Forest Park Cross Country Festival 2006

Saint Louis, MO

Forest Park Cross Country Festival 2006 vs Forest Park Cross Country Festival 2007

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -703 77 780
Overall Average -3:31.58 17:45.10 21:16.68
1st-10th Place -27.17 15:31.21 15:58.38
1st-25th Place -32.08 15:54.44 16:26.53
1st-50th Place -23.57 16:26.31 16:49.88
1st-100th Place -3:41.73 13:40.13 17:21.86
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster 8 24 16
Ran Season Best 28 33 5
Average Time -9.72 17:58.05 18:07.77
Median Time -21.31 17:19.29 17:40.60
Middle 80% Times -8.72 17:51.63 18:00.35
Top 10% Times -0.50 15:52.50 15:53.00
Top 25% Times -9.24 16:13.17 16:22.40
Top 50% Times -11.23 16:38.14 16:49.38
Bottom 50% Times -8.21 19:17.95 19:26.16
Bottom 25% Times -6.50 20:28.99 20:35.49
Bottom 10% Times -26.94 20:54.93 21:21.88
Average Difference -9.72 -- --
Median Difference -37.35 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -9.88 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1.72 -- --
Top 50% Difference -8.52 -- --
Top 25% Difference -8.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference -8.52 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -10.92 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -7.35 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -16.47 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jacob Swearingen Potosi High School +2.17 15:41.17 15:39.00
Nick Niggemann Potosi High School -1.67 15:46.33 15:48.00
Phil Bascio Christian Brothers College High School -42.75 15:53.25 16:36.00
Matt Schwab Francis Howell North High School +1:33.54 17:29.54 15:56.00
Jeff Kaiser Rock Bridge High School +0.24 16:09.24 16:09.00
Nate Shipley Francis Howell North High School -1:03.69 16:14.01 17:17.70
Mike McCafferty SLUH -1:03.65 16:16.85 17:20.50
Greg Gibson Jackson High School -37.45 16:17.05 16:54.50
Patrick Keeley Francis Howell High School -7.62 16:21.38 16:29.00
Joe Skelton Potosi High School +8.78 16:43.78 16:35.00
Connor Callahan De Smet Jesuit High School +2.59 16:48.59 16:46.00
Alex Mason Herculaneum High School -32.87 16:48.93 17:21.80
Charles Matthews Christian Brothers College High School -1.59 16:50.41 16:52.00
Caleb Ford SLUH -9.61 16:52.69 17:02.30
Mark Hayden Parkway North High School +15.59 17:09.59 16:54.00
David Zheng Ladue Horton Watkins High School -34.11 16:55.69 17:29.80
Austin Cookson SLUH +15.15 17:12.15 16:57.00
Brad Harris Marquette High School -37.35 17:03.25 17:40.60
David Kuciejczyk-Kernan SLUH -43.21 17:07.59 17:50.80
Kyle Hendrix Herculaneum High School -39.52 17:12.58 17:52.10
Eric Schulte Ft. Zumwalt South High School -3.26 17:18.34 17:21.60
Matty Bennett Rock Bridge High School -7.91 17:19.29 17:27.20
Ben Ford SLUH -2.37 17:28.73 17:31.10
Gage Edwards Ladue Horton Watkins High School -1:31.06 17:36.24 19:07.30
Max Lustick Ladue Horton Watkins High School -18.61 17:38.29 17:56.90
Ian Lindquist St. Mary's Southside High School +10.15 18:04.65 17:54.50
Joel Lindquist St. Mary's Southside High School +7.18 18:10.98 18:03.80
Donnaven Akins Parkway North High School +26.44 18:50.04 18:23.60
Bill Boxdorfer St. Mary's Southside High School +40.50 19:39.20 18:58.70
Aimee Bonte Rockwood Summit High School +1:07.44 20:07.44 19:00.00
Hilary Orf Marquette High School -47.91 19:07.09 19:55.00
Ken Kumanomido Ladue Horton Watkins High School -28.33 19:24.17 19:52.50
Lauren Borduin Rock Bridge High School +0.59 19:31.59 19:31.00
Andrea Marshall Rockwood Summit High School +54.69 20:55.39 20:00.70
Kate Horan Cor Jesu Academy +5.48 20:32.48 20:27.00
Megan Bourbon Potosi High School -6.71 20:35.89 20:42.60
Becca Sullinger Rock Bridge High School +2.41 20:43.61 20:41.20
Ashley Lane Kirkwood High School -1:01.98 20:43.82 21:45.80
Amy Sterling Jackson High School -40.33 20:56.57 21:36.90
Kaitlin Neurohr Ft. Zumwalt South High School -18.24 21:03.96 21:22.20