MSHSAA Class 4 - District 4 2023

Kansas City, MO

MSHSAA Class 4 - District 4 2023 vs MSHSAA Class 4 - District 4 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -8 171 179
Overall Average +35.01 22:28.35 21:53.33
1st-10th Place -3.33 16:31.70 16:35.03
1st-25th Place +2.48 17:09.40 17:06.92
1st-50th Place +15.95 17:59.88 17:43.93
1st-100th Place +31.15 19:47.05 19:15.90
Common Athletes -- -- 67
Ran Faster -29 19 48
Ran Season Best -2 9 11
Average Time +26.27 21:19.03 20:52.76
Median Time +15.67 21:00.41 20:44.74
Middle 80% Times +28.75 21:04.30 20:35.55
Top 10% Times +23.53 16:51.00 16:27.46
Top 25% Times +21.10 17:28.23 17:07.13
Top 50% Times +25.33 18:41.73 18:16.40
Bottom 50% Times +26.43 23:18.72 22:52.28
Bottom 25% Times +31.03 25:48.14 25:17.11
Bottom 10% Times +17.34 28:16.50 27:59.17
Average Difference +26.27 -- --
Median Difference +25.46 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +31.46 -- --
Top 10% Difference +15.99 -- --
Top 50% Difference +24.15 -- --
Top 25% Difference +20.13 -- --
Top 50% Difference +24.15 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +28.36 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +41.96 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +13.73 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Liam Adair Smithville High School +23.78 16:11.17 15:47.39
Roman Garcia Lincoln College Prep. High School +39.02 16:45.71 16:06.69
Tanner Jenks Platte County High School +22.68 16:43.06 16:20.38
Aidan Kemnitzer Lincoln College Prep. High School +33.49 17:03.73 16:30.24
Jeremiah Akinbohun Warrensburg High School +1:00.23 17:35.40 16:35.17
Blake Herron Platte County High School +5.18 16:44.93 16:39.75
Merik Wilson Smithville High School -15.75 17:12.03 17:27.78
Donavin Ness Platte County High School +24.80 17:37.42 17:12.62
Isaac Smith Kearney High School +3.56 17:16.34 17:12.78
Carson Hennrich Warrensburg High School +31.49 17:56.48 17:24.99
Bryce Johnson Lincoln College Prep. High School +47.25 18:13.36 17:26.11
Seth Johnson Lincoln College Prep. High School -20.48 17:30.76 17:51.24
Ethan Billau Smithville High School +14.97 17:52.43 17:37.46
Rylee Johnson Kearney High School +15.46 17:53.35 17:37.89
Hayden Hunter Warrensburg High School +1:42.14 19:20.32 17:38.18
Steven Overbay Harrisonville High School +14.93 18:00.72 17:45.79
John Malter Smithville High School +34.40 18:21.30 17:46.90
Cameron Daniel Kearney High School +1:45.31 19:36.42 17:51.11
Elijah Jackson Platte County High School +1:29.55 19:26.04 17:56.49
Carter Smith Kearney High School -22.65 18:05.17 18:27.82
Kayleigh Norris Harrisonville High School +7.20 18:17.81 18:10.61
Owen Dierenfeldt Savannah High School -9.91 18:24.36 18:34.27
Cole Schweizer Savannah High School +1:01.65 20:08.86 19:07.21
Owen Burnett Savannah High School +36.72 19:44.25 19:07.53
Matthew Pomerenke Marshall High School +45.46 20:05.25 19:19.79
Peyton Madison Pleasant Hill High School +36.30 20:17.93 19:41.63
Lukas Inman Winnetonka High School +9.05 19:55.72 19:46.67
Naomi Hunter Smithville High School +16.37 20:05.50 19:49.13
Carter Hodson Pleasant Hill High School +50.48 20:43.81 19:53.33
Wesley Krueger Winnetonka High School -22.96 19:58.37 20:21.33
Brooke Beck Pleasant Hill High School -36.55 20:08.19 20:44.74
Daisy Burnam Kearney High School +1:17.93 21:27.75 20:09.82
Isaac Cortes Van Horn (Independence) High School +25.46 21:00.41 20:34.95
Tyler Foster Savannah High School +1.27 20:41.04 20:39.77
Lilly Richardson Smithville High School -8.77 20:41.22 20:49.99
Mason Amador Pleasant Hill High School +37.35 21:43.59 21:06.24
Avery Vander Veen Pleasant Hill High School +4:01.88 25:15.99 21:14.11
Lola Clark Lincoln College Prep. High School +1:20.76 22:42.70 21:21.94
Dalton Bartlett Grandview High School +22.17 21:45.25 21:23.08
Alexandra Kinstler Kearney High School -25.88 21:23.98 21:49.86
Dominick Ramirez Van Horn (Independence) High School +1:18.71 22:45.83 21:27.12
Madison Palmer Platte County High School +24.00 21:51.77 21:27.77
Jovan Maricic Winnetonka High School +12.50 21:47.29 21:34.79
Jordin Vaughn Kearney High School -1:13.12 21:35.51 22:48.63
Olivia Brock Kearney High School -0.65 21:46.19 21:46.84
Danielle Smith Warrensburg High School +1:56.08 23:44.57 21:48.49
Rahman Franklin Center High School +56.00 22:49.60 21:53.60
Maecy Hinkebein St. Pius X (Kansas City) High School -25.59 22:14.75 22:40.34
Marin Hinkebein St. Pius X (Kansas City) High School -31.61 22:15.04 22:46.65
Eleanor McCoy Platte County High School +11.49 22:27.97 22:16.48
Kyra Janning Smithville High School -6.63 22:20.95 22:27.58
Lillian Brock Pleasant Hill High School +1:37.06 24:15.52 22:38.46
Katherine Payne St. Pius X (Kansas City) High School -46.52 22:59.76 23:46.28
Abigail Roth Lincoln College Prep. High School +1:17.18 24:24.53 23:07.35
Lauryn Williams Lincoln College Prep. High School +38.00 23:50.82 23:12.82
Teresa Bosonetto Grandview High School -2:47.55 23:16.52 26:04.07
Lilia Zimmer Smithville High School +35.71 23:55.97 23:20.26
Haylee Schwab Smithville High School -11.88 23:24.19 23:36.07
Teresa Fuentes-Romero Marshall High School +2:27.01 25:59.62 23:32.61
Geneva Martinez Center High School +3:42.01 27:22.77 23:40.76
Quinn Julien Harrisonville High School +6.60 24:11.90 24:05.30
Kyleigh Dennis Savannah High School +1:18.61 25:29.63 24:11.02
Lincoln Matthews Van Horn (Independence) High School +1:48.48 26:08.68 24:20.20
Emma Hayes St. Pius X (Kansas City) High School -27.34 24:22.89 24:50.23
Ingrid Aguilar-Garcia Marshall High School -1:54.58 28:38.70 30:33.28
Selah Parris Harrisonville High School +1:08.16 32:05.44 30:57.28
Elizabeth Ruhl Winnetonka High School -2:47.40 32:10.69 34:58.09