KC XC Classic 2022

Peculiar, MO

KC XC Classic 2022 vs KC XC Classic 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +19 1166 1147
Overall Average +47.62 22:16.88 21:29.26
1st-10th Place +7.33 16:05.38 15:58.05
1st-25th Place +7.40 16:23.55 16:16.15
1st-50th Place +10.30 16:40.96 16:30.66
1st-100th Place +16.62 17:08.04 16:51.41
Common Athletes -- -- 182
Ran Faster 58 120 62
Ran Season Best -51 15 66
Average Time -30.93 21:20.23 21:51.15
Median Time -36.80 20:56.00 21:32.80
Middle 80% Times -35.27 21:01.83 21:37.10
Top 10% Times -39.42 17:03.51 17:42.93
Top 25% Times -48.77 17:40.48 18:29.25
Top 50% Times -48.34 18:44.78 19:33.12
Bottom 50% Times -13.52 23:55.67 24:09.18
Bottom 25% Times -8.57 25:55.68 26:04.25
Bottom 10% Times +12.89 28:26.16 28:13.27
Average Difference -30.93 -- --
Median Difference -11.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -35.61 -- --
Top 10% Difference -30.03 -- --
Top 50% Difference -45.72 -- --
Top 25% Difference -37.50 -- --
Top 50% Difference -45.72 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -16.13 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -22.90 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +28.73 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Peyton Willbanks Liberty High School -2:43.60 16:03.70 18:47.30
Prabhav Pagadala Blue Valley North High School -1:28.70 16:14.30 17:43.00
Brian Humphrey Rockhurst High School -15.60 16:20.20 16:35.80
Asa Kellner Smithville High School -45.40 16:37.10 17:22.50
Brock Olsen Blue Valley West High School -48.10 16:50.90 17:39.00
Xander McKie Lee's Summit North High School -55.70 16:56.30 17:52.00
Mayo Michael Blue Valley North High School +17.50 17:14.60 16:57.10
August G. Thompson Rockhurst High School -1:23.90 16:58.90 18:22.80
Andrew McGalliard Rockhurst High School -1:14.30 16:59.00 18:13.30
Ty Brechler Blue Valley West High School -17.40 17:01.80 17:19.20
Michael Knaussman Shawnee Mission West High School -2:54.00 17:16.30 20:10.30
Ali Habila Oak Park High School -55.90 17:17.50 18:13.40
Charlie Heap St. Thomas Aquinas High School -2:19.60 17:18.10 19:37.70
Luke Ontman Blue Springs High School -1:20.00 17:18.20 18:38.20
Logan Binger Lee's Summit North High School +10.70 17:33.30 17:22.60
Jordan Blanchat Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:38.90 17:25.80 19:04.70
Aaron Kerns Central (St. Joseph) High School +17.20 17:44.10 17:26.90
Jacob Manning Lee's Summit North High School +1:24.10 18:51.20 17:27.10
Ethan Fleming Lee's Summit High School -23.90 17:28.70 17:52.60
Noah Stanton St. Thomas Aquinas High School -45.40 17:34.80 18:20.20
Quintin Falk Blue Springs South High School -9.60 17:37.10 17:46.70
Drew Morris Shawnee Mission South High School -1:33.00 17:40.80 19:13.80
Noah Campbell Shawnee Mission South High School -1:02.60 17:45.50 18:48.10
Nathan Phillips Shawnee Mission West High School -1:55.00 17:46.80 19:41.80
Tanner Clippard Park Hill South High School -26.80 17:47.50 18:14.30
Blake Helling Blue Valley West High School -4:04.20 17:47.70 21:51.90
Tate Chambers Staley High School +14.60 18:03.60 17:49.00
Ryan Brethour Christ Preparatory Academy -52.30 17:51.10 18:43.40
Ian Zind Blue Springs South High School -14.70 17:53.10 18:07.80
Jaise Bardwell Blue Springs High School -2:39.30 17:53.70 20:33.00
Bradley Davis Lee's Summit North High School -52.30 17:54.90 18:47.20
Cody Ford Basehor-Linwood High School -3:44.60 17:56.80 21:41.40
Braxton Hays Smithville High School -1:22.00 17:57.10 19:19.10
Nolan Pestano Smithville High School -1:18.80 17:57.70 19:16.50
Raef Kurbin Staley High School -53.60 17:58.70 18:52.30
Andrew George Liberty North High School -2:00.30 17:59.00 19:59.30
Colin Miller Smithville High School -1:07.30 18:06.30 19:13.60
Caleb Brightwell North Kansas City High School -25.10 18:07.00 18:32.10
Rhett Jenkins Blue Springs South High School +25.20 18:38.30 18:13.10
Jimmy Bramah Basehor-Linwood High School -1:28.50 18:16.80 19:45.30
Isaac Fagan Christ Preparatory Academy -1:28.90 18:19.50 19:48.40
Nick Cherney Lee's Summit High School +21.00 18:52.70 18:31.70
Hannah Gibson Shawnee Mission South High School -23.90 18:32.20 18:56.10
Brenden Wood Blue Valley North High School -2.90 18:32.70 18:35.60
Evan Laube Blue Valley West High School +39.20 19:14.10 18:34.90
Jarrett Prins Blue Springs High School -32.50 18:35.30 19:07.80
Ben Thomson Liberty North High School -27.70 18:36.20 19:03.90
Atharv Dhekane Blue Valley West High School -2:45.80 18:36.30 21:22.10
Xavier Brown Blue Valley Northwest High School -2:10.60 18:36.90 20:47.50
Trent Hallett Smithville High School -1:51.80 18:47.70 20:39.50
Ryan Rowlett Shawnee Mission West High School -48.70 18:54.10 19:42.80
Alen Kovac North Kansas City High School -11.00 19:04.10 19:15.10
Nick Buschschulte Staley High School -1:35.20 19:06.50 20:41.70
Daniel Graves Shawnee Mission South High School +1:07.50 20:15.80 19:08.30
Gracie Jacobs St. Teresa's Academy -12.90 19:12.00 19:24.90
Gavin Wilmes Excelsior Springs High School -13.90 19:12.10 19:26.00
Miles Boyce Staley High School -40.80 19:15.90 19:56.70
Ashlyn Smith Raymore-Peculiar High School -3.00 19:17.00 19:20.00
William Bailey Smithville High School -1:54.20 19:22.00 21:16.20
Aiden Kendrick Oak Park High School -23.60 19:27.20 19:50.80
Avery Raymond Raymore-Peculiar High School -1:38.30 19:28.50 21:06.80
Emmerson Allen Blue Springs South High School -35.30 19:31.10 20:06.40
Will Trickett Lee's Summit High School -1:36.20 19:32.10 21:08.30
Caitlin Grover Blue Springs South High School -8.50 19:34.20 19:42.70
Cade Utecht Liberty North High School +3:14.70 22:49.00 19:34.30
Carter Enslinger Blue Valley West High School +14.70 19:49.30 19:34.60
Benjamin Deardorff Blue Valley Northwest High School -2:36.00 19:36.00 22:12.00
Aidan Smith Spring Hill High School +27.50 20:05.20 19:37.70
Marshall Heck Lee's Summit High School -2:08.30 19:39.10 21:47.40
Christian Hill Blue Springs South High School -6:00.70 19:42.90 25:43.60
William Clark Blue Valley West High School -1:43.10 19:44.30 21:27.40
Magdalene Boley Blue Springs South High School -28.50 19:45.80 20:14.30
Dominic Achille Liberty High School -1:53.10 19:59.30 21:52.40
Hunter VerDught North Kansas City High School -38.00 20:01.80 20:39.80
Marcus Otero Basehor-Linwood High School -1:51.30 20:01.90 21:53.20
Alexis Borum Raymore-Peculiar High School -2:06.80 20:03.20 22:10.00
Hayley Neff Blue Springs South High School +3:05.20 23:08.60 20:03.40
Britta Foust Liberty High School -1:01.00 20:07.70 21:08.70
Avery Adair Staley High School +14.80 20:23.30 20:08.50
Lilly Mauk St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:05.80 20:13.20 21:19.00
Ethan Burnham Liberty High School -1:01.10 20:14.20 21:15.30
Ayden Janning Smithville High School -3:16.00 20:14.70 23:30.70
Lillian Grever St. Teresa's Academy -7.70 20:18.30 20:26.00
Maya York Raymore-Peculiar High School +38.70 20:57.80 20:19.10
Peyton Jones Oak Park High School -2:29.80 20:19.10 22:48.90
Austin Lee Lee's Summit North High School -2:12.10 20:19.70 22:31.80
Lilly Blaufuss St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:09.80 20:23.00 21:32.80
Zachary Amsterdam Blue Valley North High School -19.70 20:32.30 20:52.00
Paige Thielen Blue Springs South High School +21.70 20:56.80 20:35.10
Ella Conklin Park Hill South High School -7.70 20:36.60 20:44.30
Kate Penhallow Spring Hill High School +1:49.90 22:28.20 20:38.30
Marissa Roberts Liberty North High School -49.40 20:38.80 21:28.20
Isabel Chatfield Raymore-Peculiar High School -7.90 20:41.90 20:49.80
Lorren Chatfield Raymore-Peculiar High School +2:35.60 23:18.40 20:42.80
Ellie Barker Raymore-Peculiar High School +18.40 21:01.30 20:42.90
Kevin Sanford Spring Hill High School -4:03.10 20:46.50 24:49.60
Quinn Babcock St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:08.30 20:47.60 21:55.90
Mia James Park Hill South High School +25.30 21:13.30 20:48.00
Evan Vielhauer Basehor-Linwood High School -1:22.60 20:49.20 22:11.80
Tiffany Chatfield Raymore-Peculiar High School +25.00 21:15.00 20:50.00
Lucy Wooden St. Teresa's Academy -1:24.20 20:56.00 22:20.20
Kaylee Hill Raymore-Peculiar High School -2:53.50 20:56.40 23:49.90
Lakin Essex Christ Preparatory Academy -1:05.30 20:56.40 22:01.70
Thomas Jayroe Liberty High School -1:04.80 20:58.20 22:03.00
Miles Goodman Lee's Summit North High School -4:16.40 21:00.10 25:16.50
Braeden George Spring Hill High School +57.70 21:59.90 21:02.20
Aiden Burkhart Basehor-Linwood High School -53.80 21:03.10 21:56.90
Emma Gebbia Warrensburg High School +1:32.90 22:40.30 21:07.40
Eve Snyder Shawnee Mission South High School -1:07.10 21:08.70 22:15.80
Cassidy Montgomery Lee's Summit North High School -44.10 21:10.70 21:54.80
Reagan Phillips Liberty High School -3:10.90 21:11.80 24:22.70
Kyla Nguyen Staley High School -28.80 21:14.10 21:42.90
Julia Sulzer St. Teresa's Academy +32.40 21:49.20 21:16.80
Nicolina Kilgore St. Teresa's Academy +1:20.00 22:38.00 21:18.00
Sejin Hahn Blue Valley North High School -8.10 21:20.30 21:28.40
Cooper Cable Staley High School +2:55.50 24:20.80 21:25.30
Luke Bandre Blue Valley West High School -30.30 21:34.00 22:04.30
Mary Whiteside St. Thomas Aquinas High School -14.70 21:34.30 21:49.00
Riley Oshel Liberty North High School +20.40 21:54.90 21:34.50
Anna Redline Smithville High School +4:56.40 26:32.50 21:36.10
Payton Schulte Spring Hill High School -8.40 21:36.30 21:44.70
Anna McKnight Basehor-Linwood High School -1:47.40 21:37.40 23:24.80
Allyson Grow Liberty North High School -11.30 21:40.90 21:52.20
Grace St. Peter Notre Dame de Sion High School +1:23.20 23:07.90 21:44.70
Emerson Lee St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3:05.60 21:46.90 24:52.50
Brennan Anderson Lee's Summit North High School -2.00 21:49.70 21:51.70
Adeline Higgerson St. Thomas Aquinas High School -14.70 21:50.30 22:05.00
Shira Pellegrino Blue Valley West High School -40.80 21:56.20 22:37.00
Damien McDade Excelsior Springs High School +2:23.40 24:27.70 22:04.30
Mackenzie Wright Park Hill South High School -7.70 22:05.80 22:13.50
Rachel Hostetler Blue Valley Northwest High School +7.90 22:14.90 22:07.00
Grace Flener Liberty North High School +1:06.60 23:13.80 22:07.20
Courtney Busta Blue Valley High School -2:49.50 22:09.90 24:59.40
Audrey Schultz Shawnee Mission South High School +49.00 23:04.50 22:15.50
Charlotte Warren Blue Valley High School +1:17.60 23:34.00 22:16.40
Mary Kimmerle Liberty North High School +19.40 22:41.30 22:21.90
Evelyn Parker St. Teresa's Academy +38.30 23:10.00 22:31.70
Avery Odgers Blue Valley West High School +25.50 22:57.70 22:32.20
Ally Heintz Staley High School +24.40 22:56.70 22:32.30
Genevieve Kochanowicz Smithville High School +3.90 22:41.70 22:37.80
Megan Kelley Notre Dame de Sion High School +2.20 22:47.60 22:45.40
Kila Yoyo North Kansas City High School -2:57.10 22:53.50 25:50.60
Alexis Platz Oak Park High School -1:16.50 22:58.80 24:15.30
Meadow Lepert Lee's Summit North High School +3.90 23:03.60 22:59.70
Arden Peterson Blue Valley High School -9.50 23:03.10 23:12.60
Sophia Meyer St. Thomas Aquinas High School +1:00.80 24:08.80 23:08.00
Chloe Bilen Liberty North High School +13.30 23:24.10 23:10.80
Kiana Navratil Spring Hill High School +7.70 23:32.50 23:24.80
Hailey Hodge Spring Hill High School -1:42.20 23:34.60 25:16.80
Julia Lipp Staley High School +3.10 23:41.20 23:38.10
Victoria Calder Liberty North High School -21.40 23:39.00 24:00.40
Ysabella Olsen Park Hill South High School +1:51.80 25:33.30 23:41.50
Madison Chenault Warrensburg High School -2:31.60 23:48.60 26:20.20
Emma Goodman Blue Springs South High School +56.70 24:57.00 24:00.30
Macy Vance St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:56.80 24:00.30 25:57.10
Abigail Webster Lee's Summit North High School -2:33.40 24:07.60 26:41.00
Hayley Riddle Blue Valley Northwest High School +41.40 24:53.20 24:11.80
Elaine Morrison Staley High School +1:05.60 25:24.90 24:19.30
Kelsey Phillips Blue Valley High School -45.10 24:19.90 25:05.00
Jordan Pollard Blue Springs South High School +21.40 24:43.40 24:22.00
Kate Swift Shawnee Mission South High School +36.10 24:58.60 24:22.50
Ethan Bull Oak Park High School +1:47.90 26:21.00 24:33.10
Kylee Gray Oak Park High School +40.50 25:19.60 24:39.10
Helaina Wald Smithville High School -1:08.20 24:46.30 25:54.50
Ella Clark Blue Valley High School +3:55.50 28:55.70 25:00.20
Lauren Smith Notre Dame de Sion High School -2:10.00 25:10.10 27:20.10
Taylor Steenson Blue Valley Northwest High School +3:21.80 29:00.30 25:38.50
Ella Neir Lee's Summit North High School -55.70 25:41.20 26:36.90
Anna Culross Lee's Summit North High School -9.40 25:47.90 25:57.30
Sophia Lane Liberty High School -4.50 25:56.50 26:01.00
Maria Petersohn Blue Valley High School -1:33.20 26:13.00 27:46.20
Ava Grace St. Thomas Aquinas High School -5:02.20 26:23.00 31:25.20
Nataly Gutierrez Blue Springs South High School +13.80 26:39.40 26:25.60
Addie Kimmerle Liberty North High School +1:51.20 28:27.30 26:36.10
Gwyneth Brown Shawnee Mission South High School +1:04.90 27:43.50 26:38.60
Chloe Albertson Excelsior Springs High School -4:22.20 27:10.00 31:32.20
Isabella King Shawnee Mission South High School +59.30 28:34.50 27:35.20
Tamar Reem Blue Valley High School +1:37.10 29:14.70 27:37.60
Elandrea Baker North Kansas City High School -12.00 29:36.20 29:48.20
Cristian Alvarado Kansas City Turner High School -1:35.80 30:01.70 31:37.50
Lillian Haney Spring Hill High School +3:04.90 33:45.40 30:40.50
Annalise Vogelaar Liberty High School +4:37.60 38:13.20 33:35.60