MSHSAA State XC Championships 2014 vs MSHSAA State XC Championships 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +7 1331 1324
Overall Average -27.68 20:23.97 20:51.65
1st-10th Place -28.18 15:44.51 16:12.69
1st-25th Place -26.31 16:00.44 16:26.75
1st-50th Place -26.19 16:14.81 16:41.00
1st-100th Place -23.64 16:34.48 16:58.13
Common Athletes -- -- 92
Ran Faster 54 73 19
Ran Season Best -83 8 91
Average Time -1:03.53 20:06.31 21:09.84
Median Time -1:37.40 19:31.86 21:09.26
Middle 80% Times -57.57 20:05.17 21:02.75
Top 10% Times -1:42.90 16:20.40 18:03.30
Top 25% Times -1:22.60 17:11.59 18:34.19
Top 50% Times -1:16.65 18:00.64 19:17.29
Bottom 50% Times -50.42 22:11.98 23:02.40
Bottom 25% Times -40.28 23:36.22 24:16.50
Bottom 10% Times -1:06.26 24:41.62 25:47.88
Average Difference -1:03.53 -- --
Median Difference -2:02.17 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -58.36 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:10.64 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:06.49 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:16.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:06.49 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:00.58 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -43.23 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:30.31 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Stephen Mugeche Blue Springs High School -1:34.28 15:32.23 17:06.51
Nathan Straubel Platte County High School -2:05.59 15:50.06 17:55.65
Nate Gelber Whitfield High School -3:05.20 16:04.62 19:09.82
Trent Classen Warrensburg High School -1:08.98 16:22.62 17:31.60
Tucker Melles Park Hill South High School -42.38 16:23.54 17:05.92
Kaden Overstreet Lamar High School -2:07.17 16:25.55 18:32.72
Henry Huff Lutheran St. Charles High School -2:07.31 16:29.83 18:37.14
Seth Brown La Plata High School -1:45.56 16:41.60 18:27.16
Philip Lagemann Bowling Green High School -2:00.29 16:42.30 18:42.59
Alex M Thompson Russellville High School -2:19.87 16:51.67 19:11.54
George Garner Ladue Horton Watkins High School -2:00.22 17:13.01 19:13.23
Drake Hammack Lone Jack High School -2:30.55 17:31.66 20:02.21
Hannah Long Eureka High School -51.42 17:38.29 18:29.71
Zane Hull Lamar High School -1:17.42 17:40.46 18:57.88
Traven Eaton Sparta High School -1:23.58 17:45.44 19:09.02
Dj Stahl Smithville High School -44.84 17:47.61 18:32.45
Thomas Asmar Helias Catholic High School -1:19.93 17:49.50 19:09.43
John Burd Mountain Grove High School -1:43.30 17:53.05 19:36.35
Andrew States Veritas Christian Academy High School -25.93 18:02.39 18:28.32
Sophia Racette Nerinx Hall High School -1:02.17 18:09.01 19:11.18
Austin Muenks Fatima High School -2:09.37 18:09.09 20:18.46
Chase Cook Eldon High School -20.23 18:10.74 18:30.97
Jared Klutke Whitfield High School -1:35.43 18:12.28 19:47.71
Andrew Scherer Lone Jack High School -3:56.13 18:13.92 22:10.05
Grace Klausen Blue Springs South High School -2:11.78 18:15.45 20:27.23
Joey Nilges Linn High School -1:00.89 18:15.72 19:16.61
Ben Bach Logan-Rogersville High School -27.79 18:16.85 18:44.64
Logan Leffeler Bowling Green High School -1:03.76 18:19.12 19:22.88
Usama Ahmad Valley Park High School -59.41 18:24.39 19:23.80
Adams Keagan Plato High School +40.89 19:05.60 18:24.71
Ann Campbell St. Teresa's Academy -1:33.41 18:30.19 20:03.60
Jesse Perry Scott City High School -1:14.55 18:39.05 19:53.60
Luke Noble Liberty (Mountain View) High School -3:01.74 18:42.56 21:44.30
Dominick Pataky New Haven High School +2.17 18:45.71 18:43.54
Kayla Funkenbusch Rock Bridge High School -1:24.45 18:49.08 20:13.53
Tristan Hollis Van Buren High School -2:55.84 18:53.11 21:48.95
Jacob Supancic Plato High School -29.55 18:57.21 19:26.76
Carolyn White Festus High School -3:05.11 19:05.43 22:10.54
Roger Porter Eminence High School -14.14 19:07.77 19:21.91
Travis Foster Montrose High School -2:35.58 19:08.91 21:44.49
Michael Howell Barat Academy +26.32 19:36.89 19:10.57
Jacob Seabaugh Oak Ridge High School -1:08.91 19:11.40 20:20.31
Madison Nasteff Liberty High School -2:02.17 19:12.37 21:14.54
Olivia Franklin Kearney High School -7.21 19:15.54 19:22.75
Brent Davis Vienna High School -35.67 19:16.26 19:51.93
Stephanie Boan Liberty North High School -55.93 19:16.94 20:12.87
Elise Marker Villa Duchesne High School -1:21.74 19:20.29 20:42.03
Kaitlyn Shea Helias Catholic High School -44.97 19:31.86 20:16.83
Emma Johnson Webster Groves High School -1:18.44 19:50.82 21:09.26
Meghan Kearney Notre Dame de Sion High School -2:50.98 19:53.06 22:44.04
Julie Steilen Notre Dame de Sion High School -1:37.95 19:54.38 21:32.33
Maddy Brown Parkway West High School +35.76 20:30.39 19:54.63
Amanda Heard Cor Jesu Academy -1:17.52 20:11.48 21:29.00
Amy Marx Francis Howell High School -1:24.82 20:15.68 21:40.50
Rj Hodgeson Bakersfield High School +9.59 20:35.37 20:25.78
Riley Caminiti Fatima High School -59.89 20:27.82 21:27.71
Ashley Runyan Marshfield High School -44.80 20:39.58 21:24.38
Kelly Blunt Warrensburg High School -2:04.25 20:40.74 22:44.99
Katie Lofland St. Pius X (Kansas City) High School +20.37 21:02.36 20:41.99
Lexi Mcniel Plato High School -1:08.80 20:47.82 21:56.62
Sarah Usher Steelville High School -2:06.52 20:51.19 22:57.71
Holli Adams Kearney High School +39.82 21:44.97 21:05.15
Ryleigh Reagan DeKalb High School +1:01.44 22:12.66 21:11.22
Holly Krumm Boonville High School -1:16.76 21:17.05 22:33.81
Alison Bader Duchesne High School -2.45 21:25.88 21:28.33
Rachel Briner Columbia Independent School -3:28.58 21:39.41 25:07.99
Kelsey Herring Kingsville High School -53.40 21:39.87 22:33.27
Hailey Stevens Chadwick High School +25.62 22:07.19 21:41.57
Jordan Thomas Stockton High School -24.30 21:43.36 22:07.66
Savannah Ratliff Salisbury High School -1:09.99 21:51.15 23:01.14
Morgan Rose Holt High School +31.26 22:26.78 21:55.52
Kelsey Hickman East Newton High School +1:18.17 23:21.18 22:03.01
Brooke Stearns Smithville High School +43.64 22:49.18 22:05.54
Jenna Bartholomew Drexel High School -1:41.29 22:14.41 23:55.70
Kayla Sanning Grain Valley High School +1:07.34 23:30.94 22:23.60
Kari Reed Strafford High School -7.77 22:23.98 22:31.75
Kate Adams Lutheran St. Charles High School -30.32 22:26.19 22:56.51
Virginia Rice Crystal City High School +44.15 23:14.25 22:30.10
Caroline Goldberg MICDS -27.81 22:37.07 23:04.88
Sarah Cawby Drexel High School -57.19 22:46.02 23:43.21
Sarah Winton Springfield Catholic High School +38.24 23:31.55 22:53.31
Rachelle Parks Princeton High School -1:25.02 23:02.25 24:27.27
Lydia Buford New Heights Christian Academy -4:55.51 23:09.89 28:05.40
Alex Caban Humansville High School -3:42.97 23:12.89 26:55.86
Sydney Ratliff Salisbury High School +20.94 23:41.31 23:20.37
Dee Stark Midway High School +29.42 24:21.17 23:51.75
Ruth Bondurant Columbia Independent School +2.06 24:24.21 24:22.15
Lyndsey Statler Chaffee High School +19.41 24:47.33 24:27.92
Samantha Janes Couch High School -35.90 24:46.67 25:22.57
Haily Legg Couch High School -50.34 25:06.57 25:56.91
Brook Beal Couch High School -26.06 26:05.06 26:31.12
Brittany Harmon Wheaton High School -0.23 26:41.41 26:41.64