Blair Oaks High School Invitational - Canceled 2023

Jefferson City, MO

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Everitt, Bradley Versailles High School
Casey Jr, Nathan Blair Oaks High School
Boyer, Lucas 11.54 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Lanigan, Jacob 11.63 Helias Catholic High School
CLARK, ANTHONY 11.65 Versailles High School
Marberry, Alex 11.73 Helias Catholic High School
Jacaway, Carson 11.83 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Sieling, Dakota 11.85 Eldon High School
Roam, Aiden 11.87 Eldon High School
Cain, Aidan 11.93 Sullivan High School
Owen, Josh 11.99 Salem High School
Campbell, Wyatt 12.01 Salem High School
Neuenswander, Henry 12.01 Helias Catholic High School
Baggett, Woodley 12.03 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Koenigsfeld, Tyler 12.09 Fatima High School
Christian, Jackson 12.09 Blair Oaks High School
Elliott, Blake 12.11 Owensville High School
Richardson, Will 12.12 Eldon High School
Crisostomo, Deven 12.14 Helias Catholic High School
Luckett, Elijah 12.15 Blair Oaks High School
Mendenhall, Evan 12.31 Salem High School
Meyer, Tanner 12.32 Owensville High School
Beagle, Zechariah 12.32 Sullivan High School
Kraus, Wyatt 12.49 Sullivan High School
Vernellus, Andres 12.58 Salem High School
Rugen, Michael 12.65 Eldon High School
Kesel, Ryan 12.66 Fatima High School
Hager, Brady 12.76 Fatima High School
Lepage, Lukas 12.80 Blair Oaks High School
NEWTON, LOGAN 12.95 Versailles High School
Edler, Toby 13.1 Blair Oaks High School
Gates, Keontrae 13.14 Owensville High School
Sneller, Jaxon 13.23 Blair Oaks High School
VanVleck, Bradly 13.26 Iberia High School
Suthoff, Brock 13.33 Blair Oaks High School
Stockman, Matthew 13.36 Blair Oaks High School
Kisner, Brayden 13.45 Sullivan High School
Kesel, Samuel 13.5 Blair Oaks High School
RAINEY, KANE 13.58 Versailles High School
Delong, Luis 13.62 Owensville High School
Fooks, Simon 13.8 Blair Oaks High School
Earhart, Lucas 13.95 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Caudle, Kaiden 16.18 Blair Oaks High School
McCarty, Kyle 20.29 Blair Oaks High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Koontz, Matthew Salem High School
Bertesi, Umberto Owensville High School
Beanland, Brody Eldon High School
Olla, Mattia Salem High School
Jackson, Jacob Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Bennett, Andrew Salem High School
Payne, Bryce 14.89 Owensville High School
Kraus, Wyatt 15.67 Sullivan High School
Hoelscher, Landon 16.11 Helias Catholic High School
Beanland, Andrew 16.38 Eldon High School
Edwards, Quade 17.16 Helias Catholic High School
Birdno, Evan 17.55 Eldon High School
York, Robert 18.14 Sullivan High School
Schmidt, Julian 18.27 Helias Catholic High School
Rackers, Jace 18.31 Blair Oaks High School
Engelbrecht, Jaxon 18.90 Blair Oaks High School
HUDSON, DYLAN 19.52 Versailles High School
Schulte, Jonathan 19.86 Fatima High School
Harris, Ethan 21.30 Owensville High School
Fisher, Connor 21.35 Owensville High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez Cardenas, Gabriel Father Tolton Regional Catholic
York, Derrick Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Thies, Nicholas Salem High School
Dowell, Christopher Versailles High School
Brown, Brendan Salem High School
DeHart, Kurtis Salem High School
Reynolds, Nathan 4:34.16 Eldon High School
Hermann, Quentin 4:42.57 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Guerrero, Felix 4:44.07 Owensville High School
Glaude, John 4:51.64 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Doolittle, Noah 4:57.24 Helias Catholic High School
Berhorst, Cody 4:59.06 Fatima High School
Ammons, Nick 5:04.04 Helias Catholic High School
Kampeter, Cody 5:14.22 Fatima High School
Benne, Ian 5:18.29 Helias Catholic High School
Arnold, Jacob 5:28.18 Eldon High School
Parks, Matthew 5:28.27 Salem High School
Taylor, William 5:30.40 Versailles High School
Wieberg, Jonathan 5:30.69 Helias Catholic High School
PRYOR, RYLEY 5:41.38 Versailles High School
Bollman, Kyle 5:54.37 Owensville High School
Studdard, Ian 6:04.22 Sullivan High School
Mace, Emerson 6:18.62 Iberia High School
Berlener, Maddox 6:24.46 Eldon High School
Perry, Blake 6:26.72 Iberia High School
Whaley, Parker 6:29.68 Sullivan High School
Harper-O'Bryan, Domunik 6:33.57 Versailles High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Welch, Jonathon Salem High School
Everitt, Bradley Versailles High School
York, Robert Sullivan High School
Ross-Leffler, Christopher Salem High School
Malmstrom, Matthew 22.98 Helias Catholic High School
Whelan, Charles 23.47 Owensville High School
Boyer, Lucas 23.66 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Lanigan, Jacob 23.81 Helias Catholic High School
Beanland, Andrew 23.95 Eldon High School
Neuenswander, Henry 24.12 Helias Catholic High School
CLARK, ANTHONY 24.35 Versailles High School
Roam, Aiden 24.36 Eldon High School
Richardson, Will 24.41 Eldon High School
Fisher, Korbin 24.46 Helias Catholic High School
Vernellus, Andres 24.66 Salem High School
Koenigsfeld, Tyler 24.74 Fatima High School
Kraus, Wyatt 25.30 Sullivan High School
Christian, Jackson 25.30 Blair Oaks High School
Cain, Aidan 25.34 Sullivan High School
Mendenhall, Evan 25.36 Salem High School
Kesel, Ryan 25.54 Fatima High School
Beckmann, Jalen 25.64 Eldon High School
Pritchett, Elijah 25.90 Sullivan High School
Luckett, Elijah 26.01 Blair Oaks High School
Harrison, Martin 26.02 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Ortis, Adam 26.06 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
NEWTON, LOGAN 26.61 Versailles High School
Hargis, Scott 26.75 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Gonzalez, Tomas 26.78 Blair Oaks High School
Gates, Keontrae 26.83 Owensville High School
Rackers, Jace 26.86 Blair Oaks High School
Marquez, Ricardo 27.00 Owensville High School
Bayless, Xavier 27.00 Owensville High School
Hager, Brady 27.54 Fatima High School
Barker, Noah 27.57 Blair Oaks High School
Sneller, Jaxon 28.13 Blair Oaks High School
Suthoff, Brock 28.30 Blair Oaks High School
RAINEY, KANE 28.67 Versailles High School
Edler, Toby 29.73 Blair Oaks High School
Fooks, Simon 30.10h Blair Oaks High School
Kesel, Samuel 30.10h Blair Oaks High School
Stockman, Matthew 30.27 Blair Oaks High School
Bax, Logan 30.40 Blair Oaks High School
Casey Jr, Nathan 30.76 Blair Oaks High School
Caudle, Kaiden 31.15 Blair Oaks High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Koontz, Matthew Salem High School
Olla, Mattia Salem High School
Bertesi, Umberto Owensville High School
Beanland, Brody Eldon High School
Bennett, Andrew Salem High School
Perry, Blake 1:09.74 Iberia High School
Payne, Bryce 39.54 Owensville High School
Engelbrecht, Jaxon 44.46 Blair Oaks High School
Sapp, Evan 44.54 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Hoelscher, Landon 45.04 Helias Catholic High School
Schmidt, Julian 45.66 Helias Catholic High School
Smithson, Zachary 45.83 Eldon High School
Harris, Ethan 46.77 Owensville High School
Greenwalt, Garrett 47.11 Eldon High School
Rackers, Jace 47.68 Blair Oaks High School
Haggerman, Ryatt 48.08 Versailles High School
Birdno, Evan 48.63 Eldon High School
HUDSON, DYLAN 48.63 Versailles High School
Fisher, Connor 51.22 Owensville High School
Schulte, Jonathan 52.08 Fatima High School
Riegel, Drew 53.06 Fatima High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Doolittle, Noah Helias Catholic High School
Whaley, Parker Sullivan High School
DeHart, Kurtis Salem High School
Wester, William Eldon High School
Diehl, Alex Salem High School
Reynolds, Nathan 10:03.35 Eldon High School
Benne, Ian 10:29.87 Helias Catholic High School
Kempker, Carter 11:34.67 Blair Oaks High School
AESCHBACHER, NICHOLAS 11:41.52 Versailles High School
Arnold, Jacob 11:42.19 Eldon High School
Gabelsberger, Wyatt 12:02.29 Fatima High School
Baker, Isaiah 12:28.29 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Studdard, Ian 12:37.28 Sullivan High School
Bollman, Kyle 12:39.64 Owensville High School
Parks, Matthew 13:02.53 Salem High School
Gollaher, Marshal 13:09.96 Salem High School
Graham, Luke 13:48.92 Eldon High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Welch, Jonathon Salem High School
Lewis, James Salem High School
Studdard, Nolan Sullivan High School
Radford, Brayden Salem High School
Roberts, Dominic Sullivan High School
Bayless, Xavier 1:00.54 Owensville High School
Hager, Brady 1:01.32 Fatima High School
Beanland, Evan 1:01.45 Eldon High School
SOUDERS, CONNOR 1:01.59 Versailles High School
Mings, Clain 1:02.79 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Miller, Zachary 1:03.36 Eldon High School
Sneller, Jaxon 1:03.36 Blair Oaks High School
Holtmeyer, Noah 1:03.47 Owensville High School
Edler, Toby 1:04.00h Blair Oaks High School
Caudle, Kaiden 1:04.00h Blair Oaks High School
Fooks, Simon 1:04.00h Blair Oaks High School
WARNKE, DANIEL 1:04.12 Versailles High School
PERRETTE, TRISTAN 1:04.78 Versailles High School
Schroeder, Benjamin 1:07.33 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Malmstrom, Matthew 51.51 Helias Catholic High School
Fisher, Korbin 51.93 Helias Catholic High School
Neuenswander, Henry 53.30 Helias Catholic High School
Beagle, Zechariah 54.16 Sullivan High School
Campbell, Wyatt 54.62 Salem High School
Crisostomo, Deven 55.22 Helias Catholic High School
EDGAR, TYE 55.25 Versailles High School
Collins, Dakota 55.88 Eldon High School
Christian, Jackson 58.78 Blair Oaks High School
Kesel, Ryan 59.11 Fatima High School
Bramon, William 59.64 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Muller, Brett 59.79 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Evers, Jason 59.95 Eldon High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sullivan High School
Relay Team A Salem High School
Relay Team A Eldon High School
Relay Team A 45.42 Helias Catholic High School
Relay Team A 47.25 Blair Oaks High School
Relay Team A 47.79 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Relay Team A 49.88 Owensville High School
Relay Team A 50.31 Versailles High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Salem High School
Relay Team A Eldon High School
Relay Team A 1:33.34 Helias Catholic High School
Relay Team A 1:39.87 Owensville High School
Relay Team A 1:40.00h Blair Oaks High School
Relay Team A 1:45.98 Versailles High School
Relay Team A 1:49.66 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sullivan High School
Relay Team A Salem High School
Relay Team A 3:37.91 Helias Catholic High School
Relay Team A 3:42.00h Owensville High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Blair Oaks High School
Relay Team A 4:00.00h Eldon High School
Relay Team A 4:03.82 Versailles High School
Relay Team A 4:05.92 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Relay Team A 4:15.17 Iberia High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sullivan High School
Relay Team A Salem High School
Relay Team A 8:35.47 Helias Catholic High School
Relay Team A 9:05.00h Blair Oaks High School
Relay Team A 9:05.00h Fatima High School
Relay Team A 9:21.76 Owensville High School
Relay Team A 9:34.34 Eldon High School
Relay Team A 9:55.09 Versailles High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kloeppel, Zachary Fatima High School
Lewis, James Salem High School
Ochs, Brandon Eldon High School
Groene, Michael Fatima High School
Martinez, Manuel Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Wilson, Ethan 1:57.86 Helias Catholic High School
Soest, Gabriel 2:04.63 Owensville High School
Atkinson, Braden 2:04.95 Salem High School
Voss, Brady 2:05.35 Helias Catholic High School
Kloeppel, Tyler 2:08.13 Fatima High School
Kloeppel, Michael 2:08.33 Fatima High School
Boessen, Philip 2:10.00h Blair Oaks High School
Stafford, Isaac 2:10.00h Blair Oaks High School
Collins, Dakota 2:10.56 Eldon High School
Ammons, Nick 2:11.03 Helias Catholic High School
Guerrero, Felix 2:12.01 Owensville High School
Green, Gavyn 2:13.24 Salem High School
Hermann, Quentin 2:13.73 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Denney, Abram 2:14.70 Sullivan High School
Bax, Logan 2:20.00h Blair Oaks High School
Taylor, William 2:21.18 Versailles High School
Sapp, Preston 2:21.29 Eldon High School
Radford, Brayden 2:26.43 Salem High School
Lopez Cardenas, Gabriel 2:29.42 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
PRYOR, RYLEY 2:29.69 Versailles High School
Wieberg, Jonathan 2:32.63 Helias Catholic High School
Hart, Jacob 2:39.50 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Berlener, Maddox 2:40.98 Eldon High School
Dowell, Christopher 2:48.91 Versailles High School
Harper-O'Bryan, Domunik 2:56.13 Versailles High School
Whaley, Parker 2:56.97 Sullivan High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trolinger, Braiden Salem High School
Sapaugh, Gavin Salem High School
Parsons, Trae Salem High School
Hovey, Reuben Salem High School
Forck, Ethan 32.15m Blair Oaks High School
Casey, Sean 30.48m Blair Oaks High School
Luebbering, Carson 34.44m Blair Oaks High School
Batiste, Judah 27.43m Blair Oaks High School
Aholt, Andrew 19.00m Blair Oaks High School
Mantle, Landon 17.01m Blair Oaks High School
Fitzpatrick, Carter 19.00m Blair Oaks High School
Kesel, Samuel 18.00m Blair Oaks High School
Falter, Curtis 40.88m Fatima High School
Riegel, Drew Fatima High School
Shoemaker, Hayden 40.54m Owensville High School
Fields, William 21.34m Owensville High School
Graham, Eli 26.29m Owensville High School
Jones, Vijay 39.99m Eldon High School
Rush, Austin 39.50m Eldon High School
Naught, Henry 28.60m Eldon High School
Reece, Karson 20.41m Eldon High School
Harrison, Roland 22.68m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Longoria, Cody 28.98m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Parsons, Rylan 32.90m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
York, Derrick 24.94m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Beck, Matthew 30.15m Sullivan High School
Thacker, Cayden 24.91m Sullivan High School
York, Cameron Sullivan High School
Kolb, Trevor 44.95m Helias Catholic High School
Klebba, Jack 42.68m Helias Catholic High School
Lalk, Tanner 39.69m Helias Catholic High School
Schmitz, Grayden Helias Catholic High School
WALLER, ISAIAH 41.10m Versailles High School
VANSELL, JASON 30.98m Versailles High School
BLAND, JOSEPH 40.53m Versailles High School
Chamberlain, Hunter 23.00m Versailles High School
Garrett, Robert 23.92m Sullivan High School
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HS Boys High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gately, Kaiden Salem High School
Stokes, Matthew Salem High School
Elliott, Blake 1.70m Owensville High School
Soest, Gabriel 1.75m Owensville High School
Rackers, Brenden 1.70m Blair Oaks High School
Stockman, Matthew 1.40m Blair Oaks High School
Campbell, Everett 1.45m Salem High School
Eisterhold, Jace 1.65m Fatima High School
Miller, Zachary Eldon High School
Richardson, Will 1.89m Eldon High School
Brendel, Colton 1.70m Sullivan High School
York, Robert 1.58m Sullivan High School
Peregoy, Eli 1.42m Sullivan High School
Groose, Tyler 1.88m Helias Catholic High School
Hillman, Logan 1.78m Helias Catholic High School
Warner, Cash 1.68m Helias Catholic High School
Tharp, Timothy 1.63m Helias Catholic High School
HUDSON, DYLAN 1.27m Versailles High School
Murdock, Reese 1.62m Versailles High School
Parker, Clayton 1.83m Iberia High School
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HS Boys Javelin 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gover, Tobey Salem High School
Parsons, Trae Salem High School
Trolinger, Braiden Salem High School
Suthoff, Brock 30.11m Blair Oaks High School
Batiste, Judah 36.00m Blair Oaks High School
Luebbering, Carson 24.00m Blair Oaks High School
Forck, Ethan 31.90m Blair Oaks High School
Haslag, Easton Fatima High School
Kloeppel, Michael Fatima High School
Holtmeyer, Noah 20.72m Owensville High School
Graham, Eli 33.83m Owensville High School
Hargis, Scott Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Jacaway, Carson 22.25m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Longoria, Cody 25.50m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Thornburg, Mac 32.11m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
York, Robert Sullivan High School
Hutchison, Aidan Sullivan High School
Ochs, Brandon Eldon High School
Gladback, Ethan Eldon High School
Rugen, Michael Eldon High School
Birdno, Evan Eldon High School
Boicourt, Brody 40.12m Helias Catholic High School
Meisel, Stephen 38.73m Helias Catholic High School
Warner, Cash 30.32m Helias Catholic High School
Schmitz, Grayden 24.92m Helias Catholic High School
WALLER, ISAIAH Versailles High School
VANSELL, JASON Versailles High School
BLAND, JOSEPH Versailles High School
Chamberlain, Hunter Versailles High School
Spencer, Kenneth 29.60m Iberia High School
Wadsworth, Ronald Salem High School
Beck, Matthew Sullivan High School
Hulsey, Christian Sullivan High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gately, Kaiden Salem High School
Owen, Josh Salem High School
Campbell, Everett Salem High School
Whelan, Charles 6.04m Owensville High School
Barker, Noah 5.69m Blair Oaks High School
Gonzalez, Tomas 5.69m Blair Oaks High School
Casey Jr, Nathan 3.94m Blair Oaks High School
Edler, Toby 3.98m Blair Oaks High School
Fooks, Simon 3.90m Blair Oaks High School
Sneller, Jaxon 4.20m Blair Oaks High School
Caudle, Kaiden 3.90m Blair Oaks High School
Kesel, Samuel 3.90m Blair Oaks High School
Koenigsfeld, Tyler 5.41m Fatima High School
Zellmer, Zachary Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Beanland, Andrew 5.59m Eldon High School
Rush, Austin 4.96m Eldon High School
Crane, Bryce 4.50m Eldon High School
Delong, Drayden 5.11m Eldon High School
Knox, Philip 5.72m Helias Catholic High School
Hillman, Logan 5.70m Helias Catholic High School
French, Mason 5.30m Helias Catholic High School
Marberry, Alex 5.20m Helias Catholic High School
EDGAR, TYE 5.90m Versailles High School
PRYOR, RYLEY 4.28m Versailles High School
HUDSON, DYLAN 3.89m Versailles High School
Murdock, Reese 5.40m Versailles High School
Meyer, Tanner 5.75m Owensville High School
Nicholas, Aries 5.42m Owensville High School
Parker, Clayton 6.02m Iberia High School
Eisterhold, Jace Fatima High School
Elliott, Blake 6.02m Owensville High School
Cain, Aidan 5.24m Sullivan High School
Pritchett, Elijah 5.13m Sullivan High School
Rall, Curtis 4.17m Sullivan High School
Kisner, Brayden 4.44m Sullivan High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Owen, Josh Salem High School
Gollaher, Marshal Salem High School
Marquez, Ricardo Owensville High School
Nicholas, Aries 2.90m Owensville High School
Wiegel, Jesse 2.96m Owensville High School
Marquez, Derrick 3.24m Owensville High School
Lewis, James Salem High School
Lepage, Lukas 4.35m Blair Oaks High School
Casey Jr, Nathan 2.62m Blair Oaks High School
Gonzalez, Tomas 3.35m Blair Oaks High School
Bax, Logan 2.00m Blair Oaks High School
Brendel, Colton 3.05m Sullivan High School
Hecht, Sam 3.05m Sullivan High School
Hulsey, Christian 2.45m Sullivan High School
Rall, Curtis 2.15m Sullivan High School
Rosentreter, Caden 2.52m Fatima High School
Riegel, Drew Fatima High School
Thies, Nicholas Salem High School
Schroeder, Benjamin 2.60m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Bramon, William 2.58m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Whitehurst, Jason 2.58m Eldon High School
Simmons, Jesiah 3.45m Eldon High School
Eldridge, Tevin 3.23m Eldon High School
French, Mason 3.23m Helias Catholic High School
Edwards, Quade 2.60m Helias Catholic High School
Beanland, Landon 2.60m Eldon High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parsons, Trae Salem High School
Sapaugh, Gavin Salem High School
Hovey, Reuben Salem High School
Gover, Tobey Salem High School
Batiste, Judah 9.14m Blair Oaks High School
Casey, Sean 12.00m Blair Oaks High School
Forck, Ethan 8.99m Blair Oaks High School
Luebbering, Carson 11.64m Blair Oaks High School
Mantle, Landon 7.26m Blair Oaks High School
Aholt, Andrew 8.00m Blair Oaks High School
Fitzpatrick, Carter 9.00m Blair Oaks High School
Falter, Curtis 12.72m Fatima High School
Fields, William 9.20m Owensville High School
Shoemaker, Hayden 11.55m Owensville High School
Graham, Eli 9.80m Owensville High School
Degraffenreid, Jasper 15.51m Eldon High School
Robertson, Jace 14.27m Eldon High School
Edwards, Jason 10.76m Eldon High School
Jones, Vijay 10.12m Eldon High School
Boyer, Lucas 9.61m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Longoria, Cody 9.69m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Parsons, Rylan 10.59m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
York, Derrick 9.16m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
York, Cameron Sullivan High School
Beck, Matthew 10.07m Sullivan High School
Thacker, Cayden 10.71m Sullivan High School
Klebba, Jack 12.61m Helias Catholic High School
Kolb, Trevor 12.22m Helias Catholic High School
Lalk, Tanner 12.02m Helias Catholic High School
Schmitz, Grayden 8.59m Helias Catholic High School
BLAND, JOSEPH 15.70m Versailles High School
VANSELL, JASON 11.98m Versailles High School
WALLER, ISAIAH 10.74m Versailles High School
Chamberlain, Hunter 10.28m Versailles High School
Garrett, Robert 7.82m Sullivan High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campbell, Everett Salem High School
Evans, Layne 10.87m Owensville High School
Wiegel, Jesse 9.95m Owensville High School
Bayless, Xavier 10.17m Owensville High School
Barker, Noah 12.13m Blair Oaks High School
Stockman, Matthew 9.80m Blair Oaks High School
Suthoff, Brock 9.80m Blair Oaks High School
Eisterhold, Jace 9.97m Fatima High School
Rush, Austin 10.92m Eldon High School
Beckmann, Jalen 11.75m Eldon High School
Beanland, Evan Eldon High School
Evers, Jason 9.97m Eldon High School
Knox, Philip 12.29m Helias Catholic High School
Tharp, Timothy 11.29m Helias Catholic High School
Edwards, Quade 10.99m Helias Catholic High School
EDGAR, TYE 11.56m Versailles High School
SOUDERS, CONNOR 9.80m Versailles High School
PERRETTE, TRISTAN 9.32m Versailles High School
Stewart, Jayden 9.86m Owensville High School
Parker, Clayton 12.77m Iberia High School
Brendel, Colton 10.85m Sullivan High School
Kisner, Brayden 9.67m Sullivan High School
Pritchett, Elijah Sullivan High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dawson, Reese Fatima High School
Wickham, Brianna Iberia High School
Pipp, Rebekah Salem High School
Gregory, Lily Fatima High School
Mills, Margot Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Owen, Kinsey Salem High School
Edwards, Mikah 12.42 Helias Catholic High School
Huot, Caleigh 12.73 Fatima High School
Struemph, Isabelle 12.86 Helias Catholic High School
MORENO, NORA 13.03 Versailles High School
Heady, Eva 13.11 Sullivan High School
Richardson, Saylor 13.17 Owensville High School
Woehr, Rachel 13.25 Fatima High School
Aholt, Jillian 13.44 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Willson, Ava 13.66 Blair Oaks High School
Vaughan, Madison 13.74 Blair Oaks High School
Rackers, Baley 13.78 Blair Oaks High School
Barker, Lily 13.80 Owensville High School
Strobel, Montana 14.11 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Winder, Addy 14.22 Blair Oaks High School
Delong, Ravyn 14.23 Eldon High School
Dollar, Addyson 14.29 Helias Catholic High School
Nowack, Cameron 14.35 Owensville High School
Williams, Addison 14.38 Iberia High School
Libbert, Avery 14.50h Blair Oaks High School
Fessler, Charlotte 14.55 Blair Oaks High School
Anderson, Brooke 14.55 Versailles High School
Wright, Kamdyn 14.64 Eldon High School
Carpenter, Katelyne 14.71 Sullivan High School
Wright, Brynn 14.75 Owensville High School
Carpenter, Makenzie 14.95 Sullivan High School
Dace, Sophia 15.33 Sullivan High School
CHRISTIANSEN, FENIA 15.35 Versailles High School
Frakes, Adrianna 15.43 Eldon High School
Rainey, Kourtney 15.78 Versailles High School
Sutter, Katherine 16.33 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Henderson, Natalie 16.41 Eldon High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kennedy, Zaillah Versailles High School
Trevino, Rebecca 16.63 Eldon High School
Caviness, Zoe 16.82 Blair Oaks High School
Crisostomo, Daelyn 17.73 Helias Catholic High School
Schmidt, Tori 17.90 Helias Catholic High School
McClain, Daveah 17.95 Sullivan High School
Schoeneberg, Avery 18.13 Blair Oaks High School
Block, Vanessa 18.77 Fatima High School
Jones, Aryannah 19.30 Versailles High School
Brothers, Calissa 19.69 Iberia High School
BULLOCK, KEEGAN 19.70 Versailles High School
Gehlert, Ella 19.87 Owensville High School
Taylor, Lily 20.09 Iberia High School
Wehmeyer, Emma-lee 21.20 Owensville High School
Engelbrecht, Halle 21.74 Owensville High School
Koepke, Rachel 22.59 Owensville High School
Bailey, Lanie 22.97 Versailles High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilmes, Elyse 5:01.17 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Martonfi, Zoe 5:13.11 Eldon High School
Limberg, Ilene 5:22.80 Owensville High School
Viet, Makaylin 5:38.00 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Berhorst, Lauren 6:04.47 Fatima High School
Brenneke, Hannah 6:06.35 Blair Oaks High School
Wilbers, Addyson 6:15.64 Fatima High School
Huckstep, Savanna 6:22.53 Helias Catholic High School
Gehlert, Hannah 6:22.87 Owensville High School
Smith, Macey 6:30.00h Blair Oaks High School
Gibson, Abbie 6:33.45 Owensville High School
Bock, Reagan 6:43.94 Fatima High School
ROBERT, JENNA 6:44.96 Versailles High School
CANN, KEIANNA 6:45.12 Versailles High School
Kandlbinder, Lauren 7:00.00 Owensville High School
Tellman, Marena 7:22.69 Eldon High School
Eckert, Leann 8:12.01 Eldon High School
Adolphson, Isabella 8:31.13 Eldon High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pipp, Rebekah Salem High School
Zimmerman, Aimi Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Kiser, Poppy Salem High School
Ries, Rory Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Owen, Kinsey Salem High School
Edwards, Mikah 24.86 Helias Catholic High School
Struemph, Isabelle 26.20 Helias Catholic High School
Huot, Caleigh 27.25 Fatima High School
Richardson, Saylor 27.55 Owensville High School
Woehr, Rachel 27.96 Fatima High School
MORENO, NORA 27.97 Versailles High School
Harrison, Kenadi 28.23 Helias Catholic High School
Heady, Eva 28.30 Sullivan High School
Vaughan, Madison 28.99 Blair Oaks High School
Schoeneberg, Avery 29.00 Blair Oaks High School
Rackers, Baley 29.29 Blair Oaks High School
Beanland, Hannah 29.81 Eldon High School
Dollar, Addyson 29.89 Helias Catholic High School
Wright, Brynn 30.00 Owensville High School
Echols, McKenzy 30.00 Owensville High School
McClain, Daveah 30.42 Sullivan High School
Crede, Lucy 31.07 Fatima High School
Anderson, Brooke 31.56 Versailles High School
Jones, Aryannah 31.61 Versailles High School
Fessler, Charlotte 31.88 Blair Oaks High School
Lebish, Elaina 32.00 Owensville High School
Strobel, Montana 32.11 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Wieberg, Payton 32.30 Fatima High School
Carpenter, Makenzie 32.49 Sullivan High School
Libbert, Avery 32.61 Blair Oaks High School
Huckabee, Mikala 32.73 Eldon High School
Delong, Ravyn 32.77 Eldon High School
Benedict, Maddie 32.88 Blair Oaks High School
Dace, Sophia 33.11 Sullivan High School
Rainey, Kourtney 33.16 Versailles High School
Frakes, Adrianna 33.45 Eldon High School
Podorski, Samantha 34.53 Blair Oaks High School
Griffin, Reilly 34.56 Blair Oaks High School
Royal, Lillian 36.40 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hicks, Cheyenne Fatima High School
Bailey, Lanie 1:05.72 Versailles High School
Engelbrecht, Halle 1:06.05 Owensville High School
Caviness, Zoe 51.94 Blair Oaks High School
Siebert, Lydia 53.14 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Gehlert, Ella 53.21 Owensville High School
Block, Vanessa 53.64 Fatima High School
Crisostomo, Daelyn 54.12 Helias Catholic High School
BULLOCK, KEEGAN 54.38 Versailles High School
Schoeneberg, Avery 54.88 Blair Oaks High School
Brothers, Calissa 57.08 Iberia High School
Trevino, Rebecca 58.66 Eldon High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Andrews, Olivia 11:40.33 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Mathews, Lauren 13:15.24 Helias Catholic High School
Tellman, Marena 13:52.98 Eldon High School
Birky, Jazmin 14:04.62 Blair Oaks High School
Hull, Reagan 14:11.03 Eldon High School
Brenneke, Hannah 14:37.32 Blair Oaks High School
Kandlbinder, Lauren 14:48.09 Owensville High School
Smith, Macey 15:25.00 Blair Oaks High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dollar, Addyson Helias Catholic High School
Rakestraw, Anna Fatima High School
Gier, Alexandra Fatima High School
Andrews, Jillian 1:02.78 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Mcneil, Karmen 1:05.18 Eldon High School
Yoder, Taylor 1:05.34 Blair Oaks High School
Anderson, Brooke 1:06.45 Versailles High School
Dillon, AnMarie 1:07.49 Eldon High School
Forck, Chelsi 1:07.85 Blair Oaks High School
Bradfield, Heather 1:09.23 Eldon High School
Wieberg, Payton 1:10.77 Fatima High School
HIGGINS, EMILY 1:11.21 Versailles High School
Henderson, Natalie 1:12.00 Eldon High School
Fessler, Charlotte 1:13.11 Blair Oaks High School
Gregory, Lily 1:14.49 Fatima High School
Ries, Rory 1:14.61 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Breedlove, Jenna 1:15.74 Owensville High School
Benedict, Maddie 1:16.55 Blair Oaks High School
Weinland, Peyton 1:17.78 Owensville High School
Griffin, Reilly 1:21.77 Blair Oaks High School
Podorski, Samantha 1:22.33 Blair Oaks High School
Sensenig, Makayla 1:26.54 Versailles High School
Collins, Rayven 1:27.12 Versailles High School
Edwards, Mikah 56.63 Helias Catholic High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sullivan High School
Relay Team A Salem High School
Relay Team A 1:00.64 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Relay Team A 52.64 Helias Catholic High School
Relay Team A 55.07 Eldon High School
Relay Team A 55.30 Blair Oaks High School
Relay Team A 56.06 Owensville High School
Relay Team A 57.34 Iberia High School
Relay Team A 59.44 Versailles High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:48.59 Helias Catholic High School
Relay Team A 1:57.98 Owensville High School
Relay Team A 2:00.29 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Relay Team A 2:01.78 Eldon High School
Relay Team A 2:04.26 Iberia High School
Relay Team A 2:07.85 Versailles High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sullivan High School
Relay Team A 4:20.00 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Relay Team A 4:28.11 Fatima High School
Relay Team A 4:28.72 Helias Catholic High School
Relay Team A 4:34.84 Blair Oaks High School
Relay Team A 4:40.00h Owensville High School
Relay Team A 4:45.51 Versailles High School
Relay Team A 4:46.53 Eldon High School
Relay Team A 5:16.64 Iberia High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:40.00 Blair Oaks High School
Relay Team A 10:45.84 Helias Catholic High School
Relay Team A 10:50.11 Fatima High School
Relay Team A 11:53.93 Owensville High School
Relay Team A 12:01.61 Eldon High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Deiter, Lauren Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Evans, Peyton Sullivan High School
Humphrey, Brookelynn Iberia High School
Martonfi, Zoe 2:25.82 Eldon High School
Taylor, Madison 2:27.21 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Bradfield, Heather 2:28.18 Eldon High School
Groene, Sarah 2:31.02 Fatima High School
Limberg, Ilene 2:31.07 Owensville High School
Verslues, Lauren 2:35.21 Helias Catholic High School
Lackman, Clara 2:36.70 Blair Oaks High School
Viet, Makaylin 2:38.36 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Bower, Emma 2:38.69 Fatima High School
Mcneil, Karmen 2:40.32 Eldon High School
Mayberry, Breanna 2:43.17 Sullivan High School
Morrisey, Iris 2:43.99 Helias Catholic High School
Ramirez, Emily 2:47.99 Eldon High School
ROBERT, JENNA 2:50.82 Versailles High School
Rademan, Breanna 2:52.59 Fatima High School
Gehlert, Hannah 2:55.41 Owensville High School
Huckstep, Savanna 3:00.56 Helias Catholic High School
Gibson, Abbie 3:03.83 Owensville High School
CANN, KEIANNA 3:04.56 Versailles High School
Stoker, Hannah 3:23.65 Owensville High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Manthey, Savannah Salem High School
Wieberg, Abbigail 32.00m Blair Oaks High School
Roling, Alayna 30.00m Blair Oaks High School
Spratt, Lauren 20.00m Blair Oaks High School
Mayer, Rylie 20.00m Blair Oaks High School
Jones, Allyson 13.93m Eldon High School
McGhay, Delaney 28.24m Eldon High School
Davis, Corin 28.74m Eldon High School
McDowell, Rena 17.01m Eldon High School
Sankey, Mya 27.08m Fatima High School
Kampeter, Kate 21.72m Fatima High School
Buhr, Ava 20.29m Fatima High School
Herman, Olivia 17.92m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Tillman, Isabella 20.35m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Lorang, Mary 28.85m Helias Catholic High School
Kempker, Maddie 27.55m Helias Catholic High School
May, Madi 23.73m Helias Catholic High School
Rockers, Ruby 23.58m Helias Catholic High School
LEHMAN, JOSIE 19.50m Versailles High School
HUFF, SUNNY 21.58m Versailles High School
STEMPER, MARIAH 17.56m Versailles High School
KORN, KIMBERLY 19.30m Versailles High School
Beckerman, Brianna 17.73m Owensville High School
Boyd, Payton 18.26m Owensville High School
Rademacher, Layna 25.63m Owensville High School
Langatau, Adara 27.00m Iberia High School
Gabelsberger, Megan Fatima High School
Daily, Ruby 25.57m Sullivan High School
Summers, Katie 21.06m Sullivan High School
Funkhouser, Alexis 20.30m Sullivan High School
Brauninger, Melody 27.96m Sullivan High School
Manning, Lexis Owensville High School
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HS Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gerlemann, Josie Owensville High School
Wehmeyer, Emma-lee Owensville High School
Daniels, Emma 1.35m Owensville High School
Karst, Corinn 1.55m Fatima High School
Bax, Samantha 1.50m Fatima High School
Gregory, Lily 1.30m Fatima High School
Peterson, Abigail 1.58m Sullivan High School
Huckabee, Mikala 1.42m Eldon High School
Martonfi, Zoe 1.65m Eldon High School
Moellers, Lydia 1.50m Helias Catholic High School
Hentges, Hannah 1.50m Helias Catholic High School
Richey, Kylee 1.57m Versailles High School
Franzisko, Alaynna 1.46m Versailles High School
Koepke, Rachel 1.22m Owensville High School
Scharf, Charly 1.52m Iberia High School
Russell, Ayla Iberia High School
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HS Girls Javelin 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Manthey, Savannah Salem High School
Roling, Alayna 30.00m Blair Oaks High School
Prenger, Maddalen 20.00m Blair Oaks High School
Mayer, Rylie 20.00m Blair Oaks High School
Wieberg, Abbigail Blair Oaks High School
Bax, Samantha Fatima High School
Woehr, Rachel Fatima High School
Gerlemann, Josie 25.68m Owensville High School
Boyd, Payton 22.70m Owensville High School
Hinson, Danika 20.72m Owensville High School
Massman, Ella Fatima High School
Tillman, Isabella Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Herman, Olivia Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Lorang, Mary 32.74m Helias Catholic High School
Schmidt, Tori 22.14m Helias Catholic High School
Kempker, Maddie 22.78m Helias Catholic High School
May, Madi 20.81m Helias Catholic High School
LEHMAN, JOSIE Versailles High School
BIGGS, ALLISON Versailles High School
Biggs, Heidi Versailles High School
STEMPER, MARIAH Versailles High School
Beanland, Hannah Eldon High School
Davis, Corin Eldon High School
Wilson-Sanchez, Leandra Eldon High School
Hedgpeth, Elexis 22.10m Iberia High School
Buechter, Chevelle 21.00m Iberia High School
Funkhouser, Alexis 30.41m Sullivan High School
Witt, Paighton 20.16m Sullivan High School
Behrens, Ashleigh 18.21m Sullivan High School
Brauninger, Melody 17.21m Sullivan High School
Wieberg, Payton Fatima High School
Adams, Elizabeth 25.00m Owensville High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Owen, Kinsey Salem High School
Nowack, Cameron 4.51m Owensville High School
Wehmeyer, Emma-lee Owensville High School
Manthey, Savannah Salem High School
Dawson, Reese Fatima High School
Gier, Alexandra Fatima High School
Rakestraw, Anna Fatima High School
Hicks, Cheyenne 3.89m Fatima High School
Morris, Brittany 4.41m Eldon High School
Huckabee, Mikala 4.08m Eldon High School
Wixson, Stevana 4.89m Eldon High School
Aholt, Jillian 4.81m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Zimmerman, Aimi 3.88m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Sutter, Katherine Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Phillips, Schyler 5.22m Helias Catholic High School
Moellers, Lydia 4.68m Helias Catholic High School
Hentges, Hannah 4.21m Helias Catholic High School
Richey, Kylee 4.97m Versailles High School
BAUMGARTNER, KATHARINA 4.71m Versailles High School
Franzisko, Alaynna 3.61m Versailles High School
HIGGINS, EMILY 3.71m Versailles High School
Trevino, Rebecca Eldon High School
Koepke, Rachel 3.32m Owensville High School
Carpenter, Katelyne 4.16m Sullivan High School
Heady, Eva 4.83m Sullivan High School
Williams, Addison 4.47m Iberia High School
Taylor, Lily 4.11m Iberia High School
Harness, Payton 4.06m Owensville High School
Wickham, Brianna Iberia High School
Kiser, Poppy 3.89m Salem High School
Royal, Lillian 2.92m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
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HS Girls Pole Vault 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pipp, Rebekah Salem High School
Prenger, Maddalen 2.50m Blair Oaks High School
Reed, Ashley Owensville High School
Harness, Payton 1.85m Owensville High School
Nowack, Ruvia 2.15m Owensville High School
Vandergriffe, Jenna 2.45m Owensville High School
Winder, Addy 2.80m Blair Oaks High School
Hemmel, Leni 2.60m Fatima High School
Mayberry, Breanna 2.60m Sullivan High School
Jones, Kendyl Eldon High School
Dinwiddie, Audrey 2.33m Eldon High School
Trillo, Lillian 2.45m Eldon High School
Ottinger, Amelia 1.98m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Phillips, Schyler 3.19m Helias Catholic High School
Schmidt, Tori 2.75m Helias Catholic High School
Crisostomo, Daelyn 2.29m Helias Catholic High School
Thouvenel, Maycee 2.13m Versailles High School
BIGGS, ALLISON 2.10m Versailles High School
Biggs, Heidi 1.78m Versailles High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stewart, Annie 8.00m Blair Oaks High School
Luebbering, Courtney 8.00m Blair Oaks High School
Twehus, Madelyn 10.00m Blair Oaks High School
Roling, Alayna 11.00m Blair Oaks High School
Prenger, Maddalen 8.00m Blair Oaks High School
Wieberg, Abbigail 8.00m Blair Oaks High School
Adams, Elizabeth 7.03m Owensville High School
Gerlemann, Josie 8.60m Owensville High School
Hinson, Danika 7.24m Owensville High School
Robertson, Lorelei 6.68m Eldon High School
Hill, Ashlynn 8.90m Eldon High School
Wilson-Sanchez, Leandra 9.45m Eldon High School
Davis, Corin 8.00m Eldon High School
Kampeter, Kate 8.00m Fatima High School
Massman, Ella Fatima High School
Tillman, Isabella 6.53m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Herman, Olivia 7.07m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Schmidt, Tori 8.44m Helias Catholic High School
Lorang, Mary 8.50m Helias Catholic High School
May, Madi 9.09m Helias Catholic High School
Rockers, Ruby 8.31m Helias Catholic High School
LEHMAN, JOSIE 8.73m Versailles High School
STEMPER, MARIAH 8.01m Versailles High School
HUFF, SUNNY 7.75m Versailles High School
Rayl, Madysen 8.62m Versailles High School
Buechter, Chevelle 8.34m Iberia High School
Langatau, Adara 8.43m Iberia High School
Kempker, Lily Fatima High School
Scheppers, Sydney 8.33m Fatima High School
Daily, Ruby 8.79m Sullivan High School
Schreit, Camryn 8.21m Sullivan High School
Peterson, Isabel 7.30m Sullivan High School
Behrens, Ashleigh 7.13m Sullivan High School
Russell, Ayla 8.00m Iberia High School
Jahnsen, April 9.11m Owensville High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Engelbrecht, Halle Owensville High School
Crede, Lucy 9.60m Fatima High School
Hicks, Cheyenne 8.99m Fatima High School
Gregory, Lily 7.38m Fatima High School
Rakestraw, Anna Fatima High School
Kiser, Poppy 8.59m Salem High School
Martonfi, Zoe 10.77m Eldon High School
Eckert, Leann 6.91m Eldon High School
Wixson, Stevana 10.70m Eldon High School
Strobel, Montana 8.95m Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Gore, Tauny 11.19m Helias Catholic High School
Morrisey, Iris 9.12m Helias Catholic High School
Dollar, Addyson 8.19m Helias Catholic High School
Richey, Kylee 10.63m Versailles High School
BAUMGARTNER, KATHARINA 9.12m Versailles High School
Wehmeyer, Emma-lee 8.24m Owensville High School
Nowack, Ruvia 7.37m Owensville High School
Daniels, Alison 8.83m Owensville High School
Peterson, Abigail 11.01m Sullivan High School
Heady, Eva 10.50m Sullivan High School
Carpenter, Katelyne 8.61m Sullivan High School
Brothers, Calissa 8.83m Iberia High School
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