MSHSAA Class 1 - District 1 2024

Arcadia, MO

MSHSAA Class 1 - District 1 2024 vs MSHSAA Class 1 - District 1 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -24 137 161
Overall Average -17.85 22:52.79 23:10.64
1st-10th Place +9.53 17:56.12 17:46.59
1st-25th Place +21.00 18:32.47 18:11.47
1st-50th Place +29.99 19:22.41 18:52.42
1st-100th Place +40.20 21:05.42 20:25.21
Common Athletes -- -- 61
Ran Faster -9 26 35
Ran Season Best -4 22 26
Average Time +2.92 22:36.21 22:33.30
Median Time -33.02 21:58.61 22:31.63
Middle 80% Times -5.12 22:26.11 22:31.23
Top 10% Times -0.45 17:52.43 17:52.88
Top 25% Times -7.89 18:31.27 18:39.16
Top 50% Times -10.20 19:37.32 19:47.51
Bottom 50% Times +15.94 24:51.36 24:35.42
Bottom 25% Times +41.42 27:44.66 27:03.24
Bottom 10% Times +1:08.68 30:02.88 28:54.21
Average Difference +2.92 -- --
Median Difference +3:14.05 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -9.47 -- --
Top 10% Difference +9.70 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2.85 -- --
Top 25% Difference -3.57 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2.85 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +14.85 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +33.27 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:38.39 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Cade Nold Dora High School +31.03 17:36.58 17:05.55
Landon Street Van Buren High School -27.73 17:19.08 17:46.81
Daniel Tomlinson Dora High School -1:30.67 17:19.77 18:50.44
Austin Ringwald Valle Catholic High School +2.37 17:57.04 17:54.67
Joshua Nold Dora High School +21.29 18:16.05 17:54.76
Taven Owens Bernie High School +15.45 18:20.38 18:04.93
Hayden Conner Richland (Essex) High School +11.77 18:20.55 18:08.78
Patterson Crafton Van Buren High School +13.71 18:28.40 18:14.69
Parker Schoen Oak Ridge High School -37.63 18:18.11 18:55.74
Josh Horrell Leopold High School -38.26 18:46.04 19:24.30
Tyler Lipe Ellington High School +6.99 19:05.86 18:58.87
Gabe Crocker Bismarck High School -54.47 19:05.68 20:00.15
Cade Arnold Bernie High School -0.84 19:18.61 19:19.45
Nathaniel DeClue Crystal City High School -1:39.43 19:21.74 21:01.17
Thomas Varga Valle Catholic High School -2.14 19:23.23 19:25.37
Fletcher McSpadden Van Buren High School +34.79 19:58.05 19:23.26
Josiah Ward Dora High School -2:19.48 19:23.26 21:42.74
Kendal Crafton Van Buren High School +57.27 20:20.56 19:23.29
Tyler Hodgson Bakersfield High School -53.64 19:29.45 20:23.09
Gavin Bumpus Couch High School +3:14.05 22:49.68 19:35.63
Eli Reimler Marquand-Zion High School -3:30.51 20:07.39 23:37.90
Jack Angelette Crossroads College Preparatory School -12.43 20:14.07 20:26.50
Ella Harris Bernie High School -1:48.11 20:22.76 22:10.87
Bradley Fabrizio Couch High School +14.50 20:38.05 20:23.55
Oliver Griffard Valle Catholic High School +37.34 21:01.98 20:24.64
Braxton Arnold Bernie High School +1:39.33 22:12.50 20:33.17
Zachary Neal Winona High School -2:16.32 20:37.89 22:54.21
Carson Howard Dora High School +27.16 21:23.05 20:55.89
Isabelle Martin Dora High School +1.03 20:58.26 20:57.23
Layton Martin Bunker High School +3:33.61 24:32.70 20:59.09
Creed Arnold Bernie High School -9.34 21:08.84 21:18.18
James Braun Valle Catholic High School +20.94 21:39.44 21:18.50
Reagan Meyer St. Vincent High School -1:19.40 21:57.99 23:17.39
Haley Perkins Dora High School -1:41.21 21:58.61 23:39.82
Gavin Stoffregen Delta High School -12.39 22:27.59 22:39.98
Kara Anderson Dora High School +18.16 22:49.79 22:31.63
Matthew Sheets Crystal City High School +9.17 22:41.42 22:32.25
Kinley Luna Dora High School +23.69 23:09.31 22:45.62
Abigail Kirn St. Vincent High School -19.40 22:54.02 23:13.42
Kylin Cleaver Van Buren High School +46.52 23:48.65 23:02.13
Kayden Jones Dora High School -2:58.31 23:05.39 26:03.70
Alex Mansfield Van Buren High School +22.32 24:04.19 23:41.87
Elise VanderMierden Leopold High School -40.96 23:45.22 24:26.18
Addison Urhahn Oak Ridge High School -1:45.54 24:07.09 25:52.63
Chloe Barton Dora High School -2.33 24:11.82 24:14.15
Brittley Duncan Van Buren High School -38.64 24:31.14 25:09.78
Tucker Gilmore Advance High School +5:48.80 30:28.33 24:39.53
Noah Hampton Ellington High School +38.55 25:20.42 24:41.87
Nathan Watlington Bakersfield High School +1:20.83 26:04.92 24:44.09
Kylie Allen Bernie High School +2:17.15 27:15.36 24:58.21
Stevie Rolf Van Buren High School +19.55 25:40.08 25:20.53
Hailey Ward Oak Ridge High School +8.69 25:44.70 25:36.01
Audrey Amschler St. Vincent High School -2:23.41 25:44.15 28:07.56
Kennedy Sutterer St. Vincent High School +12.57 26:09.13 25:56.56
Colbi Mool Oak Ridge High School +11.96 27:02.82 26:50.86
Keely Stevens Bakersfield High School +1:20.15 28:37.88 27:17.73
Sybina Nations St. Vincent High School -1:25.11 27:31.96 28:57.07
Brysen Mays Winona High School +34.60 28:25.51 27:50.91
Finn Mayberry Advance High School +4:27.72 33:42.71 29:14.99
Emily McIntire Ellington High School +13.53 29:39.43 29:25.90
Piper Lincoln Leopold High School +29.07 31:54.38 31:25.31