KC XC Classic 2022

Peculiar, MO

KC XC Classic 2022 vs KC XC Classic 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -323 1166 1489
Overall Average +0.38 22:16.88 22:16.50
1st-10th Place -0.96 16:05.38 16:06.34
1st-25th Place -2.03 16:23.55 16:25.58
1st-50th Place -0.99 16:40.96 16:41.95
1st-100th Place +2.53 17:08.04 17:05.51
Common Athletes -- -- 537
Ran Faster 269 403 134
Ran Season Best -38 65 103
Average Time -46.74 21:24.89 22:11.63
Median Time -49.40 20:58.20 21:47.60
Middle 80% Times -46.14 21:08.79 21:54.93
Top 10% Times -43.95 16:58.37 17:42.32
Top 25% Times -45.92 17:49.28 18:35.20
Top 50% Times -46.57 18:57.08 19:43.64
Bottom 50% Times -46.74 23:47.92 24:34.67
Bottom 25% Times -43.36 25:44.87 26:28.23
Bottom 10% Times -54.16 28:04.19 28:58.35
Average Difference -46.74 -- --
Median Difference -2:18.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -44.66 -- --
Top 10% Difference -35.16 -- --
Top 50% Difference -40.57 -- --
Top 25% Difference -39.89 -- --
Top 50% Difference -40.57 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -53.25 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -55.35 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:11.10 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Carter Stewart Olathe East High School -18.70 15:46.00 16:04.70
Parker Walion Gardner Edgerton High School -1:19.60 16:00.10 17:19.70
Liam Adair Smithville High School -1:39.90 16:07.20 17:47.10
Bennett Meoli Olathe South High School -46.40 16:09.70 16:56.10
Prabhav Pagadala Blue Valley North High School -48.80 16:14.30 17:03.10
Brian Humphrey Rockhurst High School -17.00 16:20.20 16:37.20
Logan Beckman Spring Hill High School -35.30 16:20.40 16:55.70
Henry Acorn Rockhurst High School -22.30 16:20.70 16:43.00
Justin Waldron Rockhurst High School -1:21.10 16:27.90 17:49.00
Cole Burkholder Olathe South High School -29.10 16:28.30 16:57.40
Kaden Lohrentz Buhler High School -25.40 16:31.20 16:56.60
Diego Barron Olathe East High School -24.80 16:32.70 16:57.50
Connor Nicholson Liberty High School -1:30.00 16:36.50 18:06.50
Asa Kellner Smithville High School -30.90 16:37.10 17:08.00
Calen George Spring Hill High School -1:34.80 16:37.50 18:12.30
Conner Doherty Olathe South High School -2:10.50 16:39.60 18:50.10
Noah Summers Blue Valley High School -8.00 16:40.50 16:48.50
Ray Kosgei Olathe North High School -56.50 16:43.30 17:39.80
Dylan Plath Olathe South High School -1:13.80 16:44.00 17:57.80
Derebe Carr Lee's Summit High School -46.70 16:47.30 17:34.00
Kai Somasegaran Rockhurst High School -1:52.00 16:47.90 18:39.90
Brock Olsen Blue Valley West High School -1:01.10 16:50.90 17:52.00
Carter File St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:34.40 16:53.30 18:27.70
Max Larson Shawnee Mission South High School -1:17.50 16:55.60 18:13.10
Robert Falkner Gardner Edgerton High School -1:17.70 16:55.90 18:13.60
August G. Thompson Rockhurst High School -8.50 16:58.90 17:07.40
Andrew McGalliard Rockhurst High School -49.50 16:59.00 17:48.50
Ty Brechler Blue Valley West High School -49.70 17:01.80 17:51.50
Carter France Olathe South High School -1:11.90 17:02.70 18:14.60
Ethan Ochana Olathe East High School -8.10 17:03.20 17:11.30
Quinn Brown Blue Valley West High School -1:13.20 17:03.30 18:16.50
Henry Trumpp Buhler High School -54.20 17:03.60 17:57.80
Jackson Elsey Gardner Edgerton High School -1:04.80 17:04.10 18:08.90
Aidan Scherman Gardner Edgerton High School -1:31.80 17:07.70 18:39.50
Quintin Falk Blue Springs South High School +27.40 17:37.10 17:09.70
Mayo Michael Blue Valley North High School -29.80 17:14.60 17:44.40
Michael Knaussman Shawnee Mission West High School -1:15.20 17:16.30 18:31.50
Breck Brown North Kansas City High School -1:07.20 17:16.30 18:23.50
Ali Habila Oak Park High School -14.40 17:17.50 17:31.90
Luke Ontman Blue Springs High School -26.60 17:18.20 17:44.80
Jonah Thiele Olathe South High School -1:10.00 17:23.30 18:33.30
Joshua Presley Christ Preparatory Academy -1:14.00 17:24.80 18:38.80
Jordan Blanchat Blue Valley Northwest High School -41.50 17:25.80 18:07.30
Connor Monks Shawnee Mission South High School -49.40 17:28.50 18:17.90
Ethan Fleming Lee's Summit High School -17.40 17:28.70 17:46.10
Aaron Kerns Central (St. Joseph) High School +14.20 17:44.10 17:29.90
Jey Durham Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:32.90 17:31.20 19:04.10
Cameron Yutzy Buhler High School -43.90 17:32.80 18:16.70
Christopher Yutzy Buhler High School -1:11.80 17:33.70 18:45.50
Tanner Clippard Park Hill South High School +9.20 17:47.50 17:38.30
Preetish Chigurukota Blue Valley North High School -40.10 17:38.90 18:19.00
Jaeger Hicks Liberty High School -22.90 17:39.40 18:02.30
Daniel Gajewski Rockhurst High School -1:41.40 17:41.50 19:22.90
Calvin Seithel Rockhurst High School -1:03.40 17:42.90 18:46.30
Spencer Hines Buhler High School +16.30 18:00.30 17:44.00
Todd Yeates Liberty High School -1:10.70 17:44.10 18:54.80
Edwuar Flores Olathe North High School -1:59.40 17:44.50 19:43.90
Nathan Phillips Shawnee Mission West High School -18.80 17:46.80 18:05.60
Tanner Hlasney Olathe North High School +1.30 17:48.10 17:46.80
Blake Helling Blue Valley West High School -2:02.90 17:47.70 19:50.60
Ryan Brethour Christ Preparatory Academy -34.50 17:51.10 18:25.60
Ian Dodson Shawnee Mission South High School -55.50 17:52.30 18:47.80
Anjali Hocker Singh Olathe North High School +24.00 18:16.40 17:52.40
Ryan Techau Lee's Summit High School -45.00 17:52.70 18:37.70
Ian Zind Blue Springs South High School -28.90 17:53.10 18:22.00
Bradley Davis Lee's Summit North High School +1.40 17:54.90 17:53.50
Jaise Bardwell Blue Springs High School -40.60 17:53.70 18:34.30
Jack Janovick Spring Hill High School -44.00 17:54.80 18:38.80
Henry Edgeller Blue Valley North High School -1:50.70 17:56.70 19:47.40
Cody Ford Basehor-Linwood High School -1:38.00 17:56.80 19:34.80
Braxton Hays Smithville High School -59.40 17:57.10 18:56.50
Liam Kirkpatrick Shawnee Mission South High School -54.30 17:57.10 18:51.40
Nolan Pestano Smithville High School -42.60 17:57.70 18:40.30
Andrew George Liberty North High School -24.10 17:59.00 18:23.10
Jeremiah Akinbohun Warrensburg High School -2:50.50 17:59.30 20:49.80
Matthew LaSala Rockhurst High School -2:10.20 17:59.80 20:10.00
Tate Chambers Staley High School +1.30 18:03.60 18:02.30
Andrew Mooney Glendale High School -55.20 18:04.00 18:59.20
Jacson Cruse Basehor-Linwood High School -2:17.10 18:05.80 20:22.90
Alan Wang Blue Valley High School -43.90 18:06.10 18:50.00
Colin Miller Smithville High School -37.20 18:06.30 18:43.50
Merik Wilson Smithville High School -2:09.70 18:06.80 20:16.50
Caleb Brightwell North Kansas City High School -19.90 18:07.00 18:26.90
Dainon Mauzey Central (St. Joseph) High School -1:19.70 18:09.20 19:28.90
Connor Postel Gardner Edgerton High School -1:21.00 18:11.60 19:32.60
Breck Lloyd Blue Valley High School -2:12.70 18:13.10 20:25.80
Colin Keaveney Staley High School +10.70 18:24.20 18:13.50
Fawad Khan Liberty High School -32.60 18:13.60 18:46.20
Ben Wachtel Rockhurst High School -1:08.50 18:14.00 19:22.50
Jimmy Bramah Basehor-Linwood High School -1:17.20 18:16.80 19:34.00
Rhett Jenkins Blue Springs South High School +21.20 18:38.30 18:17.10
Boston Long Staley High School -33.10 18:18.20 18:51.30
Brody Irlbeck Staley High School -10.70 18:18.60 18:29.30
Luke Matson Olathe East High School -31.50 18:19.00 18:50.50
Brady Goffinet Rockhurst High School -54.10 18:19.00 19:13.10
Zackary Zumwalt Rockhurst High School -1:09.60 18:21.30 19:30.90
Rowan Walden Blue Valley North High School +4.40 18:28.60 18:24.20
John Malter Smithville High School -39.70 18:24.40 19:04.10
Anderson Withers Glendale High School -44.60 18:26.40 19:11.00
Nate Hallowel Olathe North High School +54.50 19:21.60 18:27.10
Colin Baker Olathe South High School -1:27.20 18:28.50 19:55.70
Jadyn Anthony Shawnee Mission West High School -10.00 18:31.30 18:41.30
Hannah Gibson Shawnee Mission South High School -34.90 18:32.20 19:07.10
Brenden Wood Blue Valley North High School -44.50 18:32.70 19:17.20
Jacob Morrill Lee's Summit High School -1:32.40 18:33.60 20:06.00
Charlie Eyler Shawnee Mission South High School -2:38.40 18:34.60 21:13.00
Aidan Fugate Rockhurst High School -1:32.20 18:34.60 20:06.80
Jarrett Prins Blue Springs High School -1:00.30 18:35.30 19:35.60
Sam Novacek St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:51.50 18:35.90 20:27.40
Atharv Dhekane Blue Valley West High School -1:01.40 18:36.30 19:37.70
James Letterman Glendale High School -1:05.40 18:36.70 19:42.10
Xavier Brown Blue Valley Northwest High School -33.50 18:36.90 19:10.40
Aidan Olson Blue Springs South High School -1:48.90 18:37.60 20:26.50
Julian McNeil Warrensburg High School -1:19.90 18:38.20 19:58.10
Alen Kovac North Kansas City High School +23.90 19:04.10 18:40.20
Ethan Franz Blue Valley North High School -2:00.60 18:41.00 20:41.60
Zachary Hilzinger Park Hill South High School +5.40 18:46.60 18:41.20
Kenneth Pfaff Lee's Summit North High School -1:58.60 18:42.00 20:40.60
Matthew Hobdy North Kansas City High School -15.30 18:44.80 19:00.10
Rylan Trout Olathe South High School -2:31.90 18:45.00 21:16.90
Trent Hallett Smithville High School -27.80 18:47.70 19:15.50
Aidan Smith Spring Hill High School +1:17.00 20:05.20 18:48.20
Jamee Jarman Park Hill South High School -23.70 18:49.40 19:13.10
Connor Deady Rockhurst High School -1:11.90 18:50.30 20:02.20
Atticus Cowan Park Hill South High School -1:56.60 18:50.50 20:47.10
Eric Massaro Gardner Edgerton High School -1:21.00 18:51.50 20:12.50
Benjamin Campbell Shawnee Mission South High School +1.90 18:54.20 18:52.30
Nick Cherney Lee's Summit High School -15.60 18:52.70 19:08.30
Michael Thornton Liberty North High School -37.00 18:53.60 19:30.60
Ryan Rowlett Shawnee Mission West High School -3.30 18:54.10 18:57.40
Brandon Hamilton Olathe North High School +1:29.30 20:23.80 18:54.50
Jacob Tysver Spring Hill High School -59.70 18:54.80 19:54.50
Alex Klappa St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:11.70 18:55.00 20:06.70
Gideon Montgomery Central (St. Joseph) High School -9.80 18:55.60 19:05.40
Caden Childs Blue Springs South High School -1:45.00 18:57.10 20:42.10
Skyler Smitheran Spring Hill High School -1:21.40 18:57.20 20:18.60
Nolan Shaw Rockhurst High School -51.70 18:59.60 19:51.30
Nick Buschschulte Staley High School -35.90 19:06.50 19:42.40
Ashlyn Smith Raymore-Peculiar High School +9.50 19:17.00 19:07.50
Connor Roudebush Rockhurst High School -36.70 19:10.30 19:47.00
Gracie Jacobs St. Teresa's Academy -49.60 19:12.00 20:01.60
Gavin Wilmes Excelsior Springs High School -1:25.50 19:12.10 20:37.60
Alex Francis Liberty North High School -1:21.30 19:12.40 20:33.70
Zachary Sarnell Staley High School -27.30 19:13.10 19:40.40
Ethan Irving Park Hill South High School -45.70 19:13.20 19:58.90
Naomi Hunter Smithville High School -31.50 19:13.60 19:45.10
Miles Boyce Staley High School -25.50 19:15.90 19:41.40
Benjamin Brogan Park Hill South High School -2:31.20 19:16.00 21:47.20
Parker O'Dell Olathe South High School -54.40 19:18.60 20:13.00
Joshua Clarkson Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:53.80 19:19.60 21:13.40
Aiden Kendrick Oak Park High School +7.20 19:27.20 19:20.00
Benjamin Deardorff Blue Valley Northwest High School +14.10 19:36.00 19:21.90
William Bailey Smithville High School -30.50 19:22.00 19:52.50
Daniel Finke Liberty High School -1:57.40 19:23.40 21:20.80
Walker Roberts Spring Hill High School -1:50.80 19:23.40 21:14.20
Logan Klusman Olathe North High School -1.10 19:26.10 19:27.20
Lane Lamping Basehor-Linwood High School -1:30.30 19:26.20 20:56.50
Weston Peters Park Hill South High School -1:45.70 19:26.20 21:11.90
Leo Scaletty St. Thomas Aquinas High School -56.20 19:27.40 20:23.60
Seth Greener Gardner Edgerton High School -1:10.90 19:27.50 20:38.40
Avery Raymond Raymore-Peculiar High School -24.40 19:28.50 19:52.90
Joseph Zeffiro Blue Springs South High School -49.20 19:30.50 20:19.70
Aiden Burkhart Basehor-Linwood High School +1:32.30 21:03.10 19:30.80
Emmerson Allen Blue Springs South High School -28.40 19:31.10 19:59.50
Will Trickett Lee's Summit High School -1:43.10 19:32.10 21:15.20
Miles Bingham Park Hill South High School -1:08.50 19:32.20 20:40.70
Ella Brown Liberty High School -1:35.20 19:32.70 21:07.90
Laya Erickson Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:46.40 19:32.80 21:19.20
Abby Allen Blue Valley Northwest High School -23.10 19:33.60 19:56.70
William Clark Blue Valley West High School +10.60 19:44.30 19:33.70
Ethan Broockerd Olathe East High School -47.80 19:34.10 20:21.90
Caitlin Grover Blue Springs South High School -23.50 19:34.20 19:57.70
Michael Denk Rockhurst High School -2:36.20 19:34.20 22:10.40
Myriel Chavez Blue Springs High School -1:23.90 19:35.30 20:59.20
Amy Gotfredson Olathe South High School +10.90 19:49.80 19:38.90
Marshall Heck Lee's Summit High School -59.60 19:39.10 20:38.70
Peter Gunter Rockhurst High School -19.30 19:39.30 19:58.60
William Aranjo Olathe East High School -1:08.30 19:39.50 20:47.80
Sebastian Laffoon Basehor-Linwood High School -3:31.70 19:40.70 23:12.40
Gage Coffman Basehor-Linwood High School -3:31.20 19:41.00 23:12.20
Quinn Lawson Glendale High School -30.60 19:41.30 20:11.90
Terry Lillis Blue Valley Northwest High School +1:15.40 20:58.00 19:42.60
Christian Hill Blue Springs South High School -1:50.80 19:42.90 21:33.70
Magdalene Boley Blue Springs South High School +2.70 19:45.80 19:43.10
Patrik McAdams Oak Park High School -1:27.60 19:43.70 21:11.30
Emily Vandaveer Olathe South High School +30.50 20:14.80 19:44.30
Ky Townsend Olathe North High School -7.80 19:45.30 19:53.10
Aidan Oberholtzer Olathe South High School -36.20 19:45.90 20:22.10
Shea Johnson Olathe North High School +45.80 20:31.90 19:46.10
Henry Liles Central (St. Joseph) High School +25.90 20:12.60 19:46.70
Charles Porto Rockhurst High School -2:18.90 19:48.20 22:07.10
Michael Grantham Rockhurst High School +15.70 20:04.10 19:48.40
John Ridder Liberty North High School -24.30 19:49.20 20:13.50
Carter Enslinger Blue Valley West High School -1:03.10 19:49.30 20:52.40
John Paul Schafer Rockhurst High School -2:37.90 19:51.80 22:29.70
Ella Rew Blue Springs South High School -1:27.40 19:52.90 21:20.30
Alexis Borum Raymore-Peculiar High School +10.10 20:03.20 19:53.10
Meredith Serrano Olathe East High School -1:29.50 19:55.40 21:24.90
Jacob Durant Olathe North High School -37.90 19:55.40 20:33.30
Prosper Ott Rockhurst High School -2:15.10 19:55.50 22:10.60
Ziga Lomshek St. Thomas Aquinas High School +14.70 20:10.80 19:56.10
Ava Gehlen Olathe East High School -15.50 19:56.80 20:12.30
Julean McGregor Summit Christian Academy High School -57.30 19:58.80 20:56.10
Dominic Achille Liberty High School -1:43.80 19:59.30 21:43.10
Adrian Cantrell Liberty High School -1:47.20 20:00.40 21:47.60
Hunter VerDught North Kansas City High School -30.40 20:01.80 20:32.20
Marcus Otero Basehor-Linwood High School -1:09.00 20:01.90 21:10.90
Matthew Burns Shawnee Mission South High School -56.20 20:02.80 20:59.00
Andrew Shipman Rockhurst High School -1:30.30 20:03.60 21:33.90
Graham Spiess St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3:03.50 20:06.60 23:10.10
Mitchel Foster Oak Park High School -4:52.30 20:07.60 24:59.90
Britta Foust Liberty High School -36.80 20:07.70 20:44.50
Adam Church Olathe East High School -1:14.30 20:08.00 21:22.30
Zachary Hudson Glendale High School +26.50 20:35.40 20:08.90
Isaac Rose Blue Springs South High School -1:01.30 20:09.90 21:11.20
Ethan Burnham Liberty High School -1:07.90 20:14.20 21:22.10
Ayden Janning Smithville High School -44.10 20:14.70 20:58.80
Ricky Arquieta Blue Valley High School -3:21.00 20:15.90 23:36.90
Lillian Grever St. Teresa's Academy +2.20 20:18.30 20:16.10
Preston Lundgren Liberty High School -3:30.70 20:16.40 23:47.10
Ben Espenmiller St. Thomas Aquinas High School +2.10 20:19.40 20:17.30
Noah Kavan Blue Valley West High School -2:54.90 20:17.40 23:12.30
Peyton Jones Oak Park High School -2:19.30 20:19.10 22:38.40
Eric Irving Park Hill South High School +24.80 20:44.00 20:19.20
Austin Lee Lee's Summit North High School -36.80 20:19.70 20:56.50
Gannon Suarez Basehor-Linwood High School -2:33.70 20:20.90 22:54.60
Aaron Clarke Park Hill South High School -23.60 20:21.50 20:45.10
Grayson Yoder Olathe South High School -2:32.40 20:21.80 22:54.20
Jericho Blecha Smithville High School -2:22.90 20:22.50 22:45.40
Bryce Akin Glendale High School +26.40 20:49.60 20:23.20
Avery Adair Staley High School -25.60 20:23.30 20:48.90
Andrei Jones Blue Valley Northwest High School -2:38.80 20:23.50 23:02.30
Elizabeth Kurtz Christ Preparatory Academy -23.40 20:23.80 20:47.20
Brady Brown Rockhurst High School -2:50.20 20:26.20 23:16.40
Daryl Burns Central (St. Joseph) High School -2:11.10 20:27.50 22:38.60
Henry Bosco Rockhurst High School -2:08.30 20:28.30 22:36.60
Zane Keefover Basehor-Linwood High School -18.70 20:29.60 20:48.30
Hudson Brown Blue Valley North High School -4:48.00 20:29.90 25:17.90
Eoin Harrison Lincoln College Prep. High School -1:47.00 20:31.70 22:18.70
Ella Conklin Park Hill South High School +4.00 20:36.60 20:32.60
Makenzie Crum Olathe North High School -2:29.50 20:34.00 23:03.50
Tiffany Chatfield Raymore-Peculiar High School +37.90 21:15.00 20:37.10
James Mcbride Blue Valley Northwest High School -17.60 20:37.20 20:54.80
Emma Lord Olathe East High School +0.10 20:38.20 20:38.10
Marissa Roberts Liberty North High School -30.60 20:38.80 21:09.40
Sarah Farrens Gardner Edgerton High School -2:10.50 20:39.30 22:49.80
Philip Whiteside St. Thomas Aquinas High School -17.70 20:39.90 20:57.60
Leo Faulkner Rockhurst High School -1:57.60 20:40.50 22:38.10
Isabel Chatfield Raymore-Peculiar High School -15.30 20:41.90 20:57.20
Landon Pribyl Olathe North High School -43.80 20:42.00 21:25.80
Ryan Clements Blue Springs South High School +58.20 21:41.20 20:43.00
Owen Walsh Rockhurst High School -14.60 20:43.30 20:57.90
Nils Casey Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:42.80 20:43.30 22:26.10
Samuel Keenan Rockhurst High School +2:36.30 23:20.10 20:43.80
Parker Shipp Lee's Summit High School -4:59.90 20:44.00 25:43.90
Lewis Suttle Olathe North High School -27.90 20:45.00 21:12.90
Adrian Palan Rockhurst High School -46.00 20:45.30 21:31.30
Daniel Hodes Rockhurst High School +32.70 21:18.20 20:45.50
Cambell Grosdidier Liberty High School -41.10 20:45.80 21:26.90
Calianne Jackson Olathe East High School -2:00.10 20:45.90 22:46.00
Thomas Brady Staley High School -1:21.80 20:46.00 22:07.80
Kevin Sanford Spring Hill High School -2:38.60 20:46.50 23:25.10
Isabella Meili Gardner Edgerton High School -1:40.30 20:47.10 22:27.40
Justin O'Brien Park Hill South High School -24.80 20:47.60 21:12.40
Amelia Rittel St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3:13.80 20:48.20 24:02.00
Cora Katzenberger Olathe North High School -6.10 20:48.40 20:54.50
Evan Vielhauer Basehor-Linwood High School -42.40 20:49.20 21:31.60
Jordan Culton Olathe East High School -1:58.80 20:51.90 22:50.70
Adriana Mcgregor Summit Christian Academy High School +8.10 21:00.80 20:52.70
Lucy Wooden St. Teresa's Academy -1:23.60 20:56.00 22:19.60
Kaylee Hill Raymore-Peculiar High School -1:04.50 20:56.40 22:00.90
Lakin Essex Christ Preparatory Academy -43.70 20:56.40 21:40.10
Paige Thielen Blue Springs South High School -1:19.00 20:56.80 22:15.80
Maya York Raymore-Peculiar High School -31.60 20:57.80 21:29.40
Thomas Jayroe Liberty High School -21.80 20:58.20 21:20.00
Will Thiel Shawnee Mission South High School +1:32.80 22:31.50 20:58.70
Caroline Haines Blue Springs South High School -2:14.30 20:58.80 23:13.10
Alaina Thomas Oak Park High School -12.70 20:59.30 21:12.00
Miles Goodman Lee's Summit North High School -1:29.30 21:00.10 22:29.40
Ellie Barker Raymore-Peculiar High School -22.90 21:01.30 21:24.20
Brandon Phillips Glendale High School +52.00 21:54.50 21:02.50
Lindsay Warner Buhler High School +5.80 21:08.50 21:02.70
Caroline Dilts Liberty North High School -1:34.70 21:03.20 22:37.90
Eli Ford Olathe South High School -2:34.40 21:03.50 23:37.90
Tessa Turner Basehor-Linwood High School -1:22.40 21:04.70 22:27.10
Luke Bandre Blue Valley West High School +27.20 21:34.00 21:06.80
Ryan Duewer Blue Valley High School -1:49.80 21:07.60 22:57.40
Jameson Rogers Blue Valley West High School -1:06.20 21:07.90 22:14.10
Derek DeVries Olathe East High School -15.20 21:08.30 21:23.50
Eve Snyder Shawnee Mission South High School -18.20 21:08.70 21:26.90
Brandon Stawinski Basehor-Linwood High School -2:03.00 21:09.00 23:12.00
Avery Odgers Blue Valley West High School +1:48.50 22:57.70 21:09.20
Caden Gallet St. Thomas Aquinas High School -2:13.80 21:09.50 23:23.30
Malia Nicholson Blue Valley North High School +30.50 21:40.60 21:10.10
Cassidy Montgomery Lee's Summit North High School -17.80 21:10.70 21:28.50
Niah Blachly Olathe North High School +12.40 21:23.70 21:11.30
Reagan Phillips Liberty High School -2:00.90 21:11.80 23:12.70
Kate Penhallow Spring Hill High School +1:15.20 22:28.20 21:13.00
Tarin Simpson Glendale High School +2:23.30 23:37.10 21:13.80
DANIEL WILLIAMS Ruskin High School -41.50 21:13.90 21:55.40
Kyla Nguyen Staley High School -29.10 21:14.10 21:43.20
Graham Elbert Lee's Summit High School -1:53.00 21:15.30 23:08.30
Mia Jacobs Olathe South High School -36.30 21:15.90 21:52.20
Riley Oshel Liberty North High School +38.00 21:54.90 21:16.90
Ben Friesen Olathe North High School -35.90 21:16.90 21:52.80
Michael Boersma Rockhurst High School -1:49.30 21:17.10 23:06.40
Bennett Ramstad Blue Valley High School +16.00 21:33.20 21:17.20
Samuel Olson Olathe North High School -3:10.90 21:18.00 24:28.90
Michael Horton Kansas City Turner High School +50.40 22:08.90 21:18.50
Kevin Li Blue Valley Northwest High School +19.30 21:39.50 21:20.20
Caroline Swift Shawnee Mission South High School +1:05.10 22:25.80 21:20.70
Cooper Cable Staley High School +2:59.80 24:20.80 21:21.00
Jack Schellhorn Staley High School -29.80 21:22.40 21:52.20
Allyson Grow Liberty North High School +16.10 21:40.90 21:24.80
Liam Wreford Blue Valley Southwest High School -25.70 21:24.90 21:50.60
Eli Hight Shawnee Mission West High School -5:09.10 21:25.20 26:34.30
Keenan Fries Blue Valley West High School -4:22.50 21:26.30 25:48.80
Taryn Horning Buhler High School -31.80 21:28.00 21:59.80
Ava French Olathe North High School -55.00 21:29.70 22:24.70
Avery Fellingham Olathe South High School -1:43.90 21:30.90 23:14.80
Drake Lewis Rockhurst High School -1:57.70 21:32.00 23:29.70
Nick Horlacher Shawnee Mission West High School -1:59.40 21:32.30 23:31.70
Julia Swearengin Olathe South High School -16.10 21:32.50 21:48.60
Mary Whiteside St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3.80 21:34.30 21:38.10
Hayley Neff Blue Springs South High School +1:33.20 23:08.60 21:35.40
Payton Schulte Spring Hill High School -46.70 21:36.30 22:23.00
Anna McKnight Basehor-Linwood High School -1:10.00 21:37.40 22:47.40
Julia Sulzer St. Teresa's Academy +11.60 21:49.20 21:37.60
Landry Johnson Blue Springs South High School -5.10 21:39.20 21:44.30
Meredith Myers Lee's Summit North High School -4:03.40 21:39.60 25:43.00
Mary Schumm Notre Dame de Sion High School -24.50 21:40.10 22:04.60
Ethan Zhang Blue Valley Northwest High School +34.70 22:15.50 21:40.80
Lorren Chatfield Raymore-Peculiar High School +1:36.70 23:18.40 21:41.70
Grant Moore Warrensburg High School -2:50.50 21:42.60 24:33.10
Joey Veverka Blue Valley West High School +1:17.20 23:00.40 21:43.20
James Henderson Basehor-Linwood High School -3:01.00 21:44.90 24:45.90
Audrey Brown Blue Valley North High School -2:33.90 21:45.50 24:19.40
Nolan Roeder Rockhurst High School -1:42.00 21:46.50 23:28.50
Arden Peterson Blue Valley High School +1:15.30 23:03.10 21:47.80
Hyeseong Song Blue Valley North High School -47.20 21:48.10 22:35.30
Efren Torres Shawnee Mission West High School -2:38.30 21:48.70 24:27.00
Krysten Hamby Buhler High School -1:05.90 21:49.90 22:55.80
Keyler Quessenberry Summit Christian Academy High School +16.20 22:06.10 21:49.90
Adeline Higgerson St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:16.50 21:50.30 23:06.80
Benjamin Grilliot Rockhurst High School -2:04.80 21:50.60 23:55.40
Abby Hayes Christ Preparatory Academy +9.80 22:02.30 21:52.50
Rachel Hostetler Blue Valley Northwest High School +21.80 22:14.90 21:53.10
Bailey Cutler Smithville High School -28.90 21:53.20 22:22.10
Aidan Hurley Liberty North High School -1:48.50 21:53.60 23:42.10
Brooke Wagoner Olathe North High School -39.30 21:54.20 22:33.50
Lucie Epema Summit Christian Academy High School -38.40 21:55.90 22:34.30
Shira Pellegrino Blue Valley West High School -24.00 21:56.20 22:20.20
Halee Horner Blue Valley West High School -2:11.20 21:57.00 24:08.20
Elliot Vogelaar Liberty High School -1:23.60 21:57.00 23:20.60
Charlotte Timba Liberty High School -2:30.80 21:57.60 24:28.40
Braeden George Spring Hill High School -56.80 21:59.90 22:56.70
Hannah Elliott Gardner Edgerton High School +26.90 22:30.00 22:03.10
McKinzie Parks Summit Christian Academy High School +13.40 22:17.00 22:03.60
Anston Sorensen Warrensburg High School -2:03.80 22:03.80 24:07.60
Macy Strobel Park Hill South High School +37.90 22:42.90 22:05.00
Delaney Nash Park Hill South High School +43.90 22:49.20 22:05.30
Carter Gabrick Park Hill South High School -1:21.70 22:09.20 23:30.90
Courtney Busta Blue Valley High School -42.10 22:09.90 22:52.00
Hannah Deister Lee's Summit North High School -5.50 22:10.00 22:15.50
Lizzy Hostetler Blue Valley Northwest High School -55.30 22:11.90 23:07.20
Makayla Little Buhler High School -59.00 22:13.10 23:12.10
Elizabeth Akers St. Teresa's Academy -1:58.00 22:13.30 24:11.30
Micaella Gamboa Blue Valley North High School -2:26.80 22:15.10 24:41.90
Silas O'Dell Excelsior Springs High School +19.10 22:34.90 22:15.80
Stella Kneidel St. Thomas Aquinas High School -55.40 22:17.00 23:12.40
Lucy Morris Blue Springs South High School -54.10 22:17.40 23:11.50
Emily Steinlage Basehor-Linwood High School -1:49.30 22:18.80 24:08.10
Austin Carrington Staley High School -22.40 22:19.40 22:41.80
Malorie McRostie Olathe East High School +1:08.80 23:30.70 22:21.90
Michelle Ge Olathe East High School +17.20 22:39.80 22:22.60
Emma Ramboldt Blue Valley North High School -48.20 22:22.80 23:11.00
Katherine Coats Summit Christian Academy High School +0.20 22:23.80 22:23.60
Michael Phillips Blue Valley West High School +11.70 22:35.80 22:24.10
Ben Eucker Shawnee Mission West High School -12.40 22:25.20 22:37.60
Josh Reutlinger Basehor-Linwood High School -1:32.20 22:27.50 23:59.70
Jasmine Meza Liberty North High School +11.00 22:38.90 22:27.90
McKenzie Welch Buhler High School -11.50 22:30.40 22:41.90
Diesel Nava Oak Park High School -1:52.10 22:30.50 24:22.60
Maddie Tuohey Shawnee Mission South High School -1:53.00 22:31.10 24:24.10
Nicolina Kilgore St. Teresa's Academy +5.60 22:38.00 22:32.40
Sydney Smith St. Teresa's Academy -35.50 22:32.80 23:08.30
Janie Perico Christ Preparatory Academy -34.10 22:33.00 23:07.10
Kayla Canchola Park Hill South High School -20.40 22:34.00 22:54.40
Meadow Lepert Lee's Summit North High School +29.20 23:03.60 22:34.40
Marina Parks Summit Christian Academy High School -5.80 22:35.00 22:40.80
Tessa Haik Glendale High School +45.30 23:20.50 22:35.20
Kylan Welles Central (St. Joseph) High School +53.40 23:30.90 22:37.50
Madeline Knox St. Teresa's Academy -48.80 22:38.20 23:27.00
Julia Osgood Summit Christian Academy High School -49.70 22:39.90 23:29.60
Emma Gebbia Warrensburg High School -7.00 22:40.30 22:47.30
Megan Kelley Notre Dame de Sion High School +7.20 22:47.60 22:40.40
Logan Sullivan Park Hill South High School -8:44.70 22:42.90 31:27.60
Evelyn Parker St. Teresa's Academy +26.20 23:10.00 22:43.80
Meredith Wheeler Park Hill South High School -1:18.80 22:45.40 24:04.20
Caroline Clarke Gardner Edgerton High School -1:06.10 22:46.60 23:52.70
Chloe Stein Blue Springs South High School +1:34.00 24:21.00 22:47.00
Reece Lesch Oak Park High School +2:31.80 25:18.90 22:47.10
Chloe Bilen Liberty North High School +33.70 23:24.10 22:50.40
Ella Anderson Olathe South High School -44.00 22:52.20 23:36.20
Kila Yoyo North Kansas City High School -49.40 22:53.50 23:42.90
Samuel Simpson Blue Valley North High School -2:29.90 22:54.40 25:24.30
Ally Heintz Staley High School -14.60 22:56.70 23:11.30
Charles Lundstrom Rockhurst High School -1:40.30 22:58.10 24:38.40
Alexis Platz Oak Park High School -10.60 22:58.80 23:09.40
Brooke Kreeger Blue Valley Northwest High School -9.90 23:01.50 23:11.40
Grace Flener Liberty North High School +11.10 23:13.80 23:02.70
Victoria Calder Liberty North High School +35.40 23:39.00 23:03.60
Damien McDade Excelsior Springs High School +1:23.90 24:27.70 23:03.80
Jack Horst Blue Valley West High School -1:07.60 23:04.90 24:12.50
Adela Lipari Blue Valley High School +1:48.40 24:53.60 23:05.20
Caden Stipek St. Thomas Aquinas High School -5.00 23:08.60 23:13.60
Leah Campo St. Teresa's Academy -52.60 23:12.20 24:04.80
Lola Clark Lincoln College Prep. High School -5:56.60 23:12.50 29:09.10
Keira Ho Olathe South High School +20.00 23:33.10 23:13.10
Wesley Yang Basehor-Linwood High School -1:41.20 23:14.80 24:56.00
Ariana Ruiz Liberty High School -3:00.70 23:17.90 26:18.60
Timothy Perry Oak Park High School -27.30 23:19.10 23:46.40
Ysabella Olsen Park Hill South High School +2:13.00 25:33.30 23:20.30
Grace Caswell Blue Valley North High School -52.70 23:21.20 24:13.90
Tierney Leathers Blue Valley Northwest High School -17.90 23:21.90 23:39.80
Avery McKenna Staley High School +37.10 24:00.10 23:23.00
Elizabeth Connor St. Teresa's Academy -12.20 23:23.20 23:35.40
Lucia Eshleman Blue Valley North High School -56.40 23:25.40 24:21.80
Caroline Doerfler St. Thomas Aquinas High School -18.70 23:29.40 23:48.10
Hannah White Glendale High School -19.70 23:30.30 23:50.00
Isaac Boos Blue Valley Northwest High School -2:46.30 23:31.40 26:17.70
Kiana Navratil Spring Hill High School -35.40 23:32.50 24:07.90
Marisa Freeman Blue Valley North High School +1:52.50 25:26.20 23:33.70
Phaedra Hickman Raymore-Peculiar High School +0.80 23:36.50 23:35.70
Spencer Wrinkle Glendale High School -1:10.70 23:38.10 24:48.80
Julia Lipp Staley High School -35.60 23:41.20 24:16.80
Emma Bloom Blue Springs South High School -10.70 23:41.90 23:52.60
Olivia Welhoelter Blue Valley North High School -1:09.70 23:43.30 24:53.00
Lilly Kentner Olathe South High School -2:25.00 23:44.60 26:09.60
August Dunn Blue Valley North High School -2:28.60 23:46.80 26:15.40
Jacqueline Kallas St. Teresa's Academy -23.60 23:47.10 24:10.70
Avery Waters Blue Valley High School +1:04.20 24:51.50 23:47.30
Sage Baker Glendale High School -14.10 23:51.60 24:05.70
Zoey Chambers Notre Dame de Sion High School -46.60 23:52.80 24:39.40
Sean Quijano Blue Valley Southwest High School -45.10 23:54.00 24:39.10
Adelyn O'Hanlon Spring Hill High School -5.70 23:56.80 24:02.50
Sophia Meyer St. Thomas Aquinas High School +10.80 24:08.80 23:58.00
William DelPorto Liberty High School -16.40 23:58.20 24:14.60
Abby Ponnuru Shawnee Mission South High School -12.10 23:59.50 24:11.60
Macy Vance St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:05.90 24:00.30 25:06.20
Sadie Parr Basehor-Linwood High School -6:08.40 24:02.30 30:10.70
Tate Baron Blue Valley North High School -38.40 24:02.50 24:40.90
Hannah Sartain Blue Springs South High School -5:07.30 24:03.00 29:10.30
Celia Shaw St. Teresa's Academy +1:38.30 25:45.50 24:07.20
Hayley Riddle Blue Valley Northwest High School +44.20 24:53.20 24:09.00
George Hauber Gardner Edgerton High School +2:39.40 26:50.40 24:11.00
Sarina Malisos Liberty North High School +2:56.00 27:07.10 24:11.10
Elsie Wickham Liberty North High School +19.90 24:31.00 24:11.10
Laine Bushmeyer Warrensburg High School +1:34.90 25:46.90 24:12.00
Sophie Emerson St. Teresa's Academy -25.30 24:14.40 24:39.70
Norah Mason Lee's Summit North High School -47.30 24:21.10 25:08.40
Charlie Starr Blue Valley High School -3:03.80 24:21.20 27:25.00
Emma Novosel St. Teresa's Academy -31.70 24:21.40 24:53.10
Maria Petersohn Blue Valley High School +1:50.90 26:13.00 24:22.10
Tibby Wolfe Olathe East High School -4:19.60 24:24.20 28:43.80
Ryan Roberts Blue Valley North High School -13.10 24:31.00 24:44.10
Clara Griffith Glendale High School -0.70 24:35.90 24:36.60
Ainsley Benda Staley High School -2:20.70 24:36.10 26:56.80
Layla Gates St. Teresa's Academy +15.70 24:53.20 24:37.50
Josephine Goodin Park Hill South High School +2:51.60 27:30.40 24:38.80
Emeri Erickson Basehor-Linwood High School -1:25.70 24:40.90 26:06.60
Tessa Minter Oak Park High School -5:26.40 24:43.00 30:09.40
Jordan Pollard Blue Springs South High School -25.50 24:43.40 25:08.90
Helaina Wald Smithville High School -3:19.30 24:46.30 28:05.60
Ella Neir Lee's Summit North High School +54.10 25:41.20 24:47.10
Samantha Balling St. Teresa's Academy +14.30 25:01.80 24:47.50
Ava Houtsma Warrensburg High School -1:54.00 24:52.80 26:46.80
Elena Butler Blue Springs South High School +1:28.70 26:22.20 24:53.50
Penelope Robertson St. Teresa's Academy +57.30 25:51.80 24:54.50
Megan Adriano St. Teresa's Academy -29.80 24:55.20 25:25.00
Angela Zhen Blue Valley West High School -1:17.50 24:55.40 26:12.90
Juliet Parra St. Teresa's Academy -3:00.30 24:57.90 27:58.20
Kate Swift Shawnee Mission South High School -2:19.00 24:58.60 27:17.60
Teresa Elfrink St. Teresa's Academy -2:57.60 24:59.50 27:57.10
Hannah Edwards Olathe South High School +1:08.90 26:10.70 25:01.80
Anna Redline Smithville High School +1:27.90 26:32.50 25:04.60
Cindy Huynh North Kansas City High School +1:17.60 26:24.10 25:06.50
Wesley Malloy Gardner Edgerton High School -3:35.80 25:08.20 28:44.00
Ethan Bull Oak Park High School +1:12.40 26:21.00 25:08.60
Lauren Smith Notre Dame de Sion High School -1:06.20 25:10.10 26:16.30
Maggie Schmidt Park Hill South High School -2:00.50 25:12.00 27:12.50
Jadyn Fleckal Liberty High School -3:18.90 25:13.20 28:32.10
Libby Fry Gardner Edgerton High School -1:58.70 25:13.20 27:11.90
Sage Keefover Basehor-Linwood High School -3.60 25:17.00 25:20.60
Kylee Gray Oak Park High School +0.40 25:19.60 25:19.20
Anna Shaughnessy Blue Valley Northwest High School +3:23.80 28:44.60 25:20.80
Alex Witt St. Thomas Aquinas High School +23.00 25:45.60 25:22.60
Elaine Morrison Staley High School -25.20 25:24.90 25:50.10
Nori Steele Central (St. Joseph) High School +3:40.40 29:05.50 25:25.10
William Ravanesi Blue Valley Southwest High School -4:00.90 25:27.20 29:28.10
Mike Shick Spring Hill High School +2:10.90 27:44.10 25:33.20
Ava Grace St. Thomas Aquinas High School +46.40 26:23.00 25:36.60
Sophia Lane Liberty High School +15.30 25:56.50 25:41.20
Nathan Neal Olathe South High School -2:55.90 25:41.30 28:37.20
Anna Culross Lee's Summit North High School -1:01.80 25:47.90 26:49.70
Dylan Adkins Rockhurst High School +6:05.00 31:57.90 25:52.90
Kara Fitzpatrick Park Hill South High School +3:35.40 29:30.20 25:54.80
Lauren Ohlde Shawnee Mission South High School +33.60 26:31.40 25:57.80
Nataly Gutierrez Blue Springs South High School +36.40 26:39.40 26:03.00
Cristian Alvarado Kansas City Turner High School +3:58.20 30:01.70 26:03.50
Cassidy Macrander Central (St. Joseph) High School -1:53.40 26:04.20 27:57.60
Aniya Coleman Park Hill South High School -3:40.80 26:09.20 29:50.00
Taylor Steenson Blue Valley Northwest High School +2:32.60 29:00.30 26:27.70
Catalina Martin Del Campo Shawnee Mission West High School -12.70 26:38.10 26:50.80
Bayley Freeman Smithville High School -1.00 26:53.30 26:54.30
Victor Xiao Blue Valley West High School -1:43.20 26:56.60 28:39.80
Bridget Love Lincoln College Prep. High School -5:11.60 27:17.00 32:28.60
Annalisa Bosley Smithville High School -1:43.50 27:21.00 29:04.50
Madeline Lillich Shawnee Mission South High School -2:39.90 27:23.00 30:02.90
Tamar Reem Blue Valley High School +1:51.00 29:14.70 27:23.70
Gwyneth Brown Shawnee Mission South High School -34.40 27:43.50 28:17.90
Abigail Kratofil Blue Valley Northwest High School +4:05.60 31:57.90 27:52.30
Isabella King Shawnee Mission South High School +30.20 28:34.50 28:04.30
Addison Hobbs Blue Springs South High School -30.70 28:50.80 29:21.50
Bradyn Kerr Shawnee Mission South High School -58.00 28:51.60 29:49.60
Katherine Koplik Blue Valley North High School -1:57.20 29:06.30 31:03.50
Aisatu Nakoulima North Kansas City High School -1:10.70 29:12.60 30:23.30
Ian Lasalle Blue Valley West High School +30.50 29:54.70 29:24.20
Isabel Gollhofer St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3:57.40 29:31.50 33:28.90
Noah Vallance Glendale High School -11.60 29:32.70 29:44.30
Julianna Verhulst Oak Park High School -5:17.70 30:14.30 35:32.00
Holly Miller Basehor-Linwood High School -1:06.90 30:24.50 31:31.40
BobbyLynne Zinnah North Kansas City High School +15.20 31:05.30 30:50.10
Daranaim Arbab Lincoln College Prep. High School -20.50 31:36.50 31:57.00
Brooklynn Ebmrree Blue Valley Northwest High School +49.90 32:50.00 32:00.10
Kelly Adams Basehor-Linwood High School -1:53.60 32:24.00 34:17.60
Morgan Wrinkle Glendale High School -15.70 32:58.90 33:14.60