Top photos: MSHSAA Class 3 girls track and field finals

Clever hand off
Clever High School's Riley Britton puts the baton in Kierstin Maddox's hand during the first exchange of the Class 3 Girls 4x400-meter preliminaries. Clever finished 2nd in the heat and 7th overall in 4:13.14 to advance to the finals. A day later the Blue Jays ran 4:15.10 to take 6th in the final.

Running into the Golden Light
Lutheran South's Ella Kasparek runs the curve and into the golden hour sunshine in the 4x400-meter relay. South's team, which didn't feature a single senior, placed 16th.

Shot thru the air
Under the watchful eyes of officials, Centralia senior Baylee Beard goes long to win the Class 3 Girls Shot Put, with a best toss of 13.50m/44-3.5''.