Class 4 Coverage of the State XC Championships from Jefferson City.

Linn Coach Tim Bower after Linn Boys runner-up finish in Class 1 race at 2012 State Cross Country Championships.

Linn senior Tyler Rush wins Class 1 State title after runner-up finish in 2011. Leads Linn Boys to 2nd place team finish.

Blue Springs senior Simon Belete after winning Class 4 Boys State XC Title, and Team runner-up finish

St. Louis University High Coach Joe Porter after the Jr. Bills State Title Class 4

Taylor 1st, Shelby 5th, Class 3 Girls, 1st place Team State Champions
Class 3 Coverage of the State XC Championships from Jefferson City.
Class 2 Coverage of the State XC Championships from Jefferson City.
Class 1 Coverage of the State XC Championships from Jefferson City.

Interview with a few members of the Francis Howell moments after they learned they were named the Class 4 Girls Champion
Herculaneum’s Kaitlyn Fischer was on a mission. She had her track gold medals, but the state cross country title had eluded her for three years. Both Saga Barzowski and Courtney Rogers, the two girls who account for the past three Class 2 state titles, were in the field once again.
Tyler Rush had the thrill of finishing 1-2 with his teammate last year and claiming a team title.
Bartelsmeyer admits his speed gives him more confidence on the track than in cross country. But he knows when and how to use it for cross country success as well.

Interview with the Class 4 Champion, Hannah Long and member of the Eureka Girls Team

Post race interview with Sarah Jacobsen the runner up in Class 3 Girls

Post race interview with Katie Tuck, 3rd place finisher in the Class 3 Girls race

Race Footage of Class 2 Girls Race - Part 1 (finish of Class 2 field in part 2)

After Ste. Genevieve freshman Taylor Werner arrived on the high school scene with a jaw-dropping performance at Forest Park, speculation quickly started swirling about whether she could take down the girls’ state record.
Francis Howell had set a course for a state title all season.
While Blue Springs senior Simon Belete was being swarmed by well-wishers with congratulatory hugs and pats on the back for winning the Missouri boys’ Class 4 state cross country meet, one classmate couldn’t resist reminding the newly crowned champion that he had been the better runner in the eighth grade.
The state cross country meet always brings out some of the gutsiest performances. St. Louis University High sophomore Matt Hennessey was in a walking boot all week leading up to the Class 4 state meet, and his only run was the practice lap the Jr. Billikens took on the Oak Hills Golf Center course on Friday.
We have THOUSANDS of photos to download & process, race footage and interviews. Check back throughout the evening and Sunday for continuing coverage.

Post race interview with Taylor Werner the Class 3 Girls Champion in Missouri

Interview with Class 4 Boys Champion Simon Belete of Blue Springs

Post race interview with Tyler Rush of Linn the Class 1 Boys Champion

Post race interview with Kaitlyn Fischer, the Class 2 Girls Champion

Post race interview with the duo from Glendale, Chris Mooneyham and Spencer Haik who finished 2-3 in the Class 4 Boys meet.

Interview with Nicole Mello of Hickman, runner up in the Class 4 Girls race

Erin Finn dominated in MI! Montoya rips up state in AZ! Finn and Bos bring it in MI! Neale flies in WA! Hauger gets record 4th title in MN! (Photo by Pat Davey, surveyed a panel of former Missouri XC champions for their advice to athletes 48 hours before the state meet.