KC XC Classic 2022

Peculiar, MO

KC XC Classic 2022 vs KC XC Classic 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -55 1166 1221
Overall Average -3.27 22:16.88 22:20.14
1st-10th Place +23.43 16:05.38 15:41.95
1st-25th Place +19.44 16:23.55 16:04.11
1st-50th Place +14.46 16:40.96 16:26.49
1st-100th Place +10.38 17:08.04 16:57.66
Common Athletes -- -- 273
Ran Faster -113 80 193
Ran Season Best 15 42 27
Average Time +50.37 22:02.88 21:12.51
Median Time +49.80 21:41.20 20:51.40
Middle 80% Times +47.94 21:48.34 21:00.40
Top 10% Times +48.06 17:09.54 16:21.48
Top 25% Times +50.43 18:07.08 17:16.64
Top 50% Times +50.84 19:19.49 18:28.65
Bottom 50% Times +49.53 24:36.62 23:47.10
Bottom 25% Times +51.47 26:48.77 25:57.30
Bottom 10% Times +1:10.30 29:09.44 27:59.15
Average Difference +50.37 -- --
Median Difference -49.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +40.11 -- --
Top 10% Difference +39.03 -- --
Top 50% Difference +43.81 -- --
Top 25% Difference +43.15 -- --
Top 50% Difference +43.81 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +56.20 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:09.72 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:26.66 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Henry Acorn Rockhurst High School +1:02.60 16:20.70 15:18.10
Logan Beckman Spring Hill High School +40.00 16:20.40 15:40.40
Dylan Plath Olathe South High School +1:00.90 16:44.00 15:43.10
Liam Adair Smithville High School +18.90 16:07.20 15:48.30
Andrew Davis Rockhurst High School +48.30 16:40.20 15:51.90
Todd Yeates Liberty High School +1:51.40 17:44.10 15:52.70
Kai Somasegaran Rockhurst High School +43.80 16:47.90 16:04.10
Calen George Spring Hill High School +31.70 16:37.50 16:05.80
Derebe Carr Lee's Summit High School +35.00 16:47.30 16:12.30
Evan Thompson Olathe East High School +1:12.80 17:26.60 16:13.80
Liam Kirkpatrick Shawnee Mission South High School +1:39.00 17:57.10 16:18.10
Lincoln Crews Glendale High School +1:28.30 17:46.50 16:18.20
Justin Waldron Rockhurst High School +8.40 16:27.90 16:19.50
Luke Swearengin Olathe South High School +2:00.50 18:27.20 16:26.70
Aizak Miller Blue Springs South High School +2:03.70 18:35.00 16:31.30
Cade Halton Gardner Edgerton High School +41.40 17:14.40 16:33.00
Jake Horton Lee's Summit High School +1:17.60 17:51.70 16:34.10
Caleb Thompson Olathe East High School +51.50 17:26.20 16:34.70
Connor Nicholson Liberty High School -9.80 16:36.50 16:46.30
Jack Janovick Spring Hill High School +1:18.00 17:54.80 16:36.80
Colin McKenna Liberty High School +1:43.80 18:23.30 16:39.50
Caden Scalfaro Blue Springs South High School +1:45.40 18:26.20 16:40.80
Bowen Nelson Glendale High School +1:21.80 18:07.30 16:45.50
Robert Falkner Gardner Edgerton High School +9.50 16:55.90 16:46.40
Conner Wolf Lee's Summit North High School -1.70 16:47.20 16:48.90
Henry Trumpp Buhler High School +14.50 17:03.60 16:49.10
Jeremiah Akinbohun Warrensburg High School +1:09.30 17:59.30 16:50.00
Grant Windmeyer Park Hill South High School +41.10 17:33.00 16:51.90
George Willoughby Central (St. Joseph) High School +1:17.20 18:12.10 16:54.90
Aidan Scherman Gardner Edgerton High School +12.00 17:07.70 16:55.70
Kai Mendenhall Buhler High School +1:35.60 18:31.50 16:55.90
Zackary Zumwalt Rockhurst High School +1:18.10 18:21.30 17:03.20
Dylan Zeller Lenexa St. James Academy +3:21.50 20:36.50 17:15.00
Breck Brown North Kansas City High School -43.70 17:16.30 18:00.00
Jack Norman Lee's Summit North High School -55.00 17:19.60 18:14.60
Asa Johnson Lee's Summit North High School +33.70 17:54.00 17:20.30
Jacob Bond Rockhurst High School +1:51.70 19:13.40 17:21.70
Carson Crockett Staley High School +1:07.00 18:31.00 17:24.00
Gabriel Lewis Blue Valley Southwest High School +1:41.60 19:09.50 17:27.90
Max Brown Lenexa St. James Academy +1:40.00 19:08.20 17:28.20
Boston Long Staley High School +49.30 18:18.20 17:28.90
Cooper Peyton Gardner Edgerton High School +39.70 18:11.50 17:31.80
Brendan Gillaspie Shawnee Mission West High School +2:47.00 20:20.00 17:33.00
Levi Ellis Olathe South High School +32.20 18:06.90 17:34.70
Jaeger Hicks Liberty High School -9.70 17:39.40 17:49.10
Logan Throm Smithville High School +1:41.20 19:25.00 17:43.80
Jude Meili Gardner Edgerton High School +2:07.80 19:54.10 17:46.30
Landon Hochstein Rockhurst High School +1:28.50 19:15.90 17:47.40
Brody Irlbeck Staley High School +28.50 18:18.60 17:50.10
John Malter Smithville High School +30.20 18:24.40 17:54.20
Merik Wilson Smithville High School +7.90 18:06.80 17:58.90
Matthew LaSala Rockhurst High School -11.90 17:59.80 18:11.70
Justin O'Brien Park Hill South High School +2:45.90 20:47.60 18:01.70
Wyatt Stagg Central (St. Joseph) High School +35.40 18:39.90 18:04.50
Jacson Cruse Basehor-Linwood High School -14.70 18:05.80 18:20.50
Jimmy Peck Lenexa St. James Academy +46.10 18:55.90 18:09.80
Jimmy Schleeter Chesterton Academy of St. Philip Neri +1:36.70 19:49.80 18:13.10
Aidan Fugate Rockhurst High School +20.70 18:34.60 18:13.90
Oliver Ramsey Blue Valley High School +2:02.90 20:19.70 18:16.80
George Kennedy Rockhurst High School +1:01.90 19:18.90 18:17.00
Colin Keaveney Staley High School -14.80 18:24.20 18:39.00
Skyler Smitheran Spring Hill High School +32.80 18:57.20 18:24.40
Naomi Hunter Smithville High School +49.10 19:13.60 18:24.50
Braeden Fluderer Olathe South High School +2:32.80 21:05.10 18:32.30
Jose Luna Liberty North High School +2:42.70 21:17.30 18:34.60
Zachary Hilzinger Park Hill South High School +11.50 18:46.60 18:35.10
Connor Deady Rockhurst High School +14.40 18:50.30 18:35.90
Alexander Rogers Liberty North High School +2:24.70 21:00.70 18:36.00
Jonathan Schaefer Shawnee Mission West High School +2:47.70 21:25.40 18:37.70
Neil Daniels Lee's Summit North High School +56.30 19:34.40 18:38.10
Ella Rew Blue Springs South High School +1:13.90 19:52.90 18:39.00
Andrew Schmidling Basehor-Linwood High School +34.60 19:15.70 18:41.10
Kenneth Pfaff Lee's Summit North High School -2:11.70 18:42.00 20:53.70
Ethan Broockerd Olathe East High School +51.80 19:34.10 18:42.30
Henry Langhorst Liberty High School +3:57.10 22:39.80 18:42.70
Daniel Finke Liberty High School +38.50 19:23.40 18:44.90
Ryne Hallier Rockhurst High School +44.00 19:29.70 18:45.70
Quinn Hays Lenexa St. James Academy +55.00 19:44.30 18:49.30
Josiah Robinson Ruskin High School +2:15.50 21:05.80 18:50.30
Gianna Ezekwe North Kansas City High School +1:29.90 20:22.00 18:52.10
Ani Allen Olathe South High School +1:32.40 20:26.50 18:54.10
Thomas Brady Staley High School +1:51.30 20:46.00 18:54.70
Eoin Harrison Lincoln College Prep. High School +1:31.70 20:31.70 19:00.00
Weston Peters Park Hill South High School +22.00 19:26.20 19:04.20
Langston Humphrey Rockhurst High School -9.80 19:04.70 19:14.50
Joseph Ridder Liberty North High School +1:22.10 20:27.30 19:05.20
Micah Kirkoff Chesterton Academy of St. Philip Neri +2:21.00 21:28.00 19:07.00
Joshua Knowles Liberty North High School +9.10 19:16.80 19:07.70
Landon Daniels Lee's Summit North High School +29.10 19:37.30 19:08.20
Judah Light Lee's Summit North High School +1:37.10 20:48.40 19:11.30
Briley Early Blue Valley North High School +1:55.00 21:06.60 19:11.60
Seth Greener Gardner Edgerton High School +15.60 19:27.50 19:11.90
Zachary Sarnell Staley High School +0.90 19:13.10 19:12.20
Madilynn Conklin Park Hill South High School +13.60 19:29.00 19:15.40
James Henderson Basehor-Linwood High School +2:28.20 21:44.90 19:16.70
Nicholas Wooldridge Olathe East High School +4:43.10 24:05.50 19:22.40
Hank Wright Liberty North High School -40.40 19:23.00 20:03.40
Eugene Giam Blue Valley Southwest High School +2:53.30 22:16.70 19:23.40
Daryl Burns Central (St. Joseph) High School +1:02.60 20:27.50 19:24.90
Ella Brown Liberty High School +4.60 19:32.70 19:28.10
Ashlyn Wahrenbrock Blue Springs South High School +45.90 20:15.00 19:29.10
Sedric Scott Kansas City Turner High School +18.10 19:49.20 19:31.10
Michael Denk Rockhurst High School +0.90 19:34.20 19:33.30
Gage Coffman Basehor-Linwood High School +3.60 19:41.00 19:37.40
Anston Sorensen Warrensburg High School +2:23.60 22:03.80 19:40.20
Katelyn Menghini Lenexa St. James Academy +15.40 19:56.80 19:41.40
Joachim Burton Chesterton Academy of St. Philip Neri -21.90 19:42.00 20:03.90
Ryan Sare Summit Christian Academy High School +45.90 20:33.90 19:48.00
Charles Porto Rockhurst High School -30.80 19:48.20 20:19.00
Vincent Stockton Glendale High School +34.70 20:25.70 19:51.00
Charles Fisher Liberty North High School +35.60 20:27.00 19:51.40
Blaine Connelly Chesterton Academy of St. Philip Neri +1:24.90 21:16.50 19:51.60
Nathan Thompson Blue Valley North High School +5:06.00 24:58.20 19:52.20
Spencer Wu Gardner Edgerton High School +4:37.50 24:30.80 19:53.30
Samuel Reintjes Rockhurst High School -27.50 19:54.20 20:21.70
Prosper Ott Rockhurst High School -41.00 19:55.50 20:36.50
Annie Wilken Lenexa St. James Academy -32.80 19:56.60 20:29.40
Sophie Rivers Spring Hill High School -1:10.30 19:56.60 21:06.90
Elizabeth Kurtz Christ Preparatory Academy +25.80 20:23.80 19:58.00
Nolan Roeder Rockhurst High School +1:48.00 21:46.50 19:58.50
Montgomery Morgan Olathe North High School +1:45.50 21:46.10 20:00.60
Anthony Celio Chesterton Academy of St. Philip Neri -54.80 20:07.00 21:01.80
Audrey Richter Staley High School +2:07.60 22:17.90 20:10.30
Charlotte Timba Liberty High School +1:45.80 21:57.60 20:11.80
Brayden Oldham Summit Christian Academy High School +7:33.30 27:45.10 20:11.80
Parker Shipp Lee's Summit High School +31.60 20:44.00 20:12.40
Aidan Hurley Liberty North High School +1:37.60 21:53.60 20:16.00
Cole Bourg Glendale High School -0.40 20:17.30 20:17.70
Henry Nelson Shawnee Mission South High School +10:52.40 31:10.50 20:18.10
Danny Wahl Gardner Edgerton High School -29.50 20:21.90 20:51.40
Allie Morfeld Lenexa St. James Academy +6.00 20:32.40 20:26.40
Adelaide Hydeman Christ Preparatory Academy +30.10 20:56.70 20:26.60
Andrew Rickert Lenexa St. James Academy +1:41.30 22:08.30 20:27.00
Henry Bosco Rockhurst High School -1:48.90 20:28.30 22:17.20
Brooke Stephenson Raymore-Peculiar High School -30.50 20:28.70 20:59.20
Michael McRoberts Shawnee Mission West High School +1:49.30 22:20.40 20:31.10
Makayla Cox Gardner Edgerton High School +11.50 20:44.20 20:32.70
Kellen Hall Gardner Edgerton High School +2:39.40 23:18.30 20:38.90
Lilly Richardson Smithville High School +1:31.90 22:15.00 20:43.10
Owen Walsh Rockhurst High School -1:19.30 20:43.30 22:02.60
Cambell Grosdidier Liberty High School -34.40 20:45.80 21:20.20
Molly Hays Blue Springs South High School -4.20 20:47.20 20:51.40
Leonardo Borders Rockhurst High School +2:30.80 23:19.60 20:48.80
Simon Ketter Park Hill South High School +1:11.30 22:01.60 20:50.30
Benjamin Grilliot Rockhurst High School +1:00.00 21:50.60 20:50.60
Bryson DeLong Gardner Edgerton High School +7:16.70 28:10.00 20:53.30
Michael Arico Rockhurst High School +1:11.60 22:05.00 20:53.40
Ben Compton Blue Valley High School +1:42.80 22:39.00 20:56.20
Avery Fellingham Olathe South High School +32.20 21:30.90 20:58.70
William Griffiths Rockhurst High School +2:39.80 23:38.80 20:59.00
Madeline Dwyer St. Teresa's Academy +50.40 21:49.70 20:59.30
Abby Hayes Christ Preparatory Academy +1:01.50 22:02.30 21:00.80
Aiden Shaw Blue Valley High School +1:16.40 22:18.40 21:02.00
Zoe Flook Park Hill South High School +1:10.40 22:12.70 21:02.30
Caroline Dilts Liberty North High School -49.60 21:03.20 21:52.80
Tessa Turner Basehor-Linwood High School -24.80 21:04.70 21:29.50
Lyla Smith Glendale High School -1:59.40 21:04.70 23:04.10
Charli Baldwin Lenexa St. James Academy -28.10 21:06.20 21:34.30
Peter Edholm Liberty North High School +29.90 21:36.60 21:06.70
Charlie Collins Blue Valley Southwest High School +6:54.40 28:01.20 21:06.80
Eleanor Schlotfeldt Christ Preparatory Academy -5.70 21:12.30 21:18.00
James Leintz Basehor-Linwood High School +1:09.60 22:22.90 21:13.30
Logan Cissell Basehor-Linwood High School -12.70 21:14.10 21:26.80
Josh Reutlinger Basehor-Linwood High School +1:12.00 22:27.50 21:15.50
Chloe Stein Blue Springs South High School +3:01.20 24:21.00 21:19.80
Niah Blachly Olathe North High School +3.10 21:23.70 21:20.60
Capri Collins Shawnee Mission West High School -1.50 21:21.00 21:22.50
Jackson Sturm Olathe North High School +44.20 22:06.10 21:21.90
Casey Bonebrake Staley High School -24.70 21:22.60 21:47.30
Warren Leintz Basehor-Linwood High School +51.20 22:19.80 21:28.60
Asa Schaaf Rockhurst High School -1:14.00 21:35.90 22:49.90
Lucie Epema Summit Christian Academy High School +19.90 21:55.90 21:36.00
Emma Ramboldt Blue Valley North High School +43.80 22:22.80 21:39.00
Tyler Lawson Blue Valley High School +47.10 22:26.20 21:39.10
Emma Bloom Blue Springs South High School +2:01.90 23:41.90 21:40.00
Marlie Surls Raymore-Peculiar High School -1:17.00 21:41.20 22:58.20
Lola Clark Lincoln College Prep. High School +1:30.30 23:12.50 21:42.20
Tate Baron Blue Valley North High School +2:19.70 24:02.50 21:42.80
Ava Koster Buhler High School +1:30.10 23:15.60 21:45.50
Corban Schroeter Gardner Edgerton High School +41.60 22:36.60 21:55.00
Elliot Vogelaar Liberty High School -3:46.70 21:57.00 25:43.70
Sam Elsey Gardner Edgerton High School +34.70 22:34.90 22:00.20
Jaret Smith Kansas City Turner High School +4:31.30 26:31.80 22:00.50
Sarah McKnight Basehor-Linwood High School -27.80 22:01.60 22:29.40
Nicholas May Lenexa St. James Academy +1:15.40 23:17.20 22:01.80
Lucy Morris Blue Springs South High School +10.90 22:17.40 22:06.50
Haley Guyer Olathe East High School -1:25.20 22:10.00 23:35.20
Micaella Gamboa Blue Valley North High School -1:07.90 22:15.10 23:23.00
Layla Cranston St. Teresa's Academy +2:27.70 24:48.10 22:20.40
Lillian Walters Glendale High School -2:20.90 22:21.50 24:42.40
Ava Wickenhauser Notre Dame de Sion High School +4.10 22:27.30 22:23.20
Megan Humiston Park Hill South High School +1:40.30 24:11.20 22:30.90
Evan Schaeffer Blue Valley North High School +2:13.90 24:45.70 22:31.80
Preston Sloop Olathe East High School -51.30 22:35.00 23:26.30
Gelina Malisos Liberty North High School -6.40 22:37.10 22:43.50
Hayder Alukaili North Kansas City High School -44.60 22:37.20 23:21.80
Daniel Warren Chesterton Academy of St. Philip Neri +1:13.40 23:51.20 22:37.80
Madeline Knox St. Teresa's Academy -1:42.10 22:38.20 24:20.30
Morgan Nedbalek Olathe East High School +2:30.20 25:12.60 22:42.40
Macy Strobel Park Hill South High School -17.50 22:42.90 23:00.40
Chris Schlag Basehor-Linwood High School +3:59.70 26:44.40 22:44.70
Leah Cordova Lenexa St. James Academy +50.40 23:36.80 22:46.40
Emilia Sinclair Park Hill South High School +2:32.10 25:20.50 22:48.40
Delaney Nash Park Hill South High School -2:32.40 22:49.20 25:21.60
Julia Pemberton Gardner Edgerton High School +2:20.30 25:09.50 22:49.20
Kelsey Macrander Central (St. Joseph) High School +3:02.80 25:55.30 22:52.50
Kinsley Creach Glendale High School -2:13.40 22:55.60 25:09.00
Landry Clement Shawnee Mission South High School -27.80 23:01.40 23:29.20
Sophia Osterhaus Park Hill South High School -3.90 23:02.70 23:06.60
Genevieve Szylleyko St. Teresa's Academy -3.60 23:07.00 23:10.60
Davis Ramstad Blue Valley High School +2:14.10 25:22.30 23:08.20
Kiley Shamet Blue Valley Southwest High School -1:28.50 23:10.10 24:38.60
Melody Montgomery Central (St. Joseph) High School +6:02.80 29:14.30 23:11.50
Coleman Strom Blue Valley High School +35.30 23:51.10 23:15.80
Nora Kramer St. Teresa's Academy -2:33.30 23:16.80 25:50.10
Kaitlin Spoon Glendale High School -3:41.60 23:17.00 26:58.60
Keira Ho Olathe South High School -0.80 23:33.10 23:33.90
Spencer Wrinkle Glendale High School +2.70 23:38.10 23:35.40
Izzy Appleman Shawnee Mission South High School +1:57.70 25:33.10 23:35.40
Adalyn Oswald Basehor-Linwood High School -21.70 23:37.70 23:59.40
Addie Zuzenak Olathe South High School -1:20.90 23:41.00 25:01.90
Alivia Henry Liberty North High School +2:37.50 26:18.50 23:41.00
Olivia Welhoelter Blue Valley North High School -1:44.10 23:43.30 25:27.40
Lily Applegate Warrensburg High School -3:10.30 23:44.20 26:54.50
August Dunn Blue Valley North High School -40.00 23:46.80 24:26.80
Norah Mason Lee's Summit North High School +28.20 24:21.10 23:52.90
Nathan Neal Olathe South High School +1:47.90 25:41.30 23:53.40
Jayla Walker Glendale High School +10.30 24:07.60 23:57.30
Eliza Jones Liberty North High School +2:11.80 26:16.20 24:04.40
Emmalee Jackson Olathe North High School -7.50 24:09.10 24:16.60
Cameron Vire Staley High School -1:00.20 24:11.50 25:11.70
Parker Nguyen Lenexa St. James Academy +1:28.70 25:44.80 24:16.10
Emeri Erickson Basehor-Linwood High School +24.00 24:40.90 24:16.90
Makenzie Kolster Blue Springs South High School -1:20.10 24:20.10 25:40.20
Sean McKimmey Lenexa St. James Academy +5:21.70 29:48.00 24:26.30
Emily Medina Benitez Raymore-Peculiar High School +2:15.50 26:43.10 24:27.60
Elsie Wickham Liberty North High School -2:11.50 24:31.00 26:42.50
Breann Roberts Gardner Edgerton High School +2:37.20 27:10.50 24:33.30
Kaitlin Christenson Olathe North High School +2:59.20 27:37.00 24:37.80
Mila Van Hoecke Blue Valley High School +5:33.10 30:12.30 24:39.20
Allison Clegg Basehor-Linwood High School +1:35.20 26:15.50 24:40.30
Libby Fry Gardner Edgerton High School +31.30 25:13.20 24:41.90
Zoe Basham Olathe East High School -2:23.50 24:43.80 27:07.30
Kylie Patterson Raymore-Peculiar High School -1:23.70 24:50.30 26:14.00
Ellsie Pelter Blue Valley North High School -30.90 24:50.40 25:21.30
Adelyn Letterman Glendale High School +26.20 25:35.90 25:09.70
Jadyn Fleckal Liberty High School -3:14.90 25:13.20 28:28.10
Danielle Walenta Shawnee Mission West High School +3:48.80 29:02.00 25:13.20
Maya Williams Olathe East High School -1:28.90 25:14.00 26:42.90
Nohemi Campbell Smithville High School -0.20 25:14.10 25:14.30
Aubrey Meder Spring Hill High School -38.00 25:26.00 26:04.00
MyMy Reitz Olathe North High School +2:12.50 27:54.50 25:42.00
Krista Hoback Lenexa St. James Academy -2:40.70 25:43.10 28:23.80
Penelope Robertson St. Teresa's Academy -8.50 25:51.80 26:00.30
Janie Gacek St. Teresa's Academy -56.30 25:51.90 26:48.20
Kai Estingoy Blue Valley North High School +1:15.00 27:19.30 26:04.30
Chloe Easton Smithville High School -52.90 26:05.10 26:58.00
Lyla Triche Liberty North High School -1:14.00 26:11.70 27:25.70
Casey Burnett Raymore-Peculiar High School +3:25.80 29:39.60 26:13.80
Elena Butler Blue Springs South High School -16.50 26:22.20 26:38.70
Abby Reeves Blue Valley High School -1:13.20 26:22.40 27:35.60
Gracie Droleski Park Hill South High School +8.30 26:39.40 26:31.10
Kaden Hudson Olathe South High School +3:37.20 30:18.20 26:41.00
Noah Vallance Glendale High School +2:21.90 29:32.70 27:10.80
Colleen Schroeber Olathe North High School +29.30 27:42.70 27:13.40
Annalisa Bosley Smithville High School +6.80 27:21.00 27:14.20
Kennedy Sponseller Central (St. Joseph) High School +59.70 28:58.60 27:58.90
Parker Prins Gardner Edgerton High School +12.80 28:13.60 28:00.80
Rhiannon Woodward Warrensburg High School -4.40 28:03.20 28:07.60
Faith Brummett Park Hill South High School -12.30 29:44.70 29:57.00
Isabella Williams Glendale High School +41.10 30:41.90 30:00.80
Jetta King Olathe North High School -3:36.00 32:30.30 36:06.30
Edward Hernandez Blue Valley High School +6:20.30 43:34.50 37:14.20