Capital City Cross Country Classic 2010

Jefferson City, MO

Capital City Cross Country Classic 2010 vs Capital City Cross Country Classic 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +35 184 149
Overall Average -14.72 22:01.55 22:16.26
1st-10th Place -4.21 17:14.12 17:18.33
1st-25th Place -16.60 17:44.09 18:00.69
1st-50th Place -20.31 18:29.28 18:49.59
1st-100th Place -27.23 19:46.61 20:13.83
Common Athletes -- -- 51
Ran Faster 9 30 21
Ran Season Best -- 51 51
Average Time -4.73 22:10.64 22:15.36
Median Time +16.98 21:56.80 21:39.82
Middle 80% Times -0.48 22:08.47 22:08.95
Top 10% Times -34.40 17:30.12 18:04.51
Top 25% Times -26.94 18:13.15 18:40.09
Top 50% Times -19.49 19:26.20 19:45.69
Bottom 50% Times +10.22 24:03.89 23:53.68
Bottom 25% Times +7.17 26:45.29 26:38.12
Bottom 10% Times +5.12 28:36.14 28:31.02
Average Difference -4.73 -- --
Median Difference -7.62 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -0.67 -- --
Top 10% Difference -20.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference -21.25 -- --
Top 25% Difference -12.12 -- --
Top 50% Difference -21.25 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +11.68 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +11.95 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +41.76 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ryan Jackson Herculaneum High School -17.45 16:54.60 17:12.05
Collin Thomas Herculaneum High School +22.56 17:34.00 17:11.44
Jacob Coffman Herculaneum High School -1:01.19 17:11.50 18:12.69
Caleb Ruth Jefferson City High School -2:32.96 17:28.50 20:01.46
Isaac Baumann Jefferson City High School -27.65 17:49.40 18:17.05
Cody Lute Helias Catholic High School -1:10.70 18:02.70 19:13.40
Dan Christopher Herculaneum High School -49.70 18:15.40 19:05.10
Michael Mccoy Helias Catholic High School -35.18 18:27.20 19:02.38
Blake Calvin Fulton High School -5.21 18:37.00 18:42.21
Travis Barry Osage High School +18.67 19:10.30 18:51.63
Austin Raithel Helias Catholic High School -1:06.23 18:58.60 20:04.83
Adam Lause Washington High School +1.11 19:02.40 19:01.29
Thomas Backeus Fatima High School +17.73 19:19.30 19:01.57
Colin Gowin Hermitage High School +24.58 19:38.71 19:14.13
Kaitlyn Fischer Herculaneum High School -48.79 19:35.80 20:24.59
Dylan Callaway Washington High School +24.93 20:01.12 19:36.19
Briana Watson Jefferson City High School -34.63 20:03.50 20:38.13
Brent Luebbering Fatima High School -4.95 20:11.30 20:16.25
Brett Davis Kirksville High School -1:13.00 20:13.10 21:26.10
Conradette King Jefferson City High School +30.35 20:44.50 20:14.15
Chris Hooper Kirksville High School -14.30 20:29.70 20:44.00
Allen Meyer Hermitage High School -16.90 21:08.40 21:25.30
Jordan Weichelt Kirksville High School +10.24 21:21.90 21:11.66
Emily Cumpton Blair Oaks High School -0.96 21:26.10 21:27.06
Cheyenne McAurther Herculaneum High School +1:14.08 22:47.50 21:33.42
Emily Crawford Jefferson City High School -15.22 21:39.40 21:54.62
Joni Reinkemeyer Helias Catholic High School +1:32.78 23:12.60 21:39.82
Colby Branch Southern Boone High School +24.99 22:18.00 21:53.01
Tara Chronister Herculaneum High School -23.90 21:56.80 22:20.70
Corri Hamilton Fulton High School -7.62 22:02.00 22:09.62
Mary Moloney Herculaneum High School +12.08 22:16.20 22:04.12
Maria Backes Helias Catholic High School +9.37 23:15.50 23:06.13
Madeline Marlow Washington High School +23.22 23:40.50 23:17.28
Maggie Dorge Blair Oaks High School -1:08.38 23:21.20 24:29.58
Brier Skogsberg Kirksville High School -11.84 23:24.20 23:36.04
Elizabeth Prenger Blair Oaks High School -13.23 23:32.50 23:45.73
Kasey Wood Washington High School +1:30.38 25:03.20 23:32.82
Richard Gibson Fulton High School +3.42 23:43.80 23:40.38
Alyssa Lehenbauer Osage High School +3:43.58 27:24.20 23:40.62
Anna Bretzke Washington High School +1:21.59 25:06.30 23:44.71
Jaena Smith Fulton High School +33.50 24:49.50 24:16.00
Brittany Riley Osage High School -1:44.02 24:18.40 26:02.42
Brie Rohe Fulton High School -1:19.76 24:56.80 26:16.56
Courtney Johnson Fulton High School -15.33 25:13.00 25:28.33
Amanda Gale Blair Oaks High School +1:56.45 27:12.70 25:16.25
Trisha Rowe Fatima High School -53.89 25:26.30 26:20.19
Cassandra Carter Russellville High School -14.22 25:36.90 25:51.12
Hallie Blanchard Southern Boone High School -1:21.42 26:09.70 27:31.12
Sydney Reitz Southern Boone High School +2:23.35 30:39.71 28:16.36
Jaclyn Richardson Southern Boone High School -1:46.50 29:25.60 31:12.10
Heather Swearingin Hermitage High School -44.88 30:44.90 31:29.78