MSHSAA State XC Championships 2007 vs MSHSAA State XC Championships 2004

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -274 1002 1276
Overall Average -51.28 20:44.23 21:35.52
1st-10th Place -30.45 16:05.80 16:36.25
1st-25th Place -29.99 16:17.64 16:47.63
1st-50th Place -30.42 16:29.16 16:59.58
1st-100th Place -31.46 16:47.94 17:19.40
Common Athletes -- -- 67
Ran Faster 47 57 10
Ran Season Best -59 6 65
Average Time -1:22.06 20:30.25 21:52.31
Median Time -1:05.20 20:24.00 21:29.20
Middle 80% Times -1:12.80 20:33.09 21:45.89
Top 10% Times -1:42.48 16:32.29 18:14.77
Top 25% Times -1:36.40 17:26.41 19:02.82
Top 50% Times -1:25.48 18:31.82 19:57.30
Bottom 50% Times -1:16.22 21:52.50 23:08.72
Bottom 25% Times -1:51.36 23:32.88 25:24.24
Bottom 10% Times -2:17.16 24:33.71 26:50.87
Average Difference -1:22.06 -- --
Median Difference -11.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:09.11 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:33.34 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:18.83 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:25.60 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:18.83 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:23.21 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:56.89 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:56.82 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Eric Fernandez Parkway West High School -2:09.17 15:50.00 17:59.17
Adam Behnke Lutheran South High School -2:40.85 16:12.00 18:52.85
Dalton Moberly Kearney High School -1:58.02 16:35.00 18:33.02
Maximilian Cruz Priory High School -2:04.29 16:43.00 18:47.29
Dj Slifer Warrensburg High School -59.70 16:44.00 17:43.70
Phillip Hickman Blue Springs High School -1:45.25 16:49.00 18:34.25
Chris Pearl Hillsboro High School -1:45.16 16:53.00 18:38.16
Steven Ardoin Lee's Summit High School -11.78 17:16.00 17:27.78
Matt Bandy East Newton High School -1:41.80 17:22.00 19:03.80
John Wiliams East Newton High School -2:04.75 17:30.00 19:34.75
Trey Crawford Smithville High School -1:55.49 17:57.00 19:52.49
Aaron Viets Lutheran (Kansas City) High School -2:42.17 18:08.00 20:50.17
Jeff Adams Valley Park High School -2:03.17 18:19.00 20:22.17
Brett Houser Holden High School -1:58.07 18:23.00 20:21.07
Eddie Hansen East Newton High School -1:59.73 18:31.00 20:30.73
Josh Tellman Fatima High School -1:21.08 18:38.00 19:59.08
Max Wieser Saxony Lutheran High School -1:40.07 18:39.00 20:19.07
Nathan Lafarlette Ash Grove High School -1:45.62 18:46.00 20:31.62
Jason Kurz Bowling Green High School -48.78 18:48.00 19:36.78
Ethan Fisher Herculaneum High School -2:07.43 19:02.00 21:09.43
Julius Rogers Valley Park High School -42.47 19:03.00 19:45.47
Chris Crowe Bowling Green High School -1:41.03 19:05.00 20:46.03
Logan Pendergraft Southwest (Washburn) High School -13.49 19:08.00 19:21.49
Hilary Orf Marquette High School -2:04.58 19:16.00 21:20.58
Curtis Miller Doniphan High School -1:24.68 19:30.00 20:54.68
Kate Horan Cor Jesu Academy -2:00.70 19:48.00 21:48.70
Brittani Johnson West Plains High School -12.99 19:49.00 20:01.99
Elizabeth Keaveny St. Teresa's Academy +28.20 20:24.00 19:55.80
Hannah Colter Washington High School -1:25.10 19:58.00 21:23.10
Michelle Gronemeyer Parkway North High School -1:57.40 20:00.00 21:57.40
Katie Leinert Eureka High School -46.80 20:05.00 20:51.80
Ali Klooster University City High School -2:01.38 20:06.00 22:07.38
Ashley Mark Lee's Summit North High School +14.30 20:21.00 20:06.70
Kelsea Inman Ste. Genevieve High School -2:11.57 20:24.00 22:35.57
Jordan Esry Penney High School -1:22.27 20:28.00 21:50.27
Lydia Newland Liberty High School -1:13.10 20:28.00 21:41.10
Megan Kowalik Wright City High School -1:02.20 20:29.00 21:31.20
Carrie Roberts Truman High School +5.60 21:05.00 20:59.40
Allison Paddock Eureka High School -1:19.70 21:17.00 22:36.70
Katie O'brien Nerinx Hall High School -0.90 21:17.00 21:17.90
Sammie Keller Whitfield High School +28.26 21:55.00 21:26.74
Ally Thompson Lindbergh High School -11.70 21:29.00 21:40.70
Madeline Brown Kickapoo High School +36.80 22:06.00 21:29.20
Michelle Wingerter Pattonville High School -1:02.20 21:34.00 22:36.20
Shelli Ellis Alton High School -50.61 21:35.00 22:25.61
Sarah Mcniff Lutheran St. Charles High School -1:52.80 21:36.00 23:28.80
Breanna Daniels Hollister High School -31.51 21:52.00 22:23.51
Holly Hackney Pattonville High School -2:23.20 21:58.00 24:21.20
Deanna Quisenberry Holden High School -4:01.66 22:05.00 26:06.66
Brittany Reihm Alton High School +24.72 22:35.00 22:10.28
Kellyn Smith St. Teresa's Academy -38.90 22:12.00 22:50.90
Julie Cronin St. Joseph's Academy +7.90 22:20.00 22:12.10
Tanya Wood Neosho High School -18.79 22:18.00 22:36.79
Stella Dee John Burroughs High School -2:51.77 22:27.00 25:18.77
Maura Baumstark Hermann High School -2:06.78 22:38.00 24:44.78
Anna Zahner Pembroke Hill School -1:31.84 22:46.00 24:17.84
Deanna Dippold Saxony Lutheran High School -7:16.54 23:04.00 30:20.54
Britney Peterson Van Buren High School +1:56.85 25:07.00 23:10.15
Tess Poelker Nerinx Hall High School +29.00 23:43.00 23:14.00
Charlotte Buttrum Southwest (Washburn) High School -2:58.79 23:20.00 26:18.79
Ashlie Turner Alton High School -1:20.87 23:24.00 24:44.87
Renae O'keefe Midway High School -3:01.79 23:31.00 26:32.79
Callie Graham Kingsville High School -2:05.51 23:42.00 25:47.51
Sara Bisges Blair Oaks High School -1:35.97 23:57.00 25:32.97
Syerra Burnor Holden High School -1:11.97 24:00.00 25:11.97
Samantha Dever Midway High School -2:03.84 25:13.00 27:16.84
Jennifer Boyd Laquey High School +50.41 26:14.00 25:23.59