Class 3 District 6 2022

Lamar, MO

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parker, Tristen 11.17 Hollister High School
Roy, Cooper 11.24 Fair Grove High School
Straus, Michael 11.36 Springfield Catholic High School
Pellham, Grant 11.38 Clever High School
Daniels, Chris 11.52 Reeds Spring High School
Crowley, Canyon 11.59 Fair Grove High School
Wheeler, Ashton 11.60 Cassville High School
Beshore, Joel 11.60 Lamar High School
Kluhsman, Adam 11.71 Lamar High School
Hurn, Blake 11.88 Seneca High School
Ross, Ryder 11.91 Strafford High School
Hunt, Jansen 11.92 Aurora High School
Wells, Caleb 11.94 Strafford High School
HERZAN, DANIEL 11.97 Reeds Spring High School
Marrs, Jackson 12.14 Seneca High School
Carey, Michael 12.14 Clever High School
Ung, Brandon 12.16 Springfield Catholic High School
Brasser, Blake 12.23 Hollister High School
Hoff, Ethan 12.39 Mt. Vernon High School
Jimenez, Alan 12.90 Mt. Vernon High School
Dover, Ian 13.04 East Newton High School
Clymer, Christopher 15.57 East Newton High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bergen, Gabe 15.38 East Newton High School
Cordray, Wyatt 15.50 Mt. Vernon High School
Steed, Joseph 16.08 Springfield Catholic High School
Swaters, Cody 16.70 Springfield Catholic High School
Girard, Devon 16.96 Hollister High School
Ipock, Seth 17.04 Fair Grove High School
Woodbury, Silas 17.11 Hollister High School
Floyd, Daunte 17.48 Aurora High School
Haley, Oliver 17.63 Fair Grove High School
Fowler, Wyatte 18.24 Mt. Vernon High School
King, Amren 18.69 Strafford High School
Pinegar, Ryan 18.87 Reeds Spring High School
Wardell, Baylor 18.95 Strafford High School
Pinegar, Trevor 19.17 Reeds Spring High School
St. John Clark, Troy Keith 20.02 Clever High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sorrell, Chase 4:20.26 East Newton High School
Sorrell, Kelton 4:33.37 East Newton High School
Leach, Caleb 4:47.55 Cassville High School
Breshears, Blaine 4:54.81 Lamar High School
Heins, Pierce 5:00.08 Lamar High School
Fraker, Logan 5:01.40 Strafford High School
Willis, Colton 5:02.68 Strafford High School
Del Vecchio, Ben 5:03.00 Springfield Catholic High School
Gambon, James 5:15.81 Springfield Catholic High School
Miller, Luke 5:16.75 Aurora High School
Shepard, Connor 5:22.26 Fair Grove High School
Cornelison, Caymen 5:31.58 Aurora High School
BAXTER, AIDEN 5:34.07 Fair Grove High School
Jackson, Jack 5:40.64 Hollister High School
Parker, Dakota 6:06.00 Hollister High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marrs, Jackson Seneca High School
House, Adyen Strafford High School
McNeece, Kayson Mt. Vernon High School
Vaughn, Morgan Seneca High School
Parker, Tristen 22.51 Hollister High School
Wiest, Caden 23.03 Reeds Spring High School
O'Reilly, Liam 23.39 Springfield Catholic High School
Straus, Michael 23.40 Springfield Catholic High School
Kluhsman, Adam 23.60 Lamar High School
Crowley, Canyon 23.74 Fair Grove High School
Baird, Esais 24.14 Fair Grove High School
Dowdy, James 24.28 Reeds Spring High School
Case, Josh 24.57 Cassville High School
BAILEY, KYLE 24.75 Cassville High School
Evans, Baylor 24.93 Hollister High School
St. John Clark, Troy Keith 25.32 Clever High School
Evans, Gage 25.54 Clever High School
Treat, Eli 25.83 Strafford High School
Hardyman, Preston 26.34 Mt. Vernon High School
Dover, Ian 26.54 East Newton High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bergen, Gabe 40.44 East Newton High School
Cordray, Wyatt 42.24 Mt. Vernon High School
Steed, Joseph 42.93 Springfield Catholic High School
Beshore, Joel 43.70 Lamar High School
Swaters, Cody 44.22 Springfield Catholic High School
Elliott, Charles 44.48 Cassville High School
Girard, Devon 45.12 Hollister High School
Ipock, Seth 46.13 Fair Grove High School
Powell, Scott 46.16 East Newton High School
King, Amren 46.32 Strafford High School
ABSHIRE, ADDISON 46.80 Reeds Spring High School
Pinegar, Ryan 46.91 Reeds Spring High School
Floyd, Daunte 47.06 Aurora High School
Wardell, Baylor 47.07 Strafford High School
Fowler, Wyatte 47.36 Mt. Vernon High School
Haley, Oliver 48.44 Fair Grove High School
Jaramillo, Clayton 48.58 Aurora High School
Brown, Scott Landon 50.75 Seneca High School
St. John Clark, Troy Keith 52.74 Clever High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sorrell, Kelton 10:09.60 East Newton High School
Sorrell, Chase 10:09.86 East Newton High School
Buescher, Luke 10:52.35 Fair Grove High School
Willis, Colton 10:54.00 Strafford High School
Breshears, Blaine 10:55.91 Lamar High School
Foster, Parker 11:40.76 Springfield Catholic High School
Osborne, Spencer 11:51.62 Cassville High School
Eck, Clayton 11:52.62 Springfield Catholic High School
Hurtgen, Ethan 12:02.01 Strafford High School
HASKINS, SHELBY 12:06.17 Fair Grove High School
Hargus, Joseph 12:12.20 Aurora High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Penny, Gibsyn 1:00.12 Hollister High School
Emberts, Isiah 1:01.04 Seneca High School
Numbers, Ben 1:02.55 Aurora High School
Parker, Tristen 50.34 Hollister High School
Pellham, Grant 51.73 Clever High School
Bergen, Gabe 51.79 East Newton High School
Gammon, Thomas 52.58 Lamar High School
Draper, Liam 52.59 Fair Grove High School
Webb, Quintin 54.38 Lamar High School
Thierbach, Reed 55.38 Reeds Spring High School
Fish, Sam 55.56 Mt. Vernon High School
Case, Josh 56.05 Cassville High School
Edelstein, Jourdyn 56.24 Strafford High School
Evans, Gage 56.29 Clever High School
Ghanem, Marwan 56.61 Fair Grove High School
Luu, Justin 56.92 Springfield Catholic High School
Hardyman, Preston 57.08 Mt. Vernon High School
Altic, Ethan 57.19 Seneca High School
Treat, Eli 57.25 Strafford High School
Jaramillo, Clayton 57.39 Aurora High School
Porter, Maverick 58.16 Reeds Spring High School
Soetart, Lucas 58.89 Springfield Catholic High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.74 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 44.76 Reeds Spring High School
Relay Team A 45.07 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 45.33 Cassville High School
Relay Team A 46.09 Strafford High School
Relay Team A 46.61 Springfield Catholic High School
Relay Team A 47.19 Hollister High School
Relay Team A 47.40 Seneca High School
Relay Team A 47.44 East Newton High School
Relay Team A 47.53 Clever High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:32.80 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 1:32.96 Springfield Catholic High School
Relay Team A 1:33.63 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 1:33.92 Cassville High School
Relay Team A 1:34.76 Reeds Spring High School
Relay Team A 1:35.90 Clever High School
Relay Team A 1:37.82 Strafford High School
Relay Team A 1:39.83 Mt. Vernon High School
Relay Team A 1:42.46 Hollister High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:33.39 East Newton High School
Relay Team A 3:38.72 Springfield Catholic High School
Relay Team A 3:38.80 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 3:40.62 Cassville High School
Relay Team A 3:43.57 Reeds Spring High School
Relay Team A 3:43.80 Mt. Vernon High School
Relay Team A 3:44.56 Strafford High School
Relay Team A 3:46.57 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 3:57.20 Hollister High School
Relay Team A 4:00.90 Aurora High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:06.81 East Newton High School
Relay Team A 8:43.97 Cassville High School
Relay Team A 8:44.23 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 9:08.99 Springfield Catholic High School
Relay Team A 9:11.00 Strafford High School
Relay Team A 9:27.41 Reeds Spring High School
Relay Team A 9:27.72 Fair Grove High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sorrell, Kelton 1:57.09 East Newton High School
Sorrell, Chase 2:01.00 East Newton High School
Littlefield, Peter 2:09.63 Cassville High School
Breshears, Blaine 2:12.14 Lamar High School
Del Vecchio, Ben 2:13.34 Springfield Catholic High School
Semple, Jacob 2:13.60 Strafford High School
Carroll, Ethan 2:13.62 Springfield Catholic High School
Heins, Pierce 2:14.22 Lamar High School
Miller, Luke 2:15.08 Aurora High School
Numbers, Ben 2:18.99 Aurora High School
Noriega, Logan 2:22.38 Reeds Spring High School
Holland, Thomas 2:23.64 Reeds Spring High School
Hill, Jonathon 2:25.96 Strafford High School
Burleson, Keatin 2:26.20 Seneca High School
Jackson, Jack 2:26.24 Hollister High School
LAIR, HADDON 2:28.52 Fair Grove High School
Gentry, Blake 2:29.65 Fair Grove High School
Hazelton, Ty 2:33.51 Mt. Vernon High School
Parker, Dakota 2:38.84 Hollister High School
Konrad, Lane 2:50.22 Mt. Vernon High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dickinson, Bradan 41.06m Cassville High School
Dawson, Dominic 41.09m Mt. Vernon High School
Ferguson, Kadan 36.35m Mt. Vernon High School
Warren, Nate 26.11m Springfield Catholic High School
Sartin, Brett 40.72m Fair Grove High School
TIMOCE, MATTHEW 37.64m Fair Grove High School
Raulston, Brandon 29.65m Clever High School
Bennion, Toshinori 30.22m East Newton High School
Shaw, Dominic 45.95m East Newton High School
Dewitt, Jose 35.91m Aurora High School
Cline, Jackson 35.89m Aurora High School
Woodbury, Silas 38.89m Hollister High School
Zahner, Zak 39.85m Hollister High School
Lawler, Teagan 41.57m Strafford High School
Voysey, Avery 41.81m Strafford High School
Willhite, Trace 46.51m Lamar High School
Williams, Tyson 41.93m Lamar High School
Smith, Gavin 33.12m Reeds Spring High School
Wattenbarger, Lucas 35.10m Reeds Spring High School
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HS Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Littlefield, Peter 1.80m Cassville High School
Mills, Braiden 1.57m Mt. Vernon High School
Lyon, Ty 1.83m Springfield Catholic High School
O'Reilly, Liam 1.80m Springfield Catholic High School
Elder, Anderson 1.80m Fair Grove High School
Orr, Joshua 1.75m Fair Grove High School
Robinson, Xavier 1.80m Clever High School
Semple, Jacob 1.78m Strafford High School
Crowe, Michael 1.89m East Newton High School
Fris, Jaxon 1.73m Aurora High School
Floyd, Daunte 1.83m Aurora High School
Woodbury, Silas 1.82m Hollister High School
Hoover, Gavyn Seneca High School
Davis, Terrill 1.77m Lamar High School
Dillon, Jase 1.72m Lamar High School
Hazelton, Ty 1.73m Mt. Vernon High School
Provenzano-Reed, Connor 1.60m Reeds Spring High School
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HS Boys Javelin 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anthonysz, Jake 39.74m Cassville High School
Burton, Joseph 34.40m Cassville High School
Dawson, Dominic 40.41m Mt. Vernon High School
Jenkins, Kade 29.56m Mt. Vernon High School
Southern, Blake 33.89m Springfield Catholic High School
Hurt, Chelby 39.89m Fair Grove High School
Pierce, Richard 37.52m Fair Grove High School
Enlow, Eden 37.34m East Newton High School
Hood, Noah 30.78m East Newton High School
Ibarra, Jose 39.87m Aurora High School
Barrientos-Perez, Michael 34.08m Aurora High School
Narvaez, AJ 42.99m Hollister High School
Teter, Kyle 36.88m Hollister High School
Voysey, Avery 50.54m Strafford High School
Lawler, Teagan 50.71m Strafford High School
Willhite, Trace 48.51m Lamar High School
Wilkerson, Austin 48.21m Lamar High School
Emberts, Isiah 32.92m Seneca High School
Michaud, Sebastian 42.39m Reeds Spring High School
LEWIS, ADAM 37.95m Reeds Spring High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
BAILEY, KYLE 5.71m Cassville High School
Cordray, Wyatt 6.21m Mt. Vernon High School
Phelan, Christopher 5.61m Mt. Vernon High School
Wheeler, Ashton 5.53m Cassville High School
Kilmer, Evan 5.25m Springfield Catholic High School
Landrum, Devin 5.15m Springfield Catholic High School
Peak, Kenneth 5.48m Fair Grove High School
Stacye, Kody 6.99m Fair Grove High School
Rice, Aaron 5.92m Clever High School
Graaf, Landen 5.98m Clever High School
Larsen, Cayden 4.83m East Newton High School
Enlow, Eden 5.64m East Newton High School
Parker, Tristen 6.42m Hollister High School
Woodbury, Silas 5.74m Hollister High School
Burleson, Keatin Seneca High School
Commons, Landon 4.86m Seneca High School
House, Adyen 5.95m Strafford High School
Mullins, Bradlee 5.79m Strafford High School
Ngugi, Ian 5.76m Lamar High School
Davis, Terrill 6.09m Lamar High School
Blubaugh, Preston 6.26m Reeds Spring High School
Dowdy, James 6.04m Reeds Spring High School
Hunt, Jansen 6.14m Aurora High School
Cornelison, Caymen 4.67m Aurora High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pickett, Eli 3.53m Cassville High School
Downing, Cody 2.60m Mt. Vernon High School
Trimble, Earl 3.23m Mt. Vernon High School
DALAVIRAS, THOMAS 2.92m Fair Grove High School
Elder, Anderson 3.35m Fair Grove High School
Evey, Nathan 3.65m East Newton High School
Smith, Hayden 2.90m Seneca High School
Girard, Devon 2.45m Hollister High School
Southern, Carter 2.29m Hollister High School
Sturgell, Carson 2.90m Lamar High School
Preston, Zack 2.74m Reeds Spring High School
Provenzano-Reed, Connor 3.00m Reeds Spring High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dickinson, Bradan 15.60m Cassville High School
Dawson, Dominic 12.51m Mt. Vernon High School
Washington, Ny 13.02m Mt. Vernon High School
Gilbert, Christopher 12.14m Springfield Catholic High School
Adams, Kord 11.67m Fair Grove High School
Mcmains, William 12.67m Fair Grove High School
Raulston, Brandon 11.26m Clever High School
Shaw, Dominic 13.57m East Newton High School
Litchfield, Joshua 10.08m East Newton High School
Husmann, Ethan 12.95m Aurora High School
Cline, Jackson 12.78m Aurora High School
Narvaez, AJ 13.94m Hollister High School
Lawler, Teagan 13.17m Strafford High School
IV, J Adams 11.62m Strafford High School
Willhite, Trace 13.70m Lamar High School
Mills, Michael 12.93m Lamar High School
Richardson, Noah 11.99m Hollister High School
Wiest, Caden 15.27m Reeds Spring High School
Wattenbarger, Lucas 11.71m Reeds Spring High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ewing, Jeremiah 12.06m Cassville High School
Wheeler, Ashton 11.36m Cassville High School
Mills, Braiden 10.70m Mt. Vernon High School
Konrad, Lane 9.03m Mt. Vernon High School
Boster, Thomas 11.58m Springfield Catholic High School
Palmer, Joshua 10.75m Springfield Catholic High School
Koller, Mason 11.32m Fair Grove High School
Stacye, Kody 12.27m Fair Grove High School
Brown, Jacob 10.71m Clever High School
Rice, Aaron 12.43m Clever High School
Barry, Jesse 12.89m Strafford High School
Tolubaev, Han 10.56m East Newton High School
Enlow, Eden 10.95m East Newton High School
Parker, Dakota 8.98m Hollister High School
Altic, Ethan 10.63m Seneca High School
Marrs, Jackson 10.85m Seneca High School
King, Amren 11.66m Strafford High School
Lucas, Lance 11.60m Lamar High School
Reed, Ethan 11.52m Lamar High School
Blubaugh, Preston 12.68m Reeds Spring High School
Dowdy, James 12.01m Reeds Spring High School
Miller, Luke 9.64m Aurora High School
Floyd, Daunte 12.89m Aurora High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flood, Jayleign 12.51 Clever High School
Chadwell, Abby 12.57 Strafford High School
Cowherd, Nina 13.02 Mt. Vernon High School
Ferris, Elise 13.02 Lamar High School
Talbott, Kyleigh 13.03 Lamar High School
Means, Destiny 13.10 Strafford High School
Mueller, Kaitlyn 13.13 Fair Grove High School
Moses, Casaundra 13.19 Springfield Catholic High School
IPOCK, SAVANNAH 13.20 Fair Grove High School
Burns, Makynzie 13.28 Hollister High School
Elliott, Evelyn 13.29 Cassville High School
Schrunk, Sedona 13.46 Reeds Spring High School
Williams, Olivia 13.47 Hollister High School
French, Makenzie 13.50 Seneca High School
Macy, Danessa 13.97 Seneca High School
Mesicek, Adalyn 14.30 Mt. Vernon High School
Burch, Alyssa 14.66 Aurora High School
BOLLES, MAKAIDEN 14.70 Cassville High School
Herndon, Kaydley 15.00 New Covenant Academy
Coletrain, Macy 16.34 Springfield Catholic High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Herndon, Kaydley New Covenant Academy
Murray, Elizabeth Reeds Spring High School
Hall, Makena 16.29 Aurora High School
Burns, Makynzie 16.32 Hollister High School
Clark, Maliya 16.54 Clever High School
Phillips, Maisie 16.63 Aurora High School
Talbott, Kyleigh 17.03 Lamar High School
Mccrackin, Marianne 17.10 Cassville High School
Macy, Danessa 17.32 Seneca High School
GREEN, ABBEY 17.40 Fair Grove High School
PADGETT, EMMA 17.50 Fair Grove High School
Pfitzner, Kyleigh 18.62 Springfield Catholic High School
Means, Briana 18.84 Strafford High School
Burbridge, Pazlee 18.99 Cassville High School
Gaddy, Taylor 19.29 Mt. Vernon High School
Friend, Chandlyr 19.47 Clever High School
Kite, Cailyn 19.70 Reeds Spring High School
Elliott, Grace 19.94 Seneca High School
McLain, Eliana 21.85 New Covenant Academy
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Potter, Kiersten 5:33.43 Lamar High School
Schaefer, Katherine 5:41.90 Hollister High School
Smith, Chloe 5:43.73 Clever High School
Hayes, Jasmine 5:57.00 Strafford High School
Trent, Clara 5:58.90 New Covenant Academy
Keith, Piper 6:02.00 Strafford High School
Jaramillo, Destiny 6:02.73 Aurora High School
Anderson, Dakotah 6:11.80 Cassville High School
Adams, Jenna 6:27.11 Reeds Spring High School
Szura, Madison 6:31.78 Springfield Catholic High School
Davis, Aubree 6:36.35 Reeds Spring High School
Reed, Dalisia 6:41.19 Seneca High School
Beach, Sheridan 7:04.11 Cassville High School
Sharpe, Katie 7:05.45 Aurora High School
Cullers, Ayla 7:33.42 East Newton High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flood, Jayleign 26.58 Clever High School
Chadwell, Abby 27.15 Strafford High School
Burns, Makynzie 27.78 Hollister High School
Krempges, Kadence 27.84 Mt. Vernon High School
Williams, Jadyn 27.95 Cassville High School
Long, Cambry 28.00 Seneca High School
Vance, Allisyn 28.03 Reeds Spring High School
IPOCK, SAVANNAH 28.03 Fair Grove High School
Crisp, Karlie 28.56 Reeds Spring High School
Jones, Addyson 28.64 Seneca High School
Williams, Olivia 28.77 Hollister High School
Mueller, Kaitlyn 28.93 Fair Grove High School
Moses, Casaundra 29.14 Springfield Catholic High School
Wolfe, Kayleigh 29.24 Lamar High School
O'Sullivan, Chelsey 29.51 Lamar High School
Zerby, McKenna 30.44 Mt. Vernon High School
Yocum, Grace 30.46 Cassville High School
Boyd, Kloey 30.61 Aurora High School
Thurman, Ashlyn 30.94 Aurora High School
Gibson, Maggie 33.55 New Covenant Academy
Kempel, Megan 34.94 Springfield Catholic High School
Klemm, Olivia 35.90 New Covenant Academy
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McLain, Eliana New Covenant Academy
Renfro, Isabella 1:04.65 Seneca High School
Phillips, Maisie 48.12 Aurora High School
Lansdown, Rylee 49.40 Clever High School
Burns, Makynzie 50.20 Hollister High School
Mccrackin, Marianne 51.92 Cassville High School
GREEN, ABBEY 52.72 Fair Grove High School
Friend, Chandlyr 53.20 Clever High School
Kite, Cailyn 58.48 Reeds Spring High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Potter, Kiersten 12:02.80 Lamar High School
Smith, Chloe 12:03.06 Clever High School
Schaefer, Katherine 12:51.09 Hollister High School
Hayes, Jasmine 12:57.95 Strafford High School
Trent, Clara 13:10.62 New Covenant Academy
Anderson, Dakotah 13:28.28 Cassville High School
Maples, Maddi 13:55.00 Strafford High School
Sharpe, Katie 16:33.17 Aurora High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flood, Jayleign 1:00.28 Clever High School
DANIELS, BROOKE 1:03.74 Fair Grove High School
Long, Cambry 1:04.50 Seneca High School
Williams, Jadyn 1:04.70 Cassville High School
Maddox, Kierstin 1:05.03 Clever High School
Talley, Kaylee 1:06.61 New Covenant Academy
Diggs, Abigail 1:07.08 Lamar High School
Force, Olivia 1:07.69 Lamar High School
Zerby, McKenna 1:08.61 Mt. Vernon High School
Ellis, Alexis 1:09.15 Springfield Catholic High School
Williams, Olivia 1:10.66 Hollister High School
WEISER, KAYLYN 1:10.89 Cassville High School
Nanneman, Alyssa 1:11.21 Springfield Catholic High School
Brand, Dahlia 1:11.23 Reeds Spring High School
Boyd, Kloey 1:12.14 Aurora High School
Thurman, Ashlyn 1:13.84 Aurora High School
Harris, Danika 1:14.31 Mt. Vernon High School
Block, Natalie 1:16.66 New Covenant Academy
Bolin, Logan 1:18.14 Strafford High School
Young, Emily 59.88 Hollister High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:02.28 New Covenant Academy
Relay Team A 51.83 Mt. Vernon High School
Relay Team A 51.98 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 52.58 Strafford High School
Relay Team A 53.20 Seneca High School
Relay Team A 53.87 Reeds Spring High School
Relay Team A 53.95 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 54.64 Cassville High School
Relay Team A 54.78 Aurora High School
Relay Team A 55.63 Clever High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A New Covenant Academy
Relay Team A 1:51.09 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 1:51.83 Mt. Vernon High School
Relay Team A 1:52.52 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 1:53.63 Cassville High School
Relay Team A 1:53.81 Seneca High School
Relay Team A 1:54.29 Reeds Spring High School
Relay Team A 1:54.46 Strafford High School
Relay Team A 1:56.01 Clever High School
Relay Team A 1:58.02 Springfield Catholic High School
Relay Team A 1:59.74 Aurora High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:16.85 Clever High School
Relay Team A 4:25.25 Cassville High School
Relay Team A 4:29.20 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 4:30.40 Aurora High School
Relay Team A 4:31.66 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 4:46.89 Mt. Vernon High School
Relay Team A 4:48.63 Reeds Spring High School
Relay Team A 4:53.05 Springfield Catholic High School
Relay Team A 4:55.64 New Covenant Academy
Relay Team A 4:57.72 Strafford High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:36.00 Cassville High School
Relay Team A 10:39.63 Clever High School
Relay Team A 11:08.83 New Covenant Academy
Relay Team A 11:19.60 Strafford High School
Relay Team A 11:34.86 Reeds Spring High School
Relay Team A 11:41.87 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 12:38.01 East Newton High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tindle, Mackenzie Strafford High School
Davidson, Danielle East Newton High School
Britton, Riley 2:29.21 Clever High School
Schaefer, Katherine 2:29.29 Hollister High School
Evans, Jolie 2:32.08 Cassville High School
Potter, Kiersten 2:35.70 Lamar High School
Mitchell, Tori 2:37.37 Cassville High School
Mccune, Anna 2:42.95 New Covenant Academy
Barrett, Reese 2:45.80 Mt. Vernon High School
Keith, Piper 2:46.98 Strafford High School
Watson, Harley 2:54.19 Reeds Spring High School
Donica, Amanda 2:55.10 East Newton High School
Crouch, Anastassia 2:59.20 Mt. Vernon High School
Brandsma, Ariah 3:00.15 Reeds Spring High School
Madison, Mikayla 3:03.92 Lamar High School
Sharpe, Katie 3:22.85 Aurora High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrison, Amber 23.86m Seneca High School
Hulette, Hailey 24.45m Fair Grove High School
Green, Kameron 22.14m Fair Grove High School
Whitlinger, Avery 25.80m Clever High School
Page, Joslynne 20.94m Clever High School
Duffel, Christa 26.16m Strafford High School
Cordova, Alexa 21.71m Mt. Vernon High School
Coffey, Alyssa 30.07m East Newton High School
Carter, Rachel 22.39m East Newton High School
Mcvey, Gabriella 28.57m Aurora High School
Montgomery, Maci 28.91m Aurora High School
Franciskovich, Gabriella 20.18m Hollister High School
Larson, Madison 17.60m Hollister High School
Gordon, Phajjia 34.16m Lamar High School
Brown, Addison 26.19m Lamar High School
Barton, Maci 26.43m Cassville High School
Morris, Riley 32.90m Cassville High School
Auer, Meghan 25.11m New Covenant Academy
McClanahan, Isabel 17.86m New Covenant Academy
Beard, Hunter 22.94m Seneca High School
Gaddy, Hunter 21.80m Mt. Vernon High School
Hogan, Brynn 23.49m Reeds Spring High School
Kristek, Krissi 19.06m Springfield Catholic High School
Nwodo, Peggy 23.35m Springfield Catholic High School
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HS Girls High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
GREEN, TAYLOR 1.46m Fair Grove High School
Clark, Maliya 1.55m Clever High School
Friend, Chandlyr 1.47m Clever High School
Ray, Teah 1.45m Mt. Vernon High School
Dopko, Isabella 1.32m Hollister High School
Williams, Olivia 1.22m Hollister High School
Ernest, Jaelyn 1.32m Aurora High School
Fyock, Katelyn 1.52m Seneca High School
Darnell, Rylee 1.54m Seneca High School
Miller, Marcy 1.63m Lamar High School
Halterman, Madison 1.21m Cassville High School
Seymour, Sharayah 1.47m Cassville High School
Porter, Amarah 1.41m Reeds Spring High School
O'Reilly, Grace 1.67m Springfield Catholic High School
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HS Girls Javelin 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrison, Amber 27.65m Seneca High School
Hulette, Hailey 26.29m Fair Grove High School
Green, Kameron 27.18m Fair Grove High School
Suter, Aubrey 21.81m Strafford High School
Duffel, Christa 31.00m Strafford High School
Gaddy, Hunter 25.71m Mt. Vernon High School
McIntire, Mikalyn 19.64m Mt. Vernon High School
Wolfe, Caybree 26.47m East Newton High School
Johnson, Gracie 31.65m East Newton High School
Blevins, Payden 27.97m Aurora High School
Franciskovich, Gabriella 27.51m Hollister High School
Whorton, Ally 21.77m Hollister High School
Miller, Marcy 30.31m Lamar High School
Gordon, Phajjia 33.91m Lamar High School
Parnell, Landry 29.65m Cassville High School
SPARKMAN, LAUREN 25.19m Cassville High School
Beard, Hunter 24.70m Seneca High School
Brandsma, Ariah 22.26m Reeds Spring High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
GREEN, TAYLOR 4.56m Fair Grove High School
Bollenbach, Sydney 4.42m Clever High School
Robinson, Mariah 4.41m Clever High School
Rycraft, Faith 4.71m Mt. Vernon High School
Zabel, Ashlee 3.89m Mt. Vernon High School
Thornton, Brianne 3.20m East Newton High School
McCully, Paige 4.04m East Newton High School
Young, Emily 5.43m Hollister High School
Dopko, Isabella 4.41m Hollister High School
Thurman, Ashlyn 3.92m Aurora High School
Hall, Makena 4.75m Aurora High School
Long, Parker 3.92m Seneca High School
Fyock, Katelyn 4.95m Seneca High School
Ferris, Elise 5.37m Lamar High School
Wolfe, Kayleigh 4.72m Lamar High School
Elliott, Evelyn 4.58m Cassville High School
WEISER, KAYLYN 3.89m Cassville High School
Brand, Dahlia 4.61m Reeds Spring High School
Kite, Cailyn 4.44m Reeds Spring High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
WELLS, REESE 2.29m Fair Grove High School
RODE, MADISON 1.98m Fair Grove High School
Clark, Maliya 2.74m Clever High School
Maddox, Kierstin 2.13m Clever High School
Barrett, Reese 2.13m Mt. Vernon High School
Krempges, Kadence 2.74m Mt. Vernon High School
Carter, Rachel 1.62m East Newton High School
Young, Emily 2.97m Hollister High School
Boyd, Kloey 2.30m Aurora High School
Hall, Makena 2.59m Aurora High School
Elliott, Grace 1.85m Seneca High School
Wheeler, Jessilynn 1.83m Seneca High School
Moore, Annie 2.90m Cassville High School
Baskins, Alexis 2.45m Reeds Spring High School
Kite, Carley 2.44m Reeds Spring High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrison, Amber 8.58m Seneca High School
Renfro, Isabella 9.67m Seneca High School
Hulette, Hailey 8.30m Fair Grove High School
Whitlinger, Avery 9.31m Clever High School
Page, Joslynne 6.91m Clever High School
Duffel, Christa 9.22m Strafford High School
Gaddy, Hunter 9.12m Mt. Vernon High School
Moore, Emma 7.55m Mt. Vernon High School
Graffis, Adison 8.45m East Newton High School
Cook, Emma 8.34m East Newton High School
Mcvey, Gabriella 7.29m Aurora High School
Montgomery, Maci 8.43m Aurora High School
Whorton, Ally 8.29m Hollister High School
Gordon, Phajjia 10.63m Lamar High School
Brown, Addison 9.21m Lamar High School
Franklin, Aaliyah 9.07m Cassville High School
Glidewell, Taylor 8.30m Cassville High School
Auer, Meghan 7.50m New Covenant Academy
McClanahan, Isabel 8.42m New Covenant Academy
Hogan, Brynn 8.74m Reeds Spring High School
Kristek, Krissi 6.49m Springfield Catholic High School
Nwodo, Peggy 8.73m Springfield Catholic High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
GREEN, TAYLOR 9.74m Fair Grove High School
WELLS, REESE 10.13m Fair Grove High School
Bollenbach, Sydney 9.31m Clever High School
Suter, Aubrey 9.23m Strafford High School
Barker, Sophia 9.73m Mt. Vernon High School
Rycraft, Faith 9.61m Mt. Vernon High School
McCully, Paige 8.31m East Newton High School
Dopko, Isabella 8.59m Hollister High School
Young, Emily 10.82m Hollister High School
Hall, Makena 10.11m Aurora High School
Darnell, Rylee 9.74m Seneca High School
Fyock, Katelyn 10.36m Seneca High School
Miller, Marcy 10.64m Lamar High School
Kite, Cailyn 9.14m Reeds Spring High School
Porter, Amarah 9.31m Reeds Spring High School
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