Fellows Lake 5000 2024

Strafford, MO

Fellows Lake 5000 2024 vs Fellows Lake 5000 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -9 222 231
Overall Average -1:30.77 24:29.93 26:00.70
1st-10th Place -36.85 18:02.94 18:39.79
1st-25th Place -42.59 18:42.38 19:24.97
1st-50th Place -48.32 19:27.20 20:15.52
1st-100th Place -51.69 20:40.28 21:31.97
Common Athletes -- -- 14
Ran Faster 10 12 2
Ran Season Best 4 4 --
Average Time -3:09.04 23:50.04 26:59.08
Median Time -3:33.70 25:11.20 28:44.90
Middle 80% Times -3:13.42 24:51.46 28:04.88
Top 10% Times -2:42.75 17:41.55 20:24.30
Top 25% Times -2:25.53 18:25.15 20:50.68
Top 50% Times -2:49.80 19:48.41 22:38.21
Bottom 50% Times -3:28.27 27:51.67 31:19.94
Bottom 25% Times -3:41.73 29:05.53 32:47.25
Bottom 10% Times -3:30.40 30:51.65 34:22.05
Average Difference -3:09.04 -- --
Median Difference -2:03.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -3:17.86 -- --
Top 10% Difference -2:16.10 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:36.14 -- --
Top 25% Difference -2:25.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:36.14 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -4:41.93 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -6:59.53 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -5:26.25 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Colton Willis Strafford High School -3:32.60 16:46.00 20:18.60
Carter Zbaren Strafford High School -2:25.10 18:37.10 21:02.20
Clayton Eck Springfield Catholic High School -2:44.80 18:47.10 21:31.90
Nolen Geitz Fair Grove High School -59.60 19:30.40 20:30.00
Owen White Logan-Rogersville High School -2:20.60 19:39.00 21:59.60
Shalana Whittenburg Alton High School -8:57.80 22:39.60 31:37.40
Kelby Shirkey Galena High School -8:07.80 22:39.70 30:47.50
Kevin Disseler Springfield Catholic High School -4:36.00 25:11.20 29:47.20
Aleyna Farran Logan-Rogersville High School +1:09.80 26:51.50 25:41.70
Logan Bolin Strafford High School -8:29.50 26:36.90 35:06.40
Alexis Emrick Ava High School -20.10 27:03.40 27:23.50
Hailey Pattullo Ava High School -2:03.10 27:35.40 29:38.50
Justine Justice Fordland High School +1:43.70 30:28.60 28:44.90
Taelyann Davis Logan-Rogersville High School -2:23.00 31:14.70 33:37.70