Hollister Invitational 2023

Hollister, MO

Hollister Invitational 2023 vs Hollister Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -23 192 215
Overall Average -2:36.42 22:36.57 25:12.99
1st-10th Place -22.56 17:45.23 18:07.79
1st-25th Place -46.03 18:15.69 19:01.72
1st-50th Place -53.89 18:59.08 19:52.97
1st-100th Place -1:04.56 20:05.66 21:10.22
Common Athletes -- -- 41
Ran Faster 35 38 3
Ran Season Best 5 5 --
Average Time -2:19.32 22:12.16 24:31.48
Median Time -3:08.09 21:04.70 24:12.79
Middle 80% Times -2:28.57 22:05.78 24:34.34
Top 10% Times -1:51.20 18:03.18 19:54.38
Top 25% Times -1:43.85 18:47.12 20:30.96
Top 50% Times -2:00.44 19:36.31 21:36.74
Bottom 50% Times -2:31.57 23:44.57 26:16.15
Bottom 25% Times -2:24.25 27:07.39 29:31.64
Bottom 10% Times -1:46.42 29:06.18 30:52.60
Average Difference -2:19.32 -- --
Median Difference -1:25.87 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:29.26 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:46.61 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:33.86 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:30.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:33.86 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -3:02.24 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:02.65 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:01.45 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Luke Buescher Fair Grove High School -1:11.12 17:54.96 19:06.08
Ryder Randles Logan-Rogersville High School -1:51.85 17:56.41 19:48.26
Conner Valentine Harrison High School -2:14.46 17:57.88 20:12.34
Owen White Logan-Rogersville High School -3:04.90 18:12.91 21:17.81
Nolen Geitz Fair Grove High School -2:05.44 18:13.73 20:19.17
Ethan Howard School of the Ozarks -1:30.18 18:43.69 20:13.87
Eli Epperson Marionville High School -2:56.20 19:14.49 22:10.69
Owen Nelson Mountain Grove High School -2:37.42 19:22.49 21:59.91
Lucas Nelson Hollister High School -4:44.85 19:30.79 24:15.64
Caleb Anderson Blue Eye High School -1:54.10 19:43.53 21:37.63
Evan Butler Cassville High School -49.87 19:47.39 20:37.26
Liam Draper Fair Grove High School -41.82 19:59.55 20:41.37
Izaiah Watkins Logan-Rogersville High School -1:34.46 20:01.03 21:35.49
Talon Phillips Sparta High School +23.98 20:35.32 20:11.34
Clayton Albers Sparta High School -5:08.12 20:15.04 25:23.16
Kelby Shirkey Galena High School -6:00.74 20:21.93 26:22.67
Kent Taylor Mountain Grove High School -3:06.61 20:34.32 23:40.93
James McNew Harrison High School -1:38.64 20:36.71 22:15.35
Evan Kochs Niangua High School -2:14.14 20:44.37 22:58.51
Gabryel Nord Spokane High School -7:15.04 20:51.22 28:06.26
David Brown Marionville High School -8:28.97 21:04.70 29:33.67
Matthew Elliott Harrison High School -3:09.24 21:29.33 24:38.57
Simon Gates Cassville High School -14.62 21:54.37 22:08.99
Owen Bright Marionville High School -2:59.56 22:01.92 25:01.48
Gretchen House Chadwick High School -17.99 22:08.40 22:26.39
Raeleigh Little Chadwick High School -52.21 22:15.41 23:07.62
Alexis Loveland Chadwick High School -53.18 22:16.62 23:09.80
Aisley James Logan-Rogersville High School -1:41.00 22:34.49 24:15.49
Lilly Hines Mountain Grove High School -5:08.72 22:46.22 27:54.94
Caelyn Wood Logan-Rogersville High School -1:25.87 22:47.92 24:13.79
Morgan Todd Logan-Rogersville High School -1:00.87 23:44.41 24:45.28
Arianna Blevins Sparta High School -4:29.97 24:02.22 28:32.19
Olivia Cardenzana Blue Eye High School +1:01.12 25:13.91 24:12.79
Dakota Durham Spokane High School -2:46.78 26:04.01 28:50.79
Ben Clonts Sparta High School -1:55.58 26:27.16 28:22.74
Sam Tolbert Galena High School -48.26 27:18.74 28:07.00
Autumn Baldwin Ava High School -2:24.86 27:19.05 29:43.91
Hailey Pattullo Ava High School -1:06.23 27:19.85 28:26.08
Cammie Linscott Blue Eye High School -2:10.63 28:00.59 30:11.22
Evyn Jones Fair Grove High School -5:09.24 28:35.62 33:44.86
Jabin Winkle Sparta High School +3:06.44 34:15.77 31:09.33