MSHSAA Class 2 - District 4 2024

Platte City, MO

MSHSAA Class 2 - District 4 2024 vs MSHSAA Class 2 - District 4 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +27 204 177
Overall Average +49.47 23:23.10 22:33.63
1st-10th Place -2.44 17:37.58 17:40.02
1st-25th Place +5.29 18:23.62 18:18.33
1st-50th Place +12.19 19:10.52 18:58.34
1st-100th Place +21.49 20:23.56 20:02.07
Common Athletes -- -- 70
Ran Faster 20 45 25
Ran Season Best -5 8 13
Average Time -9.15 22:33.22 22:42.38
Median Time -15.30 21:52.19 22:07.49
Middle 80% Times -15.58 22:02.76 22:18.34
Top 10% Times -3.05 17:54.99 17:58.04
Top 25% Times -6.77 18:46.55 18:53.33
Top 50% Times -12.47 19:44.22 19:56.70
Bottom 50% Times -5.84 25:22.22 25:28.05
Bottom 25% Times +17.05 27:51.03 27:33.99
Bottom 10% Times +36.12 31:15.13 30:39.02
Average Difference -9.15 -- --
Median Difference +14.55 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -26.20 -- --
Top 10% Difference -7.42 -- --
Top 50% Difference -8.18 -- --
Top 25% Difference -9.40 -- --
Top 50% Difference -8.18 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -10.13 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +17.92 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:05.48 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Brandon Hammett Butler High School -22.33 16:43.15 17:05.48
Drake Keraus North Platte High School -23.71 17:23.31 17:47.02
Hayden Krentz Penney High School +1.71 17:29.58 17:27.87
Jonah McGivern West Platte High School +40.79 18:37.35 17:56.56
Gavin Welpman Stover High School +3:43.34 21:52.19 18:08.85
Sam Tagtmeyer Smithton High School -31.37 18:10.44 18:41.81
Noah Rees West Platte High School -20.97 18:17.94 18:38.91
Hunter Palmer North Platte High School +3.93 18:45.50 18:41.57
Max Gagnon Lathrop High School -27.40 18:43.17 19:10.57
Layne England Penney High School -37.78 18:47.98 19:25.76
Quincy Stribling Barstow High School +37.98 19:31.79 18:53.81
Coby Tagtmeyer Smithton High School +9.95 19:03.87 18:53.92
Robert Allery Lafayette County High School -1:03.06 18:54.99 19:58.05
Sean Battaglia Penney High School +21.10 19:22.69 19:01.59
Connor Bishop Windsor High School -1:50.11 19:02.29 20:52.40
Dylan Brodersen Stover High School -1:07.75 19:33.82 20:41.57
Alex Ohlberg Penney High School -16.68 19:37.40 19:54.08
Harrison Archer Mid-Buchanan High School -1:23.85 19:55.92 21:19.77
Devin Navarro North Platte High School -8.04 19:56.78 20:04.82
Sam Bray Smithton High School +1:07.44 21:05.74 19:58.30
Chloe Heckman North Platte High School -12.61 19:58.31 20:10.92
Dakota Wells Smithton High School -1:00.71 20:04.74 21:05.45
Ben Lidberg Lone Jack High School -18.22 20:05.91 20:24.13
Brett Rowland Stover High School -2.55 20:10.77 20:13.32
Elliott McCoy Mid-Buchanan High School -38.73 20:16.94 20:55.67
Maddox Kountz Mid-Buchanan High School -9.03 20:18.54 20:27.57
Brianna DeBord North Platte High School -56.58 20:19.05 21:15.63
Thomas Deffet West Platte High School -41.45 20:23.84 21:05.29
Joshua Pritt Windsor High School -1:03.58 20:42.32 21:45.90
Kortney Witherow Penney High School +1:05.22 21:52.71 20:47.49
Wyatt Larsen West Platte High School -1.47 20:48.34 20:49.81
Mateo Guillen Lafayette County High School -3:33.32 20:48.66 24:21.98
Alex Fisk Lafayette County High School +51.81 21:46.81 20:55.00
Colton Fitzgerel Lafayette County High School -1:24.33 21:14.01 22:38.34
Gabriell Sidebottom Stover High School +12.06 21:35.11 21:23.05
Lewis Atha East Buchanan High School -39.52 21:23.64 22:03.16
Joy Wallick St. Joseph Christian High School -56.18 21:47.17 22:43.35
Kenny Waring Butler High School -42.85 21:57.47 22:40.32
Payton Reber West Platte High School +35.78 22:35.04 21:59.26
Emily Trelow Smithton High School -52.58 22:06.61 22:59.19
Jacob Clark Lathrop High School +43.64 22:51.13 22:07.49
Annabell DeBord North Platte High School +14.55 22:36.01 22:21.46
Harper Hayes Lafayette County High School -2:12.50 22:21.73 24:34.23
Bonnie Oliphant Lone Jack High School -37.36 22:26.92 23:04.28
Addison Bailey West Platte High School -54.98 22:35.05 23:30.03
Nico Punshon Windsor High School -56.56 22:41.33 23:37.89
Aubrey Redd Lone Jack High School +53.39 23:52.54 22:59.15
Michael Graves Windsor High School -40.64 23:08.57 23:49.21
Hunter Chaney Windsor High School +17.61 23:32.39 23:14.78
Ella Amos Lafayette County High School -3.87 23:15.29 23:19.16
Eli Boulware Sherwood High School -1:16.73 23:20.11 24:36.84
Alissa Clariday Lafayette County High School +2.71 23:33.90 23:31.19
Ella Turner Sherwood High School +5:35.75 29:29.39 23:53.64
Harleigh Schmidt Sherwood High School -33.71 23:56.27 24:29.98
Clara Hoyt Brookfield High School -56.53 24:09.53 25:06.06
Jaylie Starkey Butler High School -2:15.86 24:16.49 26:32.35
Lily Betsworth Windsor High School +46.34 25:05.53 24:19.19
Emily Winnat Sherwood High School +5:24.07 29:45.54 24:21.47
Mia Rowland Stover High School -38.30 24:46.01 25:24.31
Kate Jack Lone Jack High School -2:22.97 24:49.15 27:12.12
Lily Schaffart North Platte High School +4:34.32 30:01.99 25:27.67
Audrey Evans East Buchanan High School -1:26.30 26:12.17 27:38.47
Isabelle Henderson Windsor High School -1:30.38 26:19.52 27:49.90
Madeline Newell East Buchanan High School -1:00.87 26:22.33 27:23.20
Ryan Dicks East Buchanan High School +1:11.53 27:46.52 26:34.99
Clara Mink East Buchanan High School +1:39.86 28:57.97 27:18.11
Chloe Taylor Sherwood High School +14.26 28:49.13 28:34.87
Megan Rice Windsor High School +1:00.84 33:59.51 32:58.67
Emma Kanoy Penney High School -2:39.46 33:14.23 35:53.69
Ava Burkhalter Windsor High School -57.02 33:17.30 34:14.32