Fulton Invitational 2021

Fulton, MO
Timing/Results TRXC Timing

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 5000 Meter Run 235 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Griffitt, Austin Macon High School
Underwood, Michael Elsberry High School
Lewis, Alex Helias Catholic High School
Tapley, Kyle Elsberry High School
Cox, Brenden Holt High School
Nelson, Sawyer Atlanta High School
Yates, Remington Moberly High School
Wilson, Nolan Elsberry High School
Strickland, Landon Helias Catholic High School
Wieberg, Jonathan Helias Catholic High School
Bush, Noah Mexico High School
Baker, Edison Boonville High School
Sapp, Preston Eldon High School
Wilson, Matthew Kirksville High School
Edwards, Beau Fulton High School
Calhoun, Collin Bowling Green High School
Metzger, Brody Helias Catholic High School
Dodson, Dashaun Elsberry High School
Kauffman, Daniel Macon High School
Lozano, Adrian Fulton High School
Christensen, Carter Atlanta High School
MASON KIEFABER, OWEN Palmyra High School
White, Shawn Elsberry High School
Schmidt, Julian Helias Catholic High School
Hager, Brady Fatima High School
McHatton, Lucas Mexico High School
Hoffmeyer, Carter Schuyler County High School
Birk, Jeremy Boonville High School
Munger, David Hannibal High School
Ochs, Brandon Eldon High School
Lowe, Ryan Fulton High School
Shead, Tristen Bowling Green High School
Smith, Benjamin Elsberry High School
Peterson, Jesse Fulton High School
Brown-Gutierrez, Angel Fulton High School
McDonald, Leo Battle High School
Phillips, Roman Atlanta High School
Schreiber, Dillon St. Charles High School
Edwards, Owen Elsberry High School
Frazee, Josh Fulton High School
Jerozal, Ian Helias Catholic High School
Luebbert, Ben Fatima High School
Bourgeade, Luc St. Charles High School
Kimbrell, Gabriel Schuyler County High School
Evans, Ziaha Boonville High School
TUCKER, ROBERT North Callaway High School
Smith, Bricen Moberly High School
Monroe, Robert Fulton High School
Groose, Tyler Helias Catholic High School
Schenck, William Boonville High School
Crane, Taylor Eldon High School
Burns, Connor 15:42.20 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Cahalan, Dominic 16:44.80 Kirksville High School
Hermann, Quentin 16:56.36 Columbia Independent School
Reynolds, Nathan 17:07.60 Eldon High School
Maples, Nate 17:10.00 St. Charles High School
Stumbaugh, Seth 17:10.45 Jefferson City High School
Scott, Perry 17:21.69 Helias Catholic High School
Wolfe, Shaun 17:25.45 Fulton High School
Bruning, Trent 17:31.90 Wright City High School
Chance, Ben 17:32.00 Bowling Green High School
Hearn, Colton 17:33.30 Bowling Green High School
Case, Jack 17:37.50 St. Charles High School
Peuster, Thomas 17:43.29 Mexico High School
Griffith, Trenton 17:45.90 Bowling Green High School
Heras, Josiah 17:55.05 Elsberry High School
Holiman, Rohan 17:58.60 Centralia High School
Satterfield, Gavin 17:59.70 Fatima High School
Nottmeyer, Luke 17:59.92 St. Charles High School
Nichols, Cameron 18:06.00 Hannibal High School
Damotte, Xavier 18:06.80 Hannibal High School
Berhorst, Cody 18:09.60 Fatima High School
Green, Jude 18:13.10 Battle High School
Maupin, Bradyn 18:13.81 Jefferson City High School
Libbert, Thomas 18:16.70 Fatima High School
Fairchild, Guy 18:22.18 Mexico High School
Meyerhoff, Carter 18:24.01 Fulton High School
Reinhard, Brendan 18:28.90 North Callaway High School
Marberry, Maxwell 18:31.13 Helias Catholic High School
Henningfeld, Elija 18:33.64 Bowling Green High School
Soto, Jose 18:40.10 Bowling Green High School
Hess, Eli 18:43.30 Hannibal High School
Marlin, Jack 18:43.99 Kirksville High School
Amerman, Samuel 18:46.00 Kirksville High School
Bland, Samuel 18:50.14 St. Charles High School
Schwenk, Carson 18:54.50 Bowling Green High School
Warner, James 18:56.88 St. Charles High School
Sankey, Scott 19:05.37 Fatima High School
Jenkins, Ian 19:06.09 Holt High School
Hughes, Jackson 19:08.45 Bowling Green High School
Kloeppel, Tyler 19:10.30 Fatima High School
Kampeter, Cody 19:14.10 Fatima High School
Knernschield, Harrison 19:29.08 Helias Catholic High School
Soltvedt, Josh 19:31.50 Fulton High School
Moss, Landon 19:37.58 Centralia High School
Meaders, Rashad 19:39.97 Battle High School
Sanders, Derrick 19:41.10 Moberly High School
Thompson, Noah 19:42.75 Fulton High School
Schatzer, Isaac 19:43.11 Helias Catholic High School
Nennert, Charles 19:44.00 St. Charles High School
Krumwiede, Nathan 19:44.50 Bowling Green High School
Woodard-sidney, Fabian 19:46.30 Jefferson City High School
Nevels, David 19:46.50 North Callaway High School
Hicks, Aden 19:47.86 Holt High School
Rose, Alex 19:50.02 Holt High School
Gabelsberger, Wyatt 19:50.30 Fatima High School
Thomassen, Evan 19:50.66 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Ramirez Rodriguez, Emanuel 19:51.71 Mexico High School
Glover, Ethan 19:51.93 Macon High School
Scheulen, Garrett 19:53.67 Helias Catholic High School
Bingham, William 19:53.97 Mexico High School
Justice Davis, Mason 19:54.84 Columbia Independent School
Aidan, Reading 19:55.60 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Miranda, Gavin 19:56.67 La Plata High School
Orskog, Owen 19:56.80 Kirksville High School
Roberts, Edmond 19:57.66 Moberly High School
Creech, Reign 19:58.31 Hannibal High School
Adams, Brody 19:59.50 St. Charles High School
Merritt, Devon 19:59.80 Fulton High School
Fowler, Joshua 19:59.90 Fulton High School
Scantlin, Caleb 20:00.20 Macon High School
Reid, Charles 20:03.54 St. Charles High School
Smith, Austin 20:09.00 Holt High School
Halleman, Brendan 20:11.19 Bowling Green High School
Quinn, Jake 20:11.93 Macon High School
Lesher, JR 20:13.61 Centralia High School
Crisp, Jaden 20:14.00 Kirksville High School
Moss, Carter 20:14.34 Centralia High School
Hill, Elijah 20:15.97 Centralia High School
Foster, Kai 20:22.70 Fulton High School
Combs, Noah 20:25.11 Fulton High School
Juette, Caleb 20:25.53 Palmyra High School
Grimes, Tyler 20:26.75 Mexico High School
Butner, Elias 20:27.56 Macon High School
Hirner, Samuel 20:28.90 Hannibal High School
Case, Noah 20:30.15 St. Charles High School
Tustison, Aidan 20:31.30 Moberly High School
Bausch, Tyler 20:35.09 Holt High School
Hickman, Dylan 20:37.20 Wright City High School
Bross, Connor 20:38.85 Palmyra High School
Krepps, Prophet 20:41.00 Kirksville High School
Beard, Jacob 20:41.61 Centralia High School
Houghton, Charles 20:46.70 Brashear High School
Byers, Ezekiel 20:46.70 Elsberry High School
Trout, Owen 20:47.10 North Callaway High School
Boss, Isaac 20:48.96 Battle High School
Yong Ni, Ji 20:52.38 Palmyra High School
Mullins, Bryer 20:52.50 Fulton High School
Sulwer, Cole 20:57.11 St. Charles High School
Kimsey, Chris 20:57.34 St. Charles High School
Jones, Jackson 21:03.87 St. Charles High School
Loesch, Nick 21:09.07 Helias Catholic High School
Buxton, Coen 21:10.81 Battle High School
Bostick, Dryst 21:12.92 Centralia High School
Wright, Will 21:15.96 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Arnold, Jacob 21:18.10 Eldon High School
Ticgelaor, Ben 21:18.14 Battle High School
Klenke, Christian 21:20.42 St. Charles High School
Hicks, Nathan 21:20.65 Holt High School
Roberts, Dakota 21:24.80 Brunswick High School
Williams, Hayden 21:27.88 Boonville High School
Lebish, Trevor 21:34.40 St. Francis Borgia High School
Young, Tristan 21:38.07 North Callaway High School
Barnes, Jacob 21:40.35 Palmyra High School
Jones, Ryan 21:42.82 Boonville High School
Matchett, Johnathan 21:46.39 Tipton High School
Priivits, Kaspar 21:49.40 Holt High School
Rice, Austin 21:52.38 Boonville High School
Posinski, Jacob 21:55.80 St. Francis Borgia High School
Baker, David 21:57.11 North Callaway High School
Schisler, Samuel 22:06.19 Hannibal High School
Prenger, Kyle 22:09.08 Helias Catholic High School
Snyder, Dakota 22:09.25 Palmyra High School
Safranski, Carson 22:14.45 North Callaway High School
Stratman, Harrison 22:26.02 Fatima High School
Peuster, Andrew 22:28.31 Mexico High School
Scott, Kyle 22:38.61 North Callaway High School
Fisher, Landon 22:38.80 Brashear High School
Bhakta, Dhruv 22:45.10 Fulton High School
Novencido, Andrew 22:47.07 Kirksville High School
Reid, Daniel 22:55.60 Palmyra High School
Magnusson, Michael 22:58.59 Centralia High School
Reeves, David 23:00.10 Jefferson City High School
Sterup, Daniel 23:01.95 Kirksville High School
Hendler, Adam 23:04.69 Kirksville High School
Williams, Ryan 23:04.96 Mexico High School
Voegeli, Mason 23:11.76 Helias Catholic High School
Oehrke, Owen 23:12.75 Tipton High School
Smothers, Matthew 23:13.34 Atlanta High School
Lightle, David 23:13.90 Hannibal High School
Dolson, Benjamin 23:19.40 Holt High School
Miller, Jace 23:20.52 Hannibal High School
Gimenez, Gasco 23:26.80 Holt High School
Springer, Austin 23:27.90 Kirksville High School
Mcguire, John 23:37.27 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Zimmerman, Boen 23:39.66 Centralia High School
Fox, Troy 23:41.78 Battle High School
Dawson, Trevor 23:44.40 Jefferson City High School
Kitch, Brian 23:46.27 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Williams, Gabe 23:50.49 Hannibal High School
Shaw, Anthony 23:51.90 Brashear High School
Leon, Roberto 23:56.00 Bowling Green High School
Russell, Paul 23:59.65 North Callaway High School
Conger, Joshua 24:01.10 Jefferson City High School
Miller, Benjamin 24:09.70 Holt High School
Pollett, Matthew 24:19.79 Eldon High School
Septer, Matthew 24:22.04 Hannibal High School
Chamberlain, Nathan 24:27.62 Holt High School
Brown, Parker 24:27.76 Columbia Independent School
Sill, Noah 24:31.50 Battle High School
Bridges, Collin 24:40.62 Fatima High School
Mitchell, Shane 24:48.79 Centralia High School
Reidel, Daniel 25:05.17 St. Francis Borgia High School
Schmiemeier, Nicholas 25:15.14 St. Francis Borgia High School
Graham, Luke 25:18.59 Eldon High School
Gentges, Isaac 25:44.31 Fatima High School
Stevens, Brayden 25:49.99 Palmyra High School
Nagel, Slade 26:05.73 St. Charles High School
White, Harrison 26:11.12 Centralia High School
Marx, Aaron 26:28.64 North Callaway High School
Hatcher, Keaton 26:37.39 Atlanta High School
Hoss, Kaleb 26:41.60 St. Francis Borgia High School
Smithburg, Jacob 26:54.10 Battle High School
Amerman, Benjamin 27:05.60 Kirksville High School
Roberts, Shawn 27:24.09 Brunswick High School
Mazella, Jackson 27:55.10 Wright City High School
Lansche, Dominick 27:57.94 Centralia High School
Wright, Caiden 28:05.12 St. Charles High School
Janes, Jackson 28:50.85 Palmyra High School
Boland, Destin 30:17.33 St. Francis Borgia High School
Kuntz, Elijah 31:02.50 Wright City High School
Bushart, Ryan 31:22.50 Holt High School
Broker, Jaden 32:31.10 Fatima High School
Weerawong, Gus 35:49.50 Kirksville High School
Clay, Ethan 39:54.80 Jefferson City High School
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HS Girls 5000 Meter Run 172 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramirez, Emily Eldon High School
Wierman, Mya Tipton High School
SanJuan-Rodriguez, Evelyn Battle High School
Fenton, Whitney Moberly High School
Hausgen, Ali Elsberry High School
Begemann, Emmy Fulton High School
Crabtree, Rylynn Schuyler County High School
Tellman, Marena Eldon High School
Schwinke, Chloe Fulton High School
Laughman, Mackenzie St. Charles High School
Snodgrass, Faith Moberly High School
Beard, Emily Holt High School
Tippit, Julia Elsberry High School
Weaver, Olivia Fulton High School
Bledsoe, TaNaja Boonville High School
Hull, Reagan Eldon High School
Barker, Lily Moberly High School
Miranda, Presley La Plata High School
Weil, Maggie St. Charles High School
Morse, Kayla Fulton High School
Piersee, Ember Boonville High School
Blair, Kadence Moberly High School
Bonnel, Abigail Fulton High School
Kribbs, Emily Centralia High School
Birkenmeier, Peyton St. Charles High School
Benjamin, Viviana Mexico High School
Gordon, Haylee Schuyler County High School
Volkart, Alexandra 19:14.13 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Mauney, Evan 19:40.40 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Martonfi, Zoe 19:42.60 Eldon High School
Lamb, Alexa 19:46.10 Helias Catholic High School
Bostick, Jozelynn 20:06.90 Centralia High School
Shaw, Elizabeth 20:10.66 Holt High School
Bukowsky, Chloe 20:20.81 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Werth, Sally 20:32.41 St. Charles High School
Rivera, Anna 20:32.90 Moberly High School
Bower, Emma 20:45.05 Fatima High School
Schmauch, Pressley 20:50.90 North Callaway High School
Riggs, Zoe 21:01.70 Wright City High School
Ross, Chloe 21:02.91 Moberly High School
Mcmillen, Megan 21:03.76 Bowling Green High School
Pietrusinski, Payden 21:11.64 Holt High School
Noland, Alyssa 21:12.90 Palmyra High School
Berhorst, Lauren 21:15.02 Fatima High School
Hargrove, Brooke 21:26.10 Battle High School
Jeffries, Rachael 21:27.70 North Callaway High School
Groene, Sarah 21:32.40 Fatima High School
Hess, Elizabeth 21:34.50 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Lewis, Shelby 21:49.00 Centralia High School
Kinnary, Megan 21:49.25 Holt High School
Wilkey, Arianna 21:53.93 Moberly High School
Turlington, Sidney 22:00.04 Mexico High School
Jorn, Addison 22:10.00 Kirksville High School
Cullers, Xavia 22:10.40 Schuyler County High School
Henneberry, Kalea 22:19.66 Mexico High School
Guthrie, Emily 22:22.52 Eldon High School
Harris, Allison 22:22.80 Battle High School
Allen, Paige 22:24.49 Helias Catholic High School
Kent, Bailee 22:27.32 Bowling Green High School
Burks, Sofia 22:31.20 Macon High School
Carvajal, Brooklyn 22:31.23 La Plata High School
Magers, Kyley 22:32.44 Atlanta High School
Bird, Kelsey 22:34.50 Kirksville High School
Turlington, Kali 22:35.64 Mexico High School
Karst, Corinn 22:40.40 Fatima High School
Morales, Yulissa 22:42.17 Holt High School
Jeffries, Piper 22:44.20 North Callaway High School
Marriott, Gretchen 22:47.39 Centralia High School
Pence, Malana 22:54.00 Moberly High School
Burdin, Lindsay 22:55.51 Macon High School
Tatlow, Emma 23:01.10 Battle High School
Gibson, Emily 23:08.26 Boonville High School
Gilkison, Emma 23:10.10 St. Charles High School
Eichelberger, Alison 23:15.95 Boonville High School
Dorsey, Jocelyn 23:17.32 Hannibal High School
Aubuchon, Esme 23:17.50 Kirksville High School
Lewis, Kelley 23:20.05 Bowling Green High School
Zeilstra, Kendra 23:28.41 Brunswick High School
Birkmeier, Taylor 23:30.98 St. Charles High School
Anderson, Brooklyn 23:34.29 Macon High School
Tesreau, Abigail 23:40.24 Helias Catholic High School
Gildehaus, Leah 23:40.70 St. Francis Borgia High School
Backer, Lydia 23:45.44 North Callaway High School
Waddell, Abbie 23:47.70 Bowling Green High School
Rodriguez, Jennifer 23:50.36 St. Charles High School
Yang, Selina 23:55.49 Holt High School
Carrico, Taylor 23:56.09 Centralia High School
Weber, Sophie 23:57.00 St. Francis Borgia High School
Anderson, Charlotte 24:03.32 St. Charles High School
Eldringhoff, Emily 24:04.79 Tipton High School
Wyman, Jordyn 24:12.35 Mexico High School
Bushart, Kayla 24:13.41 Holt High School
Leininger, Ava 24:16.77 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Vanzetti, Jonna 24:19.16 Fulton High School
Elliott, Mary 24:20.46 Holt High School
Wester, Vivian 24:23.90 Eldon High School
Christensen, Sylvie 24:24.76 Atlanta High School
Hagan, Aireona 24:30.00 Wright City High School
Huckstep, Savanna 24:31.21 Helias Catholic High School
Menges, Hannah 24:31.79 St. Francis Borgia High School
Pigg, Natalie 24:38.00 Kirksville High School
Sobba, Caitlyn 24:40.28 North Callaway High School
Wilbers, Addyson 24:43.03 Fatima High School
Melland, Mariah 24:44.10 St. Francis Borgia High School
Birkmeier, Peyton 24:55.83 St. Charles High School
Borgmeyer, Megan 25:00.42 Fatima High School
Burks, Stella 25:06.60 Macon High School
Wainscott, Samantha 25:07.98 Holt High School
Satterfield, Moravia 25:09.37 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Bouchama, Rayan 25:10.45 Battle High School
Menges, Hailey 25:17.40 St. Francis Borgia High School
Sterup, Evangeline 25:19.00 Kirksville High School
Massa, Rachel 25:24.00 Boonville High School
Hentges, Victoria 25:24.10 Helias Catholic High School
Marek, Kiersten 25:32.50 Kirksville High School
Fuller, Avery 25:40.48 Macon High School
Albright, Lauren 25:41.00 Kirksville High School
Imler, Makenna 25:42.20 Eldon High School
Overstreet, Carmen 25:49.85 North Callaway High School
Rayburn, Jonni 25:53.86 St. Charles High School
Pattan, Riya 26:01.06 Jefferson City High School
Robinson, Annie 26:04.15 Centralia High School
Lauer, Keeley 26:04.76 St. Charles High School
Pinkowski, Olivia 26:06.00 Kirksville High School
Miller, Mya 26:08.98 Mexico High School
Bleckman, Olivia 26:13.30 St. Francis Borgia High School
Mayer, Sarah 26:21.84 St. Francis Borgia High School
Miller, Alyson 26:24.41 St. Charles High School
Walker, Ava 26:27.80 Kirksville High School
Belmore, Kaela 26:28.10 Battle High School
Burdin, Lauren 26:28.50 Macon High School
Anderson, Avery 26:30.51 Battle High School
Perry, Bethany 26:43.80 Bowling Green High School
Jarrett, Jenna 26:45.53 Holt High School
Gard, Lydia 26:54.06 Palmyra High School
Hicks, Cheyenne 27:00.29 Fatima High School
Watson, Brianna 27:05.20 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Ferrell, Charleigh 27:16.00 Wright City High School
Gregory, Lily 27:16.96 Fatima High School
Neff, Tiffany 27:19.77 Palmyra High School
Seiler, Elizabeth 27:42.88 Macon High School
Williams, Ashlynn 27:46.90 Jefferson City High School
Munzlinger, Lauren 28:03.62 Hannibal High School
Nelson, Sophia 28:04.40 Jefferson City High School
Little, Meredith 28:08.90 St. Francis Borgia High School
Palmer, Rylee 28:09.12 Centralia High School
McGuire, Aubrey 28:20.02 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Murphy, Cassidy 28:29.10 North Callaway High School
Boyd, Emily 28:33.50 Fulton High School
Tessiore, Matilde 28:43.71 Columbia Independent School
Parker, Holly 28:54.40 Tipton High School
Nash, Taylor 29:05.20 St. Charles High School
Foss, Gertrude 29:08.10 Jefferson City High School
Roberts, Kyleigh 29:19.90 Macon High School
Rademan, Breanna 29:23.94 Fatima High School
Bernicky, Katie 29:28.43 North Callaway High School
McDonald, Arabelle 30:32.73 Battle High School
Bonvillian, Ava 30:58.05 Hannibal High School
Nottmeyer, Ella 31:01.24 St. Charles High School
Bock, Reagan 31:02.90 Fatima High School
Witte, Aubrey 31:25.13 St. Francis Borgia High School
Rice, Izzy 31:36.67 Palmyra High School
Headley, Brooke 32:08.60 Holt High School
Speak, Jordan 32:15.83 Kirksville High School
Helland, Indigo 32:18.77 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Scheeler, Samantha 33:11.33 Centralia High School
Oellermann, Mia 34:23.80 St. Charles High School
Monroe, Georgia 35:55.81 Fulton High School
Schweich, Eleanor 36:13.20 St. Francis Borgia High School
Orosco, Madalynn 36:25.06 St. Charles High School
Cortes-Lopez, Jackeline 36:31.55 St. Charles High School
Adams, Emma 39:24.20 Kirksville High School
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MS Boys 3200 Meter Run 160 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abadi, Ethan Columbia Independent School
Harsell, Jacob Frontier Middle School
Dubbs, Robert Osage Middle School
Runde, Gabe Moberly Middle School
Grooms, Nolan Black Hawk Middle School
Marjamaa, Owen Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Frame, Damien Mexico Middle School
Nelson, Cooper Atlanta High School
Richardson, Aaron St. Pius X Middle School
Horton, Zander Bowling Green High School
Burke, Jayden Frontier Middle School
Harrison, Blake Osage Middle School
Lovegreen, Ashton Palmyra MS
Chancellor, Lane Centralia MS
Shadbolt, Brin Fulton Middle School
Helms, Carter Tipton High School
Woodruff, Noah Lewis and Clark Middle School
Shadbolt, Ryne Fulton Middle School
Dieckman, Craig Troy Middle School
Lehmen, Garrett Wright City MS
Nease, Noah Boonville MS
Straatman, Riley Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Oliver, Collin Schuyler County MS
Amelunke, Luke Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Vanhoy, Chris Frontier Middle School
Burton, Conner Osage Middle School
O'Hara, Logan Black Hawk Middle School
Niles, Joe Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
SHAW, SKYLAR Mexico Middle School
Greer, Owen Frontier Middle School
Claxton, Moses Osage Middle School
Hansman, Benjamin Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Kearney, Parker Bowling Green High School
Peck, Liam North Callaway MS
McNeff, Ian Palmyra MS
Mitchell, Deegan Lewis and Clark Middle School
Carter-Paup, Sebastian Fulton Middle School
Lewis, Kendrick Montgomery County MS
Helland, Grae Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Oliver, Mason Schuyler County MS
Anderson, Bryce Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Eise, Gavin Troy Middle School
John, Trenton Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Baer, Jackson Tipton High School
Ernst, Jacob Osage Middle School
Aslin, Luke Bowling Green High School
Jang, Julian Columbia Independent School
Robinson, E'sean Frontier Middle School
Wolf, Luke Osage Middle School
Donovan, Nathan Black Hawk Middle School
Priesmeyer, Hudson Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Lewis, Kyle Mexico Middle School
Gladhill, Landon Atlanta High School
Dollich, Hayden St. Pius X Middle School
Castillo, Ryan Frontier Middle School
DeGraffenreid, Maddox Osage Middle School
Heras, Jedidiah Elsberry High School
Summers, Wesley Palmyra MS
Deckerd, Zane Centralia MS
White, Owen Fulton Middle School
Watts, D'Andre Lewis and Clark Middle School
Yancey, Gabriel Fulton Middle School
Juden, Landon Wright City MS
Hamblen, Jack Boonville MS
Rackers, Chase Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Droste, Tyson Schuyler County MS
Pfiefer, Mathew Mexico Middle School
Suchland, Jacob Troy Middle School
Columbo, Jack Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Leech, Jasper Frontier Middle School
Lemke, Dustin Osage Middle School
Petersmeyer, Wade Black Hawk Middle School
Houston, Kellen Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Pfeiffer, Landon Frontier Middle School
Stombaugh, Hudson Osage Middle School
Christy, Ashton Moberly Middle School
Lawless, George Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Quinlan, Jacob Mexico Middle School
Liber, Aiden Bowling Green High School
Reinhard, Emerson North Callaway MS
Poor, Walter Palmyra MS
Johnson, Rhett Lewis and Clark Middle School
Chuang, James Fulton Middle School
Sellenriek, Cooper Montgomery County MS
Hoffman, Beckett Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Loos, Brady Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Gabelsberger, Michael Fatima Middle School
Philapak, Rylen Troy Middle School
Lieninger, Grant Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Kaden, Jaxson Schuyler County MS
Ward, Mason Tipton High School
Groll, Nic Osage Middle School
Radcliffe, Atticus Columbia Independent School
Besowshek, Tyler Frontier Middle School
Leavens, Clay Osage Middle School
Craven, Matt Black Hawk Middle School
Gartmann, Jack Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
DUNCAN, ZELLEN Mexico Middle School
Valentine, Drew Frontier Middle School
Anderson, Aidan Osage Middle School
Byers, Judah Elsberry High School
Cox, Zeppelin Palmyra MS
Decker, Jaden Centralia MS
Osterholt, Talon Fulton Middle School
Abbot, Liam Lewis and Clark Middle School
Yates, Will Fulton Middle School
Evans, Xander Boonville MS
Campbell, Jackson Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Antal, Casen Schuyler County MS
Scruggs, Tyler Black Hawk Middle School
Grabau, Bennett Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Callway, Hayden Troy Middle School
Jones, Paxtyn La Plata MS
Hawkins, Zachary Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Wietbrock, Nate Frontier Middle School
Jenkins, Ethan Osage Middle School
Heredia, Vicente Columbia Independent School
Miller, Nathan Frontier Middle School
Nicholson, Chris Osage Middle School
O'Loughlin, Andrew Moberly Middle School
Drury, Ben Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Maxwell, Jhett Mexico Middle School
Esquivel, Jesus St. Pius X Middle School
Bair, Dallas Bowling Green High School
Ferguson, Cole North Callaway MS
Chapman, Wyatt Palmyra MS
Robertson, Wesley Centralia MS
Sewell, John Fulton Middle School
Burns, Brian Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Crooks, Sean Osage Middle School
Buckwalter, Nathan Fulton Middle School
Wittich, Ryen Troy Middle School
Skouby, Hunter Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Applegate, Asher Schuyler County MS
Rivera, Enrique Tipton High School
Ohonba, Nomase Columbia Independent School
Davies, Brayden Frontier Middle School
Zilz, Caleb Osage Middle School
Karrenbrock, Wyatt Black Hawk Middle School
Niles, Ben Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
MILBURN, ROBERT Mexico Middle School
Czerniewski, Cole Frontier Middle School
Klaus, Noah Osage Middle School
Burchfield, Sawyer Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Matlock, Daniel Bowling Green High School
Hausgen, Noah Elsberry High School
Lynn, Aiden Palmyra MS
Danielson, Mason Centralia MS
Buxton, Cameron Fulton Middle School
Duryea, Cooper Lewis and Clark Middle School
Holland, Luke Fulton Middle School
Uelliger, Elijah Boonville MS
Ramsey, Caden Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Vincent, Tristen Schuyler County MS
Boss, Luke Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Dunard, Will Troy Middle School
Hunt, Joel La Plata MS
Heyen, Henry Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Walters, Riley Tipton High School
Koeppen, Ben Osage Middle School
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MS Girls 3200 Meter Run 118 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDaniel, Mackenzie Fulton Middle School
Shryock, Brynn North Callaway MS
Condron, Kerrington Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Bode, Kaitlyn Palmyra MS
Hackman, Natalie Lewis and Clark Middle School
Francois, Gillian Montgomery County MS
Hanrahan, Harper Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Heidt, Emily Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Defreitas, Kirsten Moberly Middle School
Wooten, Aniyah Frontier Middle School
Skinner, Eryn St. Pius X Middle School
Grote, Caitlin Bowling Green High School
Ball, Rosalyn Osage Middle School
Craver, Effie Columbia Independent School
Mefford, Grace Moberly Middle School
Hartley, Ellie Elsberry High School
leslie, katelynn Fulton Middle School
Bach, Katie Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Reese, Maiya Palmyra MS
Satterfield, Zafaran Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Winemiller, Caidence Lewis and Clark Middle School
Moss, Kenedee Centralia MS
Patten, Greta Fulton Middle School
Block, Katie Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Dilse, Olivia Boonville MS
Mitchell, Elizabeth Black Hawk Middle School
BOWEN, ABBY Mexico Middle School
Witt, Lydia Frontier Middle School
Lewis, Ashlynn La Plata MS
Falter, Rosie Osage Middle School
Young, Eleanor Columbia Independent School
Breckenridge, Jillian Frontier Middle School
Rodriguez, Gracie Moberly Middle School
Link, Hayden Moberly Middle School
Milius, Addison Fulton Middle School
Craighead, Alex North Callaway MS
Rice, Zoe Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Anderson, Rylee Palmyra MS
Hess, Nora Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Horne, Sarah Lewis and Clark Middle School
Robinson, Austyn Montgomery County MS
Williams, Clara Tipton High School
Partise, Corryn Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Means, Grace Troy Middle School
Swift, Annie Frontier Middle School
Roth, Ava St. Pius X Middle School
Haywood, Harley Bowling Green High School
Cole, Kylie Osage Middle School
Swisher, Georgie Columbia Independent School
Meline, Brooke Moberly Middle School
Howard, Chloe Elsberry High School
Platt, Brooklynn Palmyra MS
Casey, Isabel Fulton Middle School
Collins, Jaymie Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Wright, Sophie Lewis and Clark Middle School
Burton, Paige Centralia MS
Crawford, Ava Schuyler County MS
Viet, Makaylin Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Taylor, Raven Boonville MS
St. Clair, Avery Moberly Middle School
Reid, Shy Black Hawk Middle School
Thomas, Rileigh Frontier Middle School
Ralston, Emma La Plata MS
Lawrence, Kailey Frontier Middle School
Foster, Emily St. Pius X Middle School
Lilley, Addison Bowling Green High School
Settle, Aamara Moberly Middle School
Rentschler, Kinsley Fulton Middle School
Murphy, Kaitlyn North Callaway MS
Gerdts, Hallie Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Reese, Chloe Palmyra MS
Waters, Sarah Montgomery County MS
Ottinger, Amelia Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Foss, Aurora Lewis and Clark Middle School
West, Mya Tipton High School
Stallo, Avery Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Rickard, Hadley Troy Middle School
Wiedemeier, Lily Wright City MS
Terry, Alexandra Mexico Middle School
Jett, Haley Frontier Middle School
Johnson, Ava Bowling Green High School
Hudson, Audry Osage Middle School
Myers, Abby Columbia Independent School
Richardson, Zadie Moberly Middle School
Gardner, Makayla Lewis and Clark Middle School
Lesher, Aurora Centralia MS
Dishman, Samantha Fulton Middle School
Cox, Hannah Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Elloitt, Sidnee- jo Schuyler County MS
Schnipper, Jenna Lewis and Clark Middle School
River, Taylor Montgomery County MS
James, Hillary Boonville MS
Fleming, Mary-Jane Frontier Middle School
O'Loughlin, Katherine Moberly Middle School
Ruff, Alexis Black Hawk Middle School
Stritzel, Audrey Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Cahill, Eleanor Frontier Middle School
Belfield, Claire La Plata MS
Bennett, Shay St. Pius X Middle School
Wells, Autumn Bowling Green High School
Cleavinger, Laney Moberly Middle School
Schweiss, Amelia Fulton Middle School
Volkart, Julia Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Cramlett, Lily Palmyra MS
Kribbs, Khloe Montgomery County MS
Lambiotte, Josie Southern Boone County Middle Sch
Muhlenbruch, Kelsey Lewis and Clark Middle School
Brown, Devan Tipton High School
Boyd, Annie Columbia Our Lady of Lourdes MS
Mills, Allison Troy Middle School
Ferrell, Ada Wright City MS
Hopper, Malia Black Hawk Middle School
Hudson, Grace Mexico Middle School
Sims, Raliyah Frontier Middle School
Sperling, Avery Osage Middle School
Myers, Ellie Columbia Independent School
Moorman, Alyson Frontier Middle School
Richardson, Zoey Moberly Middle School
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