Shannon County Showdown 2024

Alley Spring, MO

Shannon County Showdown 2024 vs Shannon County Showdown 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +37 129 92
Overall Average -38.34 23:43.67 24:22.01
1st-10th Place -45.92 17:55.18 18:41.10
1st-25th Place -38.94 18:58.66 19:37.60
1st-50th Place -50.22 20:15.39 21:05.61
1st-100th Place -20.28 22:04.77 22:25.05
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster 22 31 9
Ran Season Best 7 8 1
Average Time -1:29.66 23:46.31 25:15.97
Median Time -1:31.59 22:43.77 24:15.36
Middle 80% Times -1:47.49 22:49.78 24:37.27
Top 10% Times -1:31.06 17:33.09 19:04.14
Top 25% Times -1:40.84 18:09.84 19:50.68
Top 50% Times -2:00.38 19:23.68 21:24.06
Bottom 50% Times -58.94 28:08.95 29:07.89
Bottom 25% Times -58.62 31:44.75 32:43.38
Bottom 10% Times +54.40 37:31.83 36:37.43
Average Difference -1:29.66 -- --
Median Difference -3:41.31 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:40.42 -- --
Top 10% Difference -54.93 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:50.97 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:31.79 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:50.97 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:08.36 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:10.08 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -38.31 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Caleb Bates Eminence Christian High School -1:52.53 17:11.67 19:04.20
Landon Street Van Buren High School -2:01.31 17:30.10 19:31.41
Chaska Shearin Alton High School -3:13.02 17:37.50 20:50.52
Zander Reynolds East Carter High School -1:41.92 17:53.07 19:34.99
Patterson Crafton Van Buren High School -51.47 18:00.91 18:52.38
Chayse Bradshaw East Carter High School -57.16 18:24.34 19:21.50
Levi Clark Van Buren High School -4:42.95 18:29.68 23:12.63
Cameron Hardwick Alton High School -1:54.26 18:36.93 20:31.19
William Mueller Alton High School -2:42.37 18:54.24 21:36.61
Cordell Duckett East Carter High School +1.46 18:59.96 18:58.50
Waylon Kelly Doniphan High School -2:05.57 19:13.76 21:19.33
Kendal Crafton Van Buren High School -2:33.93 19:18.26 21:52.19
Tyler Lipe Ellington High School -42.08 19:40.69 20:22.77
Hayden Dees Van Buren High School -2:35.83 19:54.78 22:30.61
Zachary Neal Winona High School -3:38.43 20:36.93 24:15.36
Waylon Umfleet Clearwater High School -3:41.31 20:42.39 24:23.70
Shalana Whittenburg Alton High School -2:05.38 21:09.91 23:15.29
Price Dunn Van Buren High School -2:42.55 21:44.22 24:26.77
Layton Martin Bunker High School -1:31.66 21:54.21 23:25.87
Aliyah Miller East Carter High School -1:03.01 22:00.00 23:03.01
Katelyn Nichols East Carter High School +15.36 22:43.77 22:28.41
Macye Maness Doniphan High School -1:03.28 23:04.54 24:07.82
Mark Shaner Mountain Grove High School -3:05.86 24:01.78 27:07.64
Shamya Leader East Carter High School +1:14.07 25:16.06 24:01.99
Eli L'Heureux Clearwater High School -9:02.71 24:15.66 33:18.37
Alex Mansfield Van Buren High School -33.68 24:21.02 24:54.70
Kylin Cleaver Van Buren High School +38.76 25:06.33 24:27.57
Lilly Haddock Alton High School +1:00.78 25:42.68 24:41.90
Heather Nichols East Carter High School -1:46.93 24:50.38 26:37.31
Brittley Duncan Van Buren High School -1:09.06 26:09.20 27:18.26
Noah Hampton Ellington High School -1:00.57 26:11.48 27:12.05
Stevie Rolf Van Buren High School -4:12.78 26:21.46 30:34.24
Brysen Mays Winona High School -2:34.54 27:02.73 29:37.27
Gracie Wellington Doniphan High School +1:31.93 28:48.90 27:16.97
Emily McIntire Ellington High School -4:20.12 28:23.55 32:43.67
Emma Eudaley Van Buren High School +2:12.53 31:36.62 29:24.09
Sunshine Reynolds Doniphan High School -1:44.54 30:32.06 32:16.60
Alyson Crowley East Carter High School +7:07.72 38:41.29 31:33.57
Corbin Chadwell Van Buren High School +2:02.42 39:44.27 37:41.85
Isaac Byrd Alton High School -2:40.68 40:05.15 42:45.83