Are you ready for the longest article of the season? Well, it is time to preview 24 District meets and 4 Sectional meets as it is finally Racing Week 10 - the Big Kahuna, the Final Boss, the Last Hurrah, Missouri's Final Stand, whatever your idiom, it is the final week before State. And why wouldn't it be gigantic? MoMileSplit plans on providing results to all of you as soon as we get them, but we would love your help this weekend, too. Send us results as soon as you get them and we will be sure to have them posted right away as we did this past weekend. We will be on site at Class 4 Sectional 1/2 and Class 3 District 5 for sure, and may be heading down to Class 3 District 1 for that barn-burner of a district.
Check out our predictions for every (that's right every) District and Sectional race this weekend. Best of luck to all of the competitors taking to the courses on Saturday and we hope you enjoy our preview of all the action! If you would like to check our predictions, you can create a virtual meet here.