Each year, MSHSAA reworks the Class and District alignments in Track and Field alignments based on new enrollment data and the still fairly new Championship Factor. Each year, coaches on the borderline anxiously await the Ides of March release date to find out whether or not they are moving up, down, or staying put. Each year, there are coaches wondering if they may end up in District 7 or District 4. Each year, coaches are scratching their heads at some of the decisions that were made.
This year, we decided to take a look at enrollment numbers and Championship Factor movement and take a crack at how the Classes and Districts may shake out.
Click the following quick links to see the Class and District Assignments as we predict how they may shake out.
NOTE: This should by no means be taken as a fact. There is a possibility that there was an error in calculation or interpretation of the guidelines or a need to adjust placements for hosting needs that MSHSAA accounts for and we missed in our calculations. This should only be taken at face value and not as the final assignments. The final, official assignments will come out on March 15th.
Class 5 | Class 4 | Class 3 | Class 2 | Class 1
MSHSAA Guidelines on Classification Procedures and Championship Factor