MSHSAA State XC Championships 2007 vs MSHSAA State XC Championships 2005

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -286 1002 1288
Overall Average -6.15 20:44.23 20:50.38
1st-10th Place -4.14 16:05.80 16:09.93
1st-25th Place -7.44 16:17.64 16:25.08
1st-50th Place -8.60 16:29.16 16:37.76
1st-100th Place -7.94 16:47.94 16:55.88
Common Athletes -- -- 245
Ran Faster 103 174 71
Ran Season Best -165 27 192
Average Time -27.91 20:08.13 20:36.05
Median Time -19.77 19:56.00 20:15.77
Middle 80% Times -29.19 19:58.62 20:27.81
Top 10% Times -52.33 16:27.80 17:20.13
Top 25% Times -1:00.30 16:56.29 17:56.59
Top 50% Times -46.45 17:57.87 18:44.32
Bottom 50% Times -9.16 22:08.58 22:17.73
Bottom 25% Times -4.34 23:40.98 23:45.32
Bottom 10% Times +8.24 25:12.04 25:03.80
Average Difference -27.91 -- --
Median Difference -1:23.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -32.04 -- --
Top 10% Difference -37.81 -- --
Top 50% Difference -41.62 -- --
Top 25% Difference -54.80 -- --
Top 50% Difference -41.62 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -14.65 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -5.50 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +12.20 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Eric Fernandez Parkway West High School -43.71 15:50.00 16:33.71
Rick Elliott Kickapoo High School -37.34 15:58.00 16:35.34
Jacob Swearingen Potosi High School -1:04.28 16:00.00 17:04.28
Darwin Price Normandy High School -1:48.19 16:07.00 17:55.19
Sam Masters Hickman High School -1:24.51 16:09.00 17:33.51
Adam Behnke Lutheran South High School -20.81 16:12.00 16:32.81
Phil Bascio Christian Brothers College High School -1:37.14 16:13.00 17:50.14
Patrick Keeley Francis Howell High School -1:21.19 16:21.00 17:42.19
Hayden Legg Mexico High School -2:10.75 16:24.00 18:34.75
Charles Johnson Hazelwood East High School -2:03.08 16:26.00 18:29.08
Jack Taylor Nixa High School -1:13.17 16:28.00 17:41.17
Ross Larimer Parkway West High School -1:10.17 16:28.00 17:38.17
Nate Shipley Francis Howell North High School -1:52.77 16:30.00 18:22.77
Matt Estlund Chaminade College Preparatory School -1:55.01 16:32.00 18:27.01
Dalton Moberly Kearney High School -33.42 16:35.00 17:08.42
Corey Schraier Parkway Central High School -1:37.45 16:35.00 18:12.45
Phillip Palomino West Plains High School -1:00.06 16:40.00 17:40.06
Stanton Ragland Liberty High School -36.01 16:42.00 17:18.01
Maximilian Cruz Priory High School -1:54.19 16:43.00 18:37.19
Derek Mendell Carthage High School -58.47 16:44.00 17:42.47
Dj Slifer Warrensburg High School -1.62 16:44.00 16:45.62
Logan Davis Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School -49.03 16:47.00 17:36.03
Brad Kintner West Plains High School -1:39.52 16:47.00 18:26.52
Phillip Hickman Blue Springs High School -17.28 16:49.00 17:06.28
Ethan Beaver New Heights Christian Academy -56.69 16:51.00 17:47.69
Jason Barry Osage High School -2:13.92 16:51.00 19:04.92
Steven Ardoin Lee's Summit High School +23.01 17:16.00 16:52.99
Chris Pearl Hillsboro High School -56.15 16:53.00 17:49.15
Trevor Hinkle Nevada High School -1:00.26 16:54.00 17:54.26
Erich Diesel Ste. Genevieve High School -1:35.98 16:55.00 18:30.98
Josh Buschling Washington High School -1:08.87 16:56.00 18:04.87
Nick Niggemann Potosi High School -6.20 16:56.00 17:02.20
Jeff Kaiser Rock Bridge High School -2:10.16 16:57.00 19:07.16
Will Hansen Oak Park High School -18.67 16:58.00 17:16.67
Matt Stull Oak Park High School -42.43 16:58.00 17:40.43
Sam Pogue Kickapoo High School -1:42.66 16:58.00 18:40.66
Dillon Klaffer Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) High School -1:25.74 17:00.00 18:25.74
Charles Matthews Christian Brothers College High School -1:57.06 17:00.00 18:57.06
Dustin Ellis Branson High School -44.82 17:06.00 17:50.82
Jake Henry Lee's Summit West High School -1:39.63 17:07.00 18:46.63
Tyler Keel Lee's Summit High School -25.15 17:08.00 17:33.15
Brad Harris Marquette High School -1:06.52 17:11.00 18:17.52
Chris Murphy SLUH -1:17.74 17:14.00 18:31.74
Jordan Lord Lee's Summit North High School -24.96 17:18.00 17:42.96
Kyle Hendrix Herculaneum High School -1:26.56 17:19.00 18:45.56
Sean Feehan Lone Jack High School -1:31.26 17:21.00 18:52.26
Matt Bandy East Newton High School -2.43 17:22.00 17:24.43
Chase Schaben Oak Park High School -56.19 17:22.00 18:18.19
Mark Hayden Parkway North High School -1:18.21 17:22.00 18:40.21
Curtis Beasley Parkway South High School -1:08.71 17:24.00 18:32.71
Aaron Minsk Principia High School -1:44.00 17:25.00 19:09.00
Ryan Meyer Linn High School -1:23.65 17:28.00 18:51.65
John Wiliams East Newton High School -30.38 17:30.00 18:00.38
Zach Layton West Platte High School -4.53 17:31.00 17:35.53
Nick Gray Logan-Rogersville High School -1:10.80 17:34.00 18:44.80
Jacob Pond Orchard Farm High School -1:39.16 17:35.00 19:14.16
Will Hawes Springfield Catholic High School -19.78 17:35.00 17:54.78
Nick Evens John Burroughs High School -1:34.03 17:36.00 19:10.03
Bryant Donelson Springfield Catholic High School -42.98 17:36.00 18:18.98
Michael Dial Pattonville High School -56.65 17:39.00 18:35.65
Kris Howard South Callaway High School -2:49.57 17:39.00 20:28.57
Nathan Lavanchy Eureka High School -43.86 17:41.00 18:24.86
Steven Noriega Monett High School -50.48 17:51.00 18:41.48
Seth Hackler Osage High School -3:10.01 17:54.00 21:04.01
Trey Crawford Smithville High School -1:14.77 17:57.00 19:11.77
Steven Stallis Lafayette (Wildwood) High School -1:26.26 17:58.00 19:24.26
Drew Stiehl Lafayette (Wildwood) High School -56.58 17:59.00 18:55.58
Chris Crowe Bowling Green High School +1:03.43 19:05.00 18:01.57
Cody Burkhardt Hermitage High School -2:14.08 18:04.00 20:18.08
Max Wieser Saxony Lutheran High School +32.16 18:39.00 18:06.84
Andrew Lehenbauer Osage High School -2:57.88 18:08.00 21:05.88
Josh Kornbrust Northwestern (Mendon) High School +18.55 18:28.00 18:09.45
Jeff Kornbrust Northwestern (Mendon) High School +38.26 18:48.00 18:09.74
Connor Eck Springfield Catholic High School -1:44.78 18:10.00 19:54.78
Duncan Wilder Principia High School -32.13 18:11.00 18:43.13
Dennis Sloan Wright City High School -51.42 18:13.00 19:04.42
Michael Dougan Pattonville High School -1:37.74 18:15.00 19:52.74
Josh Pope Clever High School -47.79 18:17.00 19:04.79
Jeff Adams Valley Park High School -34.69 18:19.00 18:53.69
Art Fick Fatima High School -3:15.87 18:19.00 21:34.87
Kyle Buttrum Southwest (Washburn) High School +1:10.13 19:30.00 18:19.87
Julius Rogers Valley Park High School +39.73 19:03.00 18:23.27
Christian Hulen Hickman High School +1:27.72 19:51.00 18:23.28
Kyle Donze Belle High School -15.24 18:27.00 18:42.24
Eddie Hansen East Newton High School -1:00.00 18:31.00 19:31.00
Eli Breese Cuba High School -1:07.21 18:31.00 19:38.21
Cody Cole Ava High School -13.99 18:33.00 18:46.99
Josh Tellman Fatima High School -15.43 18:38.00 18:53.43
Colten Harris Fair Play High School -41.15 18:39.00 19:20.15
Seth Winterroth Principia High School -35.22 18:41.00 19:16.22
Brittani Johnson West Plains High School +1:06.52 19:49.00 18:42.48
Jory Wailes Spokane High School -1:21.94 18:45.00 20:06.94
Nathan Lafarlette Ash Grove High School -42.56 18:46.00 19:28.56
Jason Kurz Bowling Green High School -21.42 18:48.00 19:09.42
Logan Pendergraft Southwest (Washburn) High School +17.09 19:08.00 18:50.91
Jake Akers Lawson High School -4.34 18:58.00 19:02.34
Jake Fichman Barstow High School -2:00.36 19:02.00 21:02.36
Teddy Menke New Haven High School -1:23.10 19:05.00 20:28.10
Kevin Sawyer Fair Play High School -46.39 19:10.00 19:56.39
Ashley Mark Lee's Summit North High School +1:05.23 20:21.00 19:15.77
Hilary Orf Marquette High School -10.88 19:16.00 19:26.88
Josh Skaggs Valley Park High School -46.85 19:17.00 20:03.85
Aimee Bonte Rockwood Summit High School -34.21 19:18.00 19:52.21
Noe Guzman New Haven High School -12.82 19:20.00 19:32.82
Rob Hohensee Buffalo High School -41.52 19:20.00 20:01.52
Ian Newberry Van Buren High School -25.08 19:22.00 19:47.08
Ryan Molitor Valley Park High School -38.88 19:24.00 20:02.88
Matt Crafton Van Buren High School +1:15.88 20:41.00 19:25.12
Will Fraundorfor West Platte High School -4.13 19:28.00 19:32.13
Curtis Miller Doniphan High School -14.68 19:30.00 19:44.68
Elizabeth Keaveny St. Teresa's Academy +53.64 20:24.00 19:30.36
Alyssa Allison Festus High School -44.77 19:31.00 20:15.77
Brittany Tate Lee's Summit West High School -5.72 19:34.00 19:39.72
Chelsea Chrisman Eureka High School -3.78 19:37.00 19:40.78
Aaron Powell Koshkonong High School -39.01 19:38.00 20:17.01
Kathleen Thompson Parkway Central High School +21.00 20:03.00 19:42.00
Andrea Marshall Rockwood Summit High School -2:06.01 19:43.00 21:49.01
Jon Robinson Alton High School +32.81 20:16.00 19:43.19
Erin Huddleston Branson High School -28.29 19:45.00 20:13.29
Kate Horan Cor Jesu Academy -50.84 19:48.00 20:38.84
Torie Even Jefferson City High School +1:07.22 20:56.00 19:48.78
Gena Bleyer St. Joseph's Academy -28.77 19:49.00 20:17.77
Brittany Moreland Central (Cape Girardeau) High School +30.99 20:22.00 19:51.01
Tanner Umbarger Tarkio High School -25.29 19:52.00 20:17.29
Lauren Borduin Rock Bridge High School -10.24 19:53.00 20:03.24
R J. Fordland High School -14.75 19:53.00 20:07.75
Matt Matula Barstow High School -23.59 19:54.00 20:17.59
Michelle Hicks Lebanon High School -58.28 19:55.00 20:53.28
Chad Rucker Osage High School -2:15.08 19:55.00 22:10.08
Andrew Etzold Saxony Lutheran High School +16.29 20:12.00 19:55.71
Veronica Schabbing Central (Cape Girardeau) High School -2:10.08 19:56.00 22:06.08
Hannah Colter Washington High School -28.20 19:58.00 20:26.20
Jordan Esry Penney High School +29.87 20:28.00 19:58.13
Natalie Becker Parkway West High School +1.81 20:00.00 19:58.19
Aaron Hambelton Alton High School +1:06.33 21:06.00 19:59.67
Lydia Newland Liberty High School +28.07 20:28.00 19:59.93
Michelle Gronemeyer Parkway North High School -1:06.51 20:00.00 21:06.51
Ashley Scott St. Clair High School -51.93 20:04.00 20:55.93
Madeleine Keenan Jefferson City High School +1:09.38 21:15.00 20:05.62
Ali Klooster University City High School -37.47 20:06.00 20:43.47
Lilly Fisher Pembroke Hill School -1:11.78 20:10.00 21:21.78
Luke Hackett Southwest (Washburn) High School -42.95 20:12.00 20:54.95
Emily Beaver New Heights Christian Academy -16.01 20:13.00 20:29.01
Megan Kowalik Wright City High School +15.12 20:29.00 20:13.88
Marlee Tegenkamp Lee's Summit High School +48.46 21:03.00 20:14.54
Jonny Lipe Fair Play High School +1:29.40 21:44.00 20:14.60
Dacey Mitchell West Plains High School -2:22.33 20:17.00 22:39.33
Kelly Stromsdorfer Ladue Horton Watkins High School -2:50.12 20:24.00 23:14.12
Kelsea Inman Ste. Genevieve High School -52.27 20:24.00 21:16.27
Becca Bayham Ladue Horton Watkins High School -58.33 20:26.00 21:24.33
Makenzie Seidel West Plains High School -46.03 20:29.00 21:15.03
Anna Zahner Pembroke Hill School +2:16.19 22:46.00 20:29.81
Kelsey Peters Raymore-Peculiar High School +30.04 21:00.00 20:29.96
Ashley Holtz Lee's Summit West High School +0.73 20:31.00 20:30.27
Kelcy Vanarsdall Fort Osage High School -32.31 20:31.00 21:03.31
Sammie Keller Whitfield High School +1:16.24 21:55.00 20:38.76
Allison Paddock Eureka High School +35.67 21:17.00 20:41.33
Joanna Dawson Penney High School +58.61 21:45.00 20:46.39
Greg Brown Lone Jack High School -49.95 20:48.00 21:37.95
Ashley Flook Penney High School -1:15.06 20:49.00 22:04.06
Taylor Rivera Miller High School +5.00 21:00.00 20:55.00
Codie Harmon Southwest (Washburn) High School +2:31.16 23:29.00 20:57.84
Raylyn Nuss Ft. Zumwalt West High School +30.10 21:28.00 20:57.90
Kelsey Weis Midway High School +48.10 21:47.00 20:58.90
Kaitlin Neurohr Ft. Zumwalt South High School -49.63 20:59.00 21:48.63
Stephan Albin Lone Jack High School -1:59.64 21:01.00 23:00.64
Dora Eastin Neosho High School +47.42 21:50.00 21:02.58
Courtney Henderson Rockwood Summit High School +52.05 21:55.00 21:02.95
Molly Albrecht St. Joseph's Academy +1:33.10 22:37.00 21:03.90
Kyla Sommers Oak Park High School +5.82 21:10.00 21:04.18
Carrie Roberts Truman High School -4.69 21:05.00 21:09.69
Ashley Greenwell St. Joseph's Academy -15.15 21:07.00 21:22.15
Tabatha Leaton Fayette High School -1:02.98 21:11.00 22:13.98
James Gowin Hermitage High School -30.08 21:16.00 21:46.08
Katie O'brien Nerinx Hall High School -27.22 21:17.00 21:44.22
Amy Gangloff Wellsville-Middletown High School -10.79 21:18.00 21:28.79
Shelli Ellis Alton High School +16.45 21:35.00 21:18.55
Emily Thompson St. Teresa's Academy +4.33 21:25.00 21:20.67
Holly Hackney Pattonville High School +32.94 21:58.00 21:25.06
Brittany Mcneely Lawson High School -1:44.10 21:26.00 23:10.10
Madeline Brown Kickapoo High School +38.07 22:06.00 21:27.93
Ally Thompson Lindbergh High School -56.19 21:29.00 22:25.19
Debbie Boedeker McCluer North High School -44.12 21:30.00 22:14.12
Michelle Wingerter Pattonville High School -11.49 21:34.00 21:45.49
Sarah Mcniff Lutheran St. Charles High School -56.55 21:36.00 22:32.55
Kymie Roland Smithville High School -1:54.23 21:37.00 23:31.23
Thea Emmons Parkway North High School +59.38 22:41.00 21:41.62
Breanna Daniels Hollister High School +4.51 21:52.00 21:47.49
Caitlin Brady West Platte High School -2:35.99 21:48.00 24:23.99
Tia Scott Bowling Green High School -1:37.78 21:50.00 23:27.78
Hillary Gibson Russellville High School -2:43.45 21:51.00 24:34.45
Kelsey Pitcher Lee's Summit North High School +4:10.78 26:04.00 21:53.22
Sorelle Peat Brentwood High School -1:48.97 21:54.00 23:42.97
Michelle Crawford Logan-Rogersville High School -1:16.99 21:57.00 23:13.99
Hannah Spratt Elsberry High School -1:04.04 22:00.00 23:04.04
Katherine Nebel Lutheran North High School -2:02.02 22:03.00 24:05.02
Brittany Reihm Alton High School +31.98 22:35.00 22:03.02
Hannah McNally Blair Oaks High School -34.40 22:07.00 22:41.40
Kathryn Byrne Ft. Zumwalt South High School -24.77 22:07.00 22:31.77
Sarah Erickson Bowling Green High School +52.70 23:00.00 22:07.30
Courtney Mann East Newton High School -32.31 22:15.00 22:47.31
Kisa Clark Neosho High School -39.17 22:15.00 22:54.17
Kristin Thomas Lee's Summit North High School +9.77 22:26.00 22:16.23
Tanya Wood Neosho High School -4.16 22:18.00 22:22.16
Sarah Bachmann Lutheran North High School -11.84 22:20.00 22:31.84
Chelsea Dunn Valley Park High School +1.75 22:22.00 22:20.25
Quencie Colley Willow Springs High School -1:13.86 22:25.00 23:38.86
Ann Debartolo St. Joseph's Academy +21.21 22:48.00 22:26.79
Tyann Hayes Mountain Grove High School +24.71 22:54.00 22:29.29
Jessica Travlos Southern Boone High School +4:35.62 27:06.00 22:30.38
Callie Graham Kingsville High School +1:08.22 23:42.00 22:33.78
Camille Goodrum Naylor High School +2:13.56 24:49.00 22:35.44
Rachel Brown Buffalo High School +2:05.71 24:46.00 22:40.29
Nikki Moore East Newton High School -1:21.73 22:45.00 24:06.73
Jessica Bailey Alton High School -4.58 22:45.00 22:49.58
Lori Bindner Ft. Zumwalt South High School +1:06.93 23:52.00 22:45.07
Deanna Dippold Saxony Lutheran High School +17.13 23:04.00 22:46.87
Katie Finch Springfield Catholic High School +1:26.35 24:20.00 22:53.65
Tess Hart St. Mary's (Independence) High School -1:05.85 22:57.00 24:02.85
Katie Noland St. Mary's (Independence) High School -10.81 22:57.00 23:07.81
Ashlie Turner Alton High School +25.64 23:24.00 22:58.36
Carly Cole New Heights Christian Academy -13.51 23:08.00 23:21.51
Erin Keiser Springfield Catholic High School +4:03.28 27:14.00 23:10.72
Charlotte Buttrum Southwest (Washburn) High School -16.93 23:20.00 23:36.93
Rebeca Barajas Southern Boone High School +30.91 23:56.00 23:25.09
Casey Miller Alton High School -13.12 23:29.00 23:42.12
Annie Kacirek West Platte High School +29.23 24:00.00 23:30.77
Taryn Smith Springfield Catholic High School +14.91 23:50.00 23:35.09
Shelbee Cowart Laquey High School +4:35.95 28:12.00 23:36.05
Sara Bisges Blair Oaks High School +11.86 23:57.00 23:45.14
Emily Bassi Parkway North High School -1:27.62 23:46.00 25:13.62
Courtney Branch Southern Boone High School -1:12.40 24:04.00 25:16.40
Sarah Klearman Parkway North High School -28.46 24:04.00 24:32.46
Heidi Miller Silex High School -2:09.46 24:05.00 26:14.46
Katlyn Peterson East Newton High School -1:12.61 24:08.00 25:20.61
Katie Crabill Marion County High School -3:07.85 24:17.00 27:24.85
Sesily Matthews Springfield Catholic High School +1:11.09 25:34.00 24:22.91
Jenny Mitchell Marion County High School -3.90 24:30.00 24:33.90
Chauntelle Thomas Hermitage High School -2:24.31 24:31.00 26:55.31
Megan Brandt South Callaway High School -15.53 24:38.00 24:53.53
Jennifer Boyd Laquey High School +1:22.36 26:14.00 24:51.64
Amanda Troye Fair Play High School -1:06.98 24:58.00 26:04.98
Samantha Dever Midway High School +11.59 25:13.00 25:01.41
Amanda Russell Midway High School +1:27.09 26:38.00 25:10.91
Amanda O'donohue Midway High School -2:08.01 28:51.00 30:59.01