Gateway Athletic Conference (North) 2009 vs GAC North Conference Championships 2008

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -69 87 156
Overall Average +1:17.65 22:42.46 21:24.81
1st-10th Place +1:18.80 18:43.30 17:24.50
1st-25th Place +1:34.04 19:35.04 18:01.00
1st-50th Place +2:00.54 20:45.42 18:44.88
1st-100th Place -13.25 19:45.34 19:58.59
Common Athletes -- -- 55
Ran Faster -55 -- 55
Ran Season Best -31 24 55
Average Time +1:43.45 22:33.24 20:49.78
Median Time +1:22.00 22:02.00 20:40.00
Middle 80% Times +1:42.70 22:32.84 20:50.14
Top 10% Times +1:00.83 18:39.50 17:38.67
Top 25% Times +1:02.93 19:27.64 18:24.71
Top 50% Times +1:15.96 20:20.79 19:04.82
Bottom 50% Times +2:07.25 23:57.36 21:50.11
Bottom 25% Times +2:37.86 26:13.93 23:36.07
Bottom 10% Times +2:44.50 27:09.17 24:24.67
Average Difference +1:43.45 -- --
Median Difference +1:32.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:40.84 -- --
Top 10% Difference +49.50 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:09.57 -- --
Top 25% Difference +50.07 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:09.57 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:16.93 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:41.86 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:13.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jake Benton Ft. Zumwalt North High School +37.00 17:31.00 16:54.00
Brandon Jackson Washington High School +1:04.00 18:37.00 17:33.00
Matt Flynn Ft. Zumwalt North High School +1:13.00 18:47.00 17:34.00
Kyle Deeken Ft. Zumwalt North High School +30.00 18:23.00 17:53.00
Joel Kliewer Washington High School +1:38.00 19:36.00 17:58.00
Adam Lause Washington High School +1:26.00 19:26.00 18:00.00
Mark Reininger Timberland High School +1:21.00 20:05.00 18:44.00
Dylan Callaway Washington High School +57.00 19:52.00 18:55.00
Adam Schwerdt Ft. Zumwalt North High School +2:10.00 21:06.00 18:56.00
Stephen Voss Timberland High School +1:57.00 20:54.00 18:57.00
Greg Highland Ft. Zumwalt East High School +1:30.00 20:32.00 19:02.00
Conner Johnson St. Charles West High School +2:47.00 21:50.00 19:03.00
Eric Bean Ft. Zumwalt North High School +7.00 19:13.00 19:06.00
Cole Keeven Warrenton High School +2:31.00 21:42.00 19:11.00
Gunner Johnson Timberland High School +1:28.00 20:41.00 19:13.00
Michael Busche Duchesne High School +1:30.00 20:44.00 19:14.00
Chris Goeke Duchesne High School +29.00 19:51.00 19:22.00
Matt Witzel Duchesne High School +2:54.00 22:23.00 19:29.00
Ian Thompson Timberland High School +39.00 20:11.00 19:32.00
Dan Lackey Ft. Zumwalt East High School +30.00 20:06.00 19:36.00
Eli Morgan Timberland High School +46.00 20:22.00 19:36.00
Adam Whiteside Duchesne High School +1:49.00 21:28.00 19:39.00
Jacob Holtgraewe Ft. Zumwalt East High School +44.00 20:28.00 19:44.00
Celia Venezia Washington High School +3:00.00 22:49.00 19:49.00
Gloria Westlake Ft. Zumwalt East High School +1:21.00 21:23.00 20:02.00
Bryan Groeper Warrenton High School +24.00 20:27.00 20:03.00
Lauren Guasto Washington High School +1:32.00 22:02.00 20:30.00
Abbey Lauer St. Charles West High School +3:44.00 24:24.00 20:40.00
Brandon Tappmeyer Ft. Zumwalt North High School +45.00 21:29.00 20:44.00
Meghan Stark Warrenton High School +2:13.00 23:01.00 20:48.00
Emily Mauch Warrenton High School +1:30.00 22:29.00 20:59.00
Michael Frisella Duchesne High School +29.00 21:30.00 21:01.00
Megan Wood Washington High School +1:36.00 22:38.00 21:02.00
Alex Kiwala Timberland High School +14.00 21:26.00 21:12.00
Stacey Norby Ft. Zumwalt East High School +48.00 22:27.00 21:39.00
Heather Adair St. Charles High School +2:54.00 24:58.00 22:04.00
Kasey Wood Washington High School +1:52.00 24:00.00 22:08.00
Kya Norby Ft. Zumwalt East High School +2:42.00 24:53.00 22:11.00
Abby Palm Timberland High School +2:18.00 24:37.00 22:19.00
Ellen Jackson Duchesne High School +3:06.00 25:29.00 22:23.00
Lauren Lamzik Ft. Zumwalt East High School +24.00 22:52.00 22:28.00
Brittany Brown Ft. Zumwalt East High School +2:59.00 25:33.00 22:34.00
Kate Hampel Duchesne High School +48.00 23:28.00 22:40.00
Emily Brown St. Charles West High School +47.00 23:30.00 22:43.00
Sara Mesker Timberland High School +3:48.00 26:49.00 23:01.00
Sandra Schmidt Ft. Zumwalt East High School +3:25.00 26:29.00 23:04.00
Tamra Slivinski Ft. Zumwalt North High School +2:40.00 25:47.00 23:07.00
Elise Wideman St. Charles West High School +1:53.00 25:15.00 23:22.00
Brooke Huddleston St. Charles West High School +2:02.00 25:28.00 23:26.00
Samantha Hill Ft. Zumwalt North High School +3:20.00 26:48.00 23:28.00
Lauren O'connell Timberland High School +1:42.00 25:43.00 24:01.00
Kristin Pins Timberland High School +3:36.00 27:40.00 24:04.00
Catelyn Steinmeyer St. Charles High School +1:39.00 26:29.00 24:50.00
Sarah Thone Duchesne High School +1:09.00 26:07.00 24:58.00
Susan Dooley Warrenton High School +3:33.00 28:40.00 25:07.00