Ben Rosario of Big River Running Company joins Emily Sisson for a recap of day one from the Missouri Class 3-4 Championship
Ben Rosario of Big River Running Company joins Emily Sisson for a recap of day one from the Missouri Class 3-4 Championship
Emily Sisson interviews her future teammate at Wisconsin 2010 Class 4 1600 meters champion Liga Blyholder
Kevin Colon and Max Korolev talk with Emily Sisson after winning the Class 4 and Class 3 3200 meter race.
Emily Sisson discusses Kaitlyn's win as a freshman with the state champ.
Paul Everett talks with Class 4 state high jump champion James White
Mo.MileSplit.com and Bigriverrunning.com's joint coverage of the MSHSAA Class 3-4 State Championship
Mo.MileSplit.com and Bigriverrunning.com's joint coverage of the MSHSAA Class 3-4 State Championship
Mo.MileSplit.com and Bigriverrunning.com's joint coverage of the MSHSAA Class 3-4 State Championship
Mo.MileSplit.com and Bigriverrunning.com's joint coverage of the MSHSAA Class 3-4 State Championship
Mo.MileSplit.com and Bigriverrunning.com's joint coverage of the MSHSAA Class 3-4 State Championship
Mo.MileSplit.com and Bigriverrunning.com's joint coverage of the MSHSAA Class 3-4 State Championship
Mo.MileSplit.com and Bigriverrunning.com's joint coverage of the MSHSAA Class 3-4 State Championship
Mo.MileSplit.com and Bigriverrunning.com's joint coverage of the MSHSAA Class 3-4 State Championship
Mo.MileSplit.com and Bigriverrunning.com's joint coverage of the MSHSAA Class 3-4 State Championship
Mo.MileSplit.com and Bigriverrunning.com's joint coverage of the MSHSAA Class 3-4 State Championship
Mo.MileSplit.com and Bigriverrunning.com's joint coverage of the MSHSAA Class 3-4 State Championship
Missouri’s 2009 Class 4 Champion in the 1600 & 3200 meters, Emily Sisson will be joining Missouri MileSplit's coverage of the 2010 MSHAA Track and Field Championship for Class 3 &4.
It’s time for the Missouri Class 3 & 4 Track and Field Championship. Here’s a preview of what I’ll be watching starting with the girls.
It’s time for the Missouri Class 3 & 4 Track and Field Championship. Here’s a preview of what I’ll be watching on the boys side.
No one covers Missouri Track & Field like Missouri MileSplit . Paul Everett and Emily Sisson were on site in Jefferson City brining you all the action.
Guest Missouri MileSplit correspondent Emily Sisson shares her thoughts of the day one of the distance events from the Class 3-4 Championsip
Check out all the interviews from the Class 3-4 State Championships at Jefferson City
Emily Sisson wraps up the action from Jefferson City with her recap of the distance events on day 2.
With less than a month to go until the state meet, Missouri MileSplit and Big River Running Company offer you this look back at the 2010 State Championships.
Can't wait for the state champinships? How about a look back at the 2010 state meet?