Hollister Invitational 2023

Hollister, MO

Hollister Invitational 2023 vs Hollister XC Open 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +57 192 135
Overall Average -5.07 22:36.57 22:41.64
1st-10th Place +18.13 17:45.23 17:27.10
1st-25th Place +12.01 18:15.69 18:03.68
1st-50th Place -0.87 18:59.08 18:59.94
1st-100th Place -43.32 20:05.66 20:48.98
Common Athletes -- -- 37
Ran Faster -29 4 33
Ran Season Best -6 1 7
Average Time +39.69 21:50.62 21:10.93
Median Time +54.63 21:40.46 20:45.83
Middle 80% Times +44.07 21:55.47 21:11.40
Top 10% Times +32.98 17:48.65 17:15.68
Top 25% Times +37.07 18:28.98 17:51.91
Top 50% Times +45.92 19:40.65 18:54.73
Bottom 50% Times +31.37 22:51.62 22:20.24
Bottom 25% Times +33.21 25:12.81 24:39.60
Bottom 10% Times +8.29 26:07.74 25:59.45
Average Difference +39.69 -- --
Median Difference +13.03 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +44.68 -- --
Top 10% Difference +28.39 -- --
Top 50% Difference +42.50 -- --
Top 25% Difference +38.58 -- --
Top 50% Difference +42.50 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +35.48 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +33.21 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +28.76 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Conner Valentine Harrison High School +1:03.51 17:57.88 16:54.37
Kyle Hathcock Springfield Catholic High School +15.81 17:35.28 17:19.47
Ethan Howard School of the Ozarks +1:20.26 18:43.69 17:23.43
Parker Foster Springfield Catholic High School +13.74 17:39.17 17:25.43
Isaac Todd School of the Ozarks +32.72 18:06.96 17:34.24
Clayton Eck Springfield Catholic High School +20.48 18:02.28 17:41.80
Rocco Palazzolo Springfield Catholic High School +26.54 18:37.51 18:10.97
Oliver Mutrux School of the Ozarks +38.16 19:08.21 18:30.05
David Stuber Niangua High School +48.55 19:28.04 18:39.49
Gavin Coker Harrison High School +45.98 19:45.82 18:59.84
Evan Kochs Niangua High School +1:17.48 20:44.37 19:26.89
Lucas Nelson Hollister High School -25.49 19:30.79 19:56.28
Gavin Pyck Springfield Catholic High School +55.25 20:29.23 19:33.98
James McNew Harrison High School +45.52 20:36.71 19:51.19
Emma Belk Springfield Catholic High School +1:30.39 21:30.93 20:00.54
Emily Landry Chadwick High School +1:08.82 21:17.32 20:08.50
Henry Cerretti School of the Ozarks +1:31.18 21:53.71 20:22.53
Christopher Todd Springfield Catholic High School +1:02.45 21:37.48 20:35.03
Macy Landry Chadwick High School +34.36 21:20.19 20:45.83
Zander Carter Bradleyville High School +1:25.82 22:44.35 21:18.53
Katie Galligos Springfield Catholic High School +13.03 21:40.46 21:27.43
Raeleigh Little Chadwick High School +16.74 22:15.41 21:58.67
Alexis Loveland Chadwick High School -11.75 22:16.62 22:28.37
Kate Hull Springfield Catholic High School +18.71 22:41.03 22:22.32
Elliana Lygrisse Springfield Catholic High School +59.82 23:23.87 22:24.05
Ella Howard School of the Ozarks +47.07 23:40.15 22:53.08
Ella Green Hollister High School +21.34 23:17.58 22:56.24
Samuel Hebert Hollister High School +1:19.32 24:24.84 23:05.52
Macie Kelly Springfield Catholic High School +1:09.03 24:24.29 23:15.26
Macie Laird Hollister High School +1:02.31 24:37.57 23:35.26
Junior Flores Hollister High School +1:40.53 25:16.66 23:36.13
Madeline Sallee Chadwick High School +5.08 24:31.22 24:26.14
kaya McClanahan Springfield Catholic High School -0.09 24:39.79 24:39.88
Mary Sharp Springfield Catholic High School +1.40 24:59.39 24:57.99
Krystina Evans School of the Ozarks +48.50 26:06.23 25:17.73
Charis Long School of the Ozarks -1:22.68 25:38.64 27:01.32
Peyton Smith Harrison High School +48.67 27:29.42 26:40.75