Jackson 'Bob Sink' Invitational 2024

Jackson, MO

Athlete Entries

Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:30.96 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 1:33.47 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 1:34.52 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 1:37.00 Scott City High School
Relay Team A 1:37.65 Sikeston High School
Relay Team A 1:38.00 Central (New Madrid County) High
Relay Team A 1:38.11 Dexter High School
Relay Team A 1:39.00h Jackson High School
Relay Team A 1:40.02 Murphysboro
Relay Team A 1:40.91 Saxony Lutheran High School
Relay Team A 1:48.22 Perryville High School
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Boys Javelin 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schremp, Jacob 45.26m St. Vincent High School
Hayden, Logan St. Vincent High School
Hill, Connor 28.77m Dexter High School
Lynn, Austin 44.48m Scott City High School
Braun, Tyler 36.47m Scott City High School
Chambless, Matt 23.90m Saxony Lutheran High School
Brown, Preston 57.45m Hillsboro High School
Campbell, Karson 38.67m Hillsboro High School
Arnold, Jaden 29.04m Scott County Central High School
Wessell, Hayden 36.12m Jackson High School
Glass, Rowen 36.25m Jackson High School
Pfaff, Wesley 29.18m Perryville High School
Buchheit, Noah 28.98m Perryville High School
Ray, Connor 45.29m Poplar Bluff High School
Duncan, Henry 38.15m Poplar Bluff High School
Yarbro, Blake 41.88m Chaffee High School
Sheridan, Kent 35.02m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Pardon, Max 31.39m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Jones, Jason 37.11m Central (New Madrid County) High
Gamblin, Zackery 38.05m Central (New Madrid County) High
Willems, Jaydan 44.65m Dexter High School
Riddle, Bo 42.71m Sikeston High School
Craig, Kayden 39.93m Sikeston High School
Crowden, Casey Delta High School
Fluchel, Brylan 18.80m Saxony Lutheran High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Vincent High School
Relay Team A 1:49.96 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 1:53.18 Murphysboro
Relay Team A 1:54.52 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 1:56.05 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 1:57.00h Sikeston High School
Relay Team A 1:57.30 Saxony Lutheran High School
Relay Team A 2:09.26 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 2:10.40 Scott City High School
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Girls Javelin 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
LANDIS, LILYAN 26.78m Scott City High School
Cato, Alexandria 20.91m Scott City High School
Otte, Claire 29.04m St. Vincent High School
Taylor, Samantha St. Vincent High School
Lloyd, Abbie 25.85m Dexter High School
Valenzuela, Addison 26.69m Poplar Bluff High School
Zgaynor, Kennedy 39.15m Poplar Bluff High School
Walter, Emma 26.19m Delta High School
Holweg, Presley 31.34m Delta High School
Burns, Allyson 26.15m Perryville High School
Burnett, Nekoda 21.11m Zalma High School
Gross, Emerson 22.38m Jackson High School
Hoehne, Sydney 22.19m Jackson High School
Nichols, Lauren 34.29m Hillsboro High School
Wright, Emily 33.60m Hillsboro High School
McBride, Mali 22.75m Dexter High School
Neal, Aaliyah 26.10m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Robertson, Cailee 27.76m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
HELD, AYNE' 35.56m Chaffee High School
Birdwell, Makayla 14.61m Central (New Madrid County) High
Easter, Makinna 22.22m Scott County Central High School
Yunck, Rebecca 31.29m Saxony Lutheran High School
Miget, Alivia 24.36m Saxony Lutheran High School
RESSEL, KATHERINE 27.37m Sikeston High School
Roberts, Aeriel 20.57m Sikeston High School
Adams, Alysa 24.73m Scott County Central High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Myers, Colby Perryville High School
Dockery, Ayden Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Artis, Christopher 10.90h Sikeston High School
McBride, Kolyn 11.03 Poplar Bluff High School
Reagan, Barrett 11.07 Jackson High School
Kellum, Tyjaire 11.10 Murphysboro
Abernathy, Karmelo 11.10 Murphysboro
McDonald, Lee-michael 11.18 Dexter High School
Warren, Namarius 11.22 Scott County Central High School
GORMAN, DETRAVION 11.36 Sikeston High School
Murray, Tydaireun 11.54h Scott County Central High School
Werneck, Langston 11.55 Dexter High School
Garris, Aden 11.61 Perryville High School
Bennett, Jacob 11.70 Central (New Madrid County) High
Clifford, Colt 11.71 Poplar Bluff High School
Turley, Evan 11.95 Jackson High School
West, Christian 11.96 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Minner, Kayden 12.02 Central (New Madrid County) High
Ruble, Jacob 12.03 Hillsboro High School
Sucharski, Chase 12.29 Hillsboro High School
Unterreiner, James 12.52 St. Vincent High School
Berry, Isaiah 13.03 Delta High School
Dicks, Riley 13.14h Scott City High School
Lambert, Christian 13.94h Scott City High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shock, Jackson Jackson High School
Hohenadel, Jonas Saxony Lutheran High School
Hager, Noah St. Vincent High School
Marchetti, Nick 15.30 Hillsboro High School
Ross, Dalton 15.32 Hillsboro High School
Nunn, Spencer 15.56 Poplar Bluff High School
Allen, Elliot 15.82 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
McClellan, Evan 15.96 Central (New Madrid County) High
Dodd, Noah 16.73 Poplar Bluff High School
Huff-Baker, Zakhi 16.84 Murphysboro
Newsom, Harlem 16.95 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Herring, Dru 17.06 Jackson High School
Henderson, Connor 18.00 Central (New Madrid County) High
Zoellner, Mason 18.71 Perryville High School
Wamble, Rhett 18.90 Dexter High School
Froggatt, Rylan 19.47 Scott City High School
Vendin, Nichita 19.82 Scott City High School
Jones, Isaiah 20.19 Murphysboro
Lasater, Austin 20.41 Dexter High School
King, Mason 20.58 Sikeston High School
Pyland, Ezekiel 20.72 Perryville High School
ROBINSON, JAJUAN 20.82 Sikeston High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stoffregen, Gavin Delta High School
Mueller, Ethan Murphysboro
Gentry, Bryce 4:23.22 Jackson High School
Schneider, Clayton 4:32.40 Hillsboro High School
Hutson, Jack 4:41.03 Jackson High School
Pogue, Landon 4:44.76 Hillsboro High School
Hennemann, Carter 4:45.78 St. Vincent High School
Unterreiner, Jackson 4:48.52 St. Vincent High School
Farmer, Chase 5:00.60 Dexter High School
Bauwens, Clayton 5:00.78 Perryville High School
Love, Kendarrious 5:04.54 Sikeston High School
Hopkins, Bair 5:04.62 Perryville High School
Spinks, Asher 5:06.00 Scott City High School
Gerard, Maverick 5:09.11 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Zhang, Jason 5:11.07 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Lee, Blake 5:17.31 Dexter High School
Palmer, Cohen 5:18.55 Delta High School
Richey, Mark 5:18.77 Saxony Lutheran High School
Douglas, Hunter 5:21.39 Murphysboro
Wren, Blaize 5:30.00h Sikeston High School
Walk, Alex 5:38.40 Zalma High School
Huffman, Ethan 5:52.32 Scott City High School
Ward, Evan 5:53.10 Saxony Lutheran High School
Roberts, Ayden 6:30.00 Central (New Madrid County) High
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crowden, Casey Delta High School
Lewis, Kenneth Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
McBride, Kolyn 21.96 Poplar Bluff High School
Abernathy, Karmelo 22.56 Murphysboro
Reagan, Barrett 22.64 Jackson High School
Reagan, Blayne 22.70h Jackson High School
Kellum, Tyjaire 22.88 Murphysboro
McDonald, Lee-michael 22.91 Dexter High School
Werneck, Langston 23.01 Dexter High School
Clark, Justin 23.29 Poplar Bluff High School
Marchetti, Nick 23.72 Hillsboro High School
Gremaud, Clayton 23.75 St. Vincent High School
Murray, Tydaireun 24.34h Scott County Central High School
Newsom, Dearious 24.39 Central (New Madrid County) High
Brown, Clayton 24.39 Hillsboro High School
Garris, Aden 24.47 Perryville High School
Jeter, Weston 24.48 Saxony Lutheran High School
Sanders, Courtney 24.74h Scott County Central High School
Resonno, Charlie 24.82 Central (New Madrid County) High
West, Christian 25.04 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Holcomb, Kenneth 25.10h Sikeston High School
Wigfall, Ricky 25.12 Sikeston High School
Jones, Clark 25.48 Saxony Lutheran High School
Dicks, Riley 26.72 Scott City High School
Perea, Adam 26.87 Perryville High School
Morgan, Kyle 27.04 Scott City High School
Berry, Isaiah 27.14 Delta High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crowden, Casey Delta High School
Marchetti, Nick 39.85 Hillsboro High School
Brown, Clayton 40.98 Hillsboro High School
Eanes, Warren 41.59 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Nunn, Spencer 42.46 Poplar Bluff High School
GORMAN, DETRAVION 42.68 Sikeston High School
McClellan, Evan 43.05 Central (New Madrid County) High
Newsom, Harlem 44.75 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Ham, Nathan 45.44h Scott City High School
Slack, Patrick 46.16 Poplar Bluff High School
ROBINSON, JAJUAN 46.52 Sikeston High School
Polley, Keagan 46.55 Dexter High School
Henderson, Connor 47.19 Central (New Madrid County) High
Jones, Isaiah 47.41 Murphysboro
Herring, Dru 47.42 Jackson High School
Huff-Baker, Zakhi 47.98 Murphysboro
Lasater, Austin 48.44 Dexter High School
Vendin, Nichita 48.72 Scott City High School
Chambless, Matt 48.85 Saxony Lutheran High School
Zoellner, Mason 48.96 Perryville High School
Hohenadel, Jonas 50.08 Saxony Lutheran High School
Borders, Nate 50.20 Zalma High School
Shock, Jackson 50.68 Jackson High School
Pyland, Ezekiel 53.30 Perryville High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bautista, Mauricio Sikeston High School
Gremard, Jackson Scott City High School
Pech, Braden St. Vincent High School
Ballance, Peyton Dexter High School
Rhodes, Rodrigo Sikeston High School
Dowdy, Ben 10:18.70 Dexter High School
Wendel, Logan 10:40.71 Jackson High School
Hopkins, Bair 10:41.43 Perryville High School
Johnson, Preston 10:49.06 Perryville High School
Spain, Nicholas 10:51.96 Poplar Bluff High School
Hicks, Parker 10:56.63 Poplar Bluff High School
Heffron, Kayden 11:06.75 Hillsboro High School
Castleman, Jack 11:14.66 Murphysboro
Hotop, Ethan 11:20.58 St. Vincent High School
Zhang, Jason 11:22.71 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Gerard, Maverick 11:33.21 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Garcia, Edgar 11:50.17 Murphysboro
Uelsman, Blade 12:03.62 Scott City High School
Richey, Mark 12:08.82 Saxony Lutheran High School
Gentry, Bryce 9:30.07 Jackson High School
Mann, Gregory 9:50.00h Hillsboro High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rogers, Levi Delta High School
Hennemann, Jace 1:01.11 St. Vincent High School
Wilderness, Aydien 1:01.75 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Morgan, Kyle 1:01.91 Scott City High School
Borders, Nate 1:02.00 Zalma High School
Huber, Holden 1:10.00h Saxony Lutheran High School
Rauh, Rodney 1:13.69 Perryville High School
Reagan, Barrett 50.09 Jackson High School
Clark, Justin 51.98 Poplar Bluff High School
WILLIAMS, DONTREZ 52.23 Sikeston High School
Warren, Namarius 52.74 Scott County Central High School
Reagan, Blayne 52.84 Jackson High School
Gremaud, Clayton 53.15 St. Vincent High School
Durden, Brendan 53.5 Poplar Bluff High School
Jimerson Patterson, Isaiah 54.20h Sikeston High School
Maynor, Justin 54.38 Murphysboro
King, Jaxon 55.69 Dexter High School
Horstmann, Tucker 56.50 Murphysboro
Koehler, Landon 56.54 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Stephenson, Carter 56.59 Hillsboro High School
Beussink, Brenden 56.93 Scott City High School
HARRIS, NATHAN 57.34 Dexter High School
Brown, Preston 57.44 Hillsboro High School
Anderson, Lamarkus 57.51 Central (New Madrid County) High
Mayhew, Maksim 57.97 Saxony Lutheran High School
Johnson, Porter 59.45 Perryville High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.99 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 44.25 Murphysboro
Relay Team A 44.33 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 44.78 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 44.93 Dexter High School
Relay Team A 45.41 Sikeston High School
Relay Team A 45.50 Central (New Madrid County) High
Relay Team A 46.50 Scott City High School
Relay Team A 46.50h Jackson High School
Relay Team A 47.94h Scott County Central High School
Relay Team A 48.78 Perryville High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Central (New Madrid County) High
Relay Team A St. Vincent High School
Relay Team A 3:32.26 Dexter High School
Relay Team A 3:34.09 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 3:36.60 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 3:37.00h Sikeston High School
Relay Team A 3:39.03 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 3:41.00 Scott City High School
Relay Team A 3:46.59 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 3:49.15 Murphysboro
Relay Team A 3:53.62 Saxony Lutheran High School
Relay Team A 4:00.51 Perryville High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Vincent High School
Relay Team A 10:24.83 Sikeston High School
Relay Team A 11:29.45 Central (New Madrid County) High
Relay Team A 8:15.60 Dexter High School
Relay Team A 8:22.48 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 8:51.37 Perryville High School
Relay Team A 8:51.96 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 9:04.00 Scott City High School
Relay Team A 9:06.81 Murphysboro
Relay Team A 9:25.72 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 9:28.16 Saxony Lutheran High School
Relay Team A 9:35.00h Poplar Bluff High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pech, Braden St. Vincent High School
Rogers, Levi Delta High School
Depree, Jorden Scott City High School
Palmer, Cohen Delta High School
Kyle, Anistin 1:59.46 Dexter High School
Witzman, Jonathan 2:06.88 Murphysboro
Bell, Cameron 2:08.11 Dexter High School
Belcher, Aidan 2:08.82 Hillsboro High School
Luckey, Kayd 2:11.52 Perryville High School
Seabaugh, Jackson 2:12.38 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Dunham, Lane 2:12.85 Poplar Bluff High School
Brown, Micah 2:15.20 Perryville High School
Schaldemose, Jonas 2:18.12 Murphysboro
Love, Kendarrious 2:18.78 Sikeston High School
SIMMONS, EVAN 2:20.03 Scott City High School
SCOTT, COLIN 2:20.99 Sikeston High School
Kintner, Nolan 2:21.14 Jackson High School
Chambless, Nicolas 2:21h Saxony Lutheran High School
Nordstrom, Eric 2:22.28 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Bonnegent, Lucas 2:24 Jackson High School
Klaus, Henry 2:29.00h Saxony Lutheran High School
Hutson, Carter 2:29.96 Hillsboro High School
Hotop, Ethan 2:30.39 St. Vincent High School
Lewis, Richard 2:33.30 Poplar Bluff High School
Alexander, Damiyon 3:00.00 Central (New Madrid County) High
Hunt, Mason 3:04.29 Central (New Madrid County) High
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HS Boys Discus Throw 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lundeen-Young, Ryly 27.90m Murphysboro
Schremp, Jacob 39.83m St. Vincent High School
Ehman, Caleb St. Vincent High School
Yarbro, Blake 37.20m Chaffee High School
Burger, Carter 38.23m Scott City High School
Petit, Aidan 38.76m Hillsboro High School
Bacher, Micah 32.80m Hillsboro High School
Bean, Cameron 22.29m Scott County Central High School
Arnold, Jaden 21.59m Scott County Central High School
Wessell, Brysen 40.82m Jackson High School
Wessell, Hayden 34.62m Jackson High School
Buchheit, Noah 31.05m Perryville High School
Myers, Cyler 24.83m Perryville High School
Aycock, Eli 33.55m Scott City High School
PRatt, Aiden 41.61m Poplar Bluff High School
Gaddy, Neco 35.74m Poplar Bluff High School
Huskey, Isaiah 31.22m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Williams, Kaleb 26.47m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Hardin, Brody Central (New Madrid County) High
Hydle, John 35.51m Central (New Madrid County) High
Wells, Emanuel 27.48m Murphysboro
GLAUS, ETHAN 29.16m Dexter High School
SHERROD, KEODRICK 32.26m Sikeston High School
Conway, Michael 34.19m Sikeston High School
Hart, Kaydan Dexter High School
Zoellner, Joseph 36.88m Saxony Lutheran High School
Hitt, Matthew 19.39m Saxony Lutheran High School
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HS Boys High Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beard, DaeJohn 1.78m Murphysboro
Wirz, Christiaan 1.73m Dexter High School
Beussink, Teagen 1.68m Scott City High School
Braun, Brayden 1.65m Scott City High School
Garris, Aden 1.72m Perryville High School
Pyland, Ezekiel 1.67m Perryville High School
Crowden, Casey 1.77m Delta High School
Brown, Clayton 1.62m Hillsboro High School
Warren, Namarius 1.75m Scott County Central High School
Kellum, Patrick 1.58m Murphysboro
Stutzman, Keegan 1.73m Jackson High School
Larry, Ryan 1.83m Jackson High School
Graham, Darius 2.09m Poplar Bluff High School
Nevel, Isaiah 1.98m Poplar Bluff High School
Tompkins, Sterling 1.78m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Newsom, Harlem 1.63m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Jones, Ja'Kwon 1.93m Central (New Madrid County) High
Polley, Keagan 1.63m Dexter High School
Williams, Drake 1.77m Sikeston High School
WILLIAMS, DONTREZ 1.88m Sikeston High School
Campbell, Karson 1.62m Hillsboro High School
Hartmann, Jonathan 1.93m Saxony Lutheran High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Matthew 6.01m Murphysboro
Vaughn, Jeremiah 6.54m Murphysboro
Hager, Noah 4.29m St. Vincent High School
Werneck, Langston 6.15m Dexter High School
Beussink, Teagen 5.05m Scott City High School
Burger, Carter Scott City High School
Zoellner, Mason 5.53m Perryville High School
Pyland, Ezekiel Perryville High School
Brown, Preston 6.38m Hillsboro High School
Sucharski, Chase 6.12m Hillsboro High School
Sanders, Courtney 5.47m Scott County Central High School
Walk, Alex Zalma High School
Herring, Dade 5.86m Jackson High School
Hill, James Jackson High School
Graham, Darius 6.83m Poplar Bluff High School
Williams, Bryce 6.44m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Lewis, Kenneth 5.83m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Jones, Ja'Kwon 6.74m Central (New Madrid County) High
Anderson, Lamarkus 5.73m Central (New Madrid County) High
Passley, Joseph 5.49m Dexter High School
Artis, Christopher Sikeston High School
Williams, Drake Sikeston High School
Jeter, Weston 5.99m Saxony Lutheran High School
Jones, Clark 5.58m Saxony Lutheran High School
Berry, Isaiah 4.78m Delta High School
Nevel, Isaiah 5.92m Poplar Bluff High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schaldemose, Jonas 3.20m Murphysboro
Horstmann, Tucker 3.81m Murphysboro
Wirz, Christiaan 4.11m Dexter High School
Scott, Eli 3.51m Dexter High School
Blake, Tyler 3.66m Hillsboro High School
Oelzen, Aiden 3.51m Hillsboro High School
Turley, Mason 4.04m Jackson High School
Altenthal, Parker 3.35m Jackson High School
Nunn, Spencer 4.27m Poplar Bluff High School
Ray, Connor 3.35m Poplar Bluff High School
Sheridan, Kent 4.43m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Brune, Ellis 3.66m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
SCOTT, COLIN 3.04m Sikeston High School
Bles, Jonathan 2.44m Sikeston High School
Schupp, Jacob 1.70m Saxony Lutheran High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cano, Josh 14.44m Murphysboro
Bankhead, Jakaryion 13.38m Murphysboro
Ehman, Caleb St. Vincent High School
Hayden, Logan St. Vincent High School
Yarbro, Blake 14.01m Chaffee High School
LEE, THOMAS 12.96m Dexter High School
RASCHER, SAWYER 11.68m Dexter High School
Braun, Tyler 12.83m Scott City High School
Petit, Aidan 11.91m Hillsboro High School
Bacher, Micah 11.33m Hillsboro High School
Arnold, Jaden 9.47m Scott County Central High School
Bean, Cameron 9.19m Scott County Central High School
Kirn, Cabren 11.36m Perryville High School
Jones, Jacob 9.67m Perryville High School
Shinn, Gavin 13.24m Jackson High School
Ivy, Lee 12.11m Jackson High School
PRatt, Aiden 12.66m Poplar Bluff High School
O'Neal, Nicholas 12.90m Poplar Bluff High School
Huskey, Isaiah 13.16m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Pardon, Max 10.21m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Hydle, John 12.88m Central (New Madrid County) High
Burger, Carter 11.08m Scott City High School
SHERROD, KEODRICK 12.66m Sikeston High School
Mora, Victavvion 10.39m Sikeston High School
Zoellner, Joseph 13.06m Saxony Lutheran High School
Biri, Jake 8.56m Saxony Lutheran High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kellum, Patrick 11.43m Murphysboro
Beard, DaeJohn 11.43m Murphysboro
Hager, Noah 8.51m St. Vincent High School
Hill, Connor 10.39m Dexter High School
Conner, Kalen 11.80m Scott City High School
Froggatt, Rylan 10.18m Scott City High School
Zoellner, Mason 11.36m Perryville High School
Sucharski, Chase 12.51m Hillsboro High School
Stephenson, Carter 11.48m Hillsboro High School
Stutzman, Keegan 11.89m Jackson High School
Herring, Dru 11.55m Jackson High School
Redecker, Jeffrey 8.90m Perryville High School
Polley, Keagan 10.88m Dexter High School
Graham, Darius 13.80m Poplar Bluff High School
Dodd, Noah 12.53m Poplar Bluff High School
Williams, Bryce 12.68m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Lewis, Kenneth 11.90m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Bennett, Jacob 12.62m Central (New Madrid County) High
Jones, Ja'Kwon 13.45m Central (New Madrid County) High
Riddle, Bo 11.85m Sikeston High School
Williams, Drake Sikeston High School
Mueller, Seth 10.94m Saxony Lutheran High School
Hohenadel, Jonas 10.17m Saxony Lutheran High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berry, Jade Delta High School
Leible, Paige St. Vincent High School
Williams, Koryenna 12.41 Poplar Bluff High School
Bills, Amya 12.85 Central (New Madrid County) High
Joshua-Ayers, Shameria 13.04 Murphysboro
Winters, Ivyanna 13.07 Central (New Madrid County) High
Quaria Metty, Don 13.24 Sikeston High School
Nichols, Lauren 13.26 Hillsboro High School
Williams, Haylie 13.31 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Coaker, Machel 13.4 Sikeston High School
Ordway, Adalynn 13.42 Poplar Bluff High School
Hubbard, Lola 13.47 Hillsboro High School
Farrow, Katie 13.64 Perryville High School
Turnbo, Allison 13.68 Dexter High School
Jackson, Aleah 13.68 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Perdue, Camarie 14.00 Scott County Central High School
Stromas, Nia 14.04 Dexter High School
Callis, AnnaJane 14.27 Jackson High School
Taylor, Sophia 14.31 St. Vincent High School
Sutton, Isabella 14.54h Scott County Central High School
Burnett, Nekoda 14.68 Zalma High School
Young, Jamerie 15.31 Murphysboro
Perkins, Ashley 15.50h Saxony Lutheran High School
Crowden, Trena 15.98 Delta High School
Wiley, Evalynn 16.53 Scott City High School
Howard, Paige 17.04h Scott City High School
Kilburn, Eva 17.26 Saxony Lutheran High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parker, Chassity Sikeston High School
Boyer, Alana Sikeston High School
Wright, Emily 15.24 Hillsboro High School
Haley, Abigail 16.18 Saxony Lutheran High School
Brandenburg, Erin 16.63 Hillsboro High School
Cossou, Carly Anne 16.75 Chaffee High School
Miles, Amaryllis 16.78 Murphysboro
Watkins, Trynitee 17.06 Poplar Bluff High School
Farrar, Mya 17.86 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Maynor, Sydney 18.71 Murphysboro
Ivie, Isabella 18.86 Jackson High School
Sauer, Brigid 18.89 St. Vincent High School
Leland, Kendall 19.58 Jackson High School
Williamson, Allison 20.02 Poplar Bluff High School
Elmore, Sadie 20.11 Saxony Lutheran High School
Moore, Alee 21.15 Scott City High School
Blackmon, I'Aria 21.67 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Owens, Emma Sikeston High School
Scherer, Jolie Delta High School
Barks, Annika 5:22.51 Jackson High School
Gilmore, Miah 5:24.03 Murphysboro
Niedbalski, Emma 5:38.75 Jackson High School
Marriott, Emily 5:43.34 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Hale, Kali 5:52.75 Dexter High School
Roth, Myra 6:09.06 Saxony Lutheran High School
Stotts, Ava 6:13.28 Poplar Bluff High School
Meyers, Abigail 6:26.09 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Kirn, Abigail 6:30.04 St. Vincent High School
Mayer, Jillian 6:30.15 Hillsboro High School
Guinan, Breleigh 6:35.58 Hillsboro High School
Reasons, Lily 6:38.99 Poplar Bluff High School
Britt, Ellie 6:48.70 Scott County Central High School
Newbrough, Gwynivere 6:54.05 Perryville High School
Proctor, Aniya 6:55.00h Murphysboro
Iffert, Olivia 6:57.85 Perryville High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Loveless, Jasmine Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Wiley, Evalynn Scott City High School
McLaughlin, Quincey Dexter High School
Williams, Koryenna 25.96 Poplar Bluff High School
Dent, Victoria 26.76 Jackson High School
Bills, Amya 26.90 Central (New Madrid County) High
Joshua-Ayers, Shameria 27.00 Murphysboro
Miller, Krysta 27.41 Hillsboro High School
Crowden, Adisen 27.88 Delta High School
Quaria Metty, Don 27.89 Sikeston High School
Winters, Ivyanna 28.00 Central (New Madrid County) High
Ordway, Adalynn 28.14 Poplar Bluff High School
Mora, Ava 28.40 Hillsboro High School
GIVENS, ESSENCE 28.44 Sikeston High School
Perdue, Camarie 28.64 Scott County Central High School
Miles, Amaryllis 28.92 Murphysboro
Unterreiner, Payton 29.58 St. Vincent High School
Nea, Meredith 29.69 Dexter High School
Golinski, Lydia 29.95 Jackson High School
Sutton, Isabella 30.87 Scott County Central High School
Crowden, Trena 31.32 Delta High School
Lebine, Jamara 32.37 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Burnett, Nekoda 32.64 Zalma High School
Wilson, Bridget 34.00h Saxony Lutheran High School
Mattingly, Samantha 34.00h Saxony Lutheran High School
Howard, Paige 36.04h Scott City High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McLaughlin, Quincey Dexter High School
Parker, Chassity Sikeston High School
Grove, Shareese Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Wright, Emily 46.95 Hillsboro High School
Stromas, Nia 49.85 Dexter High School
Moore, Janaye 50.13 Sikeston High School
Brandenburg, Erin 50.27 Hillsboro High School
Cossou, Carly Anne 50.38 Chaffee High School
Maynor, Sydney 50.48 Murphysboro
Farrar, Mya 50.96 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Howard, Autumn 51.97 Jackson High School
Haley, Abigail 51.98 Saxony Lutheran High School
Winters, Ivyanna 52.14 Central (New Madrid County) High
Leland, Kendall 54.69 Jackson High School
Williamson, Allison 56.78 Poplar Bluff High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Owens, Emma Sikeston High School
Spain, Marley Poplar Bluff High School
Gilmore, Miah 11:27.84 Murphysboro
Barks, Annika 11:38.36 Jackson High School
Marriott, Emily 11:58.00 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Niedbalski, Emma 12:21.14 Jackson High School
Schiwitz, Logan 12:49.70 Scott City High School
Roth, Myra 13:24.92 Saxony Lutheran High School
Cotrell, Wren 13:33.83 Poplar Bluff High School
Meyers, Abigail 13:52.11 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Kirn, Abigail 14:00.18 St. Vincent High School
Green, Claire 15:05.68 Murphysboro
Newbrough, Gwynivere 15:07.47 Perryville High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark, Chloe Central (New Madrid County) High
Meyer, Reagan 1:04.76 St. Vincent High School
Steinberg, Katherine 1:05.38 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Unterreiner, Payton 1:05.46 St. Vincent High School
Nea, Meredith 1:06.17 Dexter High School
Meckfessel, Macie 1:06.46 Murphysboro
Jenkins, Maya 1:07.45 Murphysboro
Krapf, Kenady 1:08.23 Dexter High School
Coaker, Machel 1:09 Sikeston High School
Scott, Katherine 1:09.35 Poplar Bluff High School
Lambrich, Maleah 1:09.39 Hillsboro High School
Dunn, MeKayla 1:09.48 Jackson High School
Loveless, Jasmine 1:10.14 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Woods, Jillian 1:11.08 Hillsboro High School
Epps, Paige 1:12.77 Poplar Bluff High School
Gross, Emerson 1:12.84 Jackson High School
Moore, Taylor 1:14 Sikeston High School
Estes, Layla 1:15.84h Scott City High School
Rust, Ekaterina 1:18.22 Saxony Lutheran High School
Elmore, Sadie 1:18.25h Saxony Lutheran High School
Spinks, Ramsey 1:20.54h Scott City High School
Resonno, Lataysia 1:26.02 Central (New Madrid County) High
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Vincent High School
Relay Team A 1:00.04h Scott City High School
Relay Team A 51.43 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 51.50 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 53.19 Murphysboro
Relay Team A 53.71 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 53.86 Saxony Lutheran High School
Relay Team A 54.53 Dexter High School
Relay Team A 56.00h Sikeston High School
Relay Team A 58.50 Scott County Central High School
Relay Team A 59.01 Poplar Bluff High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Vincent High School
Relay Team A 4:28.72 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 4:29.41 Murphysboro
Relay Team A 4:31.67 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 4:35.48 Saxony Lutheran High School
Relay Team A 4:36.61 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 4:37.49 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 4:41.78 Dexter High School
Relay Team A 4:42.00h Sikeston High School
Relay Team A 4:52.00 Scott City High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:59.57 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 11:10.67 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 11:12.66 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 11:20.90 Scott City High School
Relay Team A 11:53.55 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 12:01.58 Saxony Lutheran High School
Relay Team A 12:07.17 Murphysboro
Relay Team A 12:21.59 Dexter High School
Relay Team A 12:52.75 Sikeston High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meyer, Reagan St. Vincent High School
Gilmore, Miah 2:28.27 Murphysboro
Kurtz, Grace 2:34.20 Jackson High School
Smith, Kalissa 2:35.47 Jackson High School
Stum, Kelsey 2:41.32 Hillsboro High School
Roth, Myra 2:42.09 Saxony Lutheran High School
Marriott, Danika 2:43.79 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Koehler, Avery 2:44.56 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Leach, Sophia 2:46.85 Poplar Bluff High School
Roettger, Rebecca 2:47.94 Hillsboro High School
Iffert, Makayla 2:51.57 Perryville High School
Mason, Jaylen 2:54.48 Murphysboro
Lloyd, Abbie 2:55.74 Dexter High School
Rust, Ekaterina 3:00.08 Saxony Lutheran High School
Kirn, Abigail 3:01.01 St. Vincent High School
Goodman, Brooklyn 3:03.84 Dexter High School
Oakley, Olivia 3:06.00 Scott City High School
Uelsmann, Ava 3:06.39 Scott City High School
Britt, Ellie 3:07.72 Scott County Central High School
Brown, Gracie 3:09.50 Poplar Bluff High School
Clark, Chloe 3:23.30 Central (New Madrid County) High
Wren, Demaris 3:23.64 Sikeston High School
Torres, Selah 3:25.00h Sikeston High School
Resonno, Lataysia 3:30.00 Central (New Madrid County) High
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HS Girls Discus Throw 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schiwitz, Logan 27.95m Scott City High School
Howard, Shaylea 19.67m Scott City High School
Otte, Claire 27.86m St. Vincent High School
HELD, AYNE' 29.19m Chaffee High School
Walter, Emma 26.08m Delta High School
Gerler, Ellie 33.42m Perryville High School
Burns, Allyson 23.51m Perryville High School
Kirkpatrick, Madison 31.36m Zalma High School
Kirkpatrick, Samantha 18.02m Zalma High School
Larkins, Savannah 24.45m Poplar Bluff High School
Sanders, Lydian 25.50m Poplar Bluff High School
Knippen, Anna 28.84m Jackson High School
Elefson, Kateryna Jackson High School
Errante, Sophie 26.15m Hillsboro High School
Oelzen, Ophelia 25.20m Hillsboro High School
Musgrave, Kenli 18.05m Dexter High School
Pennington, Emma 16.04m Dexter High School
Taylor, Samantha 19.04m St. Vincent High School
Burgfeld, Layla 28.50m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Pattin, TyJah 27.85m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Birdwell, Malia 21.32m Central (New Madrid County) High
Townsend, Pamela 13.26m Central (New Madrid County) High
Rice, Hannah 24.71m Murphysboro
Piquard, Reaghan Murphysboro
Thomason, Addelyn 27.24m Saxony Lutheran High School
Ledure, Riley 18.71m Saxony Lutheran High School
PEARSON, MYANNA 26.59m Sikeston High School
RESSEL, KATHERINE 27.14m Sikeston High School
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HS Girls High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kramer, Kelsey 1.37m Poplar Bluff High School
Zoellner, Grace 1.27m Perryville High School
Hahs, Morgan Perryville High School
Prater, Adallyn 1.47m Jackson High School
Ruesler, Stella 1.47m Jackson High School
Sabourin, Maizy 1.48m Hillsboro High School
Robinson, Jersey 1.27m Hillsboro High School
Call, Casey 1.42m Saxony Lutheran High School
Essner, Klaire 1.47m Dexter High School
Fees, Marie 1.47m Dexter High School
Farrar, Mya 1.37m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Bills, Amya 1.40m Central (New Madrid County) High
Miles, Amaryllis 1.55m Murphysboro
Joshua-Ayers, Shameria 1.52m Murphysboro
Watkins, Trynitee Poplar Bluff High School
Collier, Hayden Scott City High School
Moore, Taylor 1.57m Sikeston High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sauer, Brigid St. Vincent High School
Williams, Koryenna 4.93m Poplar Bluff High School
Kramer, Kelsey 4.73m Poplar Bluff High School
Taylor, Sophia St. Vincent High School
Williams, Brooklyn 5.12m Jackson High School
Davis, Josie 4.31m Jackson High School
Miller, Krysta 5.80m Hillsboro High School
Wright, Emily 4.90m Hillsboro High School
Ebersohl, Taylor 3.52m Perryville High School
Broeking, Kathryn 3.82m Perryville High School
Kennedy, Karis 4.83m Dexter High School
Pennington, Emma 4.42m Dexter High School
Dawson-Ide, Jamie 4.69m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Blackmon, I'Aria 4.42m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Winters, Ivyanna 4.72m Central (New Madrid County) High
Bills, Amya 5.17m Central (New Madrid County) High
Jenkins, Maya 5.05m Murphysboro
Collier, Hayden Scott City High School
Robinson, Zariah 4.12m Sikeston High School
Matthews, Raylee 4.25m Saxony Lutheran High School
Kilburn, Eva 3.49m Saxony Lutheran High School
Syiah McCauley, Ah Sikeston High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zoellner, Reese 2.44m St. Vincent High School
Lloyd, Abbie 3.20m Dexter High School
Wilson, Lilian 2.74m Poplar Bluff High School
Farrow, Katie 2.43m Perryville High School
Morningstar, Lillie 3.05m Jackson High School
Pingkian, Felicity 3.35m Jackson High School
Lambrich, Maleah 2.90m Hillsboro High School
Kohler, Caroline S 2.90m Hillsboro High School
Call, Casey 2.60m Saxony Lutheran High School
Francis, Shelby Dexter High School
Barton, Neveah 1.98m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
McBride, Katie 1.85m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Green, Maren 2.01m Murphysboro
Youngberg, Lilly 2.01m Murphysboro
Torres, Selah 2.00m Sikeston High School
Wren, Demaris 1.98m Sikeston High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Otte, Claire 9.61m St. Vincent High School
Walter, Emma 9.29m Delta High School
Hopkins, Kaydence 10.07m Delta High School
Adams, Alysa 8.25m Scott County Central High School
Gerler, Ellie 10.75m Perryville High School
Triller, Gretchen 8.24m Perryville High School
Kirkpatrick, Madison 8.87m Zalma High School
Kirkpatrick, Samantha 7.99m Zalma High School
Halliburton, Isabella 9.16m Poplar Bluff High School
Knippen, Anna 10.88m Jackson High School
Stroder, Skyler 9.98m Jackson High School
Errante, Sophie 8.45m Hillsboro High School
Oelzen, Ophelia 9.34m Hillsboro High School
Crockett, Lillyn 8.42m Dexter High School
Comfort, Cali 8.89m Dexter High School
Verseman, Sophie 7.60m St. Vincent High School
Mackins, Laiylah 10.10m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Sterling, Emilei 11.33m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Carter, Trinity 6.69m Central (New Madrid County) High
Birdwell, Malia 7.95m Central (New Madrid County) High
Rice, Hannah 10.06m Murphysboro
Stanton, Madison 7.47m Murphysboro
Ledure, Riley 7.48m Saxony Lutheran High School
Perkins, Ashley 5.47m Saxony Lutheran High School
WILLIAMS, SHANELL 9.27m Sikeston High School
Moore, Janileya 9.25m Sikeston High School
Sanders, Lydian 9.16m Poplar Bluff High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Sophia St. Vincent High School
Kramer, Kelsey 9.54m Poplar Bluff High School
Broeking, Kathryn 8.85m Perryville High School
Berger, Megan 10.91m Jackson High School
Brown, Savannah 10.50m Jackson High School
Miller, Krysta 10.95m Hillsboro High School
Robinson, Jersey 8.77m Hillsboro High School
Kennedy, Karis 9.56m Dexter High School
Fees, Marie 8.29m Dexter High School
Sauer, Brigid 8.99m St. Vincent High School
Loveless, Jasmine 8.97m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Cossou, Carly Anne 10.03m Chaffee High School
Young, Jamerie 8.25m Murphysboro
Guthman, Avery 8.89m Murphysboro
Robinson, Zariah 8.70m Sikeston High School
Syiah McCauley, Ah Sikeston High School
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