McCullough-Douglas Invitational 2024

Festus, MO

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 1,600 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McVey, Ethan St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Thornton, Brody Jefferson (Festus) High School
Lozano-Redfoot, Robert Malden High School
Hauser, Andrew 4:11.20 Rock Bridge High School
Wright, Nathaniel 4:21.25 Herculaneum High School
House, James 4:26.58 Seckman High School
Schneider, Clayton 4:32.40 Hillsboro High School
Eldredge, Cale 4:33.93 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Perales, Mateo 4:35.59 DeSmet Jesuit High School
Zangara, Anthony 4:36.03 St. Louis University High School
Murray, Charles 4:36.10 St. Louis University High School
Buckman, Dominic 4:36.23 Webster Groves High School
Rhine, Bryson 4:38.05 Festus High School
Gheorghian, Kaiden 4:38.47 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Meints, Carter 4:41.00h Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Payne, Brett 4:41.65 Bourbon High School
Denney, Abram 4:43.01 Sullivan High School
Cole, Corbin 4:43.54 Webster Groves High School
Wietbrock, Nate 4:45.28 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Neil, Tanner 4:46.41 Rock Bridge High School
Bell, Cameron 4:48.52 Dexter High School
Cole, Aidan 4:49.22 Festus High School
Giuliano, Marco 4:49.93 Herculaneum High School
Cain, Nickolai 4:50.00h Farmington High School
Timm, Ronald 4:50.00h Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Metzler, Jayden 4:50.40 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Evans, TJ 4:50.64 Seckman High School
Dowdy, Ben 4:50.80 Dexter High School
Goodson, Chase 4:51.03 Jackson High School
Hicks, Parker 4:52.36 Poplar Bluff High School
Wendel, Logan 4:54.32 Jackson High School
Heffron, Kayden 4:59.01 Hillsboro High School
Spain, Nicholas 5:01.29 Poplar Bluff High School
Givens, Michael 5:06.03 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Dial, Nicholas 5:12.35 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Johnson, Presley 5:12.41 Farmington High School
Brady, Brennan 5:16.22 DeSoto High School
Ye, Luke 5:19.67 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Heacock, Levi 5:32.98 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Rozycki, Clayton 5:36.45 DeSoto High School
Owens, Antoine 5:39.45 Malden High School
Studdard, Ian 5:44.85 Sullivan High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haefner, Karson Jefferson (Festus) High School
Seamon, Drevyn 10.66 Rock Bridge High School
Rolwing, Riley 10.88 Rock Bridge High School
Brown, Jacob 10.93 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Witvoet, Jackson 10.99 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
McBride, Kolyn 11.03 Poplar Bluff High School
Jackson, Brandon 11.07 Malden High School
Reagan, Barrett 11.14 Jackson High School
Hodges, Ayden 11.14 Herculaneum High School
Reagan, Blayne 11.15 Jackson High School
Clemons, Breijon 11.15 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Atkinson, Carter 11.22 Rock Bridge High School
Jackson, Rowan 11.34h Rockwood Summit High School
Horton, Tyler 11.46 Seckman High School
Williams, Marquis 11.46 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Smith, Essien 11.47 Festus High School
Edwards, Avery 11.47 Festus High School
McCarthy, Joshua 11.50 Farmington High School
Galati, Caiden 11.51 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Inscoe, Micah 11.52 Poplar Bluff High School
Waltman, Matthew 11.60 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Bates, Hunter 11.61 Festus High School
Mack, Jaylen 11.64 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Williams, Spencer 11.67 St. Louis University High School
McCaster, Jayden 11.68 DeSmet Jesuit High School
Oetjen, William 11.74h Rockwood Summit High School
Peoples, Jacob 11.75 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Linderer, Cohen 11.75 Hillsboro High School
Holmes, Harry 11.78 St. Louis University High School
McDonald, Lee-michael 11.80 Dexter High School
Hotze, Will 11.80h Webster Groves High School
Moore, Sakye 11.85 DeSmet Jesuit High School
Mason, Jonah 11.85 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Pool, Bryant 11.86 DeSmet Jesuit High School
Walther, Keegan 11.88 Hillsboro High School
Wolfe, Hayden 11.90 St. Francis Borgia High School
Brice, Luke 11.91 Herculaneum High School
Mraz, Mason 11.91 Seckman High School
Borgerding, Max 11.91 St. Francis Borgia High School
Fripp, Coy 11.92 Farmington High School
Gipson, Jeremy 11.93 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Werneck, Langston 11.96 Dexter High School
Randazzo, Dustin 11.98 Farmington High School
Politte, Russell 12.00 Sullivan High School
Fowler, Mason 12.00 Seckman High School
Ruble, Jacob 12.03 Hillsboro High School
West, Mason 12.07 Poplar Bluff High School
DeGeare, Daniel 12.10 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Turnbo, Devin 12.10 Dexter High School
Mallory, Matthew 12.14 Sullivan High School
Mattingly, Brayden 12.22 Herculaneum High School
Neumann, Dylan 12.24 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Eimer, Samuel 12.41 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Akers, Everett 12.43 DeSoto High School
Bushnell, Hunter 12.57 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Flack, Cory 12.59 DeSoto High School
Le, Tanner 12.59 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Newbanks, Reed 12.64 Sullivan High School
Marquart, Tate 12.72 St. Francis Borgia High School
Carrell, Jackson 12.84 Bourbon High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carter, Tyzhan Malden High School
Waddell, Mackinley Herculaneum High School
Oliphant, Jacobi 14.53 St. Louis University High School
Logan, Bryson 15.10 Farmington High School
Kraus, Wyatt 15.31 Sullivan High School
Ross, Dalton 15.32 Hillsboro High School
Nunn, Spencer 15.56 Poplar Bluff High School
Marchetti, Nick 15.63 Hillsboro High School
Brown, Clayton 15.88 Hillsboro High School
Powell, Trenton 16.46 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Slack, Patrick 16.58 Poplar Bluff High School
Dodd, Noah 16.73 Poplar Bluff High School
Herring, Dru 17.06 Jackson High School
Wilson, Richard 17.15 Festus High School
Flores, K'Vion 17.40 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Hill, Landon 17.47 DeSoto High School
Modrosic, Liam 17.61 DeSoto High School
Cunningham, Jeremiah 18.00 Farmington High School
Thomas, Matthew 18.20h St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Schmieder, Elijah 18.31 St. Francis Borgia High School
Johnson, Wyatt 18.32 Festus High School
Reeves, Keaton 18.37 Herculaneum High School
Espinosa, Miguel 18.41 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Carr, Sam 18.68 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Wamble, Rhett 18.90 Dexter High School
Wade, Keegan 19.04 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Johnson, Cayden 19.37 Farmington High School
Malott, Chase 20.02 Herculaneum High School
Lasater, Austin 20.42 Dexter High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crader, Brandon Jefferson (Festus) High School
Hill, Landon DeSoto High School
Carrell, Jackson Bourbon High School
Seamon, Drevyn 21.81 Rock Bridge High School
McBride, Kolyn 21.96 Poplar Bluff High School
Brown, Jacob 22.06 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Witvoet, Jackson 22.36 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Mitchell, Harry 22.58 St. Francis Borgia High School
Adams, Dalvin 22.61 Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Atkinson, Carter 22.84 Rock Bridge High School
Retz, Eric 22.91 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Rolwing, Riley 22.94 Rock Bridge High School
Burford, Brandon 22.99 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Clemons, Breijon 23.03 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Jackson, Rowan 23.14h Rockwood Summit High School
Cunningham, Cannon 23.17 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
McDonald, Lee-michael 23.30 Dexter High School
Randazzo, Dustin 23.32 Farmington High School
McCarthy, Joshua 23.32 Farmington High School
Oetjen, William 23.35 Rockwood Summit High School
Harris, Xavier 23.40 Malden High School
Persons, Avery 23.45 Poplar Bluff High School
Hodges, Ayden 23.48 Herculaneum High School
Wilkes, Grey 23.52 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Clark, Justin 23.53 Poplar Bluff High School
Drye, Brett 23.75 Farmington High School
Linderer, Cohen 23.80 Hillsboro High School
Williams, Spencer 23.84 St. Louis University High School
Terry, Justin 23.85 DeSmet Jesuit High School
Horton, Tyler 24.02 Seckman High School
Walther, Keegan 24.11 Hillsboro High School
Moore, Sakye 24.27 DeSmet Jesuit High School
Hotze, Will 24.30h Webster Groves High School
Shaw, Micah 24.36 St. Louis University High School
DeGeare, Daniel 24.38 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Stephenson, Carter 24.38 Hillsboro High School
Bridgett, Dashawn 24.39 Festus High School
Eimer, Samuel 24.41 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Mason, Jonah 24.49 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Fowler, Mason 24.50 Seckman High School
York, Robert 24.54 Sullivan High School
Wirz, Christiaan 24.61 Dexter High School
McMullen, Cody 24.62 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Mallory, Matthew 24.66 Sullivan High School
Gipson, Jeremy 24.72 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Reese, Jackson 24.80 Festus High School
Tucker, Rocky 24.87 Festus High School
Williams, Amari 24.90h DeSmet Jesuit High School
Turley, Evan 24.90h Jackson High School
Tilson, Na'tavion 25.00h Jackson High School
Luther, Damian 25.04 Herculaneum High School
Waltman, Matthew 25.04 Jefferson (Festus) High School
COCHRAN, RYLEE 25.09 Dexter High School
Schmieder, Elijah 25.40 St. Francis Borgia High School
Holdenried, Brayden 25.5 Seckman High School
Medley, Camden 25.58 Herculaneum High School
Rickman, Adam 25.6 St. Francis Borgia High School
Politte, Russell 25.61 Sullivan High School
Akers, Everett 25.69 DeSoto High School
Thomas, Matthew 25.96 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Wessel, Christian 26.81 Jackson High School
Duepner, Tristan 27.05 DeSoto High School
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HS Boys 3,200 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horn, Bryant Jefferson (Festus) High School
Metzler, Jayden St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Anders, Cruz DeSoto High School
Lozano-Redfoot, Robert Malden High School
Lee, Blake Dexter High School
Payne, Brett 10:08.21 Bourbon High School
Bessire, Brian 10:19.00 DeSmet Jesuit High School
Denney, Abram 10:27.22 Sullivan High School
Kelpe, Kenyan 10:27.56 Jackson High School
Evans, TJ 10:34.81 Seckman High School
Thomas, Jude 10:45.00 Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Quinn, Dominik 11:00.00 Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Schnurbusch, Ben 11:02.48 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Grosbauer, Ethan 11:06.56 Herculaneum High School
Jones, Jackson 11:08.12 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Judge, Trevor 11:09.88 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Nissen, Tyler 11:10.94 Seckman High School
Johnson, Presley 11:30.00 Farmington High School
Whaley, Parker 12:56.38 Sullivan High School
Miller, Jackson 9:15.00 St. Louis University High School
Driemeier, Carson 9:27.85 Festus High School
Vaughn, Sam 9:28.17 Herculaneum High School
Martensen, Cameron 9:33.01 Rolla High School
Sievers, Luke 9:35.09 Rock Bridge High School
Kim, Matthew 9:37.86 Rock Bridge High School
Gentry, Bryce 9:38.14 Jackson High School
Buckman, Dominic 9:40.22 Webster Groves High School
Bendana, Alexander 9:40.97 St. Louis University High School
Fuller, Evan 9:43.00h Farmington High School
Pogue, Landon 9:43.37 Hillsboro High School
Riley, Maddox 9:47.00 Timberland High School
Poelker, William 9:47.37 DeSmet Jesuit High School
Taylor, Ayden 9:48.96 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Mann, Gregory 9:50.00h Hillsboro High School
Uding, Tate 9:54.29 Festus High School
Kilstrom, Max 9:57.02 Webster Groves High School
Koerber, Carson 9:57.26 DeSoto High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beckett, Elijah Malden High School
Oliphant, Jacobi 38.32 St. Louis University High School
Marchetti, Nick 39.85 Hillsboro High School
Zeltmann, Koen 40.03 St. Francis Borgia High School
Brown, Clayton 40.98 Hillsboro High School
Logan, Bryson 41.21 Farmington High School
Eanes, Warren 41.59 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Ross, Dalton 42.19 Hillsboro High School
Nunn, Spencer 42.46 Poplar Bluff High School
Powell, Trenton 42.94 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Hawthorne, David 43.25 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Wilson, Richard 43.54 Festus High School
Hill, Landon 43.86 DeSoto High School
Brendel, Colton 44.37 Sullivan High School
Cunningham, Jeremiah 44.92 Farmington High School
Johnson, Wyatt 45.00 Festus High School
Jefferson, Courtney 45.64 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Modrosic, Liam 45.69 DeSoto High School
Reeves, Keaton 46.14 Herculaneum High School
Johnson, Cayden 46.83 Farmington High School
Summers, Jayson 47.00 Sullivan High School
Slack, Patrick 47.20 Poplar Bluff High School
Dodd, Noah 47.52 Poplar Bluff High School
Coyle, James 47.72 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Smith, Sebastian 48.00 Seckman High School
Hartz, Eli 48.00 Seckman High School
Flores, K'Vion 48.08 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Wamble, Rhett 48.31 Dexter High School
Wade, Keegan 48.31 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Kavanaugh, Lucas 48.75 Festus High School
Wooten, Vincent 49.82 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Lezieanya, Chinonso 49.92 St. Louis University High School
Carr, Sam 50.13 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Waddell, Mackinley 51.98 Herculaneum High School
Lasater, Austin 52.78 Dexter High School
Malott, Chase 52.90 Herculaneum High School
Shock, Jackson 53.27 Jackson High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aubuchon, James DeSoto High School
Bleckman, Keaton St. Francis Borgia High School
Caldwell, Braeden Jefferson (Festus) High School
Gipson, Jeremy 1:00.77 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Ervin, Brody 1:00.94 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Bell-Darville, Zion 1:06.00 Malden High School
Koepke, Brennan 1:16.06 Sullivan High School
Giles, Justin 49.64 Rock Bridge High School
Reagan, Barrett 50.09 Jackson High School
Burford, Brandon 50.65 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Kyle, Anistin 50.81 Dexter High School
Reagan, Blayne 51.00h Jackson High School
Bates, Hunter 51.46 Festus High School
Beagle, Zechariah 51.86 Sullivan High School
Scott, Brennan 53.11 Rock Bridge High School
Farmer, RJ 53.26 Dexter High School
Reese, Jackson 53.29 Festus High School
Williams, Spencer 53.40 St. Louis University High School
Clark, Justin 53.43 Poplar Bluff High School
McGrath, Cooper 53.43 Hillsboro High School
Wetzel-Meehan, Joe 53.44 Webster Groves High School
Jones, Landon 53.58 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Ahrens, Blake 53.68 Webster Groves High School
Wright, Gabriel 53.70 Webster Groves High School
Jackson, Rowan 54.14h Rockwood Summit High School
Persons, Avery 54.30 Poplar Bluff High School
Anderson, Omauri 54.55 Festus High School
Waltman, Matthew 54.65 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Luther, Damian 54.71 Herculaneum High School
Amoah-Owusu, Joshua 54.88 Rock Bridge High School
McAllister, Nicholas 55.02 Farmington High School
Fripp, Coy 55.19 Farmington High School
Persons, Reed 55.21 Poplar Bluff High School
Belcher, Aidan 55.27 Hillsboro High School
Reeves, Zackary 55.32 Bourbon High School
Moncrief, Tristin 55.47 Malden High School
Houston, Josiah 55.57 DeSmet Jesuit High School
Carlson, Henry 55.83 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Fain, Carter 55.84h DeSmet Jesuit High School
Mitchell, Harry 55.94 St. Francis Borgia High School
Bennett, Jaxon 56.22 St. Louis University High School
Wood, Zane 56.25 Farmington High School
Oetjen, William 56.67 Rockwood Summit High School
Jones, Brandon 56.73 St. Francis Borgia High School
Thomure, Dock 56.91 Sullivan High School
Hentz, Andrew 57.00 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Schutte, Dominic 57.00 Seckman High School
Moore, Kyle 57.00h Hillsboro High School
McLaughlin, Brendan 57.20h DeSmet Jesuit High School
HARRIS, NATHAN 57.34 Dexter High School
Hughey, Jacob 57.50 Seckman High School
Medley, Camden 57.80h Herculaneum High School
Dockery, Ayden 58.00h Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Mason, Jonah 58.19 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Golightly, Josh 58.39 DeSoto High School
Stiegemeyer, Aiden 58.40 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Duepner, Tristan 58.70 DeSoto High School
Savat, Gage 59.00 Seckman High School
Black, Drayden 59.40 Herculaneum High School
Coleman, Ethan 59.99 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Francis Borgia High School
Relay Team B Sullivan High School
Relay Team A St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Relay Team A Jefferson (Festus) High School
Relay Team A Sullivan High School
Relay Team A 42.94 Rock Bridge High School
Relay Team A 43.89 Festus High School
Relay Team A 43.99 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team B 44.08 Festus High School
Relay Team A 44.33 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 44.41 Farmington High School
Relay Team B 44.41 Farmington High School
Relay Team A 44.61 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Relay Team A 44.80h Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Relay Team A 45.00 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 45.00 St. Louis University High School
Relay Team A 45.00h Herculaneum High School
Relay Team A 45.00h Jackson High School
Relay Team A 45.44 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 45.50 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Relay Team A 46.10 Dexter High School
Relay Team B 46.33 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team B 47.00 Seckman High School
Relay Team B 47.50h Herculaneum High School
Relay Team A 48.00 Malden High School
Relay Team A 52.34 DeSoto High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Jefferson (Festus) High School
Relay Team A Sullivan High School
Relay Team B Sullivan High School
Relay Team A St. Francis Borgia High School
Relay Team A Jefferson (Festus) High School
Relay Team A 1:26.00 Malden High School
Relay Team A 1:29.22 Rock Bridge High School
Relay Team A 1:30.42 Festus High School
Relay Team B 1:31.25 Festus High School
Relay Team A 1:32.00h Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 1:32.20 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Relay Team A 1:33.47 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 1:33.84 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Relay Team B 1:35.00h Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 1:35.00h DeSmet Jesuit High School
Relay Team B 1:36.00h DeSmet Jesuit High School
Relay Team A 1:36.20 St. Louis University High School
Relay Team A 1:37.00 Farmington High School
Relay Team A 1:37.00h Herculaneum High School
Relay Team A 1:37.40 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team B 1:38.00 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Relay Team A 1:38.11 Dexter High School
Relay Team A 1:40.71 Jackson High School
Relay Team B 1:41.00h Herculaneum High School
Relay Team A 1:42.00 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 1:51.16 DeSoto High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Jefferson (Festus) High School
Relay Team A Jefferson (Festus) High School
Relay Team A 3:28.00h Rock Bridge High School
Relay Team A 3:28.90 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Relay Team A 3:30.00h Dexter High School
Relay Team A 3:30.12 Webster Groves High School
Relay Team A 3:30.84 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Relay Team A 3:32.42 Festus High School
Relay Team A 3:34.09 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 3:34.67 Farmington High School
Relay Team A 3:34.81 St. Louis University High School
Relay Team B 3:40.00 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Relay Team A 3:41.38 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team B 3:42.22 Webster Groves High School
Relay Team B 3:43.42 Festus High School
Relay Team B 3:44.84 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 3:48.00 Seckman High School
Relay Team B 3:48.00h Dexter High School
Relay Team A 3:52.77 DeSoto High School
Relay Team B 3:52.77 DeSoto High School
Relay Team A 3:53.01 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Relay Team A 4:24.79 Sullivan High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jefferson (Festus) High School
Relay Team A St. Francis Borgia High School
Relay Team A Sullivan High School
Relay Team A 8:13.00 St. Louis University High School
Relay Team A 8:15.22 Webster Groves High School
Relay Team A 8:19.38 Festus High School
Relay Team A 8:20.00h Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 8:20.00h Rock Bridge High School
Relay Team A 8:20.00h Herculaneum High School
Relay Team A 8:25.00h Dexter High School
Relay Team A 8:30.86 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Relay Team B 8:41.72 Webster Groves High School
Relay Team B 8:43.74 Festus High School
Relay Team A 8:50.00h Farmington High School
Relay Team A 8:51.96 Jackson High School
Relay Team B 8:57.41 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 9:13.24 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Relay Team A 9:30.00 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 9:42.18 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duncan, Ayden Sullivan High School
Caldwell, Braeden Jefferson (Festus) High School
Wright, Nathaniel 1:55.23 Herculaneum High School
Richardson, Colton 1:57.60h Webster Groves High School
Taylor, Ayden 1:58.18 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Schlattman, Nolan 1:59.23 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Baehr, Adam 1:59.32 Rock Bridge High School
Fuller, Evan 2:00.00h Farmington High School
Driemeier, Carson 2:01.04 Festus High School
Uding, Tate 2:02.69 Festus High School
House, James 2:02.77 Seckman High School
Perales, Mateo 2:03.00h DeSmet Jesuit High School
Poelker, William 2:03.00h DeSmet Jesuit High School
Mann, Gregory 2:03.66 Hillsboro High School
Matus, Zachary 2:04.86 Seckman High School
Lee, Noah 2:04.89 Rock Bridge High School
Talleur, August 2:05.54 St. Louis University High School
Evers, Noah 2:05.62 St. Louis University High School
Denney, Abram 2:05.89 Sullivan High School
Meints, Carter 2:06.00h Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Farmer, Chase 2:06.33 Dexter High School
Breeze, Alex 2:06.33 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Hutson, Jack 2:08.10 Jackson High School
King, Jaxon 2:09.10 Dexter High School
Coffey, Kael 2:09.53 Jackson High School
Currington, Mason 2:11.00 Farmington High School
Marshall, Brandon 2:11.12 Herculaneum High School
Hentz, Andrew 2:12.45 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Dunham, Lane 2:12.85 Poplar Bluff High School
Auer, Luke 2:15.07 Hillsboro High School
Koerber, Carson 2:15.13 DeSoto High School
Sisk, Cameron 2:15.23 Poplar Bluff High School
Wilhelm, Patrick 2:15.33 Webster Groves High School
Givens, Michael 2:21.06 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Dannenmueller, Carston 2:22.49 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Bishop, Elijah 2:27.82 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Owens, Antoine 2:30.89 Malden High School
BRADY, DALTON 2:40.76 DeSoto High School
Lewis, Tevin 2:43.20 Malden High School
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HS Boys Discus 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Tyler 37.21m Seckman High School
King, Joshua 37.90m Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Jones, Jamon 35.16m Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Novotny, Dominic 40.15m St. Louis University High School
Ivory, Theodore 36.05m St. Louis University High School
Noll, Joseph 29.40m Dexter High School
GLAUS, ETHAN 29.16m Dexter High School
Heuring, Nick 27.70m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Criddle, Sam 26.50m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
McCabe, Carter 41.17m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Jefferson, Troy Jefferson (Festus) High School
Carter, Keyante 33.10m Malden High School
Bell-Darville, Zion 32.00m Malden High School
Butler, Charles 33.12m Seckman High School
York, Cameron 32.99m Sullivan High School
Hutchison, Aidan 28.93m Sullivan High School
Cunningham, Cannon 34.95m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Starwood, Demarco 27.72m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Lehn, Justin 34.37m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Ortmann, Joseph 32.53m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Kindle, Jaxon 38.02m Rock Bridge High School
Roberds, Lucas 37.98m Rock Bridge High School
Nolie, Titus 39.45m Bourbon High School
PRatt, Aiden 41.61m Poplar Bluff High School
Gaddy, Neco 34.62m Poplar Bluff High School
Schutte, Austin 42.47m Festus High School
Daugherty, Owyn 36.95m Festus High School
DIERKS, CORY 36.77m DeSoto High School
Smith, Vincent 27.43m DeSoto High School
Wessell, Brysen 36.91m Jackson High School
Wessell, Hayden 34.62m Jackson High School
Petit, Aidan 37.21m Hillsboro High School
Bacher, Micah 26.92m Hillsboro High School
HUSSEIN, OMAR 44.83m Rockwood Summit High School
Moreland, Jacob 45.62m Herculaneum High School
Eberhardt, Shea 36.01m Herculaneum High School
Fripp, Scott 27.23m Farmington High School
Vaugh, Ethan 41.17m Farmington High School
Hill, Christian 32.95m DeSmet Jesuit High School
Serra, Cesare 26.06m DeSmet Jesuit High School
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HS Boys High Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mraz, Mason 1.70m Seckman High School
Heitert, Keagan Seckman High School
Minor, Colin 1.65m St. Louis University High School
Sepulvado, John 1.63m Dexter High School
Wirz, Christiaan 1.73m Dexter High School
Neumann, Dylan 1.63m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Moncrief, Tristin 1.63m Malden High School
Beckett, Elijah Malden High School
Brendel, Colton 1.72m Sullivan High School
Rochleau, Carter 1.62m Sullivan High School
Heacock, Levi 1.65m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Pemberton, Bennett 1.57m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Graham, Darius 2.09m Poplar Bluff High School
Nevel, Isaiah 1.98m Poplar Bluff High School
Lewis, Stanley 1.73m Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Martin, Donovan 1.75m Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Culton, Nehemiah 1.65m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Flores, K'Vion 1.62m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Scott, Brennan 1.80m Rock Bridge High School
Riebe, Gage 1.70m Rock Bridge High School
Brown, Preston 1.73m Hillsboro High School
Campbell, Karson 1.62m Hillsboro High School
Edwards, Amyas 1.83m Festus High School
Stucke, Rowan 1.68m Festus High School
Walker, Jacob 1.60m DeSoto High School
Larry, Ryan 1.83m Jackson High School
Stutzman, Keegan 1.73m Jackson High School
Light, Peyton 1.52m Herculaneum High School
Tooley, Gavin 1.68m Herculaneum High School
Gollaher, Ryder 1.72m Farmington High School
Zohner, Ian 1.68m Farmington High School
Hatcher, Nathan 1.62m DeSmet Jesuit High School
Williams, Amari 1.65m DeSmet Jesuit High School
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HS Boys Javelin 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leiweke, Noah 43.05m Seckman High School
King, Joshua 25.15m Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Abbott, Josh 31.25m St. Louis University High School
Hill, Connor 18.36m Dexter High School
Collier, Bennett 37.62m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
DeJournett, Evan 37.03m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Pemberton, Bennett Jefferson (Festus) High School
Neels, Grant 29.97m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Bruenger, Graham 26.56m Seckman High School
York, Robert 52.92m Sullivan High School
Hutchison, Aidan 31.22m Sullivan High School
Ryan, Jackson 47.27m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Heintz, Payton 31.29m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Ray, Connor 45.29m Poplar Bluff High School
Lehn, Justin 38.68m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Ervin, Brody 37.02m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Kudrna, Kyle 37.90m Rock Bridge High School
Wood, Brody 35.70m Rock Bridge High School
Duncan, Henry 37.56m Poplar Bluff High School
Leach, Toran 36.28m Bourbon High School
Nolie, Titus 28.92m Bourbon High School
Evans, Cody 52.76m Festus High School
Malusky, Matthew 38.20m Festus High School
Tucker, Christopher 38.53m DeSoto High School
Adams, Hunter 22.42m DeSoto High School
Wessell, Hayden 36.12m Jackson High School
Glass, Rowen 36.25m Jackson High School
Brown, Preston 55.81m Hillsboro High School
Ruble, Jacob 36.11m Hillsboro High School
Warren, Blake 38.75m Rockwood Summit High School
Reeves, Keaton 34.35m Herculaneum High School
Brice, Luke 41.42m Herculaneum High School
Brooks, Parker 37.67m Farmington High School
Watson, Chase 35.61m Farmington High School
Altomari, George DeSmet Jesuit High School
Schellenger, Waldo DeSmet Jesuit High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stinchcomb, Austin 5.77m Seckman High School
Heitert, Keagan Seckman High School
Bennett, Jaxon 5.23m St. Louis University High School
Minor, Colin 5.23m St. Louis University High School
Williams, Jordan 5.64m Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Werneck, Langston 5.96m Dexter High School
Polley, Keagan 5.79m Dexter High School
Hatcher, Nathan 6.44m DeSmet Jesuit High School
McCaster, Jayden 5.84m DeSmet Jesuit High School
Carr, Sam 4.95m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Lewis, Devin 5.70m Malden High School
Buehler, Noah 5.48m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Williams, Bryce 6.44m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Place, Conner 6.43m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Williams, Marquis 5.74m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Adams, Devin 6.16m Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Adams, Dalvin 6.41m Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Ervin, Brody 4.90m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Taylor, Donivan 6.53m Rock Bridge High School
TRUITT, JAXSON 6.20m Rock Bridge High School
Carrell, Jackson 5.23m Bourbon High School
Leach, Toran 4.41m Bourbon High School
Sucharski, Chase 6.08m Hillsboro High School
Brown, Preston 5.80m Hillsboro High School
Stucke, Rowan 6.12m Festus High School
Kisner, Brayden 4.92m Sullivan High School
Thebeau, Eli 5.21m DeSoto High School
Lacey, Jneyvaun 6.91m Festus High School
Turley, Evan 5.32m Jackson High School
Reagan, Blayne 5.80m Jackson High School
Nevel, Isaiah 5.80m Poplar Bluff High School
Burke, Bode DeSoto High School
Barafundi, Sambia 5.56m Rockwood Summit High School
Graham, Darius 6.83m Poplar Bluff High School
Hodges, Ayden 6.24m Herculaneum High School
Robinson, Lucas 4.71m Herculaneum High School
Mallory, Matthew 5.71m Sullivan High School
Edington, Nathan 5.80m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Cunningham, Jeremiah 5.60m Farmington High School
Gollaher, Ryder 5.27m Farmington High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brendel, Colton 3.65m Sullivan High School
Marler, Zaiden 2.74m Sullivan High School
Ashworth, Adam 3.35m St. Francis Borgia High School
Wirz, Christiaan 4.11m Dexter High School
Scott, Eli 3.50m Dexter High School
Keck, Jeffrey 3.50m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Quest, Elijah 2.59m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Shuster, Logan 2.89m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Siebert, Ryder 2.13m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
MANNO, JOSEPH Jefferson (Festus) High School
Heacock, Levi Jefferson (Festus) High School
Durnal, Samuel St. Francis Borgia High School
Danford, Mpawenayo 4.10m Rock Bridge High School
McKenzie, Thomas 3.50m Rock Bridge High School
Blake, Tyler 3.66m Hillsboro High School
Oelzen, Aiden 3.36m Hillsboro High School
Evans, Cody 3.05m Festus High School
Miller, Davis 2.29m DeSoto High School
Turley, Mason 4.04m Jackson High School
Havill, Chase 3.66m Jackson High School
Nunn, Spencer 4.27m Poplar Bluff High School
Ray, Connor 3.35m Poplar Bluff High School
Brown, Minko 3.50m Rockwood Summit High School
RUGGERI, NICHOLAS 3.20m Rockwood Summit High School
Reeves, Keaton 2.93m Herculaneum High School
Feltmann, Gavin 2.44m Herculaneum High School
Johnson, Wyatt 2.90m Festus High School
Barron, Owen 3.66m Farmington High School
Scott, Wyatt 3.51m Farmington High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Tyler 14.25m Seckman High School
Butler, Charles 10.90m Seckman High School
Jones, Jamon 10.54m Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Novotny, Dominic 13.65m St. Louis University High School
Mosley, VirShaun 12.02m St. Louis University High School
Collier, Bennett 10.60m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Heuring, Nick Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Roth, Alex 13.06m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Carter, Keyante 11.47m Malden High School
Benford, Lamarrion 8.42m Malden High School
York, Cameron 11.09m Sullivan High School
Hutchison, Aidan 9.78m Sullivan High School
Rhen, Kaileb 11.67m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Tilley, Braden 11.08m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
DeGeare, Daniel 13.84m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Lehn, Justin 12.63m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Kindle, Jaxon 15.32m Rock Bridge High School
Almquist, Dain 13.73m Rock Bridge High School
Nolie, Titus 13.34m Bourbon High School
PRatt, Aiden 12.66m Poplar Bluff High School
Aguilar, Andre 11.00m Poplar Bluff High School
Schutte, Austin 12.98m Festus High School
Malusky, Matthew 12.00m Festus High School
Cook, Erich 10.50m DeSoto High School
Williams, Owen DeSoto High School
Wessell, Brysen 9.82m Jackson High School
Shinn, Gavin 13.24m Jackson High School
Petit, Aidan 11.91m Hillsboro High School
Bacher, Micah 11.33m Hillsboro High School
HUSSEIN, OMAR 13.71m Rockwood Summit High School
Moreland, Jacob 15.15m Herculaneum High School
Eberhardt, Shea 13.14m Herculaneum High School
McCabe, Carter 11.95m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Gibbs, Keaton 9.79m Farmington High School
Fripp, Scott 10.48m Farmington High School
LEE, THOMAS 12.96m Dexter High School
RASCHER, SAWYER 11.68m Dexter High School
Hill, Christian 12.16m DeSmet Jesuit High School
Serra, Cesare 10.63m DeSmet Jesuit High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bennett, Jaxon 10.77m St. Louis University High School
Minor, Colin 11.68m St. Louis University High School
Polley, Keagan 10.88m Dexter High School
Hill, Connor 10.39m Dexter High School
Le, Tanner 11.48m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Carr, Sam 10.39m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Moncrief, Tristin 12.54m Malden High School
Carter, Tyzhan Malden High School
Buehler, Noah 11.12m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Brendel, Colton 11.89m Sullivan High School
Place, Conner 13.09m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Lewis, Stanley 11.60m Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Williams, Bryce 12.68m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Hicklin, Harrison 13.61m Rock Bridge High School
Timbrook, Nicholas 12.57m Rock Bridge High School
Leach, Toran 10.19m Bourbon High School
Sucharski, Chase 12.31m Hillsboro High School
Stephenson, Carter 11.25m Hillsboro High School
Edwards, Amyas 12.60m Festus High School
Lacey, Jneyvaun 13.40m Festus High School
Malady, Peyton 10.29m Sullivan High School
Missey, Austin 11.97m DeSoto High School
Stutzman, Keegan 11.89m Jackson High School
Herring, Dru 11.55m Jackson High School
Graham, Darius 13.80m Poplar Bluff High School
Dodd, Noah 12.53m Poplar Bluff High School
Burke, Bode DeSoto High School
Barafundi, Sambia 11.65m Rockwood Summit High School
Brice, Luke 11.55m Herculaneum High School
Edington, Nathan 10.91m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Cunningham, Jeremiah 11.11m Farmington High School
Drye, Brett 13.56m Farmington High School
Pool, Bryant 12.63m DeSmet Jesuit High School
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HS Girls 1,600 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Avila Henao, Victoria Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Pfeiffer, Addison St. Francis Borgia High School
Guinan, Breleigh Hillsboro High School
Wilson, Sofie St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Denney, Mariah 5:20.08 Sullivan High School
Martin, Reese 5:27.89 Rockwood Summit High School
Selsor, Emerson 5:30.60 Jefferson (Festus) High School
PIGG, JAILEY 5:34.65 DeSoto High School
Reid, Kaitlyn 5:42 Rock Bridge High School
Marriott, Emily 5:43.96 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Jenkerson, Kate 5:44.44 Farmington High School
Gutierrez, Nataly 5:45.00 Blue Springs South High School
Baier, Bailey 5:46.00 Blue Springs South High School
Beary, Ava 5:49.93 Rock Bridge High School
Lee, Rachel 5:53.00h Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Cotrell, Wren 5:53.54 Poplar Bluff High School
Kurtz, Grace 5:56.78 Jackson High School
Li, Victoria 5:57.00h Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Collins, Alyssa 5:58.62 Festus High School
Mathes, Hannah 6:00.69 Farmington High School
Burk, Danielle 6:00.80 Parkway Central High School
Rousseau, Kayla 6:00.99 Festus High School
Qian, Madeline 6:01.00 Parkway Central High School
Hamtil, Finley 6:01.88 Herculaneum High School
Fleming, Mary-Jane 6:08.42 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Leach, Sophia 6:14.52 Poplar Bluff High School
Brown, Rylie 6:25.75 Malden High School
Easter, Payton 6:29.86 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Boyher, Miranda 6:30 Rockwood Summit High School
Mayer, Jillian 6:30.15 Hillsboro High School
Turner, Anna 6:38.59 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Robinson, Taylor 6:44.56 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Sage, Ava 7:05.00 Malden High School
McLain-Williams, Alexandra 8:19.49 Sullivan High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bradley, Zoie Jefferson (Festus) High School
Patterson, Jahmeshia 12.07 Festus High School
Hill, Makila 12.30h Malden High School
Barafundi, Christelle 12.38 Rockwood Summit High School
WRIGLEY, MARGARET 12.40 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Williams, Koryenna 12.41 Poplar Bluff High School
Krodinger, Payten 12.64 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Bourn, Neoles 12.85 DeSoto High School
Jackson, Barrett 13.01 Rockwood Summit High School
Heady, Eva 13.11 Sullivan High School
Lawson, Mackenzie 13.12 Herculaneum High School
Morie, Lillian 13.18 Seckman High School
Gillam, Olivia 13.21 Festus High School
Williams, Haylie 13.31 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Fountain, Andrea 13.32 Rockwood Summit High School
Kammermeyer, Ainsley 13.33 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Mathies, Khyrie 13.42 Malden High School
Lyson, Mikayla 13.46 Rock Bridge High School
Kyne, Washirl 13.49 Rock Bridge High School
Brown, Savannah 13.52 Jackson High School
Hubbard, Lola 13.53 Hillsboro High School
Dunn, Cadence 13.54 Farmington High School
Gass, Harper 13.69 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Shoopman, Ella 13.84 Festus High School
Hoer, Ruby 13.9 St. Francis Borgia High School
McClain, Daveah 13.92 Sullivan High School
White, Madelyn 13.97 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Hahn, Keely 13.99 Herculaneum High School
Hawkins, Ayden 14.00 Herculaneum High School
Crowley, Norah 14.10 Seckman High School
Easter, Abigail 14.20 Seckman High School
Ruble, Elena 14.24 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Callis, AnnaJane 14.27 Jackson High School
Gamel, Emmie 14.28 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Johnson, Ryleigh 14.34 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Peters, Aubrey 14.40 Hillsboro High School
Allen, Malaina 14.50 Farmington High School
Essner, Klaire 14.50h Dexter High School
Kemp, Diana 14.52 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Ordway, Adalynn 14.52 Poplar Bluff High School
Sullivan, Brailyn 14.66 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Little, Kimberlee 14.72 Hillsboro High School
Monzyk, Evelyn 14.88 Parkway Central High School
Evans, Destiny 14.89 Parkway Central High School
Knight, Ashli 14.96 Parkway Central High School
Elefson, Kateryna 15.02 Jackson High School
Danner, Darneasha 15.03 Poplar Bluff High School
Rogers, Natalie 15.57 DeSoto High School
Francis, Shelby 16.15 Dexter High School
Heberlie, Sarah 17.16 Farmington High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kruger, Shauna Parkway Central High School
Schnitzler, Reese Jefferson (Festus) High School
Brown, Lorellei Jefferson (Festus) High School
Wright, Emily 15.24 Hillsboro High School
Hawkins, Jessica 15.56 Festus High School
Kerr, Kinzie 16.30 Festus High School
Brandenburg, Erin 16.93 Hillsboro High School
Bloniarz-Smoot, Antwanasia 16.94 Malden High School
Haliburton, Sydni 16.94 Malden High School
McClain, Daveah 17.13 Sullivan High School
Moser, Ella 17.30 Festus High School
Reeves, Eddyson 17.52 Herculaneum High School
Waters, TaMya 17.84 Herculaneum High School
Robinson, Maddie 17.87 Herculaneum High School
Farrar, Mya 18.28 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Klump, Caraline 18.30 Farmington High School
Howard, Autumn 18.68 Jackson High School
Stearns, Payton 18.72 DeSoto High School
Schwandt, Ella 18.81 Rock Bridge High School
Perret, Helena 18.91 Farmington High School
Seyer, Maria 19.00 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
DeShaney, Charleigh 19.18 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Benoist, Kate 19.19 Parkway Central High School
Cooper, Kalli 19.23 DeSoto High School
Davis, Sydney 19.48 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Campbell, Alyssa 19.53 Rockwood Summit High School
Priscu, Allison 19.78 Hillsboro High School
Jackson, Brennaeja 19:30 Rockwood Summit High School
Williamson, Allison 20.02 Poplar Bluff High School
Lant, Lucy 20.44 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Wade, Layna 20.82 Farmington High School
Ross, Lyric 21.11 Poplar Bluff High School
Stasa, Sally 22.21 Rockwood Summit High School
Biermann, Annalise 23.26 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grow, Charlotte Jefferson (Festus) High School
Lemons, KiAna Jefferson (Festus) High School
Stacy, Lilian Farmington High School
White, Madelyn Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Patterson, Jahmeshia 25.43 Festus High School
WRIGLEY, MARGARET 25.64 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Williams, Koryenna 25.96 Poplar Bluff High School
Krodinger, Payten 26.41 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Bourn, Neoles 26.50 DeSoto High School
Hawkins, Constance 26.71 Festus High School
Dent, Victoria 26.76 Jackson High School
Rogers, Aaliyah 27.10 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Mackins, Amiyah 27.13 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Heady, Eva 27.35 Sullivan High School
Jackson, Aleah 27.52 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Helm, Aryana 27.71 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Morie, Lillian 27.75 Seckman High School
Williams, Brooklyn 27.77 Jackson High School
Head, Karlee 27.95 Sullivan High School
Brown, Savannah 28.20 Jackson High School
Fountain, Andrea 28.35 Rockwood Summit High School
Fitzgerald, Jayleigh 28.43 Festus High School
Hubbard, Lola 28.44 Hillsboro High School
Larson, Mackenzie 28.46 Rockwood Summit High School
Turner, Reese 28.5 Rockwood Summit High School
Gass, Harper 28.55 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Sims, Naomi 28.90 Malden High School
Nelson, Marley 28.90 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Dawson-Ide, Jamie 28.92 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Hendricks, Aziza 28.99 Parkway Central High School
King, Kaitlyn 28.99 Bourbon High School
Ordway, Adalynn 29.12 Poplar Bluff High School
Tidwell, Khloe 29.12 Rock Bridge High School
Enke, Kaylee 29.18 Bourbon High School
Moore, Amia 29.24 Herculaneum High School
Fisher, Shaniya 29.25 Rock Bridge High School
Hoer, Ruby 29.3 St. Francis Borgia High School
Davis, Sarah 29.31 DeSoto High School
Reeves, Eddyson 29.31 Herculaneum High School
Gamel, Emmie 29.35 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Mitchell, Izzie 29.40h St. Francis Borgia High School
Hawkins, Ayden 29.45 Herculaneum High School
Nea, Meredith 29.69 Dexter High School
Dunn, Cadence 30.00 Farmington High School
Krapf, Kenady 30.07 Dexter High School
Hanneken-Callahan, Renee 30.13 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Monzyk, Evelyn 30.54 Parkway Central High School
Allen, Malaina 31.00 Farmington High School
McMahon, Brooke 31.00 Seckman High School
Goodues, Savannah 31.12 Hillsboro High School
Mathies, Khyrie 31.13 Malden High School
Dundon, Jamie 31.27 Seckman High School
Clark, Kourtney 31.44 Parkway Central High School
Rogers, Natalie 32.73 DeSoto High School
Little, Kimberlee 33.16 Hillsboro High School
Reynolds, Keeley 33.93 Poplar Bluff High School
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HS Girls 3,200 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moresi, Gabrielle Parkway Central High School
Walker, Mae 11:03.38 Rock Bridge High School
Larhdiri, Imane 11:19.34 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Eftink, Lauren 11:20.65 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Rew, Ella 11:27.48 Blue Springs South High School
Barks, Annika 11:38.38 Jackson High School
Richardson, Claire 11:43.90 Rock Bridge High School
Li, Alexandria 11:45.00 Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Krueger, Brianna 11:50.00 St. Charles West High School
Marriott, Emily 11:58.00 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Lawrence, Kailey 12:05.85 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Cole, Olivia 12:09.15 Festus High School
Niedbalski, Emma 12:21.14 Jackson High School
Jackson, Miley 12:21.47 St. Charles West High School
Thornborrow, Jeannie 12:21.76 Festus High School
Kramer, Morgan 12:27.18 Blue Springs South High School
McIntyre, Cayman 12:29.08 Farmington High School
Coy, Lily 12:35.39 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Knobbe, Lillian 12:57.67 Seckman High School
Davis, Claira 12:59.46 Herculaneum High School
Gammon, Natalie 13:03.49 Farmington High School
Williams, Sarah 13:04.79 Parkway Central High School
Brown, Rylie 14:18.36 Malden High School
Meyer, Addison 14:20.55 Jefferson (Festus) High School
McLain-Williams, Alexandra 20:06.63 Sullivan High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Lorellei Jefferson (Festus) High School
Ross, Lyric Poplar Bluff High School
Emerson, Cassie Parkway Central High School
Schnitzler, Reese Jefferson (Festus) High School
Sullivan, Ashley Seckman High School
Priscu, Allison 1:00.34 Hillsboro High School
Stasa, Sally 1:00.44 Rockwood Summit High School
Klump, Caraline 1:01.02 Farmington High School
Lant, Lucy 1:01.76 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Biermann, Annalise 1:06.46 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Wright, Emily 46.95 Hillsboro High School
Hawkins, Jessica 47.99 Festus High School
Carr, Lily 49.45 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Reeves, Eddyson 49.57 Herculaneum High School
Brandenburg, Erin 50.27 Hillsboro High School
Farrar, Mya 50.96 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Howard, Autumn 51.97 Jackson High School
Schwandt, Ella 52.78 Rock Bridge High School
Lyson, Mikayla 52.86 Rock Bridge High School
Benoist, Kate 53.11 Parkway Central High School
Perret, Helena 53.33 Farmington High School
Stearns, Payton 53.73 DeSoto High School
MERRIWEATHER, KENISHA 53.92 Rockwood Summit High School
Hayward, Niyah 54.03 Farmington High School
Kerr, Kinzie 54.39 Festus High School
Walden, Addison 54.50 Festus High School
Seyer, Maria 54.63 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Biere, Brianna 56.0 Seckman High School
Waters, TaMya 56.03 Herculaneum High School
Williamson, Allison 56.78 Poplar Bluff High School
Davis, Sydney 57.15 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Torbit, Laney 58.18 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wright, Dyneisha Malden High School
Martin, Lyla Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Guseva, Victoria Jefferson (Festus) High School
Head, Karlee Sullivan High School
Johnson-Herrell, Amiaya Jefferson (Festus) High School
Pittman, Amiah 1:00.95 Festus High School
Miller, Lauren 1:01.25 Rock Bridge High School
Laird, Ariel 1:02.00 Seckman High School
Hill, Makila 1:02.19 Malden High School
Brown, Sophia 1:02.67 Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Eftink, Lauren 1:03.00 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Kundert, Elizabeth 1:03.00 Seckman High School
WRIGLEY, MARGARET 1:03.79 Jefferson (Festus) High School
DeClue, Makayla 1:03.81 Festus High School
Shuburt, Grace 1:04.68 Farmington High School
Solomon, Lila 1:04.68 Parkway Central High School
Shores, Kennedy 1:04.93 DeSoto High School
Strawhun, Katelyn 1:05.00 DeSoto High School
Brotherton, Lily 1:05.12 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Pfeiffer, Brennan 1:05.25 St. Francis Borgia High School
Gass, Harper 1:05.42 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Elefson, Kateryna 1:06.04 Jackson High School
Nea, Meredith 1:06.17 Dexter High School
Watkins, Lilly 1:06.17 Jackson High School
King, Kaitlyn 1:06.18 Bourbon High School
Eatherton, Addie 1:06.32 Rock Bridge High School
Crady, Autymn 1:06.67 DeSoto High School
Mora, Ava 1:07.70 Hillsboro High School
Krapf, Kenady 1:08.23 Dexter High School
OMara, Caitlin 1:08.47 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Scott, Katherine 1:08.88 Poplar Bluff High School
Mitchell, Izzie 1:09.00h St. Francis Borgia High School
Sullivan, Brailyn 1:09.32 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Wilkins, Clarah 1:09.61 Farmington High School
Mraz, Brooklynn 1:10.00 Seckman High School
Sieber, Grace 1:10.34 Parkway Central High School
Walker, Kali 1:10.87 Hillsboro High School
Epps, Paige 1:11.05 Poplar Bluff High School
Woods, Jillian 1:11.08 Hillsboro High School
Monzyk, Evelyn 1:11.22 Parkway Central High School
Walker, Michelle 1:13.73 Herculaneum High School
Henderson, Wyllow 1:15.08 Farmington High School
Strehl, Kambri 1:15.82 Sullivan High School
Studdard, Jade 1:15.85 Sullivan High School
Ragland, Molli 1:15.91 Festus High School
Simon, Josephine 1:15.93 St. Francis Borgia High School
Valenzuela, Addison 1:19.62 Poplar Bluff High School
Rogers, Aaliyah 58.50 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Krodinger, Payten 58.77 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Francis Borgia High School
Relay Team A Sullivan High School
Relay Team A Jefferson (Festus) High School
Relay Team A 1:00.00 Farmington High School
Relay Team B 1:00.42 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 51.00h Festus High School
Relay Team A 51.50 Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 51.95 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 52.93 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Relay Team A 53.75 DeSoto High School
Relay Team A 53.75 Rockwood Summit High School
Relay Team A 53.87 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 54.00 Herculaneum High School
Relay Team A 55.00 Seckman High School
Relay Team B 55.00h Rockwood Summit High School
Relay Team B 58.50 Seckman High School
Relay Team B 58.74 Hillsboro High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Relay Team A Jefferson (Festus) High School
Relay Team B Jefferson (Festus) High School
Relay Team A St. Francis Borgia High School
Relay Team A 1:46.00 Malden High School
Relay Team A 1:49.00 Festus High School
Relay Team A 1:50.26 Rockwood Summit High School
Relay Team A 1:51.00h Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Relay Team A 1:52:50. DeSoto High School
Relay Team B 1:53.50 Festus High School
Relay Team B 1:53.53 Rockwood Summit High School
Relay Team A 1:54.12 Rock Bridge High School
Relay Team A 1:54.45 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Relay Team A 1:54.52 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 1:55.55 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Relay Team A 1:57.00 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 1:57.00h Herculaneum High School
Relay Team B 2:00.00 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Jackson High School
Relay Team A 2:05.00 Farmington High School
Relay Team A 2:07.40 Poplar Bluff High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jefferson (Festus) High School
Relay Team A 4:15.35 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Relay Team A 4:16.00 Festus High School
Relay Team A 4:20.00h Rock Bridge High School
Relay Team A 4:25.00 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 4:25.00h Rockwood Summit High School
Relay Team A 4:25.05 DeSoto High School
Relay Team A 4:29.06 Farmington High School
Relay Team B 4:29.42 Festus High School
Relay Team A 4:29.93 Parkway Central High School
Relay Team A 4:31.61 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 4:34.74 Jackson High School
Relay Team B 4:35.00h Parkway Central High School
Relay Team B 4:40.00 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 4:45.00 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 4:53.54 Sullivan High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jefferson (Festus) High School
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Seckman High School
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Parkway Central High School
Relay Team A 10:15.00 Festus High School
Relay Team A 10:20.00 Rock Bridge High School
Relay Team B 10:25.00 Festus High School
Relay Team B 10:32.00 Blue Springs South High School
Relay Team B 10:35.00 Parkway Central High School
Relay Team A 10:35.00 Rockwood Summit High School
Relay Team A 10:52.69 Farmington High School
Relay Team A 10:57.71 Poplar Bluff High School
Relay Team A 10:59.57 Jackson High School
Relay Team A 11:00.00 Herculaneum High School
Relay Team A 11:12.66 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 11:31.42 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Relay Team A 9:50.00 Blue Springs South High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robinson, Taylor St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Neff, Hayley 2:17.19 Blue Springs South High School
Griffin, Karina 2:19.79 Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Thurman, Katelyn 2:26.06 Festus High School
Crane, Amelie 2:26.83 Rock Bridge High School
Denney, Mariah 2:29.48 Sullivan High School
Gildea, Camrynn 2:31.08 Festus High School
Townsend, Blair 2:32.00h Rock Bridge High School
Huber, Kendall 2:32.01 Herculaneum High School
Lane, Jessica 2:32.51 Seckman High School
PIGG, JAILEY 2:32.91 DeSoto High School
Davis, Alivia 2:33.00 Seckman High School
Li, Alexandria 2:33.00h Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Lawrence, Kailey 2:33.03 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Neff, Sydney 2:34.00 Blue Springs South High School
Freeman, Annalise 2:36.00h Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Harris, Armani 2:36.10 Parkway Central High School
Piepho, Keri 2:37.00 Parkway Central High School
Pfeiffer, Brennan 2:37.06 St. Francis Borgia High School
Thier, Alexis 2:39.27 Rockwood Summit High School
Perstrope, Chloe 2:40 Rockwood Summit High School
Dunn, MeKayla 2:40.00 Jackson High School
Scott, Ella 2:41.00 Farmington High School
Dane, Bailee 2:41.00 Farmington High School
Roettger, Rebecca 2:41.74 Hillsboro High School
Stotts, Ava 2:42.38 Poplar Bluff High School
Essner, Sydney 2:42.67 Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Zhang, Jolin 2:45.19 Jackson High School
Spain, Marley 2:47.60 Poplar Bluff High School
Gebhart, Mia 2:48.79 Bourbon High School
Brown, Rylie 2:49.07 Malden High School
Fleming, Mary-Jane 2:49.72 Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Krapf, Kenady 2:50.00h Dexter High School
Reeves, Emerson 2:50.17 Herculaneum High School
Goodman, Brooklyn 2:55.00h Dexter High School
Simon, Josephine 2:59.50h St. Francis Borgia High School
Wilson, Sofie 3:07.87 St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Schnitzler, Lane 3:10.00 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Weidner, Dessie 3:10.02 DeSoto High School
Karch, Ayla 3:13.03 Jefferson (Festus) High School
Wright, Dyneisha 3:47.50 Malden High School
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HS Girls Discus 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stanley, Christina 31.21m Seckman High School
Bee, Jayda 22.53m Seckman High School
McDonald, Ciara 32.64m Festus High School
Fink, Sabra 25.53m Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Fink, Samantha Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Duenne, Emma 36.70m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
WOOD, MEGAN 30.55m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Richardson, Annabelle 23.94m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Bloniarz-Smoot, Antwanasia 23.82m Malden High School
Argana, Carolyne 24.14m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Underwood, Maliyah 23.42m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Sanders, Lydian 25.50m Poplar Bluff High School
Larkins, Savannah 24.45m Poplar Bluff High School
Daily, Ruby 26.67m Sullivan High School
Smith, Leinna 28.15m Festus High School
Huhman, Mary 25.77m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Nelson, Ella 27.23m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Moore, Audrey 20.07m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Cheatham, Priya 36.88m Parkway Central High School
Vance, Rachel 27.27m Parkway Central High School
Erfurth, Abigail 22.30m Sullivan High School
Cook, Kyla 28.06m DeSoto High School
Reese, Abigail 25.82m DeSoto High School
Nevills, Tamyra 42.04m Rock Bridge High School
Pennington, Emma 16.04m Dexter High School
Oelzen, Ophelia 25.20m Hillsboro High School
Crook, Ella 15.16m Hillsboro High School
Knippen, Anna 25.85m Jackson High School
Stroder, Skyler 23.83m Jackson High School
Pope, Macy 30.73m Herculaneum High School
Jarvis, Jillian 29.75m Herculaneum High School
Fowler, Kamauri 22.28m Rockwood Summit High School
Zentner, Skylar 33.28m Rockwood Summit High School
Waller-Brenneke, Addison 34.79m Farmington High School
Bowling, Shelby 23.23m Farmington High School
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HS Girls High Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sexton, Haley 1.52m Seckman High School
Kramer, Kelsey 1.32m Poplar Bluff High School
Pittman, Michaela 1.37m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Hart, Ella Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Dobbins, Angela 1.70m Malden High School
Hanneken-Callahan, Renee 1.42m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
McCrady, Jasmine 1.40m Rockwood Summit High School
Lieberman, Alexis 1.25m Rockwood Summit High School
Shell, Ella 1.37m Poplar Bluff High School
Guseva, Victoria 1.32m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Denney, Mariah 1.42m Sullivan High School
Head, Karlee 1.37m Sullivan High School
Moser, Ella 1.56m Festus High School
Lawrence, Rylee 1.42m Festus High School
Vance, Rachel 1.50m Parkway Central High School
Farrar, Mya 1.37m Central (Cape Girardeau) High Sc
Smith, Charleigh 1.40m DeSoto High School
Allen, Liza 1.60m Rock Bridge High School
Dudley, Isabelle 1.52m Rock Bridge High School
Essner, Klaire 1.42m Dexter High School
Sabourin, Maizy 1.48m Hillsboro High School
Thomas, Destiny 1.37m Hillsboro High School
Nelson, Lillian 1.33m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Prater, Adallyn 1.37m Jackson High School
Sutton, Gretchen 1.43m Herculaneum High School
Hahn, Morgan 1.27m Herculaneum High School
Williams, Brooklyn 1.32m Jackson High School
Backer, Mackenzie 1.42m Farmington High School
Cox, Anna 1.42m Farmington High School
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HS Girls Javelin 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stanley, Christina 30.09m Seckman High School
Smith, Addison 32.90m Festus High School
McDonald, Ciara 41.48m Festus High School
Cox, Piper Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Zgaynor, Kennedy 39.15m Poplar Bluff High School
Wagoner, Avery 26.66m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Jimerson, Colleen Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Barbagallo, Madelyn 30.82m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Pemberton, Baylor Jefferson (Festus) High School
Bloniarz-Smoot, Antwanasia 27.84m Malden High School
Ruble, Elena 32.84m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Valenzuela, Addison 22.75m Poplar Bluff High School
Peterson, McKynlee 29.29m Sullivan High School
Giebler, Shelby 26.78m Sullivan High School
Earle, Shaenelda 24.36m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Warren, Melayna 21.34m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Vance, Rachel 25.07m Parkway Central High School
Magruder, Olivia Parkway Central High School
Cook, Kyla 24.35m DeSoto High School
Reese, Abigail 22.75m DeSoto High School
Shockley, Maddison 29.59m St. Francis Borgia High School
Beucke, Claire 28.23m Rock Bridge High School
Enke, Kaylee 26.76m Bourbon High School
Nichols, Lauren 33.67m Hillsboro High School
Sabourin, Maizy 26.85m Hillsboro High School
Lloyd, Abbie 24.11m Dexter High School
Gross, Emerson 22.38m Jackson High School
Stroder, Skyler Jackson High School
Morris, Addie 34.54m Rock Bridge High School
Pope, Macy 23.53m Herculaneum High School
Lenington, Grace 22.00m Herculaneum High School
Zentner, Skylar 26.24m Rockwood Summit High School
Andrews, Nicoletta 22.42m Rockwood Summit High School
McBride, Mali 22.75m Dexter High School
Graham, Avery 36.04m Farmington High School
Follis, Colvin 26.64m Farmington High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hawkins, Jessica 5.43m Festus High School
Kramer, Kelsey 4.73m Poplar Bluff High School
Claire Galati, Vita 4.64m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
White, Madelyn 4.55m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Dobbins, Angela 5.50m Malden High School
Criglar, Courteria 4.94m Malden High School
Jackson, Barrett 5.51m Rockwood Summit High School
Mayberry, Breanna 4.93m Sullivan High School
Patterson, Jahmeshia 5.49m Festus High School
Nelson, Marley 4.23m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Hendricks, Aziza 5.31m Parkway Central High School
Kruger, Shauna Parkway Central High School
Hill, Journey 4.93m Central (Springfield) High Schoo
Smith, Charleigh 4.65m DeSoto High School
Missey, Makenzi 4.74m DeSoto High School
Scheer, Tatum 4.36m St. Francis Borgia High School
Schweich, Eleanor 3.84m St. Francis Borgia High School
Kyne, Washirl 4.60m Rock Bridge High School
Martin, Nina 4.42m Rock Bridge High School
Kennedy, Karis 4.83m Dexter High School
Enke, Kaylee 4.35m Bourbon High School
Miller, Krysta 5.80m Hillsboro High School
Thomas, Destiny 4.98m Hillsboro High School
Pennington, Emma 4.42m Dexter High School
Williams, Brooklyn 5.08m Jackson High School
Davis, Josie 4.31m Jackson High School
Carpenter, Katelyne 4.48m Sullivan High School
Williams, Koryenna Poplar Bluff High School
Barafundi, Christelle 4.29m Rockwood Summit High School
WRIGLEY, MARGARET 5.26m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Cooper, Ava 4.73m Farmington High School
Perret, Helena 4.41m Farmington High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sexton, Haley 3.28m Seckman High School
Mattler, Ella 2.20m Seckman High School
Yates, Alexandra 3.05m Festus High School
Walden, Addison 2.60m Festus High School
Mayberry, Breanna 3.05m Sullivan High School
Landewee, Cierra 2.15m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Mahlandt, Ava 2.75m Rockwood Summit High School
Wilson, Lilian 2.74m Poplar Bluff High School
Martin, Lyla Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Karch, Ayla 1.83m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Duvall, Natalia 2.00m Parkway Central High School
Shrestha, Aahana 2.29m Parkway Central High School
Lemons, KiAna Jefferson (Festus) High School
Ellsworth, Jazmine 1.80m DeSoto High School
Innes, Noelle 1.98m DeSoto High School
Allen, Liza 3.33m Rock Bridge High School
Lybeck-Brown, Jillian 2.90m Rock Bridge High School
Lloyd, Abbie 3.20m Dexter High School
Hensley, Bailey 2.29m Hillsboro High School
Lambrich, Maleah 2.60m Hillsboro High School
Pingkian, Felicity 3.35m Jackson High School
Morningstar, Lillie 2.74m Jackson High School
Reeves, Eddyson 3.05m Herculaneum High School
Walker, Michelle 1.83m Herculaneum High School
Francis, Shelby Dexter High School
Scott, Ella 2.97m Farmington High School
Wilkins, Clarah 2.90m Farmington High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bee, Jayda 8.24m Seckman High School
Haslett, Molly 7.69m Seckman High School
McDonald, Ciara 10.24m Festus High School
Muellersman, Elsa 9.68m Festus High School
McDonald, Kayleigh 11.28m Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Fink, Sabra 9.81m Ladue Horton Watkins High School
Duenne, Emma 10.63m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Huhman, Mary 9.82m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
WOOD, MEGAN 10.72m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Richardson, Annabelle 10.42m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Bloniarz-Smoot, Antwanasia 11.24m Malden High School
Rackley, Emma 6.55m Malden High School
Underwood, Maliyah 9.15m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Argana, Carolyne 9.13m St. Pius X (Festus) High School
Matlock, Ja-Neece 9.07m Poplar Bluff High School
Johnson, Julissa 8.34m Poplar Bluff High School
Beers, Alyssa 10.74m Sullivan High School
Erfurth, Abigail 9.33m Sullivan High School
Nelson, Ella 9.31m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Wooten, Aniyah 8.68m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Ataei, Reyhaneh 7.29m Parkway Central High School
Cheatham, Priya 12.36m Parkway Central High School
Wheetley, Isabella 7.89m DeSoto High School
Reese, Abigail 8.86m DeSoto High School
Nevills, Tamyra 13.12m Rock Bridge High School
Morris, Addie 10.95m Rock Bridge High School
Crockett, Lillyn 8.15m Dexter High School
Culley, Alleigh 6.19m Hillsboro High School
Oelzen, Ophelia 9.34m Hillsboro High School
Knippen, Anna 10.88m Jackson High School
Stroder, Skyler 9.98m Jackson High School
Pope, Macy 10.80m Herculaneum High School
Blankenship, Isabel 9.51m Herculaneum High School
Fowler, Kamauri 9.21m Rockwood Summit High School
Marshall, Shandler 9.93m Rockwood Summit High School
Walden, Kinley 10.61m Farmington High School
Moon, Kiley 9.97m Farmington High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carr, Lily 10.45m Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High
Criglar, Courteria 9.67m Malden High School
Sims, Naomi 8.66m Malden High School
Larson, Mackenzie 9.99m Rockwood Summit High School
Shell, Ella 8.05m Poplar Bluff High School
Heady, Eva 10.50m Sullivan High School
Carpenter, Katelyne 9.30m Sullivan High School
Fitzgerald, Jayleigh 9.41m Festus High School
Kerr, Kinzie 9.64m Festus High School
Liddell, Makenzi 9.41m Liberty (Wentzville) High School
Hendricks, Aziza 11.06m Parkway Central High School
Piepho, Keri 9.14m Parkway Central High School
Smith, Charleigh 9.13m DeSoto High School
Kramer, Kelsey 9.54m Poplar Bluff High School
Scheer, Tatum 9.37m St. Francis Borgia High School
Martin, Nina 9.28m Rock Bridge High School
Dudley, Anna 8.76m Rock Bridge High School
Kennedy, Karis 9.56m Dexter High School
Sabourin, Maizy 9.65m Hillsboro High School
Miller, Krysta 10.95m Hillsboro High School
Berger, Megan 10.91m Jackson High School
Brown, Savannah 10.50m Jackson High School
OTT, CECELIA 10.03m Jefferson (Festus) High School
Cooper, Ava 10.14m Farmington High School
Allen, Brailynn 10.46m Farmington High School
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