School
Asher, Joslyn 17.38m Viburnum High School
Jenista, Whitney 21.79m St. James High School
Hudson, Isabella 20.42m St. James High School
Bastion, Kara 18.78m Vienna High School
Kloeppel, Ava 23.85m Vienna High School
Bailey, Molly 23.75m Steelville High School
Woodall, Haylee 25.67m Steelville High School
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Girls High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bailey, Madisun Belle High School
Koch, Olivia Belle High School
Harrison, Ava Crocker High School
Henne, Hailey 1.30m Steelville High School
Perkins, Marli 1.32m Steelville High School
Black, Rylee 1.41m Cuba High School
Joseph, Rebecca New Haven High School
Pashia, Gabby Newburg High School
Wigger, Natalie 1.30m Viburnum High School
Jones, Ariana 1.30m St. James High School
Barnett, Ashleigh 1.30m St. James High School
Todd, Kelsey Crocker High School
Weeks, Madison 1.40m Vienna High School
Wieberg, Claudia 1.45m Vienna High School
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Girls Javelin 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bailey, Madisun Belle High School
Meyer, Aubri 30.26m New Haven High School
Luecke, Elizabeth 27.34m New Haven High School
Butler, Chloe 9.87m Dixon High School
Heltz, Halle 16.84m Dixon High School
Pinkley, Piper 19.09m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Jenista, Whitney 30.80m St. James High School
Twyman, Corra 27.90m Newburg High School
Pashia, Gabby 23.88m Newburg High School
Setzer, Navy 20.00m St. James High School
Sasfy, Jordan 14.21m Crocker High School
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Girls Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marchbanks, Erica Crocker High School
Davis, Lauren 4.09m Steelville High School
VOGELSANG, BROOKELYN 4.00m New Haven High School
Schweich, Tessa 3.99m New Haven High School
Santos, Rachelle 4.34m Dixon High School
Blackmon, Elissa 3.60m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Baker, Lily 4.49m St. James High School
Ringeisen, Zetta 2.84m Cuba High School
Twyman, Corra 4.65m Newburg High School
Conaway, Jorja 3.70m Viburnum High School
Wigger, Faith 4.41m Viburnum High School
Koch, Olivia 3.99m Belle High School
Patel, Krina 3.32m St. James High School
Perkins, Naomi 4.20m Steelville High School
Novak, Andrea 4.57m Vienna High School
Murphy, Danielle 3.94m Vienna High School
Brinkley, Aubrey 3.78m Newburg High School
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Girls Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Adams, Brook 1.98m Steelville High School
Oelrichs, Ava 2.00m New Haven High School
Cronin, Janelle 1.85m New Haven High School
Jones, Ariana 2.00m St. James High School
Satterfield, Gracie 2.28m St. James High School
Hart, Ari Cuba High School
Henne, Hailey 1.98m Steelville High School
Peterson, April Viburnum High School
Harrison, Ava 2.13m Crocker High School
Rosentreter, Riley 3.03m Vienna High School
Moreland, Lexie 1.98m Cuba High School
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Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Feldmann, Lexi 9.47m New Haven High School
WATERS, MEKELA 9.44m New Haven High School
Huey, Cadie 6.73m Crocker High School
Sasfy, Jordan 6.98m Crocker High School
Butler, Madeline 8.04m Dixon High School
Heltz, Halle 8.27m Dixon High School
Pinkley, Piper 7.66m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Pinkley, Reese 7.98m St. Paul Lutheran (Farmington)
Hudson, Isabella 8.50m St. James High School
Brown, Kennedy 8.60m Cuba High School
Gospich, Emma 7.50m Newburg High School
Rush, Cheyanne 5.03m Newburg High School
Hurd, Halana 8.15m Steelville High School
Asher, Adrionna 5.88m Viburnum High School
Asher, Joslyn 6.64m Viburnum High School
Woodall, Haylee 8.88m Steelville High School
DeLuca, Courtney 6.12m St. James High School
Bastion, Kara 8.50m Vienna High School
Kloeppel, Ava 10.63m Vienna High School
Silva, Maya 7.60m Cuba High School
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Girls Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Lauren 10.17m Steelville High School
Keck, Montgomery 10.82m Dixon High School
Sumpter, Peyton 9.75m New Haven High School
Steele, Gracie 9.27m New Haven High School
Wigger, Faith 9.57m Viburnum High School
Kelley, Bre 8.35m Steelville High School
Satterfield, Gracie 9.22m St. James High School
Giesler, Madison St. James High School
Weeks, Madison 9.15m Vienna High School
Wieberg, Claudia 9.01m Vienna High School
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