MSHSAA Class 3 State Championship 2023

Jefferson City, MO
Timing/Results PrimeTime Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 200 Meter Dash 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Asinger, Cj 34.71 Herculaneum High School
Truemper, Behren 40.12 Maplewood-Richmond Hts. High Sch
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Truemper, Behren 1:17.87 Maplewood-Richmond Hts. High Sch
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Boys 800 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Asinger, Cj 2:16.92 Herculaneum High School
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Boys Discus 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Asinger, Cj 17.50m Herculaneum High School
Truemper, Behren 15.49m Maplewood-Richmond Hts. High Sch
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Boys Shot Put 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Asinger, Cj 5.68m Herculaneum High School
Truemper, Behren 5.69m Maplewood-Richmond Hts. High Sch
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Class 3 Boys 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schwanke, Brett 10.81 Buffalo High School
Gaines-Parker, William 11.00 Kennett High School
Salem-Atia, Adam 11.06 Pembroke Hill School
Northrip, Noah 11.12 Osage High School
Davis, Jeremiah 11.13 Wright City High School
Beanland, Andrew 11.16 Eldon High School
Brown, Jacob 11.18 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Kephart, Kuliath 11.18 El Dorado Springs High School
Wilson, Jase 11.19 Clinton High School
Ngugi, Ian 11.23 Lamar High School
Boyer, Lucas 11.28 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Strong, Antonio 11.29 St. Mary's (St. Louis) High Scho
Coleman, Martel 11.30 STEAM Academy at McCluer South-B
Hamner, Kaden 11.30 Clark County High School
Straus, Michael 11.31 Springfield Catholic High School
Phillips, Dorian 11.38 Vashon High School
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Class 3 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Snyder, Kaiden 14.25 St. James High School
Payne, Bryce 14.29 Owensville High School
Powell, Masyn 14.92 Holden High School
Loftin, Dayne 14.96 Richmond High School
Guyton, Joshua 15.00 St. Mary's (St. Louis) High Scho
Mushatt, Elnailo 15.12 Central (Kansas City) HS
Hyde, Matthew 15.35 Winfield High School
Starks, Marcus 15.43 Bowling Green High School
Zeltmann, Koen 15.54 St. Francis Borgia High School
Vaughn, Blaize 15.61 Lawson HS
Sprous, Landon 15.73 Potosi High School
Brock, Gavin 15.83 Fair Grove High School
Dunn, Cayden 15.90 Centralia High School
Erpelding, Jacob 16.09 Mt. Vernon High School
McClellan, Evan 16.18 Central (New Madrid County) High
Cross, Jarren 16.53 Potosi High School
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Class 3 Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burns, Connor 4:23.60 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Lesher, JR 4:25.00 Centralia High School
Chance, Ben 4:25.49 Bowling Green High School
Hermann, Quentin 4:30.73 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Deering, Bradley 4:31.18 Maryville High School
Reynolds, Nathan 4:31.84 Eldon High School
Sorrell, Chase 4:31.85 East Newton High School
ZINK, TYLER 4:32.30 Knob Noster High School
Blackford, Connor 4:33.00 Maryville High School
Mendoza, Sinry 4:33.30 Hollister High School
Guerrero, Felix 4:33.56 Owensville High School
Wright, Nathaniel 4:33.86 Herculaneum High School
Vaughn, Sam 4:35.13 Herculaneum High School
Willis, Colton 4:36.64 Strafford High School
Snoke, Adam 4:37.66 Lutheran South High School
Morris, Mason 4:40.72 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
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Class 3 Boys 200 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schwanke, Brett 21.72 Buffalo High School
Crowley, Canyon 22.03 Fair Grove High School
Davis, Jeremiah 22.04 Wright City High School
Gaines-Parker, William 22.14 Kennett High School
Salem-Atia, Adam 22.21 Pembroke Hill School
Hamner, Kaden 22.23 Clark County High School
Boyer, Lucas 22.32 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Sullivan, Maury 22.46 Normandy High School
Bahr, Lucas 22.54 Herculaneum High School
Conley, Devin 22.54 Pembroke Hill School
Northrip, Noah 22.59 Osage High School
Abdalle, Sit 22.62 Northeast (Kansas City) High Sch
Whelan, Charles 22.68 Owensville High School
Brown, Jacob 22.71 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Strong, Antonio 23.06 St. Mary's (St. Louis) High Scho
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Class 3 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Snyder, Kaiden 38.15 St. James High School
Dunn, Cayden 39.71 Centralia High School
Zeltmann, Koen 40.03 St. Francis Borgia High School
Mushatt, Elnailo 40.36 Central (Kansas City) HS
Powell, Masyn 40.43 Holden High School
Payne, Bryce 40.62 Owensville High School
Farmer, RJ 40.71 Dexter High School
Hasam, Jayden 40.86 Ewing Marion Kauffman School
Starks, Marcus 40.89 Bowling Green High School
Gregory, Marnell 41.03 STEAM Academy at McCluer South-B
Groos, Andrew 41.04 Osage High School
Ripko, Drew 41.12 Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Elliott, Charles 41.23 Cassville High School
Bockenkamp, Charles 41.31 Central (Park Hills) High School
Dow, Davis 41.78 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Cross, Jarren 41.89 Potosi High School
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Class 3 Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hermann, Quentin 10:02.79 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Vaughn, Sam 10:07.35 Herculaneum High School
Mendoza, Sinry 10:12.53 Hollister High School
Lumetta, Matteo 10:14.36 Cassville High School
Snoke, Adam 10:17.33 Lutheran South High School
Morris, Mason 10:18.35 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Snoke, Andrew 10:19.12 Lutheran South High School
Sorrell, Chase 10:21.55 East Newton High School
Walker, Sean 9:50.18 Buffalo High School
Burns, Connor 9:52.18 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Chance, Ben 9:53.36 Bowling Green High School
DeLeeuw, Hunter 9:54.22 Knob Noster High School
Joyce, Johnny 9:54.26 St. Michael the Archangel High S
Blackford, Connor 9:55.77 Maryville High School
Evans, Cain 9:55.87 Chillicothe High School
Lesher, JR 9:57.39 Centralia High School
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Class 3 Boys 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamner, Kaden 49.94 Clark County High School
Davis, Jeremiah 50.28 Wright City High School
Crowley, Canyon 50.35 Fair Grove High School
Marley, Jaydon 50.56 Metro High School
Brower, Jacer 50.77 Montgomery County High School
D'obron, Douryun 50.90 Odessa High School
Sullivan, Maury 51.07 Normandy High School
Meyer, Dylan 51.08 Maryville High School
Flores-Hernandez, Jesus 51.13 Maryville High School
Heins, Pierce 51.35 Lamar High School
Samking, Ezekiel 51.65 Lutheran South High School
Uebari, David 51.69 Bayless High School
Johnson-Meafou, Kenneth 51.86 Ewing Marion Kauffman School
McField, Mekhi 52.01 Vashon High School
Mendoza, Sinry 52.02 Hollister High School
Breshears, Blaine 52.31 Lamar High School
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Class 3 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.72 Herculaneum High School
Relay Team A 42.95 Kennett High School
Relay Team A 43.01 Pembroke Hill School
Relay Team A 43.15 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Relay Team A 43.34 STEAM Academy at McCluer South-B
Relay Team A 43.42 Osage High School
Relay Team A 43.44 Eldon High School
Relay Team A 43.50 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 43.65 Vashon High School
Relay Team A 43.80 Central (Kansas City) HS
Relay Team A 43.86 Bowling Green High School
Relay Team A 43.94 Clark County High School
Relay Team A 44.12 Lutheran North High School
Relay Team A 44.18 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 44.19 Buffalo High School
Relay Team A 44.42 Strafford High School
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Class 3 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:29.37 Pembroke Hill School
Relay Team A 1:29.68 Herculaneum High School
Relay Team A 1:30.77 Metro High School
Relay Team A 1:30.91 Osage High School
Relay Team A 1:31.00 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Relay Team A 1:31.25 Wright City High School
Relay Team A 1:31.32 Lutheran North High School
Relay Team A 1:31.45 Dexter High School
Relay Team A 1:31.68 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 1:32.07 Maryville High School
Relay Team A 1:32.17 STEAM Academy at McCluer South-B
Relay Team A 1:32.20 Northeast (Kansas City) High Sch
Relay Team A 1:32.75 Owensville High School
Relay Team A 1:32.77 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 1:32.87 El Dorado Springs High School
Relay Team A 1:33.76 Southern Boone County High Schoo
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Class 3 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:27.31 Dexter High School
Relay Team A 3:27.76 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 3:28.26 Owensville High School
Relay Team A 3:28.61 Maplewood-Richmond Hts. High Sch
Relay Team A 3:28.88 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 3:29.53 Maryville High School
Relay Team A 3:29.78 Lutheran South High School
Relay Team A 3:30.06 Vashon High School
Relay Team A 3:30.72 Clinton High School
Relay Team A 3:31.13 Lutheran North High School
Relay Team A 3:31.19 Odessa High School
Relay Team A 3:32.24 Pembroke Hill School
Relay Team A 3:32.97 Principia High School
Relay Team A 3:34.31 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Relay Team A 3:34.41 Cassville High School
Relay Team A 3:37.73 Orchard Farm High School
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Class 3 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:11.13 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Relay Team A 8:15.66 Knob Noster High School
Relay Team A 8:16.96 Centralia High School
Relay Team A 8:17.98 Priory High School
Relay Team A 8:18.85 Maryville High School
Relay Team A 8:21.53 Cassville High School
Relay Team A 8:22.52 Dexter High School
Relay Team A 8:23.72 Chillicothe High School
Relay Team A 8:24.24 Lawson HS
Relay Team A 8:24.78 Maplewood-Richmond Hts. High Sch
Relay Team A 8:25.33 Potosi High School
Relay Team A 8:26.25 Metro High School
Relay Team A 8:26.35 Bowling Green High School
Relay Team A 8:28.04 Lamar High School
Relay Team A 8:34.49 El Dorado Springs High School
Relay Team A 8:46.87 East Newton High School
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Class 3 Boys 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamill, Patrick 1:58.61 Priory High School
Sorrell, Chase 1:58.94 East Newton High School
Kloeppel, Tyler 1:59.80 Fatima High School
Snoke, Adam 2:00.08 Lutheran South High School
Holiman, Rohan 2:00.29 Centralia High School
Kyle, Anistin 2:00.71 Dexter High School
Rivera, Micah 2:01.19 Knob Noster High School
Brackman, Ross 2:01.50 Boonville High School
Goatley, Connor 2:01.99 El Dorado Springs High School
Glaude, John 2:02.06 Father Tolton Regional Catholic
Stephan, Max 2:02.14 Lawson HS
Masters, Dylan 2:02.20 Maryville High School
Leach, Caleb 2:02.25 Cassville High School
ZINK, TYLER 2:02.50 Knob Noster High School
Wright, Nathaniel 2:03.28 Herculaneum High School
Vance, Keith 2:06.98 Herculaneum High School
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Class 3 Boys Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dieckmann, Louis 46.69m St. Charles West High School
Green, Jacobi 45.69m Vashon High School
Spencer, Dylan 45.67m Trenton High School
Williams, Tyson 45.64m Lamar High School
Moreland, Jacob 45.62m Herculaneum High School
Rue, Devin 45.49m Bowling Green High School
Shaw, Dominic 45.38m East Newton High School
Sterling, Carson 44.91m Maryville High School
Charlton, Teddy 42.88m Bowling Green High School
BLAND, JOSEPH 42.09m Versailles High School
Rush, Austin 41.94m Eldon High School
Post, Justin 41.30m Southern Boone County High Schoo
Eichelberger, Brian 40.94m Lutheran South High School
Sartin, Brett 39.13m Fair Grove High School
Graham, Eli 38.87m Owensville High School
Owens, T'Darrian 36.55m Vashon High School
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Class 3 Boys High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Starks, Marcus 1.90m Bowling Green High School
Salinas, Ralph 1.90m Arcadia Valley High School
Hoehner, Joel 1.90m Lutheran South High School
Flores-Hernandez, Jesus 1.90m Maryville High School
Richardson, Will 1.90m Eldon High School
Zillner, Cole 1.90m Holden High School
Hicks, Carson 1.88m Palmyra High School
Eskew, Jace 1.88m Bowling Green High School
Crowe, Michael 1.86m East Newton High School
Dennis, Gregory 1.85m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Williams, Drake 1.85m Osage High School
Erwin, Tyler 1.84m Montgomery County High School
Dillon, Jase 1.83m Lamar High School
Jones, Ja'Kwon 1.80m Central (New Madrid County) High
Kephart, Kuliath 1.80m El Dorado Springs High School
Robinson, Xavier 1.80m Clever High School
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Class 3 Boys Javelin 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dalton, Dylan 53.95m Bowling Green High School
Sprong, Isaiah 51.71m Chillicothe High School
Cotton, Kyle 51.49m St. Charles West High School
Evans , Cy 50.09m Chillicothe High School
Vaughn, Konner 49.78m Osage High School
Wibbenmeyer, Mason 49.45m Lawson HS
Bryant, Gunner 49.33m Bowling Green High School
Saylors, Andrew 46.94m Dexter High School
Enlow, Eden 46.71m East Newton High School
Pruett, Carter 46.35m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Warrick, Luke 45.72m Principia High School
Sturgell, Cameron 45.31m Lamar High School
Rutledge, Brody 44.09m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Fisher, Aaron 43.33m Metro High School
Taylor, Paul 42.75m Ste. Genevieve High School
Green, Jacobi 42.14m Vashon High School
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Class 3 Boys Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stone, Keaton 6.72m Maryville High School
Erwin, Tyler 6.62m Montgomery County High School
Jones, Ja'Kwon 6.62m Central (New Madrid County) High
Bryant, Bleyne 6.58m Bowling Green High School
Bruenderman, Cole 6.56m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Vaughn, Konner 6.52m Osage High School
Bryant, Ayden 6.44m California High School
Wagner, Hakin 6.40m Central (Park Hills) High School
Garner, Wyatt 6.29m Maryville High School
Williams, Jason 6.28m Orchard Farm High School
Harlow, Kannon 6.27m Central (Park Hills) High School
Neal, Emrie 6.20m Clinton High School
Gonzalez, Tomas 6.16m Blair Oaks High School
Hall, Adam 6.16m Blair Oaks High School
Davis, Terrill 6.11m Lamar High School
Wheeler, Ashton 6.10m Cassville High School
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Class 3 Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
LePage, Luke 4.37m Blair Oaks High School
Gonzalez, Tomas 4.31m Blair Oaks High School
Harlow, Kannon 4.27m Central (Park Hills) High School
Harland, Caelan 4.26m Macon High School
Childs, Landon 4.10m Osage High School
Switzer, Triston 4.10m Clinton High School
Pennewell, Evan 4.05m Palmyra High School
Walker, Charlie 3.95m Chillicothe High School
Hankins, Tyler 3.95m Holden High School
Sturgell, Carson 3.91m Lamar High School
Beard, Jacob 3.77m Centralia High School
Marquez, Derrick 3.67m Owensville High School
Moloney, Michael 3.66m Herculaneum High School
Ashworth, Adam 3.35m St. Francis Borgia High School
Butcher, Ayden 3.25m Ste. Genevieve High School
Williams, Brady 3.25m Potosi High School
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Class 3 Boys Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Degraffenreid, Jasper 15.80m Eldon High School
Conley, Darin 15.67m Pembroke Hill School
BLAND, JOSEPH 15.65m Versailles High School
Thomas, Ja'len 15.15m STEAM Academy at McCluer South-B
Taylor, Paul 15.11m Ste. Genevieve High School
Moreland, Jacob 14.99m Herculaneum High School
Eichelberger, Brian 14.88m Lutheran South High School
Shaw, Dominic 14.88m East Newton High School
Williams, Tyson 14.74m Lamar High School
Midgyett, Silas 14.68m Chillicothe High School
Wooldridge, Trace 14.59m Lamar High School
Bowling, Terry 14.51m Fredericktown High School
Hardison, Seth 14.51m Fair Grove High School
Chamley, Clint 14.43m Clark County High School
McDaniel, Aiden 14.38m Southern Boone County High Schoo
Williams, Bryce 13.90m Hermann High School
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Class 3 Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bryant, Bleyne 14.11m Bowling Green High School
Riley, Bailey 13.68m Winfield High School
Sullivan, Maury 13.60m Normandy High School
Erwin, Tyler 13.53m Montgomery County High School
Stone, Keaton 13.47m Maryville High School
Conley, Darin 13.43m Pembroke Hill School
Long, Ben 13.17m Lutheran South High School
Foluke, Amari 13.09m Metro High School
Barry, Jesse 13.04m Strafford High School
Bruenderman, Cole 13.00m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Wagner, Hakin 13.00m Central (Park Hills) High School
Kille, Javon 13.00m Chillicothe High School
Ripko, Drew 12.85m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Loftin, Dayne 12.80m Richmond High School
Floyd, Daunte 12.72m Aurora High School
May, Bryson 12.59m Salem High School
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Class 3 Girls 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sharp-MacPherson, Jozey 12.41 Mountain Grove High School
Macon-Ford, Leah 12.48 Metro High School
Summers, Alexis 12.52 Ewing Marion Kauffman School
Daniels, Emma 12.61 Owensville High School
Pugh, Kaylee 12.62 Richmond High School
Myers, Makayla 12.71 St. Charles West High School
Wilson, Skyte 12.72 Clinton High School
Allen, TaMari 12.74 Incarnate Word Academy
Howard, Brianna 12.77 Normandy High School
Flood, Jayleign 12.77 Clever High School
Hayden, Adison 12.81 Oak Grove High School
Plenge, Abby 12.90 Clark County High School
Flecher, Jasmine 12.97 Miller Career Academy
Cowherd, Nina 13.06 Mt. Vernon High School
Lawson, Mackenzie 13.14 Herculaneum High School
Karsten, Katelynn 13.24 Lutheran South High School
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Class 3 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nelke, Jersy 15.37 Winfield High School
Hall, Makena 15.56 Aurora High School
Johnson, Avery 15.92 Central (Park Hills) High School
Schulte, Ella 15.94 Maryville High School
King, Kaylee 15.98 Richmond High School
Caviness, Zoe 16.02 Blair Oaks High School
Acklin, Brylee 16.09 Maryville High School
Clark, Maliya 16.21 Clever High School
Morris, Effie 16.24 Boonville High School
Florea, Kamryn 16.39 Lawson HS
Williams, Kennedy 16.43 Lutheran (St. Charles) High Scho
Voss, Tenlee 16.47 Palmyra High School
Phillips, Maisie 16.60 Aurora High School
Huck, Kayden 16.87 Ste. Genevieve High School
Reeves, Eddyson 17.66 Herculaneum High School
Turnbo, Allison 18.44 Dexter High School
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Class 3 Girls 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martonfi, Zoe 5:12.30 Eldon High School
Henry, Elsa 5:12.47 St. Michael the Archangel High S
Ford, Lyric 5:14.62 Montgomery County High School
Berry, Kade 5:16.48 Winfield High School
Schaefer, Katherine 5:17.77 Hollister High School
Menke, Katy 5:17.90 Hermann High School
Bostick, Jozelynn 5:18.64 Centralia High School
Potter, Kiersten 5:20.33 Lamar High School
Eckenroth, Cera 5:24.34 New Covenant Academy
Luetkemeyer, Lucy 5:28.56 Metro High School
Limberg, Ilene 5:28.77 Owensville High School
Mcgregor, Adriana 5:29.06 Summit Christian Academy High Sc
Schelp, Reese 5:29.97 Lutheran South High School
Calvert, Jocelyn 5:30.45 Lawson HS
Malone, Yuri 5:34.66 Metro High School
Vance, Raven 5:37.12 Herculaneum High School
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Class 3 Girls 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Summers, Alexis 25.41 Ewing Marion Kauffman School
Myers, Makayla 25.57 St. Charles West High School
North, Elle 25.59 Lutheran (St. Charles) High Scho
Lewis, Shelby 26.05 Centralia High School
Waldron, Lauren 26.07 St. Pius X (Kansas City) High Sc
Austene, Marissa 26.09 Hallsville High School
Sharp-MacPherson, Jozey 26.21 Mountain Grove High School
Hayden, Adison 26.29 Oak Grove High School
Shelton, Emerson 26.30 Notre Dame de Sion High School
Flood, Jayleign 26.30 Clever High School
Macon-Ford, Leah 26.58 Metro High School
Daniels, Emma 26.71 Owensville High School
Saitz, Elizabeth 26.78 Lutheran South High School
Huot, Caleigh 27.08 Fatima High School
Jerman, Savannah 27.09 Ste. Genevieve High School
Dicken, Hope 27.21 Lutheran South High School
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Class 3 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martonfi, Zoe 45.49 Eldon High School
Williams, Kennedy 46.05 Lutheran (St. Charles) High Scho
Morris, Effie 46.08 Boonville High School
Acklin, Brylee 46.28 Maryville High School
Nelke, Jersy 46.57 Winfield High School
Boyd, Madison 46.65 Vashon High School
Riggs, Elizabeth 46.78 Wright City High School
Stenzel, Raylee 46.79 Mountain Grove High School
Waldron, Lauren 47.84 St. Pius X (Kansas City) High Sc
Ryan, Mia 47.97 St. Pius X (Kansas City) High Sc
Schoeneberg, Avery 48.93 Blair Oaks High School
Lansdown, Rylee 48.95 Clever High School
Roth, Kylie 49.01 Mountain Grove High School
Huck, Kayden 49.16 Ste. Genevieve High School
Reeves, Eddyson 49.57 Herculaneum High School
Stromas, Nia 49.85 Dexter High School
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Class 3 Girls 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Potter, Kiersten 11:33.45 Lamar High School
Eckenroth, Cera 11:37.10 New Covenant Academy
Henry, Elsa 11:42.70 St. Michael the Archangel High S
Trent, Clara 11:50.53 New Covenant Academy
Bader, Jessica 11:52.01 Visitation Academy
Rodgers, Malia 11:54.77 Montgomery County High School
Evans, Jolie 12:00.56 Cassville High School
Luetkemeyer, Lucy 12:03.79 Metro High School
Malone, Yuri 12:07.07 Metro High School
Menke, Katy 12:13.53 Hermann High School
Bostick, Jozelynn 12:15.18 Centralia High School
Calvert, Jocelyn 12:17.24 Lawson HS
Schelp, Reese 12:17.34 Lutheran South High School
Zangaro, Hollyn 12:17.71 Ste. Genevieve High School
Mcgregor, Adriana 12:19.04 Summit Christian Academy High Sc
Quessenberry, Keyler 12:40.78 Summit Christian Academy High Sc
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Class 3 Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shelton, Emerson 1:00.16 Notre Dame de Sion High School
Clements, Kale 1:00.36 Ste. Genevieve High School
Germann, Taylor 1:00.94 Southern Boone County High Schoo
Kenney, Leah 1:01.08 Clinton High School
Wilson, Melaina 1:01.27 Willow Springs High School
Johnson, Jayli 1:01.40 College Heights Christian
England, Allie 1:02.58 Central (Park Hills) High School
Griffith, Naomi 1:02.78 Metro High School
Worthem, Ayanna 1:02.83 Lift for Life Academy Charter Hi
North, Elle 57.65 Lutheran (St. Charles) High Scho
Lewis, Shelby 58.31 Centralia High School
Plenge, Abby 58.58 Clark County High School
Mays, McKinli 59.18 El Dorado Springs High School
Cranmer, Kayanna 59.80 Chillicothe High School
Flood, Jayleign 59.80 Clever High School
Campbell, Adalyn 59.89 Holden High School
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Class 3 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.02 Lutheran South High School
Relay Team A 50.33 Incarnate Word Academy
Relay Team A 50.56 Normandy High School
Relay Team A 50.71 Lutheran (St. Charles) High Scho
Relay Team A 50.71 Mountain Grove High School
Relay Team A 50.78 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 50.93 Clinton High School
Relay Team A 50.97 Richmond High School
Relay Team A 51.08 Owensville High School
Relay Team A 51.21 Mt. Vernon High School
Relay Team A 51.29 Metro High School
Relay Team A 51.50 Vashon High School
Relay Team A 51.51 Lawson HS
Relay Team A 51.59 Maryville High School
Relay Team A 51.94 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 52.04 Central (Park Hills) High School
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Class 3 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:43.79 Lutheran (St. Charles) High Scho
Relay Team A 1:45.45 Incarnate Word Academy
Relay Team A 1:46.86 Mountain Grove High School
Relay Team A 1:47.27 Maryville High School
Relay Team A 1:47.51 Owensville High School
Relay Team A 1:47.67 Centralia High School
Relay Team A 1:47.70 Holden High School
Relay Team A 1:48.34 Clinton High School
Relay Team A 1:48.54 Mt. Vernon High School
Relay Team A 1:48.64 Palmyra High School
Relay Team A 1:48.74 College Heights Christian
Relay Team A 1:49.16 Metro High School
Relay Team A 1:49.48 St. Pius X (Kansas City) High Sc
Relay Team A 1:51.17 Ste. Genevieve High School
Relay Team A 1:51.51 Central (Park Hills) High School
Relay Team A 1:51.89 Herculaneum High School
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Class 3 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:08.65 El Dorado Springs High School
Relay Team A 4:09.40 Cameron High School
Relay Team A 4:10.10 Clever High School
Relay Team A 4:10.82 Centralia High School
Relay Team A 4:11.89 Maryville High School
Relay Team A 4:12.67 Eldon High School
Relay Team A 4:13.12 Lutheran (St. Charles) High Scho
Relay Team A 4:13.23 Holden High School
Relay Team A 4:13.78 St. Charles West High School
Relay Team A 4:13.96 Ste. Genevieve High School
Relay Team A 4:14.27 California High School
Relay Team A 4:15.24 College Heights Christian
Relay Team A 4:15.61 Fair Grove High School
Relay Team A 4:16.65 Lutheran South High School
Relay Team A 4:22.00 Lift for Life Academy Charter Hi
Relay Team A 4:23.48 Herculaneum High School
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Class 3 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:01.61 El Dorado Springs High School
Relay Team A 10:07.79 Summit Christian Academy High Sc
Relay Team A 10:07.88 Cassville High School
Relay Team A 10:08.53 St. Michael the Archangel High S
Relay Team A 10:09.08 Centralia High School
Relay Team A 10:09.18 Clinton High School
Relay Team A 10:11.43 Osage High School
Relay Team A 10:12.71 Blair Oaks High School
Relay Team A 10:15.69 New Covenant Academy
Relay Team A 10:20.47 St. Charles West High School
Relay Team A 10:20.49 Metro High School
Relay Team A 10:25.32 Lutheran (St. Charles) High Scho
Relay Team A 10:27.71 Ste. Genevieve High School
Relay Team A 10:33.43 Visitation Academy
Relay Team A 10:35.49 Herculaneum High School
Relay Team A 10:36.89 Potosi High School
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Class 3 Girls 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martonfi, Zoe 2:21.30 Eldon High School
Eckenroth, Cera 2:22.45 New Covenant Academy
Robinson, Bailey 2:22.52 Cameron High School
Ford, Lyric 2:22.80 Montgomery County High School
Schaefer, Katherine 2:23.19 Hollister High School
Mcgregor, Adriana 2:24.43 Summit Christian Academy High Sc
Bostick, Jozelynn 2:24.97 Centralia High School
Evans, Jolie 2:25.21 Cassville High School
Kenney, Leah 2:25.23 Clinton High School
Goans, Kenzleigh 2:25.67 California High School
Lackman, Clara 2:25.67 Blair Oaks High School
Singer, Rachel 2:26.43 Villa Duchesne High School
Clements, Kale 2:28.84 Ste. Genevieve High School
Schelp, Reese 2:30.25 Lutheran South High School
Huber, Kendall 2:32.43 Herculaneum High School
Heeb, Lani 2:34.15 Kennett High School
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Class 3 Girls Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berendzen, Ellie 37.54m Centralia High School
Korte, Andrea 37.44m Bowling Green High School
King, Candra 36.40m Palmyra High School
Thompson, Kalie 36.07m Potosi High School
Vancil, Elle 34.67m Kennett High School
Wieberg, Abbigail 33.45m Blair Oaks High School
Penuel, Ava 33.02m Fredericktown High School
Schulz, Jaylee 32.77m Lutheran South High School
Hoerning, Reagan 32.03m Mountain Grove High School
McCanles, Kayla 31.39m Clinton High School
McGhay, Delaney 31.27m Eldon High School
Lloyd, Audra 30.75m Lamar High School
Franklin, Aaliyah 30.69m Cassville High School
McCleary, Phoebe 30.30m Lawson HS
Davis, Corin 29.82m Eldon High School
Dodorico, Tirzah 27.36m Hermann High School
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Class 3 Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Phillips, April 1.73m Summit Christian Academy High Sc
Jones, Bella 1.60m Orchard Farm High School
Harmon, Kia 1.60m Holden High School
Richey, Kylee 1.60m Versailles High School
Heldt, Holly 1.55m Hermann High School
Prange, Grace 1.55m Lutheran South High School
Robart, Ava 1.55m Potosi High School
Klover, Marah 1.55m Holden High School
Tomey, Kinzie 1.54m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Tobias, Ava 1.53m Incarnate Word Academy
Hicks, Chloe 1.51m Palmyra High School
Gehlert, Ella 1.51m Owensville High School
Dunn, Emma 1.50m Arcadia Valley High School
Cornell, Camryn 1.48m Mt. Vernon High School
Asher, Kiaira 1.45m Ste. Genevieve High School
Crites, Olivia 1.45m Houston High School
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Class 3 Girls Javelin 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Deters, Grace 42.04m Bowling Green High School
Wishard, Briley 41.96m Clinton High School
Manthey, Savannah 39.24m Salem High School
Moore, Mary 38.73m Lawson HS
Miller, Olivia 38.48m Clark County High School
Dumke, Ava 38.07m Maryville High School
Grass, Alissa 37.03m Ste. Genevieve High School
French, Lindy 37.01m Lutheran South High School
Fox, Allison 36.93m Clark County High School
Diani-O'Day, Katelyn 36.91m Lutheran (St. Charles) High Scho
Rehkop, Linley 35.59m Fredericktown High School
Arthur, Makenzi 34.04m Houston High School
Samek, Shelby 33.69m Buffalo High School
Helton, Hope 32.89m Chillicothe High School
Riley, Blaire 31.95m Kelly High School
Weaver, Kynlee 31.53m Houston High School
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Class 3 Girls Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Saitz, Elizabeth 5.37m Lutheran South High School
Harmon, Kia 5.33m Holden High School
Richey, Kylee 5.32m Versailles High School
Phillips, April 5.29m Summit Christian Academy High Sc
Williams, Maizen 5.23m Paseo Academy
Jones, Kristen 5.22m Hallsville High School
Hawkins, Autumn 5.19m Centralia High School
Ferris, Elise 5.13m Lamar High School
Clark, Maliya 5.10m Clever High School
Hall, Makena 5.03m Aurora High School
Saunders, Sa'Niya 5.01m STEAM Academy at McCluer South-B
Nowack, Cameron 5.00m Owensville High School
Reinebach, Isabel 4.89m Winfield High School
Kennedy, Karis 4.83m Dexter High School
Rehkop, Linley 4.80m Fredericktown High School
McGill, Marisa 4.76m Notre Dame (St. Louis) High Scho
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Class 3 Girls Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Redd, Abbey 3.34m Palmyra High School
Reagan, El 3.27m Montgomery County High School
Hall, Makena 3.07m Aurora High School
Loman, Alaina 3.06m Palmyra High School
Kessler, Madison 3.04m Osage High School
Guinn, Izzy 3.04m Holden High School
Florea, Kamryn 3.04m Lawson HS
Ensor, Kaylie 2.99m Centralia High School
Wooster, Addilyn 2.92m Holden High School
Lloyd, Abbie 2.90m Dexter High School
Clark, Maliya 2.83m Clever High School
Hann, Briana 2.75m Willow Springs High School
Krempges, Kadence 2.75m Mt. Vernon High School
Reeves, Eddyson 2.74m Herculaneum High School
Dortch, Courtney 2.59m Central (Park Hills) High School
Gibson, Kaydence 2.59m Potosi High School
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Class 3 Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wishard, Briley 12.61m Clinton High School
King, Candra 12.26m Palmyra High School
Renfro, Isabella 11.96m Seneca High School
Brown, Kamari 11.67m Incarnate Word Academy
Henry, Nora 11.53m Potosi High School
Caresia, Evangeline 11.45m Lawson HS
Thomlinson, Lauren 10.96m Fair Grove High School
Dodorico, Tirzah 10.87m Hermann High School
Pope, Macy 10.80m Herculaneum High School
White, Brooke 10.50m East Newton High School
Braby, Emma 10.40m California High School
Wilson-Sanchez, Leandra 10.36m Eldon High School
Kemper, Jamison 10.32m Ste. Genevieve High School
Saxton, Sophia 10.19m Notre Dame de Sion High School
Herrion, Myah 10.11m Kelly High School
Gerlemann, Josie 9.79m Owensville High School
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Class 3 Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richey, Kylee 11.32m Versailles High School
Phillips, April 11.18m Summit Christian Academy High Sc
Martonfi, Zoe 10.92m Eldon High School
Williams, Maizen 10.78m Paseo Academy
Turner, Ateshia 10.76m St. Charles West High School
Austene, Marissa 10.53m Hallsville High School
Clark, Maliya 10.46m Clever High School
Mays, McKinli 10.40m El Dorado Springs High School
Weimer, Brooke 10.36m Macon High School
Reinebach, Isabel 10.26m Winfield High School
GREEN, TAYLOR 10.12m Fair Grove High School
Acklin, Jade 9.90m Liberty (Mountain View) High Sch
Dixon, Alexis 9.74m Metro High School
Edmondson, Kierra 9.51m Kennett High School
Kennedy, Karis 9.44m Dexter High School
Merklin, Abigail 9.35m Ste. Genevieve High School
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