Kansas City Suburban Gold Varsity Conference Championships 2022

Liberty, MO

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gelassa, Abdi Park Hill High School
Reeves, Bryce 10.83 Blue Springs South High School
Dye, Donnell 10.87 Lee's Summit North High School
Dennis, Caden 10.97 Liberty High School
Okafor, Chidi 11.04 Lee's Summit West High School
Brown, Johnathan 11.10 Lee's Summit North High School
Revels, Dominic 11.12 Liberty High School
Wenson, Anthony 11.13 Liberty High School
Noel, James 11.16 Park Hill High School
Dye, Donyell 11.16 Lee's Summit North High School
Rice, Dell 11.17 Liberty North High School
Gray, Royce 11.24 Blue Springs High School
Torry, Jackson 11.26 Lee's Summit West High School
Sigers, Myles 11.30 Liberty North High School
VanNatta, Trenton 11.32 Blue Springs South High School
Jackson, Kevonte 11.34 Blue Springs High School
Dornon, Bryan 11.44 Lee's Summit West High School
Kelley, Shon 11.57 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Haupt, Jackson 11.60 Blue Springs High School
Filion, Maximo 11.67 Park Hill High School
Barnett, Micah 11.76 Liberty North High School
Elkins, Gunner 12.02 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Nevins, Jaylen 12.42 Raymore-Peculiar High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haney, Bryan 14.52 Lee's Summit West High School
Pj) Caldw, Phillip 15.13 Park Hill High School
Furnell, Luke 15.25 Lee's Summit West High School
Wilson, Malkiel 15.47 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Ornce, Nicholas 15.60 Lee's Summit West High School
Smith, Jordan 15.66 Park Hill High School
Sullivan, Mason 15.67 Blue Springs High School
Jantzen, Daniel 15.75 Blue Springs High School
Julson, Landen 15.80 Park Hill High School
McAfee, Montarion 16.04 Blue Springs High School
Renfrow, Bleu 16.10 Liberty North High School
Sparks, Frank 16.14 Lee's Summit North High School
Copeland, Brayden 16.24 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Anderson, Cash 16.96 Liberty North High School
Ridings, Josh 17.05 Blue Springs South High School
Vu, Jonathan 17.70 Liberty High School
Brooks, Ilijah 19.84 Liberty High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Ethan 4:15.40 Liberty North High School
Enicks , Keagan 4:21.13 Blue Springs High School
Jackson, Alex 4:21.42 Blue Springs South High School
Clancy, Carson 4:26.68 Lee's Summit North High School
Mathis, Brooks 4:27.84 Lee's Summit West High School
Thornburg, Myles 4:28.20 Liberty High School
Williams, Jack 4:28.69 Lee's Summit West High School
Wilde, Sage 4:29.55 Liberty North High School
Tapp, Grayson 4:31.10 Liberty North High School
Mathis, Sam 4:33.20 Lee's Summit West High School
Borum, Blake 4:34.22 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Nissen, Derek 4:34.78 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Falk, Quintin 4:34.83 Blue Springs South High School
Cleary, Samuel 4:36.48 Liberty High School
Wahrenbrock, Aiden 4:36.75 Blue Springs South High School
Binger, Logan 4:39.45 Lee's Summit North High School
Binger, Landon 4:40.43 Lee's Summit North High School
Obersteadt, Christopher 4:44.82 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Cheluget, Daniel 4:48.72 Blue Springs High School
Nicholson, Connor 4:49.47 Liberty High School
Pummill, Cade 4:58.65 Park Hill High School
Benson, Samuel 5:02.07 Park Hill High School
Urista, Lucas 5:06.68 Park Hill High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hare, Truman 21.47 Liberty High School
Dye, Donnell 21.80 Lee's Summit North High School
Haney, Bryan 22.06 Lee's Summit West High School
Griffin, Keith 22.49 Blue Springs High School
Dye, Donyell 22.51 Lee's Summit North High School
Revels, Dominic 22.51 Liberty High School
Horn, Xavier 22.52 Liberty North High School
Reeves, Bryce 22.53 Blue Springs South High School
Okafor, Chidi 22.58 Lee's Summit West High School
Olah, Noah 22.72 Blue Springs High School
Noel, James 22.83 Park Hill High School
Patrick, David (Trey) 22.94 Blue Springs South High School
Dornon, Bryan 22.97 Lee's Summit West High School
Brown, Johnathan 23.16 Lee's Summit North High School
Filion, Maximo 23.42 Park Hill High School
Watson, Braden 23.45 Blue Springs South High School
Hall, Samuel 23.47 Park Hill High School
Jackson, Kevonte 23.53 Blue Springs High School
Brown, Samuel 23.56 Liberty North High School
Philips, Isaac 24.03 Raymore-Peculiar High School
King, Brekyn 24.08 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Kracht, Dylan 24.13 Liberty High School
Fager, Thomas 24.33 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Sigers, Myles 24.83 Liberty North High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haney, Bryan 38.01 Lee's Summit West High School
Jantzen, Daniel 39.96 Blue Springs High School
Pj) Caldw, Phillip 40.37 Park Hill High School
Furnell, Luke 40.44 Lee's Summit West High School
Kelley, Shon 41.38 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Renfrow, Bleu 41.90 Liberty North High School
Bushman, Will 41.97 Park Hill High School
Stokes, D'Avion 42.74 Blue Springs South High School
McAfee, Montarion 42.84 Blue Springs High School
Howard, Malachi 42.86 Blue Springs South High School
Anderson, Cash 42.90 Liberty North High School
Brooks, Ilijah 43.23 Liberty High School
Sullivan, Mason 43.51 Blue Springs High School
Smith, Noah 43.67 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Lindsey, Zavian 43.75 Lee's Summit North High School
Abercrombie, Jordan 44.25 Lee's Summit West High School
Copeland, Brayden 44.50 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Vu, Jonathan 44.62 Liberty High School
Ridings, Josh 46.58 Blue Springs South High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mathis, Sam 10:08.38 Lee's Summit West High School
Wahrenbrock, Aiden 10:11.84 Blue Springs South High School
Block, Eli 10:16.13 Lee's Summit North High School
Jacobs, Patrick 10:21.40 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Younger, Carter 10:23.24 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Johnson, Asa 10:30.00 Lee's Summit North High School
Cheluget, Daniel 10:34.12 Blue Springs High School
Johnston, Jakob 10:53.65 Park Hill High School
Pummill, Cade 10:54.24 Park Hill High School
Davis, Bradley 11:04.66 Lee's Summit North High School
Urista, Lucas 11:10.77 Park Hill High School
Lee, Ethan 9:14.62 Liberty North High School
Wilde, Sage 9:25.07 Liberty North High School
Jackson, Alex 9:29.97 Blue Springs South High School
Thornburg, Myles 9:31.74 Liberty High School
Enicks , Keagan 9:35.52 Blue Springs High School
Borum, Blake 9:42.95 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Cleary, Samuel 9:47.86 Liberty High School
Falk, Quintin 9:50.17 Blue Springs South High School
Perezruiz, Jorge 9:50.34 Liberty North High School
Williams, Jack 9:50.57 Lee's Summit West High School
Mckenna, Aiden 9:53.61 Liberty High School
Curp, Keenan 9:59.33 Lee's Summit West High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Julson, Landen Park Hill High School
Mukhtar, Adnan 1:06.22 Park Hill High School
Griffin, Keith 49.75 Blue Springs High School
Jones, August 49.89 Park Hill High School
Mcgrew, Chans 51.13 Lee's Summit West High School
Miller, Jackson 51.20 Lee's Summit West High School
Jansen, Jimmie 51.79 Lee's Summit West High School
Lewczyk, Eric 52.01 Liberty North High School
Brickhouse, Tanner 52.24 Blue Springs High School
Hearst, Nathan 52.32 Liberty High School
Nickell, Carter 52.38 Liberty High School
Kleinhen, Collin 52.57 Liberty North High School
Dowler, Riley 52.68 Blue Springs South High School
Haupt, Jackson 52.86 Blue Springs High School
Townsend, Raef 53.64 Blue Springs South High School
Delgado, Adonnis 54.07 Lee's Summit North High School
Dombrowski, Zander 54.85 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Manis, Reagan 54.92 Liberty High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.95 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 42.57 Lee's Summit North High School
Relay Team A 43.10 Park Hill High School
Relay Team A 43.12 Lee's Summit West High School
Relay Team A 43.29 Blue Springs South High School
Relay Team A 43.43 Blue Springs High School
Relay Team A 43.71 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Relay Team A 43.97 Liberty North High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:28.58 Lee's Summit West High School
Relay Team A 1:28.77 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 1:28.84 Lee's Summit North High School
Relay Team A 1:29.05 Blue Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:29.26 Park Hill High School
Relay Team A 1:32.06 Blue Springs South High School
Relay Team A 1:33.54 Liberty North High School
Relay Team A 1:34.18 Raymore-Peculiar High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:22.97 Blue Springs High School
Relay Team A 3:26.59 Lee's Summit West High School
Relay Team A 3:29.24 Lee's Summit North High School
Relay Team A 3:30.06 Liberty North High School
Relay Team A 3:30.07 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 3:31.49 Blue Springs South High School
Relay Team A 3:31.99 Park Hill High School
Relay Team A 3:36.40 Raymore-Peculiar High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:07.25 Blue Springs South High School
Relay Team A 8:11.39 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 8:15.90 Lee's Summit West High School
Relay Team A 8:19.81 Blue Springs High School
Relay Team A 8:20.19 Liberty North High School
Relay Team A 8:20.84 Lee's Summit North High School
Relay Team A 8:29.51 Raymore-Peculiar High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Ethan 1:56.67 Liberty North High School
Mathis, Brooks 1:57.93 Lee's Summit West High School
Tapp, Grayson 1:58.03 Liberty North High School
Whaley, Jax 1:58.48 Lee's Summit West High School
Binger, Logan 1:58.62 Lee's Summit North High School
Jackson, Alex 1:58.86 Blue Springs South High School
Nissen, Derek 1:59.23 Raymore-Peculiar High School
McWhorter, Evan 1:59.37 Liberty High School
Romo, Viger 2:01.39 Blue Springs High School
Robinson, Gunnar 2:01.78 Park Hill High School
Kleinhen, Kaden 2:02.19 Liberty North High School
Manis, Luke 2:02.79 Liberty High School
Binger, Landon 2:03.75 Lee's Summit North High School
Ringgenberg, Ryan 2:03.96 Blue Springs South High School
Falk, Quintin 2:05.50 Blue Springs South High School
Bolz, Andrew 2:07.13 Liberty High School
Curp , Gavin 2:09.11 Blue Springs High School
Rios, Abraham 2:10.16 Blue Springs High School
Obersteadt, Christopher 2:11.42 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Mills, Caden 2:12.74 Park Hill High School
Kemper, Andres 2:14.78 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Benson, Samuel 2:20.41 Park Hill High School
Davis, Bradley 2:21.54 Lee's Summit North High School
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Boys Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ezeogu, Ikenna 42.06m Blue Springs High School
Youman, Elijah 45.82m Blue Springs High School
Macias, Noah 42.37m Blue Springs South High School
Penniston, Drew 44.60m Blue Springs South High School
Phillips, Avion 44.64m Blue Springs South High School
Careswell, Boston 33.00m Lee's Summit West High School
Moore, E'lan 57.22m Lee's Summit West High School
Paden, Savion 36.30m Park Hill High School
Jakubowski, James 28.45m Park Hill High School
Trujillo-Marrufo, Gio 27.59m Park Hill High School
Shuey, Tyler 46.43m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Riley, Evan 29.67m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Raymond, Griffin 28.07m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Vahle, Benton 36.58m Lee's Summit West High School
Williams Jr, Elmotie 39.90m Liberty North High School
Ivy, Jordan 42.48m Liberty North High School
Smith, Javon 49.05m Liberty North High School
Miner, Logan 40.88m Liberty High School
Maynor, Kegan 49.89m Liberty High School
Harvey, Tucker 37.50m Liberty High School
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Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bass, Cadence 2.00m Park Hill High School
Bell, Kendrick 1.98m Park Hill High School
Tonye Nyemeck, Desire 1.96m Park Hill High School
Harrison, Michael 1.81m Blue Springs High School
Staley, Dalesean 1.86m Blue Springs High School
Rainey-Dunlap, Jeremiah 1.96m Lee's Summit North High School
Brickhouse, Jack 1.90m Blue Springs South High School
Calandro, Caleb 1.79m Blue Springs South High School
Randolph, Damon T 1.87m Lee's Summit West High School
Wooldridge, Adam 1.73m Lee's Summit West High School
Ford, Trevor 1.73m Lee's Summit West High School
Copeland, Brayden 1.82m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Wilson, Malkiel 1.74m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Strawn, Jayden 1.87m Liberty North High School
Henkel, Eric 1.83m Liberty North High School
Barno, Matthew 1.83m Liberty North High School
Ahumaraeze, Ricky 1.90m Liberty High School
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Boys Javelin 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reeder, Cole 41.08m Blue Springs High School
Rider, Jordan 48.54m Park Hill High School
Smith, Jordan 54.71m Park Hill High School
Lindsey, Zavian 38.99m Lee's Summit North High School
Van Wyk, Quin 47.68m Blue Springs South High School
Freeman, Colin 33.68m Park Hill High School
Youman, Elijah 43.89m Blue Springs High School
McClain , Lance 43.92m Blue Springs High School
Eley, Ben 40.73m Lee's Summit West High School
Ford, Trevor 45.59m Lee's Summit West High School
Mayo, David 41.90m Lee's Summit West High School
Copeland, Brayden 41.35m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Fager, Thomas 36.58m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Obersteadt, Christopher 34.75m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Braden, Justis 52.44m Liberty North High School
Presser, Calen 54.48m Liberty North High School
Morrison, Matthew 60.77m Liberty North High School
Maynor, Kegan 42.20m Liberty High School
Hale, Ryan 44.00m Liberty High School
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Boys Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bell, Kendrick 6.63m Park Hill High School
Smith, Jordan 6.53m Park Hill High School
Harrison, Michael 6.66m Blue Springs High School
Staley, Dalesean 6.79m Blue Springs High School
Hoard, Isaiah 6.49m Lee's Summit North High School
Conaway, Israel 5.73m Lee's Summit North High School
Howard, Malachi 6.36m Blue Springs South High School
Brickhouse, Jack 6.41m Blue Springs South High School
Graham, William 6.01m Blue Springs South High School
Tisdel, Kaceson 4.75m Park Hill High School
Hines, Jayden 6.93m Lee's Summit West High School
Miller, Derrick 6.46m Lee's Summit West High School
Ornce, Nicholas 6.26m Lee's Summit West High School
Wilson, Malkiel 6.08m Raymore-Peculiar High School
King, Brekyn 6.08m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Elkins, Gunner Raymore-Peculiar High School
Knight, Joseph 5.36m Liberty North High School
Davis, Wyatt 5.82m Liberty North High School
Jones, Ayden 6.24m Liberty North High School
Loney, Ethan 6.26m Liberty High School
Wenson, Anthony 6.03m Liberty High School
Clariday, Logan 5.33m Liberty High School
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Boys Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fielding, Jonathan 4.03m Blue Springs High School
Fiala, Tyler 3.73m Blue Springs High School
Katamura, Corbin 3.73m Blue Springs High School
Caudle, Chancellor 4.27m Park Hill High School
Smith, Jordan 3.35m Park Hill High School
Barnhill, Owen 3.28m Lee's Summit North High School
Brennan, Hunter 3.35m Lee's Summit North High School
Calandro, Caleb 3.50m Blue Springs South High School
Thomas, Austin 3.65m Lee's Summit West High School
Wooldridge, Adam 3.49m Lee's Summit West High School
Huff, Kanen 3.51m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Bowerman, Bradyn 3.20m Liberty North High School
Pritchett, Benjamin 4.27m Liberty North High School
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Boys Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Asmussen, Austin 13.28m Blue Springs High School
Ezeogu, Ikenna 14.54m Blue Springs High School
Paden, Savion 14.15m Park Hill High School
Jakubowski, James 11.10m Park Hill High School
Trujillo-Marrufo, Gio 11.01m Park Hill High School
Marshall, Daniel 12.71m Lee's Summit North High School
Phillips, Avion 12.59m Blue Springs South High School
Macias, Noah 16.04m Blue Springs South High School
Penniston, Drew 14.26m Blue Springs South High School
Hall, Ryan 13.98m Lee's Summit West High School
Moore, E'lan 17.98m Lee's Summit West High School
Vahle, Benton 13.93m Lee's Summit West High School
Fisher-Flippen, MarQuise 12.15m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Nevins, Jaylen 12.20m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Raymond, Griffin 11.75m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Ivy, Jordan 12.74m Liberty North High School
Williams Jr, Elmotie 12.28m Liberty North High School
Smith, Javon 15.00m Liberty North High School
Bindel, Trenton 11.98m Liberty High School
Maynor, Kegan 13.38m Liberty High School
Harvey, Tucker 11.39m Liberty High School
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Boys Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bell, Kendrick 13.00m Park Hill High School
Hoard, Isaiah 13.40m Lee's Summit North High School
Sparks, Frank 12.62m Lee's Summit North High School
Rainey-Dunlap, Jeremiah Lee's Summit North High School
Howard, Malachi 13.42m Blue Springs South High School
Stokes, D'Avion 13.54m Blue Springs South High School
Graham, William 12.56m Blue Springs South High School
Tisdel, Kaceson 11.56m Park Hill High School
Ornce, Nicholas 12.24m Lee's Summit West High School
Hackett, Deydanh 11.97m Lee's Summit West High School
King, Brekyn 11.73m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Knight, Joseph 11.70m Liberty North High School
Davis, Wyatt 12.60m Liberty North High School
Jones, Ayden 12.29m Liberty North High School
Bonney-Kwofie, Theophilus 13.20m Liberty High School
Clariday, Logan 11.10m Liberty High School
Winn, Devin 12.30m Liberty High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wise, Camille Lee's Summit North High School
Scott, Mikah 11.86 Lee's Summit West High School
Cole, Sidney 12.28 Lee's Summit West High School
Jenkins, Kayleigh 12.31 Blue Springs High School
Farrington, Whitney 12.36 Lee's Summit West High School
Simmons, Kynah 12.48 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Dixon, Olivia 12.67 Blue Springs High School
Ball, Alyssa 12.72 Park Hill High School
Ervin, Jamari 12.84 Park Hill High School
Martinez, Layla 12.96 Blue Springs High School
Thurston, Jhene' 13.18 Liberty North High School
Tyson, Meliyah 13.23 Blue Springs South High School
Homoly, Rachel 13.29 Liberty High School
Hall, Rebecca 13.35 Liberty North High School
Mitchell, Jadynne 13.40 Raymore-Peculiar High School
McCray-Hudson, Dominique 13.50 Lee's Summit North High School
Tomc, Marianna 13.66 Liberty High School
Bauer, Jadyn 13.70 Liberty North High School
Hicks, Mykael 13.77 Blue Springs South High School
Boehm, Brooke 13.90 Park Hill High School
Bekker, Biany 14.38 Lee's Summit North High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McMurray, Adrianna 15.95 Blue Springs High School
Kennicutt, Kenzie 16.64 Lee's Summit West High School
Furnell, Sydney 16.91 Lee's Summit West High School
Hall, Rebecca 17.04 Liberty North High School
Flynn, Meredith 17.13 Blue Springs South High School
Cox, Karina 17.55 Blue Springs South High School
Garrison, Bailey 17.60 Liberty North High School
Graham, Emily 17.86 Liberty High School
Birmingham, Jaimy 17.94 Lee's Summit West High School
Gooding, Braedyn 18.58 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Gates, Amy 18.62 Liberty North High School
Jackson, Carol 18.75 Blue Springs High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ross, Jayden Lee's Summit West High School
Trober, Mya 4:59.41 Blue Springs South High School
Clark, Makayla 5:11.39 Lee's Summit West High School
Brackenbury, Abigail 5:15.54 Blue Springs High School
Smith, Ashlyn 5:21.74 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Gerdes, Natalie 5:23.18 Park Hill High School
Allen, Emmerson 5:23.97 Blue Springs South High School
Umstattd, Jordan 5:26.81 Park Hill High School
Boley, Magdalene 5:29.46 Blue Springs South High School
Cronhardt, Ella 5:29.92 Lee's Summit West High School
Seggerman, Amanda 5:33.30 Liberty High School
Brown, Ella 5:34.50 Liberty High School
Harris, Shelby 5:37.52 Liberty North High School
Borum, Alexis 5:38.34 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Brauer, Frieda 5:39.39 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Grosdidier, Cambell 5:40.05 Liberty High School
Fotiades, Faith 5:51.24 Blue Springs High School
Gatti, Mia 6:05.95 Lee's Summit North High School
Deister, Hannah 6:16.02 Lee's Summit North High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bekker, Biany Lee's Summit North High School
Dixon, Olivia 24.84 Blue Springs High School
Scott, Mikah 24.99 Lee's Summit West High School
Cole, Sidney 25.10 Lee's Summit West High School
Farrington, Whitney 25.23 Lee's Summit West High School
Ball, Alyssa 25.74 Park Hill High School
Jenkins, Kayleigh 25.84 Blue Springs High School
Custer, Ally 26.44 Lee's Summit North High School
Brown, Mattie 26.75 Blue Springs South High School
Chester, Kylie 27.36 Liberty North High School
Tomc, Marianna 27.36 Liberty High School
French, Adelyn 27.52 Liberty North High School
Heidbreder, Haley 27.66 Blue Springs South High School
Martinez, Layla 27.67 Blue Springs High School
Kimmerle, Addie 28.04 Liberty North High School
Bruss, Hailey 28.28 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Richards, Cali 28.39 Park Hill High School
Van Hauen, Caden 28.41 Liberty High School
Hicks, Mykael 28.48 Blue Springs South High School
Cage, Londyn 28.54 Park Hill High School
Davies, Riley 28.82 Liberty High School
Harris, Carrie 29.25 Lee's Summit North High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill, Natalie 47.33 Liberty High School
Wade, Khyla 47.35 Raymore-Peculiar High School
McMurray, Adrianna 48.05 Blue Springs High School
Cantwell, Kinzley 49.35 Blue Springs South High School
Gates, Amy 49.92 Liberty North High School
Kennicutt, Kenzie 50.56 Lee's Summit West High School
Heidbreder, Haley 50.60 Blue Springs South High School
David, Andrea 51.05 Lee's Summit North High School
Lyon, Liberty 51.22 Lee's Summit West High School
Cage, Londyn 51.51 Park Hill High School
Furnell, Sydney 51.67 Lee's Summit West High School
Allison, Kaitlyn 52.05 Lee's Summit North High School
Hayes, Ella 52.09 Liberty North High School
Jackson, Carol 53.79 Blue Springs High School
Gooding, Braedyn 56.59 Raymore-Peculiar High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trober, Mya 10:27.15 Blue Springs South High School
Grover, Caitlin 11:15.33 Blue Springs South High School
Brackenbury, Abigail 11:22.03 Blue Springs High School
Smith, Ashlyn 11:24.22 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Gerdes, Natalie 11:31.43 Park Hill High School
Foust, Britta 11:36.85 Liberty High School
Allen, Emmerson 11:45.56 Blue Springs South High School
Roberts, Marissa 11:50.56 Liberty North High School
Clark, Makayla 12:02.86 Lee's Summit West High School
Nelson, Hailey 12:04.48 Liberty High School
Nelson, Zoe 12:07.93 Liberty High School
Chatfield, Isabel 12:09.01 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Weems, Kyla 12:10.91 Blue Springs High School
Borum, Alexis 12:15.63 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Wharton, Allie 12:19.59 Blue Springs High School
Montgomery, Cassidy 12:22.41 Lee's Summit North High School
Cross, Madison 12:28.12 Lee's Summit West High School
Sullivan, Ava 12:55.46 Park Hill High School
Meza, Jasmine 13:00.93 Liberty North High School
Hilton, Josie 13:03.35 Liberty North High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baker, Raina 1:00.16 Lee's Summit North High School
Broesder, Adee 1:00.69 Lee's Summit West High School
Goodwin, Nevaeh 1:01.38 Liberty North High School
Custer, Ally 1:02.27 Lee's Summit North High School
Grass, Kaydence 1:02.48 Liberty North High School
Flickinger, Lauren 1:02.59 Liberty High School
Carter, Aaliyah 1:03.13 Park Hill High School
Holdcroft, Sadie 1:04.87 Blue Springs South High School
Holland, Isabella 1:05.00 Park Hill High School
Freeman, Gretchen 1:05.48 Blue Springs South High School
Kimmerle, Addie 1:06.07 Liberty North High School
Clark, Anna 1:06.21 Liberty High School
Montuori, Milana 1:07.00h Liberty High School
Verreman, Suzelle 1:07.84 Lee's Summit North High School
Stuart, Paige 57.80 Blue Springs High School
Jackson, Ariana 58.74 Blue Springs High School
Farrington, Whitney 58.96 Lee's Summit West High School
Dixon, Olivia 59.24 Blue Springs High School
Scott, Mikah 59.56 Lee's Summit West High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 46.89 Lee's Summit West High School
Relay Team A 49.25 Blue Springs High School
Relay Team A 49.85 Park Hill High School
Relay Team A 50.02 Blue Springs South High School
Relay Team A 50.50 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Relay Team A 51.25 Lee's Summit North High School
Relay Team A 51.57 Liberty North High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:41.20 Blue Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:41.62 Lee's Summit West High School
Relay Team A 1:46.41 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Relay Team A 1:47.33 Park Hill High School
Relay Team A 1:49.14 Liberty North High School
Relay Team A 1:50.89 Blue Springs South High School
Relay Team A 1:51.77 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 1:55.15 Lee's Summit North High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:52.80 Blue Springs High School
Relay Team A 3:56.77 Lee's Summit West High School
Relay Team A 4:09.72 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Relay Team A 4:13.14 Blue Springs South High School
Relay Team A 4:14.44 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 4:18.12 Liberty North High School
Relay Team A 4:18.50 Lee's Summit North High School
Relay Team A 4:30.21 Park Hill High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:16.14 Liberty North High School
Relay Team A 10:27.03 Park Hill High School
Relay Team A 10:27.06 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Relay Team A 10:31.15 Blue Springs High School
Relay Team A 9:40.55 Blue Springs South High School
Relay Team A 9:58.12 Lee's Summit West High School
Relay Team A 9:58.61 Liberty High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark, Makayla 2:12.85 Lee's Summit West High School
Stuart, Paige 2:17.77 Blue Springs High School
O'reilly, Olivia 2:22.71 Liberty High School
Hedges, Abigail 2:23.69 Liberty North High School
Broesder, Adee 2:24.29 Lee's Summit West High School
Cronhardt, Ella 2:26.48 Lee's Summit West High School
Neff, Hayley 2:26.49 Blue Springs South High School
Woolsey, Amy 2:27.24 Blue Springs South High School
Rew, Ella 2:29.75 Blue Springs South High School
Brown, Ella 2:30.00h Liberty High School
Brauer, Frieda 2:31.67 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Dilts, Caroline 2:32.03 Liberty North High School
Borum, Alexis 2:32.87 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Montuori, Milana 2:32.95 Liberty High School
Johnson, Jayden 2:33.31 Liberty North High School
Umstattd, Jordan 2:33.56 Park Hill High School
Raymond, Avery 2:42.11 Raymore-Peculiar High School
Gatti, Mia 2:42.99 Lee's Summit North High School
Power, Ava 2:46.34 Blue Springs High School
Kastner, Reagan 2:46.60 Park Hill High School
Higgs, Anna 2:48.20 Park Hill High School
Deister, Hannah 2:50.09 Lee's Summit North High School
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Girls Discus 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Laila 29.04m Lee's Summit West High School
True, Caroline 28.33m Lee's Summit West High School
Kowalski, Taelor 34.34m Blue Springs South High School
Good, Lauren 31.50m Blue Springs South High School
Pollard, Jordan 27.45m Blue Springs South High School
Slaughter, Mackenzie 32.13m Blue Springs High School
MILLER, EMILY 30.13m Blue Springs High School
Schweizer, Hannah 24.83m Blue Springs High School
Hazen, Katelyn 30.91m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Houx, Camri 28.84m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Young, Sarai 28.30m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Wisdom, Bailey 33.21m Liberty North High School
Steiger, Madeline 32.07m Liberty North High School
Grundy, Katherine 33.04m Liberty North High School
Houchen, Olyvia 29.14m Lee's Summit North High School
Davis, Jade 26.42m Lee's Summit North High School
Kent, Clarice 29.58m Lee's Summit North High School
Cannon, Morgan 34.20m Liberty High School
Richmond, Alyssa 37.80m Liberty High School
Harmon, Delaney 26.97m Liberty High School
Basinski, Ava 21.19m Park Hill High School
Braun, Kiley 21.26m Park Hill High School
Bradley, Ella 16.39m Park Hill High School
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Girls High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Windmon, Abrianna 1.57m Lee's Summit West High School
Furnell, Sydney 1.52m Lee's Summit West High School
Boehm, Brooke 1.59m Park Hill High School
Cage, Londyn 1.32m Park Hill High School
Flynn, Meredith 1.42m Blue Springs South High School
Cox, Karina 1.52m Blue Springs South High School
Calloway, Arianna 1.73m Blue Springs High School
Cobbins, Taylor 1.52m Blue Springs High School
Jenkins, Kayleigh 1.64m Blue Springs High School
Zimmerman, Isabel 1.57m Liberty North High School
Bremer, Lily 1.52m Liberty North High School
Babbitt, Laura 1.42m Liberty North High School
Bailey, Taylor 1.67m Lee's Summit North High School
Scott, Rileigh 1.39m Lee's Summit North High School
Corf, Madison 1.66m Liberty High School
Hill, Natalie 1.48m Liberty High School
Young, Brooklyn 1.42m Liberty High School
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Girls Javelin 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barrows, Avery 34.82m Lee's Summit West High School
Carroll, Katie 32.53m Lee's Summit West High School
Hoffman, Madison 37.54m Blue Springs South High School
Good, Lauren 35.51m Blue Springs South High School
Wilhelm, Abigail 34.80m Blue Springs South High School
Arndt, Ashton 40.51m Blue Springs High School
Shepherd, Kadence 41.05m Blue Springs High School
Schnell, Nikole 30.91m Blue Springs High School
Aiono, Aisha 28.19m Park Hill High School
Braun, Kiley 27.61m Park Hill High School
Woelk, Emily 33.92m Park Hill High School
Kurtz, Hayden 35.10m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Hazen, Katelyn 26.85m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Williams, Hayden 29.82m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Lenger, Kayley 45.50m Liberty North High School
Hanway, Brynn 36.76m Liberty North High School
Hayes, Ella 32.31m Liberty North High School
Kent, Clarice 28.67m Lee's Summit North High School
Spacil, Katherine 29.38m Lee's Summit North High School
Avery, Amber 33.52m Liberty High School
Cannon, Morgan 37.13m Liberty High School
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Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kohl, Aubrey 5.05m Lee's Summit West High School
Sariah, Kamryn 4.85m Lee's Summit West High School
Lyon, Liberty 4.83m Lee's Summit West High School
Boehm, Brooke 5.08m Park Hill High School
Pella, Emily 5.02m Park Hill High School
Ross, Jasmine 4.89m Blue Springs South High School
Tunley, Jaelynn 4.85m Blue Springs South High School
Flynn, Meredith 4.79m Blue Springs South High School
Jackson, Ariana 5.64m Blue Springs High School
Calloway, Arianna 5.39m Blue Springs High School
Cobbins, Taylor 4.51m Blue Springs High School
Kimmerle, Mary 5.08m Liberty North High School
Needham, Mckia 4.43m Liberty North High School
Valdez, Alondra 4.61m Liberty North High School
Bailey, Taylor 5.04m Lee's Summit North High School
Harris, Carrie 4.21m Lee's Summit North High School
Baker, Raina 4.81m Lee's Summit North High School
Tomc, Marianna 4.68m Liberty High School
Young, Brooklyn 4.92m Liberty High School
Giles, Jessica 4.40m Liberty High School
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Girls Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seaboldt, Rian 2.29m Lee's Summit West High School
Ramsey, Taylor 2.44m Lee's Summit West High School
Carpenter, Lauren 3.42m Park Hill High School
Hodge, Grace 2.43m Park Hill High School
Williams, Claire 2.43m Park Hill High School
Sales, Marilyn 2.50m Blue Springs High School
Flessner, Riley 3.05m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Bruss, Hailey 2.15m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Waller, Holly 2.90m Liberty North High School
Morris, Maggie 2.74m Liberty North High School
Perry, Madison 2.44m Liberty North High School
Chamblin, Graysen 2.90m Lee's Summit North High School
Miles, Sedona 2.74m Lee's Summit North High School
Avery, Amber 2.90m Liberty High School
Homoly, Rachel 4.23m Liberty High School
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Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Laila 9.25m Lee's Summit West High School
Puryear, Kendall 10.71m Blue Springs South High School
Kowalski, Taelor 9.59m Blue Springs South High School
Maring, Alexis 9.93m Blue Springs South High School
Aiono, Aisha 10.03m Park Hill High School
Bradley, Ella 9.69m Park Hill High School
Durrer, Peyton 9.14m Park Hill High School
Slaughter, Mackenzie 10.00m Blue Springs High School
Mack, Iccess 9.76m Blue Springs High School
Criglar, A'mya 9.86m Blue Springs High School
Hatfield, Rylee 9.26m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Hazen, Katelyn 8.95m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Turner, Sarai 10.12m Raymore-Peculiar High School
Ibe, Angelique 11.40m Liberty North High School
Steiger, Madeline 11.01m Liberty North High School
Morrow, Caitlynn 10.95m Liberty North High School
King, Olivia 11.84m Lee's Summit North High School
Jones, Symone 9.63m Lee's Summit North High School
Termini, Giuliana 8.45m Lee's Summit North High School
Renfro, Jocelyn 11.65m Liberty High School
Price, Alyssah 11.52m Liberty High School
Richmond, Alyssa 9.80m Liberty High School
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Girls Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kohl, Aubrey 10.86m Lee's Summit West High School
Sariah, Kamryn 9.94m Lee's Summit West High School
Johnson, Tasia 10.10m Lee's Summit West High School
Pella, Emily 10.19m Park Hill High School
Tyson, Meliyah 10.46m Blue Springs South High School
Unruh, Evelyn 9.83m Blue Springs South High School
Holdcroft, Sadie 9.65m Blue Springs South High School
Hughes, Harmonie 10.65m Blue Springs High School
Hughes, Paige 9.59m Blue Springs High School
Schnell, Nikole 10.28m Blue Springs High School
Kimmerle, Mary 10.21m Liberty North High School
Needham, Mckia 10.04m Liberty North High School
Valdez, Alondra 10.01m Liberty North High School
David, Andrea 10.64m Lee's Summit North High School
Custer, Ally 10.45m Lee's Summit North High School
Scott, Rileigh 9.27m Lee's Summit North High School
Hill, Natalie 10.93m Liberty High School
Van Hauen, Caden 10.56m Liberty High School
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